def path_to_trajectory( path, dt, leg_name, delay=0.5, prefix='stompyleg'): msg = control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() msg.trajectory.joint_names.append( '%s__body_to_%s' % (prefix, leg_name)) msg.trajectory.joint_names.append( '%s__%s__hip_to_thigh' % (prefix, leg_name)) msg.trajectory.joint_names.append( '%s__%s__thigh_to_calf_upper' % (prefix, leg_name)) # throw out first point pt = t = dt while pt is not None: a = leg.inverse(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) p = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() p.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t) p.positions = list(a) msg.trajectory.points.append(p) t += dt pt = msg.trajectory.header.stamp = ( + rospy.Duration(delay)) # define tolerances msg.goal_tolerance msg.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(1.0) return msg
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('-s', '--start', default="", type=str) p.add_argument('-e', '--end', default="1.8,0.0,0.5", type=str) p.add_argument('-t', '--time', default=5., type=float) p.add_argument('-r', '--rate', default=10., type=float) args = p.parse_args() rospy.init_node('stompyleg_trace', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber( "/stompyleg/joint_states", sensor_msgs.msg.JointState, lambda data, description=joints.stompyleg_leg_descriptions: joints. update_joints(data, description)) lc = lambda joint: '/stompyleg/%s_controller/command' % (joint, ) hp = rospy.Publisher(lc('hip'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) tp = rospy.Publisher(lc('thigh'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) kp = rospy.Publisher(lc('knee'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) start = None if args.start != "": start = map(float, args.start.split(',')) end = map(float, args.end.split(',')) path = PathTracer(start=start, end=end, time=args.time, rate=args.rate) pt = None print("Target: %s" % end) sleep_time = 1. / args.rate while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if path.start is None: # (read out start position) if joints.joints is not None: path.start = leg.forward(joints.legs['fl']['hip'], joints.legs['fl']['thigh'], joints.legs['fl']['knee']) print("Found starting position: %s" % (path.start, )) else: # compute vector from start to end # break up vector wrt time and rate pt = if pt is None: break print("Moving to: %s" % (pt, )) h, t, k = leg.inverse(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) hp.publish(h) tp.publish(t) kp.publish(k) # start movement... rospy.sleep(sleep_time)
def path_to_trajectory(path, leg_name, start_time): #msg = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory() #msg = goal.action_goal.goal msg = control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() msg.trajectory.joint_names.append('stompy__body_to_%s' % (leg_name, )) msg.trajectory.joint_names.append('stompy__%s__hip_to_thigh' % (leg_name, )) msg.trajectory.joint_names.append('stompy__%s__thigh_to_calf_upper' % (leg_name, )) # throw out first point, as the start is the current position here pt = total_time = path.time dt = total_time / (path.n - 1) t = dt while pt is not None: a = leg.inverse(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) p = trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectoryPoint() p.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(t) p.positions = list(a) msg.trajectory.points.append(p) t += dt pt = # give last point time to settle #msg.trajectory.points[-1].time_from_start += rospy.Duration(0.5) msg.trajectory.header.stamp = start_time #msg.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(delay) for n in ('stompy__body_to_%s' % (leg_name, ), 'stompy__%s__hip_to_thigh' % (leg_name, ), 'stompy__%s__thigh_to_calf_upper' % (leg_name, )): t = control_msgs.msg.JointTolerance() = n t.position = 0.1 msg.goal_tolerance.append(t) msg.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Duration(1.0) return msg # goal
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( "Move the leg from it's current location to some end point [end]\n" "break up the movment into smaller linear moves with each sub-move\n" "only moving a joint at moves delta radians") #p.add_argument('-s', '--start', default="", type=str) #p.add_argument('-e', '--end', default="1.8,0.0,0.5", type=str) p.add_argument('-e', '--end', default="0.0,0.0,0.1", type=str, help="End point in x,y,z (escape - xs with a leading \\)") #p.add_argument('-t', '--time', default=5., type=float) p.add_argument('-p', '--port', default='/dev/ttyACM0') p.add_argument('-b', '--baud', default=9600, type=int) #p.add_argument('-d', '--delta', default=numpy.radians(1)) #p.add_argument('-c', '--close', default=numpy.radians(0.5)) p.add_argument('-d', '--delta', default=0.03, type=float, help="Maximum angle deviation (radians) between subtargets") p.add_argument( '-c', '--close', default=0.02, type=float, help="Acceptable angle deviation before a