def __init__(self, initial, tester, hlconfig): self.initial = initial if random.seed: self.members = [initial.clone()] else: self.members = [] = None self.notadded = [] self.removed = [] self.failed = set() self.testers = [tester] self.roundNumber = -1 self.firstRound = True self.hlconfig = hlconfig if config.candidatelog: self.candidatelog = storagedirs.openCsvStats("candidatelog", ['time', 'candidates', 'tests_complete', 'tests_timeout', 'tests_crashed', 'config_path', 'input_size', 'end_of_round', 'round_number']) self.candidateloglast = None self.starttime = time.time() self.onMembersChanged(True) self.members[0].log_mutation(MutationLog.seed)
def __init__(self, initial, tester, hlconfig): self.initial = initial if random.seed: self.members = [initial.clone()] else: self.members = [] = None self.notadded = [] self.removed = [] self.failed = set() self.testers = [tester] self.roundNumber = -1 self.firstRound = True self.hlconfig = hlconfig if config.candidatelog: self.candidatelog = storagedirs.openCsvStats( "candidatelog", [ 'time', 'candidates', 'tests_complete', 'tests_timeout', 'tests_crashed', 'config_path', 'input_size', 'end_of_round', 'round_number' ]) self.candidateloglast = None self.starttime = time.time() self.onMembersChanged(True) self.members[0].log_mutation(MutationLog.seed)
def __init__(self, initial, tester, baseline=None): self.members = [initial] = None self.notadded = [] self.removed = [] self.failed = set() self.testers = [tester] self.baseline = baseline self.roundNumber = -1 self.firstRound = True if config.candidatelog: self.candidatelog = storagedirs.openCsvStats("candidatelog", ['time', 'candidates', 'tests_complete', 'tests_timeout', 'tests_crashed', 'config_path', 'input_size', 'end_of_round', 'round_number']) self.candidateloglast = None self.starttime = time.time() self.onMembersChanged(True)
def autotuneInner(benchmark, returnBest=None, tester_lambda=None, pop_lambda=None, hlconfig_lambda=None, config_lambda=None): """Function running the autotuning process. If returnBest is specified, it should be a list. The best candidate found will be added to that list""" with progress.Scope("autotuning "+benchmark, config.rounds_per_input_size*math.log(config.max_input_size,2)+config.final_rounds) as pr: config.benchmark = benchmark candidate, tester, hlconfig = init(benchmark, tester_lambda, pop_lambda, hlconfig_lambda, config_lambda) try: if pop_lambda is not None: pop = pop_lambda(candidate, tester, hlconfig) else: pop = Population(candidate, tester, hlconfig) stats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("roundstats", ("round", "input_size", "cumulative_sec", "incremental_sec", "testing_sec", "inputgen_sec")+pop.statsHeader()) config.end_time = time.time() + config.max_time def generation(): pop.generation() pr() stats.writerow((pop.roundNumber, pop.inputSize(),,, timers.testing.lap(), timers.inputgen.lap())+pop.stats()) try: while pop.inputSize() < config.max_input_size: for z in xrange(config.rounds_per_input_size): generation() pop.nextInputSize() for z in xrange(config.final_rounds): generation() except TrainingTimeout: pass #check to make sure we did something: if pop.firstRound: warnings.warn(tunerwarnings.AlwaysCrashes())"TODO: using acc target: "+str(config.accuracy_target)) return except: traceback.print_exc() # Connelly: Print exceptions (are not otherwise displayed...not sure why) raise finally: if and config.output_cfg: print,"=>" , config.output_cfg shutil.copyfile(, config.output_cfg) if and returnBest is not None: returnBest.append( at = storagedirs.getactivetimers() if len(at): storagedirs.openCsvStats("timers", at.keys()).writerow(at.values()) if tester and hasattr(tester, 'cleanup'): # Connelly: only call if has cleanup attr tester.cleanup()
