def fetch_store_detail(s, data, isOfficial=False): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = cm.html2plain(s['name']).strip() entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'] val = cm.html2plain(s['city']).strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city( val if val and val != '' else data['city'])[0] entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.html2plain(s['address']).strip() entry[] = s['email'].strip() entry[] = s['phone'].strip() entry[cm.fax] = s['fax'].strip() entry[cm.store_class] = 'Official Retailer' if isOfficial else 'Retailer' try: entry[] = string.atof(s['lat']) if s['lat'] != '' else '' except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e: cm.dump('Error in fetching lat: %s' % str(e), log_name) try: entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(s['lng']) if s['lng'] != '' else '' except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as e: cm.dump('Error in fetching lng: %s' % str(e), log_name) gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) return entry
def fetch_stores(data): body = data['body'] start = body.find(u'<ul class="storelist storelist_%s' % data['code']) if start == -1: cm.dump('Error in finding stores for %s' % data['code']) return [] body = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<ul\b', ur'</ul>')[0] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'<li class="sitem">(.+?)</li>', body, re.S): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) m1 ='<h3>(.+?)</h3>', m) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.name_c] = m1 ='<div class="addr">(.+?)</div>', m) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.addr_e] ='地址:', '').replace(u'地址:', '').strip() m1 ='<div class="tel">(.+?)</div>', m) if m1 is not None: entry[] ='电话:', '').replace(u'电话:', '').strip() entry[cm.city_c] = data['city'] ret = gs.look_up(data['city'], 3) if ret is not None: entry[cm.city_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[cm.city_c] = ret['name_c'] if ret['province'] != '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret['province']['name_e'] entry[cm.country_e] = u'CHINA' gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump('(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), 'canali_log.txt') db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_store_details(data): url = data['host'] + data['url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching store details: %s' % url, log_name) return [] entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) start = body.find(ur'<h3>available in store</h3>') if start != -1: type_sub = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<ul\b', ur'</ul>')[0] entry[cm.store_type] = ', '.join( cm.html2plain(tmp).strip() for tmp in re.findall(ur'<li[^<>]*>(.+?)</li>', type_sub, re.S)) start = body.find(ur"<div class='gmap_info_box'") if start == -1: cm.dump('Error in fetching store details: %s' % url, log_name) return [] body = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<div\b', ur'</div>')[0] raw = json.loads(cm.extract_closure(body, ur'\{', ur'\}')[0])['table'] entry[cm.name_e] = cm.html2plain(raw['name']) entry[cm.city_e] = data['city'].strip().upper() entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'].strip().upper() # entry[cm.store_type] = data['store_type'] entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(raw['address']) m ='phone:(.*?)fax:(.*?)', re.I | re.S), raw['phone']) if m is not None: entry[] = entry[cm.fax] = else: m ='phone:(.*?)', re.I | re.S), raw['phone']) if m is not None: entry[] = m ='fax:(.*?)', re.I | re.S), raw['phone']) if m is not None: entry[cm.fax] = entry[cm.hours] = raw['hours'] if raw['lat'] is not None and raw['lat'] != '': entry[] = string.atof(raw['lat']) if raw['lng'] is not None and raw['lng'] != '': entry[] = string.atof(raw['lng']) gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None: entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return [entry]