subtarget is reached") p.add_argument('-f', '--fake', default=False, action='store_true', help="Don't read/write the serial port, fake movements") p.add_argument('-F', '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help="Force all prompts to yes (DANGEROUS)") args = p.parse_args() #conn = serial.Serial(args.port, args.baud) if args.fake: conn = None else: conn = serial.Serial(args.port, args.baud) # read in joint angles # eat first line if conn is not None: conn.readline() a = None while a is None: a = read_angles(conn) hip, thigh, knee = a #na = (hip, thigh, knee + numpy.radians(4)) #verify("new: %s" % (na, )) if args.force: def verify(msg): print(msg) #write_angles(conn, *na) #sys.exit(0) # set starting point start_angles = numpy.array((hip, thigh, knee)) start_point = numpy.array(leg.forward(*start_angles)) verify("Starting angles: %s" % (numpy.degrees(start_angles), )) verify("Starting angles: %s" % (start_angles, )) verify("Starting point: %s" % (start_point, )) end_point = start_point + map(float, args.end.strip('\\').split(',')) #end_point = start_point + (0.1, 0., 0.) verify("End point: %s" % (end_point, )) # set ending point end_angles = numpy.array(leg.inverse(*end_point)) # set max delta angle delta_angles = end_angles - start_angles verify("Delta angles: %s" % (numpy.degrees(delta_angles), )) # compute number of moves n_moves = int(numpy.floor(numpy.max(numpy.abs(delta_angles) / verify("N moves: %s" % (n_moves, )) angle_steps = delta_angles / n_moves verify("Angle steps: %s" % (angle_steps, )) # while loop current_angles = start_angles current_target = start_angles verify("Start?") # send target write_angles(conn, *current_target) i = 0 while i < n_moves: # try to read angles a = read_angles(conn) if a is not None: # parse new angles current_angles = numpy.array(a) error = numpy.abs(current_angles - current_target) if numpy.max(error) < args.close: # target hit, move to next i += 1 if i == n_moves: break current_target = start_angles + i * angle_steps # send target write_angles(conn, *current_target) else: # wait... time.sleep(0.01)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('-x', '--x', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-y', '--y', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-z', '--z', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-X', '--dx', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-Y', '--dy', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-Z', '--dz', default=0., type=float) p.add_argument('-r', '--raw', default=False, action='store_true') args = p.parse_args() # xy looking down x = args.x y = args.y z = args.z compute = not args.raw lc = lambda joint: '/stompyleg/%s_controller/command' % (joint, ) fm = lambda data: std_msgs.msg.Float64(data) if compute: hip_angle, thigh_angle, knee_angle = leg.inverse(x, y, z) else: hip_angle = x thigh_angle = y knee_angle = z rospy.init_node('stompyleg_move', anonymous=True) hp = rospy.Publisher(lc('hip'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) tp = rospy.Publisher(lc('thigh'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) kp = rospy.Publisher(lc('knee'), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) dx = args.dx dy = args.dy dz = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print( "Hip: %s, Thigh: %s, Knee: %s" % ( hip_angle, thigh_angle, knee_angle)) hp.publish(hip_angle) tp.publish(thigh_angle) kp.publish(knee_angle) x += dx y += dy z += dz if compute: hip_angle, thigh_angle, knee_angle = leg.inverse(x, y, z) else: hip_angle = x thigh_angle = y knee_angle = z at_limit = False if (hip_angle < leg.hip_limits[0] or hip_angle > leg.hip_limits[1]): print("Hit hip limit") at_limit = True if ( thigh_angle < leg.thigh_limits[0] or thigh_angle > leg.thigh_limits[1]): print("Hit thigh limit") at_limit = True if ( knee_angle < leg.knee_limits[0] or knee_angle > leg.knee_limits[1]): print("Hit knee limit") at_limit = True if at_limit: dx *= -1 dy *= -1 dz *= -1 x += dx y += dy z += dz rospy.sleep(0.1)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('-z', '--sz', default=0.5, type=float) p.add_argument('-Z', '--ez', default=0.8, type=float) p.add_argument('-x', '--x', default=1.5, type=float) p.add_argument('-t', '--time', default=1., type=float) p.add_argument('-r', '--rate', default=10., type=float) args = p.parse_args() # subscribe to joint messages rospy.init_node('stompy_stand', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("/stompy/joint_states", sensor_msgs.msg.JointState, lambda data, description=joints.stompy_leg_descriptions: joints.update_joints(data, description)) # setup publishers for commanding joints leg_publishers = {} foot_paths = {} #for leg_name in ('fl', 'fr', 'ml', 'mr', 'rl', 'rr'): for leg_name in ('fl', 'fr', 'ml', 'mr', 'rl', 