Example #1
def _test_conversion(from_, to, mode, speedups):

    for name in from_.listdir():
        source_file = from_.join(name)
        expected_file = to.join(name)
        if not expected_file.exists():

        mesh = stl.StlMesh(source_file, speedups=speedups)
        with open(str(expected_file), 'rb') as expected_fh:
            expected = expected_fh.read()
            # For binary files, skip the header
            if mode is stl.BINARY:
                expected = expected[80:]

            with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as dest_fh:
                mesh.save(name, dest_fh, mode)
                # Go back to the beginning to read
                dest = dest_fh.read()
                # For binary files, skip the header
                if mode is stl.BINARY:
                    dest = dest[80:]

                assert dest.strip() == expected.strip()
Example #2
def test_stl_mesh(ascii_file, tmpdir, speedups):
    tmp_file = tmpdir.join('tmp.stl')

    mesh = stl.StlMesh(ascii_file, speedups=speedups)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mesh.save(filename=str(tmp_file), mode='test')

    mesh.save(str(tmp_file), update_normals=False)
Example #3
def importStl(filename):
    part_path = sys.argv[2]
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(os.path.join(part_path, filename))

    faces = []
    vertices = []

    vertices = mesh.points.reshape(-1, 3)
    points, uidx = np.unique(vertices, axis=0, return_inverse=True)
    faces = uidx.reshape(-1, 3)

    return points, faces
Example #4
 def read(self, f, assethandler=None, options=None):
     Read mesh model in STL format
     data = model.MeshData()
     #stl.MAX_COUNT = 1e10
     p = stl.StlMesh(f)
     npoints = p.v0.shape[0]
     idx = numpy.array(range(0, npoints))
     data.vertex = numpy.concatenate([p.v0, p.v1, p.v2])
     data.vertex_index = numpy.vstack(
         [idx, idx + npoints, idx + 2 * npoints]).T
     return data
Example #5
def test_mass_properties_for_moon(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files Moon.stl
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join('Moon.stl')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
    assert close([volume], [0.888723])
    assert close(cog, [0.906913, 0.170731, 1.500001])
    assert close(
        [[+0.562097, -0.000457, +0.000000], [-0.000457, +0.656851, +0.000000],
         [+0.000000, +0.000000, +0.112465]])
Example #6
def test_mass_properties_for_half_donut(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files HalfDonut.stl
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join('HalfDonut.stl')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
    assert close([volume], [2.343149])
    assert close(cog, [1.500001, 0.209472, 1.500001])
    assert close(
        [[+1.390429, +0.000000, +0.000000], [+0.000000, +2.701025, +0.000000],
         [+0.000000, +0.000000, +1.390429]])
Example #7
def test_mass_properties_for_star(binary_ascii_path, filename, speedups):
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files Star.stl and
    STL binary file StarWithEmptyHeader.stl (with no header)
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join(filename)
    if not filename.exists():
        pytest.skip('STL file does not exist')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
    assert close([volume], [1.416599])
    assert close(cog, [1.299040, 0.170197, 1.499999])
    assert close(
        [[+0.509549, +0.000000, -0.000000], [+0.000000, +0.991236, +0.000000],
         [-0.000000, +0.000000, +0.509550]])
Example #8
def test_mass_properties_for_half_donut(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files HalfDonut.stl
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join('HalfDonut.stl')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
    assert (abs(volume - 2.343149) < tolerance)
    assert (numpy.allclose(cog,
                           numpy.array([1.500001, 0.209472, 1.500001]),
    assert (numpy.allclose(inertia,
                           numpy.array([[+1.390429, +0.000000, +0.000000],
                                        [+0.000000, +2.701025, +0.000000],
                                        [+0.000000, +0.000000, +1.390429]]),
Example #9
def test_mass_properties_for_moon(binary_ascii_path, speedups):
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files Moon.stl
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join('Moon.stl')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
    assert (abs(volume - 0.888723) < tolerance)
    assert (numpy.allclose(cog,
                           numpy.array([0.906913, 0.170731, 1.500001]),
    assert (numpy.allclose(inertia,
                           numpy.array([[+0.562097, -0.000457, +0.000000],
                                        [-0.000457, +0.656851, +0.000000],
                                        [+0.000000, +0.000000, +0.112465]]),
Example #10
    def _get_bound(self):
        import sys
        import os
        from pysph.tools.particle_packing import get_bounding_box
        if self.filename is not None:
            file, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
            if (ext == '.txt') or (ext == '.csv'):
                self.dim = 2
            elif ext == '.stl':
                self.dim = 3
                print('file extension %s not supported' % ext)