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % url, log_name) return [] store_list = [] for m1 in re.finditer(ur'<lignecountry\s+titre\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"', body): country = if country == 'U.S.A.': country = 'US' sub_country = cm.extract_closure(body[m1.start():], ur'<lignecountry\b', ur'</lignecountry>')[0] for m2 in re.finditer(ur'<lignecity\s+titre\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"', sub_country): city = sub_city = cm.extract_closure(sub_country[m2.start():], ur'<lignecity\b', ur'</lignecity>')[0] m3 ='<!\[CDATA\[(.+?)\]\]>', sub_city, re.S) if m3 is None: continue sub_city = store_subs = re.split(ur'<\s*h2\s*>\s*LANVIN BOUTIQUE\s*<\s*/h2\s*>', sub_city) for s in store_subs: if s.strip() == '': continue m4 ='<p>(.+?)</p>', s, re.S) if m4 is None: continue entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = country entry[cm.city_e] = city s = m4 ='(.+?)\n\s*\n', s, re.S) if m4 is not None: entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr( m4 ='Phone:(.+?)\n\s*\n', s, re.S) if m4 is not None: entry[] = cm.reformat_addr( m4 ='Boutique Hours:(.+?)\n\s*\n', s, re.S) if m4 is not None: entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr( m4 ='Products available:(.+?)\n\s*\n', s, re.S) if m4 is not None: entry[cm.store_type] = m4 ='Email:\s*<a href="mailto:([^"]+)">', s) if m4 is not None: entry[] = gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump('(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_stores(db, data, logger): """ 获得商店信息 :param data: """ url = data['post_url'] try: html = cm.post_data(url, { 'pid': data['city_id'], 'lang': 'en', 'action': 'popola_box_DX' }) if html.strip() == u'': logger.error( unicode.format(u'Failed to fetch stores for city {0}', data['city_id'])) return [] body = pq(html) except Exception as e: print 'Error occured in getting city list: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 2, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] store_list = [] for item in (pq(temp) for temp in body('a[href]')): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.url] = item[0].attrib['href'] entry[cm.name_e] = item('h3.titleShop')[0].text.strip() # terms = cm.reformat_addr(item('div.txtBoxSingleStore p.lineHeight14')[0].text).split(',') terms = cm.reformat_addr( unicode(item('div.txtBoxSingleStore p.lineHeight14'))).split(',') tel = cm.extract_tel(terms[-1]) if tel != '': terms = terms[:-1] entry[] = tel entry[cm.addr_e] = u', '.join([v.strip() for v in terms]) entry['country_e'] = data['country_e'] entry['city_e'] = data['city_e'] gs.field_sense(entry) '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e])) store_list.append(entry) cm.insert_record(db, entry, 'spider_stores.stores') return store_list
def fetch(level=1, data=None, user='******', passwd=''): db = cm.StoresDb() db.connect_db(user=user, passwd=passwd) db.execute(u'DELETE FROM %s WHERE brand_id=%d' % ('stores', brand_id)) try: html = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 1, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': brand_id } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] js = json.loads(html) store_list = [] for s in js['data']['list']: entry = cm.init_store_entry(brand_id, brandname_e, brandname_c) cm.update_entry( entry, { string.atof(s['geo']['lat']), cm.lng: string.atof(s['geo']['lng']) }) entry[cm.name_e] = s['contact']['title'] entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(s['contact']['address']) entry[] = s['contact']['phone'] entry[cm.fax] = s['contact']['fax'] entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr(s['contact']['hours']) entry[cm.store_type] = s['contact']['selling'] entry[cm.url] = host + s['link'] gs.update_city_map(s['city'], s['country'], s['continent']) cm.update_entry( entry, { cm.continent_e: s['continent'], cm.country_e: s['country'], cm.city_e: s['city'] }) gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( brandname_e, brand_id, entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) db.disconnect_db() gs.commit_maps(1) gs.commit_maps(3) return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) code = data['country_code'] if gs.look_up(code, 1) is None: entry[cm.country_e] = cm.html2plain(data['country']).strip().upper() else: entry[cm.country_e] = code entry[cm.name_e] = data['store_name'] entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(data['city'])[0] entry[] = data['lat'] if data['lat'] is not None else '' entry[cm.lng] = data['lng'] if data['lng'] is not None else '' m ='data-boutique\s*=\s*"%s"' % data['store_id'], data['content']) sub = data['content'][m.end():] m1 ='<li class="isDistributeur[^<>]+>(.+?)</li>', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.store_class] = cm.reformat_addr( m1 ='<li class="place-title[^<>]+>(.+?)</li>', sub, re.S) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr( m1 ='<li class="contacts[^<>]+>(.+?)</li>', sub, re.S) if m1 is not None: m2 ='<a class="popupLaunch" href="([^"]+)"', if m2: entry = fetch_details(data,, entry) m2 ='<p>(.+?)</p>',, re.S) if m2: ct_list = tuple( tmp.strip() for tmp in cm.reformat_addr(',')) entry[] = cm.extract_tel(ct_list[0]) if len(ct_list) > 1: entry[] = ct_list[1].strip() gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return tuple(entry)