def onlinelearnInner(benchmark): candidate, tester = sgatuner.init(benchmark, createChoiceSiteMutatorsOnline) pop = OnlinePopulation() objectives = ObjectiveTuner(pop) ''' mutators in the last time window that produced improved candidates, ordered by descending fitness of the candidates''' mutatorLog = MutatorLog(name = "acc and time log") ostats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("onlinestats", ObjectiveTuner.statsHeader) pstats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("population", OnlinePopulation.statsHeader) clog = storagedirs.openCsvStats("onlinecandidates", ['gen', 'timesafe','accsafe','timeexp','accexp', 'safe','seed','experimental', ]) try: '''seed first round''' p = candidate if config.online_baseline: c = None else: c = p.clone() if not tester.race(p, c): raise Exception() if not p.wasTimeout: pop.add(p) if c and not c.wasTimeout: pop.add(c) if not config.online_baseline: mlog = MutatorLogFile(c.mutators) '''now normal rounds''' for gen in itertools.count(1): if config.max_time and objectives.elapsed>config.max_time: break if config.max_gen and gen>config.max_gen: break if gen%config.reweight_interval==0: pop.reweight() p = #s = pop.choice(parentlimit(p), getacc) s = p if config.fixed_safe_alg: p = candidate if config.online_baseline: c = None else: if(objectives.needAccuracy()): mfilter = lambda x: x.accuracyHint else: mfilter = lambda x: True c = s.cloneAndMutate(tester.n, adaptive = True, mutatorLog = mutatorLog, objectives = objectives, mutatorFilter = mfilter) tlim, atarg = objectives.getlimits(p, s, c) if tester.race(p, c, tlim, atarg) and not (p.wasTimeout and c.wasTimeout): p.discardResults(config.max_trials) if c and not c.wasTimeout: pop.add(c) pop.prune() if c is None: c=p logging.debug("Child vs parent, better=%d, %f vs. %f" % (int(gettime(c) < gettime(p)), gettime(c), gettime(p))) clog.writerow([gen, lasttime(p), lastacc(p), lasttime(c), lastacc(c)] +map(storagedirs.relpath,[p.cfgfile(), s.cfgfile(), c.cfgfile()])) dtime = gettime(c) - gettime(p) dacc = None if c.wasTimeout else (getacc(c) - getacc(p)) if c is not None: mutatorLog.add(c, dtime, dacc, gettime(c), None if c.wasTimeout else getacc(c)); if not config.online_baseline: mlog.logPerformance(gen, gettime(c), "None" if c.wasTimeout else getacc(c), dtime, dacc, str(c.lastMutator)); mlog.logScores(gen, c.mutatorScores) t,a = resultingTimeAcc(p, c) print "Generation", gen, "elapsed",objectives.elapsed,"time", t,"accuracy",a, getconf(p) print "Objectives", objectives if a is not None and t is not None: objectives.result(t,a) pop.output((p,c,s)) ostats.writerow(objectives.stats(gen)) pstats.writerow(pop.stats(gen)) else: print 'error' finally: at = storagedirs.getactivetimers() if len(at): storagedirs.openCsvStats("timers", at.keys()).writerow(at.values()) tester.cleanup()
def __init__(self, mutators): self.mutators = sorted(mutators, key=str) self.mutatorPerf = storagedirs.openCsvStats("mutatorperf", ["gen", "time", "accuracy", "dtime", "daccuracy," "selected_mutator"]) self.mutatorScores = storagedirs.openCsvStats("mutatorscores", ["gen"] + map(str, mutators))
def onlinelearnInner(benchmark): candidate, tester = sgatuner.init(benchmark, createChoiceSiteMutatorsOnline) pop = OnlinePopulation() objectives = ObjectiveTuner(pop) ''' mutators in the last time window that produced improved candidates, ordered by descending fitness of the candidates''' mutatorLog = MutatorLog(name="acc and time log") ostats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("onlinestats", ObjectiveTuner.statsHeader) pstats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("population", OnlinePopulation.statsHeader) clog = storagedirs.openCsvStats("onlinecandidates", [ 'gen', 'timesafe', 'accsafe', 'timeexp', 'accexp', 'safe', 'seed', 'experimental', ]) try: '''seed first round''' p = candidate if config.online_baseline: c = None else: c = p.clone() if not tester.race(p, c): raise Exception() if not p.wasTimeout: pop.add(p) if c and not c.wasTimeout: pop.add(c) if not config.online_baseline: mlog = MutatorLogFile(c.mutators) '''now normal rounds''' for gen in itertools.count(1): if config.max_time and objectives.elapsed > config.max_time: break if config.max_gen and gen > config.max_gen: break if gen % config.reweight_interval == 0: pop.reweight() p = #s = pop.choice(parentlimit(p), getacc) s = p if config.fixed_safe_alg: p = candidate if config.online_baseline: c = None else: if (objectives.needAccuracy()): mfilter = lambda x: x.accuracyHint else: mfilter = lambda x: True c = s.cloneAndMutate(tester.n, adaptive=True, mutatorLog=mutatorLog, objectives=objectives, mutatorFilter=mfilter) tlim, atarg = objectives.getlimits(p, s, c) if tester.race(p, c, tlim, atarg) and not (p.wasTimeout and c.wasTimeout): p.discardResults(config.max_trials) if c and not c.wasTimeout: pop.add(c) pop.prune() if c is None: c = p logging.debug( "Child vs parent, better=%d, %f vs. %f" % (int(gettime(c) < gettime(p)), gettime(c), gettime(p))) clog.writerow( [gen, lasttime(p), lastacc(p), lasttime(c), lastacc(c)] + map(storagedirs.relpath, [p.cfgfile(), s.cfgfile(), c.cfgfile()])) dtime = gettime(c) - gettime(p) dacc = None if c.wasTimeout else (getacc(c) - getacc(p)) if c is not None: mutatorLog.add(c, dtime, dacc, gettime(c), None if c.wasTimeout else getacc(c)) if not config.online_baseline: mlog.logPerformance(gen, gettime(c), "None" if c.wasTimeout else getacc(c), dtime, dacc, str(c.lastMutator)) mlog.logScores(gen, c.mutatorScores) t, a = resultingTimeAcc(p, c) print "Generation", gen, "elapsed", objectives.elapsed, "time", t, "accuracy", a, getconf( p) print "Objectives", objectives if a is not None and t is not None: objectives.result(t, a) pop.output((p, c, s)) ostats.writerow(objectives.stats(gen)) pstats.writerow(pop.stats(gen)) else: print 'error' finally: at = storagedirs.getactivetimers() if len(at): storagedirs.openCsvStats("timers", at.keys()).writerow(at.values()) tester.cleanup()
def autotuneInner(benchmark): progress.push() config.benchmark = benchmark candidate, tester = init(benchmark) try: pop = Population(candidate, tester, None) if not pop.isVariableAccuracy() and config.accuracy_target:"clearing accuracy_target") config.accuracy_target = None stats = storagedirs.openCsvStats("roundstats", ("round", "input_size", "cumulative_sec", "incremental_sec", "testing_sec", "inputgen_sec")+pop.statsHeader()) config.end_time = time.time() + config.max_time try: progress.remaining(config.max_input_size*(1+config.final_rounds)) while pop.inputSize() < config.max_input_size: progress.status("autotuning %s: input %d of %d" % (config.benchmark, pop.inputSize(), config.max_input_size)) pop.generation() stats.writerow((pop.roundNumber, pop.inputSize(),,, timers.testing.lap(), timers.inputgen.lap())+pop.stats()) pop.nextInputSize() progress.remaining(config.max_input_size - pop.inputSize() + config.max_input_size*config.final_rounds) for z in xrange(config.final_rounds): pop.generation() stats.writerow((pop.roundNumber, pop.inputSize(),,, timers.testing.lap(), timers.inputgen.lap())+pop.stats()) progress.remaining((config.final_rounds - z)*config.max_input_size) except TrainingTimeout: pass #check to make sure we did something: if pop.firstRound: warnings.warn(tunerwarnings.AlwaysCrashes())"TODO: using acc target: "+str(config.accuracy_target)) return finally: if and config.output_cfg: print,"=>" , config.output_cfg shutil.copyfile(, config.output_cfg) at = storagedirs.getactivetimers() if len(at): storagedirs.openCsvStats("timers", at.keys()).writerow(at.values()) if tester: tester.cleanup() progress.pop()
def autotuneInner(benchmark, returnBest=None, tester_lambda=None, pop_lambda=None, hlconfig_lambda=None, config_lambda=None): """Function running the autotuning process. If returnBest is specified, it should be a list. The best candidate found will be added to that list""" with progress.Scope( "autotuning " + benchmark, config.rounds_per_input_size * math.log(config.max_input_size, 2) + config.final_rounds) as pr: config.benchmark = benchmark candidate, tester, hlconfig = init(benchmark, tester_lambda, pop_lambda, hlconfig_lambda, config_lambda) try: if pop_lambda is not None: pop = pop_lambda(candidate, tester, hlconfig) else: pop = Population(candidate, tester, hlconfig) stats = storagedirs.openCsvStats( "roundstats", ("round", "input_size", "cumulative_sec", "incremental_sec", "testing_sec", "inputgen_sec") + pop.statsHeader()) config.end_time = time.time() + config.max_time def generation(): pop.generation() pr() stats.writerow((pop.roundNumber, pop.inputSize(),,, timers.testing.lap(), timers.inputgen.lap()) + pop.stats()) try: while pop.inputSize() < config.max_input_size: for z in xrange(config.rounds_per_input_size): generation() pop.nextInputSize() for z in xrange(config.final_rounds): generation() except TrainingTimeout: pass #check to make sure we did something: if pop.firstRound: warnings.warn(tunerwarnings.AlwaysCrashes())"TODO: using acc target: " + str(config.accuracy_target)) return except: traceback.print_exc( ) # Connelly: Print exceptions (are not otherwise displayed...not sure why) raise finally: if and config.output_cfg: print, "=>", config.output_cfg shutil.copyfile(, config.output_cfg) if and returnBest is not None: returnBest.append( at = storagedirs.getactivetimers() if len(at): storagedirs.openCsvStats("timers", at.keys()).writerow(at.values()) if tester and hasattr( tester, 'cleanup'): # Connelly: only call if has cleanup attr tester.cleanup()