Example #1
def list_volumes(query_attrs):
   List Volumes by attribute.
   Positional arguments:
      query_attrs (dict):
         The fields to query on.  Each item must be in
         the form of
            'Volume.${attr} ${op}': ${value}
         where ${attr} is a user attribute, ${op}
         is ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, or IN, and ${value}
         is the value to compare the attribute against.
      On success, a list of Volumes that match the query.
      Raises an exception on error.
      Only an administrator may call this method.

    # don't show deleted volumes
    query_attrs["Volume.deleted =="] = False
    return storage.list_volumes(query_attrs)
Example #2
def list_volumes(query_attrs):
   List Volumes by attribute.
   Positional arguments:
      query_attrs (dict):
         The fields to query on.  Each item must be in
         the form of
            'Volume.${attr} ${op}': ${value}
         where ${attr} is a user attribute, ${op}
         is ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, or IN, and ${value}
         is the value to compare the attribute against.
      On success, a list of Volumes that match the query.
      Raises an exception on error.
      Only an administrator may call this method.

    # don't show deleted volumes
    query_attrs["Volume.deleted =="] = False
    return storage.list_volumes(query_attrs)
Example #3
def myvolumes(request):
    View that display all of user's owned volumes
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    user = db.read_user(username)

    vols_owned = []
    vols_rw = []
    vols_ro = []

    if user.volumes_o:
        vols_owned = db.list_volumes({"Volume.volume_id IN": user.volumes_o})

    if user.volumes_rw:
        volumes_rw_without_o = list(set(user.volumes_o) - set(user.volumes_rw))

        if volumes_rw_without_o:
            vols_rw = db.list_volumes(
                {"Volume.volume_id IN": volumes_rw_without_o})

    if user.volumes_r:
        vols_ro = db.list_Volumes({"Volume.volume_id IN": user.volumes_r})

    # filter out volumes that I own that I can also read/write

    t = loader.get_template('myvolumes.html')
    c = Context({
        'username': username,
        'vols_owned': vols_owned,
        'vols_rw': vols_rw,
        'vols_ro': vols_ro

    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Example #4
def allvolumes(request):
    Display all public volumes
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    v_attrs = {'Volume.private !=': True}
    volumes = db.list_volumes(v_attrs)
    owners = []
    for v in volumes:
        attrs = {"SyndicateUser.owner_id ==": v.owner_id}
    vols = zip(volumes, owners)
    t = loader.get_template('allvolumes.html')
    c = Context({'username': username, 'vols': vols})
    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
Example #5
def removevolumes(request, g_id):
    This handler allows removal of one or many volumes from an Aqcquisition
    Gateway. It calls multi_update() as a helper method to allow transactional
    updates to the database.
    # This is a helper method that isolates the @transactional decorator, speeding
    # up the code when it doesn't reach update() in this view and allowing for
    # errors that would break in GAE if the decorator was applied to the entire view.
    # It updates multiple volumes at once
    def multi_update(v_ids, g_id, vfields, gfields):
        for v_id, vfield in zip(v_ids, vfields):
            db.update_volume(v_id, **vfield)
        db.update_acquisition_gateway(g_id, **gfields)
        session.pop('ag_initial_data' + str(g_id))

    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    g_id = int(g_id)

    VolumeFormSet = formset_factory(gatewayforms.GatewayRemoveVolume, extra=0)
    formset = VolumeFormSet(request.POST)

    # This call is not checked because the formset will always be valid (readonly widgets)

    volume_ids_to_be_removed = []
    new_ags_set = []

    initial_and_forms = zip(session.get('ag_initial_data' + str(g_id), []),
    for i, f in initial_and_forms:

        if f.cleaned_data['remove']:
            attrs = {"Volume.name ==": i['volume_name']}
            vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
            vol = vols[0]