def fetch_uk(body, data): start = body.find(u'<div class="fableft">') if start == -1: print 'Error in finding %s stores' % data['name'] return [] body, start, end = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<div\b', ur'</div>') if end == 0: print 'Error in finding %s stores' % data['name'] return [] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'<div>\s*(.+?)\s*</div>', body, re.S): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = data['name'] addr_list = re.findall(ur'<p>\s*(.+?)\s*</p>', m) tel = cm.extract_tel(addr_list[-1]) if tel != '': entry[] = tel del addr_list[-1] if data['name'] == 'AUSTRALIA': country, province, city = gs.addr_sense(', '.join(addr_list), data['name']) if city is not None: entry[cm.city_e] = city if province is not None: entry[cm.province_e] = province else: city = addr_list[-2].strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = city ret = gs.look_up(city, 3) if ret is not None and ret['country']['name_e'] == gs.look_up( 'UK', 1)['name_e']: entry[cm.city_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[cm.zip_code] = addr_list[-1].strip().upper() entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(entry[cm.city_e])[0] gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s, %s)' % ( data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.city_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: cm.dump('Error occured in fetching stores: %s' % url, 'canali_log.txt') dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] store_list = [] for m in re.finditer(ur'<div class="storeInfo">', body): sub = cm.extract_closure(body[m.start():], ur'<div\b', ur'</div>')[0] m1 ='<span itemprop="streetAddress">(.+?)</span>', sub) if m1 is None: cm.dump('Error: failed to find the address: %s' % url, 'canali_log.txt') continue entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr( entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'] entry[cm.city_e] = data['city'] ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None: entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] m1 ='<span itemprop="telephone">(.+?)</span>', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[] = m1 ='data-latitude="(.+?)"', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[] = string.atof( m1 ='data-longitude="(.+?)"', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.lng] = string.atof( gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), 'canali_log.txt') db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_stores(data): url = '%s/en/shops/%s.json' % ( data['host'], urllib.quote(data['country_id'].encode('utf-8'))) try: body = cm.get_data(url) raw = json.loads(body) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % url, 'unode50_log.txt') dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] store_items = [] for s in raw['distributors']: s['store_class'] = 'distributor' store_items.append(s) for s in raw['shops']: s['store_class'] = 'shop' store_items.append(s) store_list = [] for s in store_items: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.store_class] = s['store_class'] entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'] entry[cm.name_e] = s['title'] if s['lat'] is not None: entry[] = string.atof(str(s['lat'])) if s['lng'] is not None: entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(str(s['lng'])) entry[cm.addr_e] = s['address'] entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(s['city'])[0] entry[] = s['phone'] entry[cm.zip_code] = s['postal_code'] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.city_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), 'unode50_log.txt') db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['host'] + data['data_url'] if data['province_code'] != '': param = { 'region': data['continent'], 'country': data['country_code'], 'state': data['province_code'] } else: param = {'region': data['continent'], 'country': data['country_code']} try: body = cm.get_data(url, param) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s, %s' % (url, param), log_name) return [] raw = json.loads(body)['stores'] store_list = [] for s in raw: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = s['name'] entry[cm.province_e] = data['province_code'].strip().upper() entry[cm.country_e] = data['country_code'].strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = s['city'].strip().upper() addr_list = [] for tmp in ['address%d' % idx for idx in xrange(1, 4)]: if tmp in s and s[tmp] is not None and s[tmp].strip() != '': addr_list.append(s[tmp].strip()) entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) entry[] = s['phone'] entry[cm.zip_code] = s['postalCode'] hours = '' for item in s['openingHours']: hours += '%s %s' % (item['days'], item['openingHours']) entry[cm.hours] = hours entry[cm.url] = s['storePageUrl'] coords = s['coords'] entry[] = string.atof(coords['lat']) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(coords['lng']) gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): """ 获得商店信息 :param data: """ url = data['url'] try: info = json.loads(cm.get_data(url, {'tskay': data['key_term']})) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw_list = info['shops'] store_list = [] for s in raw_list: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.city_e] = s['city'].strip().upper() entry[cm.country_e] = data['country_e'].strip().upper() entry[cm.name_e] = s['name'].strip() addr = s['address'] entry[cm.addr_e] = addr terms = addr.split(',') if len(terms) > 1 and entry[cm.city_e] in terms[-1].strip().upper(): country = entry['country_e'] tmp = gs.look_up(country, 1) if tmp is not None: country = tmp['name_e'] if country == 'JAPAN': # 日本邮编 m ='\d{3,}[ -\.]+?\d{3,}', terms[-1]) if m is not None: entry[cm.zip_code] = else: m ='\d{4,}', terms[-1]) if m is not None: entry[cm.zip_code] = entry[] = s['tel'] entry[cm.fax] = s['fax'] entry[] = s['email'] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) store_list.append(entry) # db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['store_url'] param = {'myid': data['key'], 'idioma': 'in'} try: body = cm.get_data(url, param) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching countries: %s, %s' % (url, param), log_name) return [] store_list = [] for s in json.loads(body): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'] entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(data['city'])[0] entry[cm.name_e] = cm.reformat_addr(s['title']) m ='(.+?)-\s*<', s['key']) addr_list = [entry[cm.name_e]] if m is not None: m1 ='-+', if m1 is not None: tmp = [[:m1.start()],[m1.end():]] else: tmp = [] if len(tmp) > 1: entry[] = cm.extract_tel(tmp[1]) m1 ='\d{4,}', tmp[0]) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.zip_code] = addr_list.append(tmp[0].strip()) entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e]) if ret[0] is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = ret[0] if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_hk(data): loc_list = ('Hong Kong', 'Kowloon', 'Macau', 'New Territories') url = '' store_list = [] for loc in loc_list: param = {'loc': loc} try: body = cm.get_data(url, param) except Exception, e: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % param, log_name) continue start = body.find(ur'<div id="addWrapper">') if start == -1: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % param, log_name) continue sub = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<ul>', ur'</ul>')[0] for s in re.findall(ur'<li>(.+?)</li>', sub, re.S): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = 'MACAU' if loc == 'Macau' else 'HONG KONG' entry[cm.city_e] = entry[cm.country_e] m ='<div id="addStore">([^<>]+)', s) entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.html2plain( if m else '' m ='<div id="addAddress">([^<>]+)', s) tmp = cm.html2plain( pat = re.compile(ur'business hours?\s*[:\.]?\s*', re.I) if, tmp): entry[cm.hours] = re.sub(pat, '', tmp).strip() m ='<div id="addPhone">([^<>]+)', s) tmp = cm.html2plain( pat = re.compile(ur'(tel|phone|telephone)?\s*[:\.]?\s*', re.I) if, tmp): entry[] = re.sub(pat, '', tmp).strip() gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump('(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_details(data): url = data[cm.url] try: html = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = data[cm.name_e] start = html.find(ur'<div class="field-address">') if start == -1: return [] sub, start, end = cm.extract_closure(html[start:], ur'<div\b', ur'</div>') if end == 0: return [] m1 ='<div class="locality">(.+?)</div>', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city([0] m1 ='<div class="postal-code">(.+?)</div>', sub) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.zip_code] = entry[cm.country_e] = data[cm.country_e] pat = re.compile(ur'<[^<>]+?>', re.S) entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(re.sub(pat, u'\r\n', sub)) m1 ='<div class="field-telephone"><a href=".+?" class="tel">(.+?)</a></div>', html) if m1 is not None: entry[] = m1 ='<div class="field-opening-hours">\s*<p>(.+?)</p>\s*</div>', html, re.S) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr( m1 ='"coordinates":\[(-?\d+\.\d{4,})\s*,\s*(-?\d+\.\d{4,})\]', html) if m1 is not None: lat = string.atof( lng = string.atof( cm.update_entry(entry, { lat, cm.lng: lng}) entry[cm.continent_e] = data[cm.continent_e] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return [entry]