            if self.dim == 2:
                    self.x, self.y = np.loadtxt(self.filename, unpack=True)
                    self.x *= self.scale
                    self.y *= self.scale
                except IOError:
                    print('read the file')
                    print('The supported file format is \"x y\"')

            if self.dim == 3:
                    data = stl.StlMesh(self.filename)
                    self.x = self.scale * data.x
                    self.y = self.scale * data.y
                    self.z = self.scale * data.z
                except IOError:
                    print('read the file')
                    print('The supported file format is \"x y\"')

        if self.z is None:
            self.dim = 2
            self.z = np.zeros_like(self.x)

        return get_bounding_box(self.dx, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.L,
                                self.B, self.H)
Example #11
def test_mass_properties_for_half_donut_with_density(binary_ascii_path,
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties_with_density() on
    STL ASCII and binary files HalfDonut.stl
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    filename = binary_ascii_path.join('HalfDonut.stl')
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(str(filename), speedups=speedups)
    volume, mass, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties_with_density(1.23)

    assert close([mass], [2.882083302268982])
    assert close([volume], [2.343149026234945])
    assert close(cog, [1.500001, 0.209472, 1.500001])
    assert close(inertia, [[+1.71022851, +0.00000001, -0.00000011],
                           [+0.00000001, +3.32226227, +0.00000002],
                           [-0.00000011, +0.00000002, +1.71022859]])
Example #12
def _test_conversion(from_, to, mode):
    for name in os.listdir(from_):
        source_file = os.path.join(from_, name)
        expected_file = os.path.join(to, name)

        mesh = stl.StlMesh(source_file)
        with open(expected_file) as expected_fh:
            expected = expected_fh.read()
            # For binary files, skip the header
            if mode is stl.BINARY:
                expected = expected[80:]

            with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as dest_fh:
                mesh.save(name, dest_fh, mode)
                # Go back to the beginning to read
                dest = dest_fh.read()
                # For binary files, skip the header
                if mode is stl.BINARY:
                    dest = dest[80:]

                assert dest.strip() == expected.strip()
Example #13
def test_mass_properties_for_star():
    Checks the results of method get_mass_properties() on
    STL ASCII and binary files Star.stl and
    STL binary file StarWithEmptyHeader.stl (with no header)
    One checks the results obtained with stl
    with the ones obtained with meshlab
    for m in (join('stl_ascii', 'Star.stl'), join('stl_binary', 'Star.stl'),
              join('stl_binary', 'StarWithEmptyHeader.stl')):
        filename = join('tests', m)
        mesh = stl.StlMesh(filename)
        volume, cog, inertia = mesh.get_mass_properties()
        assert (abs(volume - 1.416599) < tolerance)
        assert (numpy.allclose(cog,
                               numpy.array([1.299040, 0.170197, 1.499999]),
        assert (numpy.allclose(inertia,
                               numpy.array([[+0.509549, +0.000000, -0.000000],
                                            [+0.000000, +0.991236, +0.000000],
                                            [-0.000000, +0.000000,
Example #14
# COVERTS STLs to PNGs by mapping XYZ coords onto RGB values

from stl import stl
import png
import math
import numpy as np

filenam = "pill"
fil = filenam + ".stl"
mesh = stl.StlMesh(
    fil, calculate_normals=False)  #do not calculate normals automatically

### The two data sets that we will convert to pixels
#print mesh.normals
#print mesh.normals[0][0]
#print mesh.vectors

#you can also read as one complete list with mesh.data

def getRGBfromI(RGBint):
    blue = RGBint & 255
    green = (RGBint >> 8) & 255
    red = (RGBint >> 16) & 255
    return red, green, blue

def remap(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin,
          rightMax):  #like processing's map() function
    # Figure out how 'wide' each range is
    leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin
Example #15
def get_points_from_stl(stl_path):
    stl_mesh = stl.StlMesh(stl_path)
    points = np.vstack((stl_mesh.v0, stl_mesh.v1, stl_mesh.v2))
    return points[::15]
Example #16
 def __init__(self, fp):
     print 'init opening file: ', fp
     self.mesh = stl.StlMesh(fp)
Example #17
    def __init__(self, stl_path, rigid_tx_mm, max_dist_mm):

        self.max_dist_mm = max_dist_mm
        self.rigid_tx_mm = rigid_tx_mm
        spn_mesh = stl.StlMesh(stl_path)
Example #18
def stl2png(infilename, outstream):
    mesh = stl.StlMesh(
        calculate_normals=False)  #do not calculate normals automatically

    ###------------ Converting Vertices -------------###
    origdist = getcartesianrange(mesh.vectors)
    print "origdist = " + str(origdist)

    vertcolrlist = []  # Put the colours in here

    #max integer for 24 bit  is 16777215
    whitepx = getRGBfromI(16777215)
    # max for 32bit is 2147483647, not using this anymore
    offwhitepx = getRGBfromI(16777214)
    blackpx = getRGBfromI(1)

    n = 0

    for vect in mesh.vectors:
        ### get Normal ## NOT ACTUALLY NEEDED T
        # nxint = remap(mesh.normals[n][0],-1,1,2,16777213)
        # nxcolrs = getRGBfromI(nxint)
        # nyint = remap(mesh.normals[n][1],-1,1,2,16777213)
        # nycolrs = getRGBfromI(nyint)
        # nzint = remap(mesh.normals[n][2],-1,1,2,16777213)
        # nzcolrs = getRGBfromI(nzint)
        # n+= 1
        # ncolrs = nxcolrs + nycolrs + nzcolrs + offwhitepx #single offwhite space

        #get xyz's for all three vertices
        for xyz in vect:
            # print xyz
            xint = remap(xyz[0], origdist * -1, origdist, 2,
                         16777213)  #half way is 1073741823
            xcolrs = getRGBfromI(xint)
            yint = remap(xyz[1], origdist * -1, origdist, 2, 16777213)
            ycolrs = getRGBfromI(yint)
            zint = remap(xyz[2], origdist * -1, origdist, 2, 16777213)
            zcolrs = getRGBfromI(zint)

            colrs = xcolrs + ycolrs + zcolrs  #+ whitepx # using a single whitespacer

        #blackcolrs = blackpx + blackpx + blackpx + blackpx + blackpx  + blackpx # using a black spacer
        blackcolrs = blackpx  # using a single black spacer

#    print len(vertcolrlist)
# vertcolrlist is now a totally flat list of RGB pixels
# work out how many pixels wide/tall we want our image to be
    num_pixels = len(vertcolrlist) / 3  # three for RGB
    width = int(math.sqrt(num_pixels))
    height = num_pixels / width

    #    print "num_pixels = " + str(num_pixels)
    #    print "height = " + str(height)
    #    print "width = " + str(width)

    ## maybe avoid multiples of 10 so that we don't get 'banding'
    #n % k == 0

    if width % 10 == 0:
        #        print "this is a multiple of 10! "
        width -= 2

    # Somehow this is not working properly, catches error but doesnt solve it
    if (height * width) != num_pixels:
        #        print 'WARNING'
        if (height * width) < num_pixels:
            while ((height * width) < num_pixels):
                height += 1
            remainder = height * width - num_pixels
            #            print "remainder = " + str(remainder)
            black0px = getRGBfromI(0)
            newpixels = (black0px * remainder
                         )  #remainder rendered as black pixels
#            print len(vertcolrlist)
#            print "new height = " + str(height)
#            print "new width = " + str(width)
#            print "remainder done"

# now use numpy to reshape our 1D list into a 2D matrix
    a = np.array(vertcolrlist)
    b = np.reshape(a, (height, width * 3))  # three for RGB

    # pprint gives a nicely formatted output
    import pprint

    w = png.Writer(width, height)
    w.write(outstream, b)