            # update each volume's new AG list
            new_ags = vol.ag_ids
            new_ags_set.append({'ag_ids': new_ags})

            # update info for AG update

    if not volume_ids_to_be_removed:
        session['message'] = "You must select at least one volume to remove."
        return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)

    old_vids = set(db.read_acquisition_gateway(g_id).volume_ids)
    new_vids = list(old_vids - set(volume_ids_to_be_removed))
    gfields = {'volume_ids': new_vids}
        multi_update(volume_ids_to_be_removed, g_id, new_ags_set, gfields)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error("Unable to update acquisition gateway %s. Exception %s" %
                      (g_id, e))
        session['message'] = "Unable to update gateway."
        return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)
    session['new_change'] = "We've updated your AG's volumes."
    session['next_url'] = '/syn/AG/viewgateway/' + str(g_id)
    session['next_message'] = "Click here to go back to your gateway."
    return redirect('/syn/thanks')
Example #6
def addvolume(request, g_id):
    Handler for adding a volume to the gateay.

    # This is a helper method that isolates the @transactional decorator, speeding
    # up the code when it doesn't reach update() in this view and allowing for
    # errors that would break in GAE if the decorator was applied to the entire view.
    def update(v_id, g_id, vfields, gfields):
        db.update_volume(v_id, **vfields)
        db.update_acquisition_gateway(g_id, **gfields)
        session.pop('ag_initial_data' + str(g_id))

    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    g_id = int(g_id)

    form = gatewayforms.GatewayAddVolume(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        attrs = {
            "Volume.name ==":
            form.cleaned_data['volume_name'].strip().replace(" ", "_")
        vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
        if vols:
            volume = vols[0]
                'message'] = "The volume %s doesn't exist." % form.cleaned_data[
            return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)

        gateway = db.read_acquisition_gateway(g_id)

        # Prepare upcoming volume state
        if volume.ag_ids:
            new_ags = volume.ag_ids
            new_ags = [gateway.g_id]
        vfields = {'ag_ids': new_ags}

        # Preare upcoming AG state
        old_vids = gateway.volume_ids
        new_vid = volume.volume_id
        if new_vid in old_vids:
                'message'] = "That volume is already attached to this gateway!"
            return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        if old_vids:
            new_vids = old_vids
            new_vids = [new_vid]

        # Update and redirect
            gfields = {'volume_ids': new_vids}
            update(volume.volume_id, g_id, vfields, gfields)
        except Exception as e:
                "Unable to update acquisition gateway %s or volume %s. Exception %s"
                % (gateway.ms_username, form.cleaned_data['volume_name'], e))
            session['message'] = "Unable to update gateway."
            return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        session['new_change'] = "We've updated your AG's volumes."
        session['next_url'] = '/syn/AG/viewgateway/' + str(g_id)
        session['next_message'] = "Click here to go back to your gateway."
        return redirect('/syn/thanks')
        session['message'] = "Invalid entries for adding volumes."
        return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)
Example #7
def removevolumes(request, g_id):
    This handler allows removal of one or many volumes from an Aqcquisition
    Gateway. It calls multi_update() as a helper method to allow transactional
    updates to the database.
    # This is a helper method that isolates the @transactional decorator, speeding
    # up the code when it doesn't reach update() in this view and allowing for
    # errors that would break in GAE if the decorator was applied to the entire view.
    # It updates multiple volumes at once
    def multi_update(v_ids, g_id, vfields, gfields):

        for v_id, vfield in zip(v_ids, vfields):
            db.update_volume(v_id, **vfield)
        db.update_replica_gateway(g_id, **gfields)
        session.pop('rg_initial_data' + str(g_id))

    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    g_id = int(g_id)

    VolumeFormSet = formset_factory(gatewayforms.GatewayRemoveVolume, extra=0)
    formset = VolumeFormSet(request.POST)

    # This call is not checked because the formset will always be valid (readonly widgets)

    volume_ids_to_be_removed = []
    new_rgs_set = []

    initial_and_forms = zip(session.get('rg_initial_data' + str(g_id), []), formset.forms)
    for i, f in initial_and_forms:

        if f.cleaned_data['remove']:
            attrs = {"Volume.name ==":i['volume_name']}
            vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
            vol = vols[0]

