Example #1
def file_name_to_object_name(p):
    """Given a file path, construct its object name.

    Any relative or absolute directory markers at the beginning of
    the path will be stripped, for example::

        ../../my_file -> my_file
        ./my_dir -> my_dir
        .hidden_dir/file -> .hidden_dir/file
        /absolute_dir -> absolute_dir

    Note that windows paths will have their back slashes changed to
    forward slashes::

        C:\\my\\windows\\file -> my/windows/file

        p (str): The input path

        PosixPath: The object name. An empty path will be returned in
            the case of the input path only consisting of absolute
            or relative directory markers (i.e. '/' -> '', './' -> '')
    from stor import Path
    from stor.posix import PosixPath

    p_parts = Path(p).expand().splitdrive()[1].split(os.path.sep)
    obj_start = next((i for i, part in enumerate(p_parts) if part not in ('', '..', '.')), None)
    return PosixPath.parts_class('/'.join(p_parts[obj_start:]) if obj_start is not None else '')
Example #2
    def download_objects(self, dest, objects):
        def is_parent_dir(possible_parent, possible_child):
            """Checks if possible_child is a sub-path of possible_parent"""
            if not possible_parent.resource:
                return possible_child.resource and \
                       possible_child.project == possible_parent.project
            return possible_child.startswith(

        source = self
        if source == (self.drive +
                      self.project):  # need to convert dx://proj to dx://proj:
            source = DXPath(self + ':')

        for obj in objects:
            if utils.is_dx_path(obj) and not is_parent_dir(
                    source, DXPath(obj)):
                raise ValueError('"%s" must be child of download path "%s"' %
                                 (obj, self))
        # Convert requested download objects to full object paths
        objs_to_download = {
            obj: DXPath(obj) if utils.is_dx_path(obj) else source / obj
            for obj in objects
        results = {}
        for obj, dx_obj in objs_to_download.items():
            dest_resource = dx_obj[len(source):].lstrip('/')
            dest_obj = PosixPath(dest) / dest_resource
            results[obj] = dest_obj
        return results
Example #3
 def test_walkfiles_posix(self, mock_walkfiles):
     mock_walkfiles.return_value = ['./a/b.txt', './c.txt', './d.txt']
     self.parse_args('stor walkfiles -p=*.txt .')
     self.assertEquals(sys.stdout.getvalue(), './a/b.txt\n'
     mock_walkfiles.assert_called_once_with(PosixPath('.'), pattern='*.txt')