def func(item): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = cm.html2plain(item('h6')[0].text).strip() addr_sub = unicode(pq(item('p')[0])) addr_list = [ term.strip() for term in cm.reformat_addr(addr_sub).split(',') ] tel = cm.extract_tel(addr_list[-1]) if tel != '': entry[] = tel del addr_list[-1] entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) temp = item('a.track_map[href]') m = hashlib.md5() m.update(url) if len(temp) > 0: map_ref = temp[0].attrib['href'] m.update(map_ref) m_query ='q=([^;]+?)&', cm.html2plain(map_ref)) if m_query: query_parm ='+', ' ') entry['geo_query_param'] = query_parm else: m.update(entry[cm.addr_e]) fingerprint = m.hexdigest() entry[cm.native_id] = fingerprint if entry[cm.native_id] in data['store_list']: return entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'] gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e]) if ret[0] is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = ret[0] if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) ('(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]))) cm.insert_record(db, entry, data['table']) return entry
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['home_url'] try: body = cm.post_data(url, {'lz_sf': data['province'], 'lz_sx': data['city']}) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s, %s, %s' % (url, data['province'], data['city']), 'samsonite_log.txt') dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] start = body.find(u'搜索结果') if start == -1: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s, %s, %s' % (url, data['province'], data['city']), 'samsonite_log.txt') return [] body = body[start + 4:] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'</script>\s*(\S+)\s*</span>', body, re.S): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = m.strip() entry[cm.addr_e] = m.strip() entry[cm.city_c] = data['city'] ret = gs.look_up(data['city'], 3) if ret is not None: entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(ret['name_e'])[0] if ret['province'] != '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret['province']['name_e'] entry[cm.province_c] = data['province'] ret = gs.look_up(data['province'], 2) if ret is not None: entry[cm.province_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[cm.country_e] = u'CHINA' gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump('(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), 'benetton_log.txt', False) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_store_details(data): # url = data['store_url'] code = data['country_code'] city = data['city_e'] try: html = cm.get_data(url, {'latitude': data['lat'], 'longitude': data['lng'], 'brand': 'oasis'}) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(html) entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = raw['name'] addr_list = [] for i in xrange(1, 4): tmp = cm.html2plain(raw['address%d' % i]).strip() if tmp != '': addr_list.append(tmp) entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) state = raw['countryRegion'] if state is not None and state.strip() != '': entry[cm.province_e] = state.strip().upper() state = raw['state'] if state is not None and state.strip() != '': entry[cm.province_e] = state.strip().upper() state = raw['county'] if state is not None and state.strip() != '': entry[cm.province_e] = state.strip().upper() entry[cm.zip_code] = raw['postcode'] entry[cm.country_e] = data['country_e'] entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(data['city_e'])[0] entry[] = string.atof(data['lat']) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(data['lng']) entry[] = raw['phone'] entry[] = raw['email'] tmp = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'] entry[cm.hours] = ', '.join([raw[d + '_open_times'] for d in tmp]) gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return [entry]
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['home_url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(body)['results'] store_list = [] for key in raw: store = raw[key] entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = store['post_title'] entry[cm.url] = store['post_permalink'].replace(u'\\', '') entry[cm.country_e] = store['country'].strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = store['city'].strip().upper() if '_yoox_store_latlong' in store: m = re.findall(ur'-?\d+\.