            # update each volumes new RG list
            new_rgs = vol.rg_ids

            # update info for AG update

    if not volume_ids_to_be_removed:
        session['message'] = "You must select at least one volume to remove."
        return redirect('django_rg.views.viewgateway', g_id)

    old_vids = set(db.read_replica_gateway(g_id).volume_ids)
    new_vids = list(old_vids - set(volume_ids_to_be_removed))
    gfields = {'volume_ids':new_vids}
        multi_update(volume_ids_to_be_removed, g_id, new_rgs_set, gfields)
    except Exception as e:
         logging.error("Unable to update replica gateway %d. Exception %s" % (g_id, e))
         session['message'] = "Unable to update gateway."
         return redirect('django_rg.views.viewgateway', g_id)
    session['new_change'] = "We've updated your RG's volumes."
    session['next_url'] = '/syn/RG/viewgateway/' + str(g_id)
    session['next_message'] = "Click here to go back to your gateway."
    return redirect('/syn/thanks')
Example #8
def addvolume(request, g_id):
    Handler for adding a volume to the gateay.

    # This is a helper method that isolates the @transactional decorator, speeding
    # up the code when it doesn't reach update() in this view and allowing for
    # errors that would break in GAE if the decorator was applied to the entire view.
    def update(v_id, g_id, vfields, gfields):
        db.update_volume(v_id, **vfields)
        db.update_replica_gateway(g_id, **gfields)
        session.pop('rg_initial_data' + str(g_id))

    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    g_id = int(g_id)

    form = gatewayforms.GatewayAddVolume(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        attrs = {"Volume.name ==":form.cleaned_data['volume_name'].strip().replace(" ", "_")}
        vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
        if vols:
            volume = vols[0]
            session['message'] = "The volume %s doesn't exist." % form.cleaned_data['volume_name']
            return redirect('django_ag.views.viewgateway', g_id)

        gateway = db.read_replica_gateway(g_id)

        # prepare volume state
        if volume.rg_ids:
            new_rgs = volume.rg_ids
            new_rgs = [gateway.g_id]
        vfields = {'rg_ids':new_rgs}

        # prepate RG state
        old_vids = gateway.volume_ids
        new_vid = volume.volume_id
        if new_vid in old_vids:
            session['message'] = "That volume is already attached to this gateway!"
            return redirect('django_rg.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        if old_vids:
            new_vids = old_vids
            new_vids = [new_vid]

        # Update and redirect
            update(volume.volume_id, g_id, vfields, gfields)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error("Unable to update replica gateway %s or volume %s. Exception %s" % (rg.ms_username, volume.name, e))
            session['message'] = "Unable to update."
            return redirect('django_rg.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        session['new_change'] = "We've updated your RG's volumes."
        session['next_url'] = '/syn/RG/viewgateway/' + str(g_id)
        session['next_message'] = "Click here to go back to your gateway."
        return redirect('/syn/thanks')
        session['message'] = "Invalid entries for adding volumes."
        return redirect('django_rg.views.viewgateway', g_id)
Example #9
def create(request):
    View for creating UG's
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    user = db.read_user(username)

    # Helper method that simplifies returning forms after user error.
    def give_create_form(username, session):
        message = session.pop('message', "")
        form = gatewayforms.CreateUG()
        t = loader.get_template('gateway_templates/create_user_gateway.html')
        c = RequestContext(request, {
            'username': username,
            'form': form,
            'message': message
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

    if request.POST:
        # Validate input forms
        form = gatewayforms.CreateUG(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            if not form.cleaned_data['volume_name']:
                vol = None
                attrs = {
                    "Volume.name ==":
                    form.cleaned_data['volume_name'].strip().replace(" ", "_")
                vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
                if vols:
                    vol = vols[0]
                        'message'] = "No volume %s exists." % form.cleaned_data[
                    return give_create_form(username, session)
                if (vol.volume_id
                        not in user.volumes_r) and (vol.volume_id
                                                    not in user.volumes_rw):
                        'message'] = "Must have read rights to volume %s to create UG for it." % form.cleaned_data[
                    return give_create_form(username, session)
                # Force update of UG version
                attrs = {"UG_version": 1}

