def __heartbeat_loop(self): """ Main loop for sending (and monitoring received) heartbeats. """ send_time = monotonic() while self.running: time.sleep(self.sleep_time) now = monotonic() if self.send_sleep != 0 and now - send_time > self.send_sleep: send_time = now log.debug("Sending a heartbeat message at %s", now) try: self.transport.transmit(utils.Frame(None, {}, None)) except exception.NotConnectedException: log.debug("Lost connection, unable to send heartbeat") except Exception: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.debug("Unable to send heartbeat, due to: %s", e) if self.receive_sleep != 0: diff_receive = now - self.received_heartbeat if diff_receive > self.receive_sleep: # heartbeat timeout log.warning("Heartbeat timeout: diff_receive=%s, time=%s, lastrec=%s", diff_receive, now, self.received_heartbeat) self.transport.disconnect_socket() self.transport.set_connected(False) for listener in self.transport.listeners.values(): listener.on_heartbeat_timeout()
def __heartbeat_loop(self): """ Main loop for sending (and monitoring received) heartbeats. """'Starting heartbeat loop') now = monotonic() # Setup the initial due time for the outbound heartbeat if self.send_sleep != 0: self.next_outbound_heartbeat = now + self.send_sleep while self.running: now = monotonic() next_events = [] if self.next_outbound_heartbeat is not None: next_events.append(self.next_outbound_heartbeat - now) if self.receive_sleep != 0: t = self.received_heartbeat + self.receive_sleep - now if t > 0: next_events.append(t) sleep_time = min(next_events) if sleep_time > 0: terminate = self.heartbeat_terminate_event.wait(sleep_time) if terminate: break now = monotonic() if not self.transport.is_connected(): time.sleep(self.send_sleep) continue if self.send_sleep != 0 and now > self.next_outbound_heartbeat: log.debug("Sending a heartbeat message at %s", now) try: self.transport.transmit(utils.Frame(None, {}, None)) except exception.NotConnectedException: log.debug("Lost connection, unable to send heartbeat") except Exception: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.debug("Unable to send heartbeat, due to: %s", e) if self.receive_sleep != 0: diff_receive = now - self.received_heartbeat if diff_receive > self.receive_sleep: # heartbeat timeout log.warning( "Heartbeat timeout: diff_receive=%s, time=%s, lastrec=%s", diff_receive, now, self.received_heartbeat) self.transport.set_connected(False) self.transport.disconnect_socket() self.transport.stop() for listener in self.transport.listeners.values(): listener.on_heartbeat_timeout() self.heartbeat_thread = None'Heartbeat loop ended')
def __heartbeat_loop(self): """ Main loop for sending (and monitoring received) heartbeats. """'Starting heartbeat loop') now = monotonic() # Setup the initial due time for the outbound heartbeat if self.send_sleep != 0: self.next_outbound_heartbeat = now + self.send_sleep while self.running: now = monotonic() next_events = [] if self.next_outbound_heartbeat is not None: next_events.append(self.next_outbound_heartbeat - now) if self.receive_sleep != 0: t = self.received_heartbeat + self.receive_sleep - now if t > 0: next_events.append(t) sleep_time = min(next_events) if sleep_time > 0: terminate = self.heartbeat_terminate_event.wait(sleep_time) if terminate: break now = monotonic() if not self.transport.is_connected(): time.sleep(self.send_sleep) continue if self.send_sleep != 0 and now > self.next_outbound_heartbeat: log.debug("Sending a heartbeat message at %s", now) try: self.transport.transmit(utils.Frame(None, {}, None)) except exception.NotConnectedException: log.debug("Lost connection, unable to send heartbeat") except Exception: _, e, _ = sys.exc_info() log.debug("Unable to send heartbeat, due to: %s", e) if self.receive_sleep != 0: diff_receive = now - self.received_heartbeat if diff_receive > self.receive_sleep: # heartbeat timeout log.warning("Heartbeat timeout: diff_receive=%s, time=%s, lastrec=%s", diff_receive, now, self.received_heartbeat) self.transport.set_connected(False) self.transport.disconnect_socket() self.transport.stop() for listener in self.transport.listeners.values(): listener.on_heartbeat_timeout() self.heartbeat_thread = None'Heartbeat loop ended')
def test_threads_dont_wedge(self): for t in self.threads: t.start() start = monotonic() while monotonic() - start < self.runfor: try: self.Q.put(1, False) time.sleep(1.0) except Full: assert False, "Failed: 'request' queue filled up" print("passed")
def test_timeout(self): conn = stomp.Connection([('', 60000)], timeout=5, reconnect_attempts_max=1) conn.set_listener('', self.listener) try: ms = monotonic() conn.connect("test", "test")"shouldn't happen") except exception.ConnectFailedException: pass # success! ms = monotonic() - ms self.assertTrue(ms > 5.0, 'connection timeout should have been at least 5 seconds')
def test_timeout(self): conn = stomp.Connection([('', 60000)], timeout=5, reconnect_attempts_max=1) conn.set_listener('', self.listener) try: ms = monotonic() conn.start()"shouldn't happen") except exception.ConnectFailedException: pass # success! ms = monotonic() - ms self.assertTrue(ms > 5.0, 'connection timeout should have been at least 5 seconds')
def __update_heartbeat(self): # Honour any grace that has been already included if self.received_heartbeat is None: return now = monotonic() if now > self.received_heartbeat: self.received_heartbeat = now
def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ Once the connection is established, and 'heart-beat' is found in the headers, we calculate the real heartbeat numbers (based on what the server sent and what was specified by the client) - if the heartbeats are not 0, we start up the heartbeat loop accordingly. :param dict headers: headers in the connection message :param body: the message body """ if 'heart-beat' in headers: self.heartbeats = utils.calculate_heartbeats( headers['heart-beat'].replace(' ', '').split(','), self.heartbeats) if self.heartbeats != (0, 0): self.send_sleep = self.heartbeats[0] / 1000 # by default, receive gets an additional grace of 50% # set a different heart-beat-receive-scale when creating the connection to override that self.receive_sleep = (self.heartbeats[1] / 1000) * self.heart_beat_receive_scale log.debug("Setting receive_sleep to %s", self.receive_sleep) # Give grace of receiving the first heartbeat self.received_heartbeat = monotonic() + self.receive_sleep self.running = True if self.heartbeat_thread is None: self.heartbeat_thread = utils.default_create_thread( self.__heartbeat_loop) = "StompHeartbeat%s" % \ getattr(self.heartbeat_thread, "name", "Thread")
def on_connected(self, headers, body): """ Once the connection is established, and 'heart-beat' is found in the headers, we calculate the real heartbeat numbers (based on what the server sent and what was specified by the client) - if the heartbeats are not 0, we start up the heartbeat loop accordingly. :param headers: headers in the connection message :param body: the message body """ if 'heart-beat' in headers: self.heartbeats = utils.calculate_heartbeats(headers['heart-beat'].replace(' ', '').split(','), self.heartbeats) if self.heartbeats != (0, 0): self.send_sleep = self.heartbeats[0] / 1000 # receive gets an additional grace of 50% self.receive_sleep = (self.heartbeats[1] / 1000) * 1.5 # Setup an initial grace period if self.receive_sleep != 0: self.received_heartbeat = monotonic() + \ 2 * self.receive_sleep if self.send_sleep == 0: self.sleep_time = self.receive_sleep elif self.receive_sleep == 0: self.sleep_time = self.send_sleep else: # sleep is the GCD of the send and receive times self.sleep_time = gcd(self.send_sleep, self.receive_sleep) / 2.0 self.running = True if self.heartbeat_thread is None: self.heartbeat_thread = utils.default_create_thread(self.__heartbeat_loop) = "StompHeartbeat%s" % getattr(self.heartbeat_thread, "name", "Thread")
def attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ self.connection_error = False sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.running and self.socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__hosts_and_ports: try:"Attempting connection to websocket %s", host_and_port) self.socket = websocket.WebSocket() proto, host, port, path = host_and_port[3], host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], host_and_port[2] if port: ws_uri = '{}://{}:{}/{}'.format(proto, host, port, path) else: ws_uri = '{}://{}/{}'.format(proto, host, path) self.socket.connect(ws_uri, timeout=self.__timeout) self.current_host_and_port = host_and_port"Established connection to %s", ws_uri) break except WebSocketException: self.socket = None connect_count += 1 log.warning("Could not connect to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc_info=1) if self.socket is None: sleep_duration = (min(self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ((self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp))) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter)) sleep_end = monotonic() + sleep_duration log.debug("Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect", sleep_duration) while self.running and monotonic() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
def on_message(self, headers, body): """ Reset the last received time whenever a message is received. :param headers: headers in the message :param body: the message content """ # reset the heartbeat for any received message self.received_heartbeat = monotonic()
def on_send(self, frame): """ Add the heartbeat header to the frame when connecting, and bump next outbound heartbeat timestamp. :param Frame frame: the Frame object """ if frame.cmd == CMD_CONNECT or frame.cmd == CMD_STOMP: if self.heartbeats != (0, 0): frame.headers[HDR_HEARTBEAT] = '%s,%s' % self.heartbeats if self.next_outbound_heartbeat is not None: self.next_outbound_heartbeat = monotonic() + self.send_sleep
def attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ self.connection_error = False sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.running and self.socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__host_and_ports: try:"Attempting connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) self.socket = get_socket(host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], self.__timeout) self.__enable_keepalive() need_ssl = self.__need_ssl(host_and_port) if need_ssl: # wrap socket ssl_params = self.get_ssl(host_and_port) if ssl_params['ca_certs']: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_NONE self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, keyfile=ssl_params['key_file'], certfile=ssl_params['cert_file'], cert_reqs=cert_validation, ca_certs=ssl_params['ca_certs'], ssl_version=ssl_params['ssl_version']) self.socket.settimeout(self.__timeout) if self.blocking is not None: self.socket.setblocking(self.blocking) # # Validate server cert # if need_ssl and ssl_params['cert_validator']: cert = self.socket.getpeercert() (ok, errmsg) = ssl_params['cert_validator']( cert, host_and_port[0]) if not ok: raise SSLError( "Server certificate validation failed: %s", errmsg) self.current_host_and_port = host_and_port"Established connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) break except socket.error: self.socket = None connect_count += 1"Could not connect to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc_info=1) if self.socket is None: sleep_duration = (min(self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ( (self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp) )) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter)) sleep_end = monotonic() + sleep_duration log.debug( "Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect", sleep_duration) while self.running and monotonic() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
def attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ self.connection_error = False sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.running and self.socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__host_and_ports: try:"Attempting connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) self.socket = get_socket(host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], self.__timeout) self.__enable_keepalive() need_ssl = self.__need_ssl(host_and_port) if need_ssl: # wrap socket ssl_params = self.get_ssl(host_and_port) if ssl_params['ca_certs']: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_NONE try: tls_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=ssl_params['ca_certs']) except AttributeError: tls_context = None if tls_context: # Wrap the socket for TLS certfile = ssl_params['cert_file'] keyfile = ssl_params['key_file'] if certfile and not keyfile: keyfile = certfile if certfile: tls_context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile) if cert_validation is None or cert_validation == ssl.CERT_NONE: tls_context.check_hostname = False tls_context.verify_mode = cert_validation self.socket = tls_context.wrap_socket(self.socket, server_hostname=host_and_port[0]) else: # Old-style wrap_socket where we don't have a modern SSLContext (so no SNI) self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, keyfile=ssl_params['key_file'], certfile=ssl_params['cert_file'], cert_reqs=cert_validation, ca_certs=ssl_params['ca_certs'], ssl_version=ssl_params['ssl_version']) self.socket.settimeout(self.__timeout) if self.blocking is not None: self.socket.setblocking(self.blocking) # # Validate server cert # if need_ssl and ssl_params['cert_validator']: cert = self.socket.getpeercert() (ok, errmsg) = ssl_params['cert_validator'](cert, host_and_port[0]) if not ok: raise SSLError("Server certificate validation failed: %s", errmsg) self.current_host_and_port = host_and_port"Established connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) break except socket.error: self.socket = None connect_count += 1 log.warning("Could not connect to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc_info=1) if self.socket is None: sleep_duration = (min(self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ((self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp))) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter)) sleep_end = monotonic() + sleep_duration log.debug("Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect", sleep_duration) while self.running and monotonic() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
def attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ self.connection_error = False sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.running and self.socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__host_and_ports: try:"Attempting connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) self.socket = get_socket(host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], self.__timeout) self.__enable_keepalive() need_ssl = self.__need_ssl(host_and_port) if need_ssl: # wrap socket ssl_params = self.get_ssl(host_and_port) if ssl_params["ca_certs"]: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_NONE self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, keyfile=ssl_params["key_file"], certfile=ssl_params["cert_file"], cert_reqs=cert_validation, ca_certs=ssl_params["ca_certs"], ssl_version=ssl_params["ssl_version"], ) self.socket.settimeout(self.__timeout) if self.blocking is not None: self.socket.setblocking(self.blocking) # # Validate server cert # if need_ssl and ssl_params["cert_validator"]: cert = self.socket.getpeercert() (ok, errmsg) = ssl_params["cert_validator"](cert, host_and_port[0]) if not ok: raise SSLError("Server certificate validation failed: %s", errmsg) self.current_host_and_port = host_and_port"Established connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) break except socket.error: self.socket = None connect_count += 1"Could not connect to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc_info=1) if self.socket is None: sleep_duration = min( self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ( (self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp) ), ) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter) sleep_end = monotonic() + sleep_duration log.debug("Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect", sleep_duration) while self.running and monotonic() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
def attempt_connection(self): """ Try connecting to the (host, port) tuples specified at construction time. """ self.connection_error = False sleep_exp = 1 connect_count = 0 while self.running and self.socket is None and connect_count < self.__reconnect_attempts_max: for host_and_port in self.__host_and_ports: try:"Attempting connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) self.socket = get_socket(host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], self.__timeout) self.__enable_keepalive() need_ssl = self.__need_ssl(host_and_port) if need_ssl: # wrap socket ssl_params = self.get_ssl(host_and_port) if ssl_params['ca_certs']: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED else: cert_validation = ssl.CERT_NONE try: tls_context = ssl.create_default_context( cafile=ssl_params['ca_certs']) except AttributeError: tls_context = None if tls_context: # Wrap the socket for TLS certfile = ssl_params['cert_file'] keyfile = ssl_params['key_file'] password = ssl_params.get('password') if certfile and not keyfile: keyfile = certfile if certfile: tls_context.load_cert_chain( certfile, keyfile, password) if cert_validation is None or cert_validation == ssl.CERT_NONE: tls_context.check_hostname = False tls_context.verify_mode = cert_validation self.socket = tls_context.wrap_socket( self.socket, server_hostname=host_and_port[0]) else: # Old-style wrap_socket where we don't have a modern SSLContext (so no SNI) self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, keyfile=ssl_params['key_file'], certfile=ssl_params['cert_file'], cert_reqs=cert_validation, ca_certs=ssl_params['ca_certs'], ssl_version=ssl_params['ssl_version']) self.socket.settimeout(self.__timeout) if self.blocking is not None: self.socket.setblocking(self.blocking) # # Validate server cert # if need_ssl and ssl_params['cert_validator']: cert = self.socket.getpeercert() (ok, errmsg) = ssl_params['cert_validator']( cert, host_and_port[0]) if not ok: raise SSLError( "Server certificate validation failed: %s", errmsg) self.current_host_and_port = host_and_port"Established connection to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1]) break except socket.error: self.socket = None connect_count += 1 log.warning("Could not connect to host %s, port %s", host_and_port[0], host_and_port[1], exc_info=1) if self.socket is None: sleep_duration = (min(self.__reconnect_sleep_max, ( (self.__reconnect_sleep_initial / (1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase)) * math.pow(1.0 + self.__reconnect_sleep_increase, sleep_exp) )) * (1.0 + random.random() * self.__reconnect_sleep_jitter)) sleep_end = monotonic() + sleep_duration log.debug( "Sleeping for %.1f seconds before attempting reconnect", sleep_duration) while self.running and monotonic() < sleep_end: time.sleep(0.2) if sleep_duration < self.__reconnect_sleep_max: sleep_exp += 1 if not self.socket: raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
def on_heartbeat(self): """ Reset the last received time whenever a heartbeat message is received. """ self.received_heartbeat = monotonic()
def on_error(self, *_): """ Reset the last received time whenever an error is received. """ self.received_heartbeat = monotonic()
def on_receipt(self, *_): """ Reset the last received time whenever a receipt is received. """ self.received_heartbeat = monotonic()