\d+', store['_yoox_store_latlong']) if len(m) == 2: entry[] = string.atof(m[0]) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(m[1]) if 'store_phone' in store: entry[] = store['store_phone'].replace('P:', '').replace('T:', '') \ .replace('P', '').replace('T', '').strip() if 'store_email' in store: entry[] = store['store_email'] if 'store_fax' in store: entry[cm.fax] = store['store_fax'].replace('F:', '').replace('F', '').strip() if 'store_hours' in store: entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr(store['store_hours']) if 'store_address' in store: entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(store['store_address']) if 'women' in store and 'men' in store: entry[cm.store_type] = 'Women: %s, men: %s' % (', '.join(store['women']), ', '.join(store['men'])) gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_stores_cn(data): vals = ['Storenew%d.html' % idx for idx in xrange(1, 10)] vals.append('Store.html') store_list = [] for url in ('' % term for term in vals): try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception, e: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % url, log_name) return () city_map = dict((m[0].strip(), m[1].strip()) for m in re.findall( ur'<a rel="([^"]+)" href="#"[^<>]*>([^<>]+)', body)) start = body.find(ur'<div id="all-list-wrap" style="float:left">') if start == -1: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s' % url, log_name) return () sub = cm.extract_closure(body[start:], ur'<div\b', ur'</div>')[0] for m in re.findall(ur'<ul id="([^"]+)"[^<>]*>(.+?)</ul>', sub, re.S): city = city_map[m[0].strip()] for store in re.findall(ur'<li><a>([^<>]+)', m[1]): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = u'CHINA' entry[cm.city_e] = city entry[cm.addr_e] = store.strip() gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_stores(db, data, logger): q = pq(url='') store_list = [] # Country country_a = q('#store_list>li>a') country_b = q('#store_list>li>ul') assert (len(country_a) == len(country_b)) for i in xrange(len(country_a)): country = country_a[i].text.strip().upper() store_a = pq(country_b[i])('a.marker-store') store_b = pq(country_b[i])('') assert (len(store_a) == len(store_b)) for j in xrange(len(store_a)): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) lat = store_a[j].attrib['data-latitude'] lat = float(lat) if lat else None lng = store_a[j].attrib['data-longitude'] lng = float(lng) if lng else None if lat and lng: entry[], entry[cm.lng] = lat, lng entry[cm.name_e] = store_a[j].text entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(str(pq(store_b[j]))) # cm.reformat_addr(str(store_b[j])) entry[cm.country_e] = country gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e]) if ret[0] is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = ret[0] if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry)'(%s/%d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e])) store_list.append(entry) cm.insert_record(db, entry, 'spider_stores.stores') return tuple(store_list)
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url, {'countryCode': data['country_code']}) except Exception: print 'Error occured in fetching stores: %s, %s' % (url, data['country_code']) dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(body)['stores'] store_list = [] for key in raw: store = raw[key] entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = store['name'] addr = store['address1'] if store['address2'] != '': addr += ', ' + store['address2'] entry[cm.addr_e] = addr entry[cm.zip_code] = store['postalCode'] entry[cm.city_e] = store['city'].strip().upper() entry[cm.province_e] = store['stateCode'].strip().upper() entry[cm.country_e] = data['country_code'] entry[] = store['phone'] entry[cm.fax] = store['fax'] entry[] = store['email'] entry[cm.hours] = store['storeHours'] if store['latitude'] != '': entry[] = string.atof(store['latitude']) if store['longitude'] != '': entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(store['longitude']) gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['store_url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url, { 'country': data['country'], 'city': data['city'] }) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(body) store_list = [] for item in raw['items']: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'].strip().upper() tmp = cm.extract_city(data['city'])[0] if entry[cm.country_e] == 'USA': entry[cm.province_e] = tmp else: entry[cm.city_e] = tmp gs.field_sense(entry) addr = cm.reformat_addr(item['address'].replace(u'\\', '')) addr_list = [tmp.strip() for tmp in addr.split(',')] tel = cm.extract_tel(addr_list[-1]) if tel != '': entry[] = tel del addr_list[-1] entry[cm.addr_e] = ', '.join(addr_list) entry[cm.store_type] = item['shop_type'] gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e]) if ret[0] is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = ret[0] if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_cn(data): url = '' store_list = [] for store in (pq(tmp) for tmp in pq(url=url)('NewDataSet Table')): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) tmp = store('shop_name')[0] entry[cm.name_e] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' entry[cm.country_e] = 'CHINA' tmp = store('city')[0] entry[cm.city_e] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' tmp = store('province')[0] entry[cm.province_e] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' tmp = store('district')[0] entry[cm.district_e] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' tmp = store('address')[0] entry[cm.addr_e] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' tmp = store('tel')[0] entry[] = tmp.text if tmp.text else '' gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e]) if ret[0] is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = ret[0] if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.city_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), log_name) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return tuple(store_list)
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['host'] + '/en/jil_store_stores.json' try: body = cm.get_data(url, {'city': data['city']}) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': data['brand_id']} cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(body) store_list = [] for store in raw: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = store['title'] entry[cm.country_e] = store['country'].strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = store['city'].strip().upper() entry[] = string.atof(store['lat']) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(store['lng']) entry[] = store['telephone'] addr = store['address'] terms = addr.split(',') m ='\d{5,}', terms[-1]) if m is not None: entry[cm.zip_code] = entry[cm.addr_e] = addr gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
entry[cm.zip_code] = raw['postcode'] entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(raw['city'])[0] entry[cm.province_e] = raw['region'] entry[] = raw['phone'] entry[cm.fax] = raw['fax'] entry[] = raw['email'] entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr(raw['opening']) entry[] = string.atof(raw['latitude']) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(raw['longitude']) entry[cm.url] = raw['link'].replace('\\', '') raw = js['Country'] entry[cm.country_e] = raw['name'] raw = js['StoreLocatorType'] entry[cm.store_type] = raw['name'] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( brandname_e, brand_id, entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list def fetch(level=1, data=None, user='******', passwd=''): def func(data, level): """ :param data: :param level: 0:国家;1:城市;2:商店列表
def get_stores(url, data): """ 从json对象中获得商店信息 """ opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" "Chrome/27.0.1453.94 Safari/537.36"), ('Accept', '*/*'), ('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest'), ('Connection', 'keep-alive')] response = html ='utf-8') jsonobj = json.loads(html) stores = jsonobj[u'Stores'][u'Items'] region_list = jsonobj['Regions'] region_id = jsonobj['Region'] region = '' if len(region_list) > 0 and region_id != 0: for val in region_list: if val['RegionId'] == region_id: region = val['Name'] break country = jsonobj['CurrentCountry']['Name'] store_list = [] for s in stores: # print('Found store: %s, %s. Tel: %s, lat=%s, lng=%s' % ( # s['Name'], s['Address'], s['Phone'], s['Latitude'], s['Longitude'])) store_type = [''] # Some stores may have varioius store types if len(s['StoreTypes']) > 0: store_type = list(val['Name'] for val in s['StoreTypes']) if s['Url'] is not None: url = s['Url'] else: url = '' if s['ZipCode'] is not None and not s['ZipCode'].__eq__(''): zip = s['ZipCode'] else: zip = '' local_addr = s['Address'] if local_addr[-1] == '.': local_addr = local_addr[:-1] if not zip.__eq__(''): addr = u'%s, %s, %s' % (local_addr, s['City'], zip) else: addr = u'%s, %s' % (local_addr, s['City']) if region.__eq__(''): addr = u'%s, %s' % (addr, country) else: addr = u'%s, %s, %s' % (addr, region, country) for t in store_type: entry = cm.init_store_entry(brand_id, brandname_e, brandname_c) cm.update_entry(entry, {'addr_e': addr, 'country_e': country, 'city_e': s['City'], 'comments': s['Comments'], 'province_e': region.strip().upper(), 'zip': zip, 'email': s['Email'], 'fax': s['Fax'], 'lat': s['Latitude'], 'lng': s['Longitude'], 'name_e': s['Name'], 'tel': s['Phone'], 'store_type': t, 'url': url}) gs.field_sense(entry) print '%s Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( brandname_e, entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry) return store_list