                        lambda: db.update_volume(vol.volume_id, **attrs))
                except Exception as E:
                    session['message'] = "UG creation error: %s" % E
                    return give_create_form(username, session)

                # Prep kwargs
                kwargs = {}
                kwargs['read_write'] = form.cleaned_data['read_write']
                kwargs['ms_username'] = form.cleaned_data['g_name']
                kwargs['port'] = form.cleaned_data['port']
                kwargs['host'] = form.cleaned_data['host']
                kwargs['ms_password'] = form.cleaned_data['g_password']

                # Create
                new_ug = db.create_user_gateway(user, vol, **kwargs)
            except Exception as E:
                session['message'] = "UG creation error: %s" % E
                return give_create_form(username, session)

            session['new_change'] = "Your new gateway is ready."
            session['next_url'] = '/syn/UG/mygateways'
            session['next_message'] = "Click here to see your gateways."
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/syn/thanks/')
            # Prep returned form values (so they don't have to re-enter stuff)

            if 'g_name' in form.errors:
                oldname = ""
                oldname = request.POST['g_name']
            if 'volume_name' in form.errors:
                oldvolume_name = ""
                oldvolume_name = request.POST['volume_name']
            if 'host' in form.errors:
                oldhost = ""
                oldhost = request.POST['host']
            if 'port' in form.errors:
                oldport = ""
                oldport = request.POST['port']

            # Prep error message
            message = "Invalid form entry: "

            for k, v in form.errors.items():
                message = message + "\"" + k + "\"" + " -> "
                for m in v:
                    message = message + m + " "

            # Give then the form again
            form = gatewayforms.CreateUG(
                    'g_name': oldname,
                    'volume_name': oldvolume_name,
                    'host': oldhost,
                    'port': oldport,
            t = loader.get_template(
            c = RequestContext(request, {
                'username': username,
                'form': form,
                'message': message
            return HttpResponse(t.render(c))

        # Not a POST, give them blank form
        return give_create_form(username, session)
Example #10
def changevolume(request, g_id):
    View to enable changing volume attached to UG
    session = request.session
    username = session['login_email']
    user = db.read_user(username)
    g_id = int(g_id)
    g = db.read_user_gateway(g_id)

    # Isolate DB calls to allow roll-backs via transactions
    def update_ug_and_vol(g_id, gfields, vol1_id, vol2_id):
        db.update_user_gateway(g_id, **gfields)
        attrs = {"UG_version": 1}

        # Force update of UG version
        db.update_volume(vol1_id, **attrs)
        db.update_volume(vol2_id, **attrs)

    form = gatewayforms.ChangeVolume(request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        attrs = {
            "Volume.name ==":
            form.cleaned_data['volume_name'].strip().replace(" ", "_")
        vols = db.list_volumes(attrs, limit=1)
        if vols:
            new_vol = vols[0]
            session['message'] = "No volume %s exists." % form.cleaned_data[
            return redirect('django_ug.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        if (new_vol.volume_id
                not in user.volumes_r) and (new_vol.volume_id
                                            not in user.volumes_rw):
                'message'] = "Must have read rights to volume %s to assign UG to it." % form.cleaned_data[
            return redirect('django_ug.views.viewgateway', g_id)

        old_vol = g.volume_id
        #fields = {"volume_id":new_vol.volume_id, "cert_version": True}



            if g.is_bound_to_volume():
                # update the old Volume
                db.update_volume(old_vol, version=True, cert_version=True)

            #update_ug_and_vol(g_id, fields, old_vol, new_vol.volume_id)
        except Exception, e:
            logging.error("Unable to update UG with ID %s. Error was %s." %
                          (g_id, e))
            session['message'] = "Error. Unable to change user gateway."
            return redirect('django_ug.views.viewgateway', g_id)
        session['new_change'] = "We've updated your UG."
        session['next_url'] = '/syn/UG/viewgateway/' + str(g_id)
        session['next_message'] = "Click here to go back to your gateway."
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/syn/thanks')