'rr'): #leg_publishers[leg_name] = rospy.Publisher( # lc(leg_name), trajectory_msgs.msg.JointTrajectory, queue_size=10) leg_publishers[leg_name] = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/stompy/%s/follow_joint_trajectory' % leg_name, control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryAction) foot_paths[leg_name] = PathTracer(time=args.time, rate=args.rate) foot_paths[leg_name].skip = False leg_publishers.values()[0].wait_for_server() state = 0 # awaiting joints tx = 0.25 ty = 0.25 tz = 0.25 ax = 10 ay = 10 az = 10 moves = [ # stand (2,, 0), (0, args.x, 0), (2, args.ez, 0), # leg lifts (0,, 4), (0, args.ez, 4), (1,, 4), (1, args.ez, 4), (2,, 4), (2, args.ez, 4), (3,, 4), (3, args.ez, 4), (4,, 4), (4, args.ez, 4), (5,, 4), (5, args.ez, 4), # body translations (0, tx, 3), (0, -tx * 2, 3), (0, tx, 3), (1, ty, 3), (1, -ty * 2, 3), (1, ty, 3), (2, tz, 3), (2, -tz * 2, 3), (2, tz, 3), # body rotations (0, ax, 5), (0, -ax * 2, 5), (0, ax, 5), (1, ay, 5), (1, -ay * 2, 5), (1, ay, 5), (2, az, 5), (2, -az * 2, 5), (2, az, 5), ] sleep_time = 1. / args.rate print("Waiting for connection...") rospy.sleep(1.) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if state == 0: # awaiting joints if joints.joints is not None: # setup paths using computed start points target_axis, target, new_state = moves.pop(0) if new_state != state: state = new_state moves.insert(0, (target_axis, target, new_state)) continue for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot ep = [foot[0], 0., foot[2]] ep[target_axis] = target h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep # compute distance, set time distance = numpy.linalg.norm( numpy.array(ep) - numpy.array(foot_paths[leg_name].start)) # limit speed to 0.01 m/s t = max(1., distance / 0.75) foot_paths[leg_name].time = t print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 # moving feet else: print("Awaiting joints") elif state == 1: # moving feet start_time = + rospy.Duration(0.5) # convert paths to trajectories for leg_name in foot_paths: if foot_paths[leg_name].skip: continue t = path_to_trajectory(foot_paths[leg_name], leg_name, start_time) leg_publishers[leg_name].send_goal(t) leg_publishers[leg_name].last_goal = t state = 2 # go to 'wait' state elif state == 2: # wait dones = [] for leg_name in foot_paths: if foot_paths[leg_name].skip: continue p = leg_publishers[leg_name] s = p.get_state() dones.append(s == 3) if s == 3: foot_paths[leg_name] = PathTracer(time=args.time, rate=args.rate) foot_paths[leg_name].skip = False elif s == 1: pass #ns = p.action_client.ns #lp = p.last_goal.trajectory.points[-1] #cp = numpy.array([ # joints.legs[leg_name][j] for j in # ('hip', 'thigh', 'calf')]) #print leg_name, numpy.array(lp.positions) - cp elif s != 1: print s, p.get_result() t = ns = p.action_client.ns lp = p.last_goal.trajectory.points[-1] tt = (lp.time_from_start + p.last_goal.trajectory.header.stamp) leg_name = ns.split('/')[2] ap = joints.legs[leg_name].copy() print(leg_name) print(tt) print(lp) print(ap) raise Exception if all(dones): print("Done moving") if len(moves): state = 0 else: break elif state == 3: # body shift target_axis, target, new_state = moves.pop(0) if new_state != state: state = new_state moves.insert(0, (target_axis, target, new_state)) continue for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot ep = list(body.leg_to_body(leg_name, *foot)) ep[target_axis] += target ep = body.body_to_leg(leg_name, *ep) h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep # compute distance, set time #distance = numpy.linalg.norm( # numpy.array(ep) - # numpy.array(foot_paths[leg_name].start)) ## limit speed to 0.01 m/s #t = max(1., distance / 0.1) foot_paths[leg_name].time = args.time print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 elif state == 4: # leg lifts target_axis, target, new_state = moves.pop(0) if new_state != state: state = new_state moves.insert(0, (target_axis, target, new_state)) continue for (i, leg_name) in enumerate( ('fl', 'fr', 'ml', 'mr', 'rl', 'rr')): if i != target_axis: foot_paths[leg_name].skip = True continue foot_paths[leg_name].skip = False # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot ep = [foot[0], foot[1], target] h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep # compute distance, set time distance = numpy.linalg.norm( numpy.array(ep) - numpy.array(foot_paths[leg_name].start)) # limit speed to 0.01 m/s t = max(1., distance / 0.75) foot_paths[leg_name].time = t print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 elif state == 5: # body rotations target_axis, target, new_state = moves.pop(0) if new_state != state: state = new_state moves.insert(0, (target_axis, target, new_state)) continue angles = [0, 0, 0] angles[target_axis] = target rm = transforms.rotation_3d(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], degrees=True) for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot ep = list(body.leg_to_body(leg_name, *foot)) # TODO make these not 'straight' lines ep = transforms.transform_3d(rm, *ep) ep = body.body_to_leg(leg_name, *ep) h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep # compute distance, set time #distance = numpy.linalg.norm( # numpy.array(ep) - # numpy.array(foot_paths[leg_name].start)) ## limit speed to 0.01 m/s #t = max(1., distance / 0.1) foot_paths[leg_name].time = args.time print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 rospy.sleep(sleep_time)
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser() p.add_argument('-z', '--sz', default=0.5, type=float) p.add_argument('-Z', '--ez', default=1.2, type=float) p.add_argument('-x', '--x', default=1.5, type=float) p.add_argument('-t', '--time', default=5., type=float) p.add_argument('-r', '--rate', default=10., type=float) args = p.parse_args() # subscribe to joint messages rospy.init_node('stompy_stand', anonymous=True) rospy.Subscriber("/stompy/joint_states", sensor_msgs.msg.JointState, lambda data, description=joints.stompy_leg_descriptions: joints.update_joints(data, description)) # setup publishers for commanding joints lc = lambda leg, joint: '/stompy/%s_%s_controller/command' % ( leg, joint, ) leg_publishers = {} foot_paths = {} for leg_name in ('fl', 'fr', 'ml', 'mr', 'rl', 'rr'): leg_publishers[leg_name] = {} foot_paths[leg_name] = PathTracer(time=args.time, rate=args.rate) for joint_name in ('hip', 'thigh', 'knee'): leg_publishers[leg_name][joint_name] = rospy.Publisher( lc(leg_name, joint_name), std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=18) state = 0 # awaiting joints target_axis = 2 moves = 0 target = sleep_time = 1. / args.rate while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if state == 0: # awaiting joints if joints.joints is not None: # setup paths using computed start points for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot ep = [foot[0], 0., foot[2]] ep[target_axis] = target h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 # moving feet else: print("Awaiting joints") elif state == 1: # moving feet # execute paths state = -1 for leg_name in foot_paths: path = foot_paths[leg_name] pub = leg_publishers[leg_name] pt = if pt is None: continue state = 1 h, t, k = leg.inverse(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) pub['hip'].publish(h) pub['thigh'].publish(t) pub['knee'].publish(k) if state == -1: for leg_name in ('fl', 'fr', 'ml', 'mr', 'rl', 'rr'): foot_paths[leg_name] = PathTracer(time=args.time, rate=args.rate) if moves == 0: target_axis = 0 target = args.x state = 0 elif moves == 1: target_axis = 2 target = args.ez state = 0 # moves = 7 # skip to leg lifts elif moves == 2: # start body moves target_axis = 0 target = 0.5 state = 2 elif moves == 3: target_axis = 0 target = -1.0 state = 2 elif moves == 4: target_axis = 0 target = 0.5 state = 2 elif moves == 5: target_axis = 1 target = 0.5 state = 2 elif moves == 6: target_axis = 1 target = -1.0 state = 2 elif moves == 7: target_axis = 1 target = 0.5 state = 2 elif moves == 8: # leg lifts target_axis = 'fl' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 9: target_axis = 'fl' target = args.ez state = 3 elif moves == 10: target_axis = 'fr' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 11: target_axis = 'fr' target = args.ez state = 3 elif moves == 12: target_axis = 'ml' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 13: target_axis = 'ml' target = args.ez state = 3 elif moves == 14: target_axis = 'mr' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 15: target_axis = 'mr' target = args.ez state = 3 elif moves == 16: target_axis = 'rl' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 17: target_axis = 'rl' target = args.ez state = 3 elif moves == 18: target_axis = 'rr' target = 0.2 state = 3 elif moves == 19: target_axis = 'rr' target = args.ez state = 3 moves += 1 elif state == 2: # move body if joints.joints is not None: # setup paths using computed start points for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) # compute in body coordinates p = list(body.leg_to_body(leg_name, *foot)) p[target_axis] += target f = body.body_to_leg(leg_name, *p) # setup path for foot foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot foot_paths[leg_name].end = f print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 # moving feet else: print("Awaiting joints") elif state == 3: # lift leg if joints.joints is not None: # setup paths using computed start points for leg_name in joints.legs: # compute foot position foot = leg.forward(joints.legs[leg_name]['hip'], joints.legs[leg_name]['thigh'], joints.legs[leg_name]['knee']) foot_paths[leg_name].start = foot if leg_name == target_axis: ep = [foot[0], foot[1], target] else: ep = foot h, t, k = leg.inverse(*ep) if not any(( leg.in_limits(h, leg.hip_limits), leg.in_limits(t, leg.thigh_limits), leg.in_limits(k, leg.knee_limits), )): raise Exception() foot_paths[leg_name].end = ep print("Preparing %s foot move from %s to %s" % (leg_name, foot, ep)) state = 1 # moving feet else: print("Awaiting joints") else: print("Done moving") break rospy.sleep(sleep_time)