def fetch_stores(data): # country=Greece&city=ATHENS&adutl=+01&kids=+02&undercolor=+06&togetmap=mapdata url = data['data_url'] param = { 'country': data['country'], 'city': data['city'], 'adutl': ' 01', 'kids': ' 02', 'undercolor': ' 06', 'togetmap': 'mapdata' } try: body = cm.get_data(url, param) except Exception: cm.dump('Error in fetching stores: %s, %s' % (url, param), 'benetton_log.txt', False) dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'<marker (.+?)>', body): entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) m1 ='name=\\"(.+?)\\"', m) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.name_e] = cm.html2plain('\\', '')) m1 ='address=\\"(.+?)\\"', m) if m1 is not None: addr = cm.reformat_addr( cm.html2plain('\\', '')) tel = cm.extract_tel(addr) if tel != '': entry[] = tel addr = addr.replace(tel, '') entry[cm.addr_e] = cm.reformat_addr(addr) m1 ='lat=\\"(.+?)\\"', m) if m1 is not None: entry[] = string.atof( m1 ='lng=\\"(.+?)\\"', m) if m1 is not None: entry[cm.lng] = string.atof( entry[cm.country_e] = data['country'].strip().upper() entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(data['city'])[0] gs.field_sense(entry) cm.dump( '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % (data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]), 'benetton_log.txt', False) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_store_details(data): url = data['url'] try: body = cm.get_data(url) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) ret = gs.look_up(data['country'], 1) if ret is not None: entry[cm.country_e] = ret['name_e'] m ='<span class="type">Address</span>\s*<p>(.+?)</p>', body, re.S) if m is not None: addr = cm.reformat_addr( country, province, city = gs.addr_sense(addr) if country is not None and entry[cm.country_e] == '': entry[cm.country_e] = country if province is not None: entry[cm.province_e] = province if city is not None: entry[cm.city_e] = city entry[cm.addr_e] = addr m ='<span class="type">Phone</span>\s*<p>(.+?)</p>', body, re.S) if m is not None: entry[] = m ='<span class="type">Opening hours</span>\s*<p>(.+?)</p>', body, re.S) if m is not None: entry[cm.hours] = cm.reformat_addr( m ='<span class="type">You can find</span>\s*<p>(.+?)</p>', body, re.S) if m is not None: entry[cm.store_type] = cm.reformat_addr( m ='google.maps.LatLng\(\s*(-?\d+\.\d+)\s*,\s*(-?\d+\.\d+)', body, re.S) entry[] = string.atof( entry[cm.lng] = string.atof( gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') return [entry]
def fetch_stores(data): url = data['url'] try: body = cm.post_data(url, { 'rsp': 'json', 'country': data['country_code'] }) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 0, 'time': cm.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': data['brand_id'] } cm.dump(dump_data) return [] raw = json.loads(body) store_list = [] for s in raw['stores']: entry = cm.init_store_entry(data['brand_id'], data['brandname_e'], data['brandname_c']) entry[cm.name_e] = cm.html2plain(s['name']).strip() addr_list = [] for key in ['address1', 'address2']: if s[key].strip() != '': addr_list.append(cm.reformat_addr(s[key])) entry[cm.addr_e] = ' '.join(addr_list) # r=s['region'].strip().upper() # m ='\b([A-Z]{2})\b', r) # if data[cm.country_e]=='UNITED STATES' and m is not None: # # 美国 # ret = gs.look_up(, 2) # if ret is not None: # r = ret['name_e'] # entry[cm.province_e] = r entry[cm.city_e] = cm.extract_city(s['city'])[0] entry[cm.zip_code] = s['zip'].strip() entry[cm.country_e] = data[cm.country_e] entry[] = string.atof(s['lat']) entry[cm.lng] = string.atof(s['lng']) entry[] = s['phone'].strip() entry[cm.fax] = s['fax'].strip() entry[] = s['emailaddress'].strip() entry[cm.url] = s['website'].strip() days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] opening = [] if 'openingHours' in s and s['openingHours'] is not None: for m in re.finditer(ur'i:(\d);s:\d+:\\?"([^\\"]+?)\\?"', s['openingHours']): opening.append( '%s: %s' % (days[string.atoi(], entry[cm.hours] = ', '.join(opening) gs.field_sense(entry) ret = gs.addr_sense(entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.country_e]) if ret[1] is not None and entry[cm.province_e] == '': entry[cm.province_e] = ret[1] if ret[2] is not None and entry[cm.city_e] == '': entry[cm.city_e] = ret[2] gs.field_sense(entry) print '(%s / %d) Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s, %s)' % ( data['brandname_e'], data['brand_id'], entry[cm.name_e], entry[cm.addr_e], entry[cm.city_e], entry[cm.country_e], entry[cm.continent_e]) store_list.append(entry) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores')