Example #1
    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None):
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key: bitcoin wif/hwif to be used as id and for signing/encryption
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self._key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node, self.storage, ksize)
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None):
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key: bitcoin wif/hwif to be used as id and for signing/encryption
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self._key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node, self.storage, ksize)
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key (str): Bitcoin wif/hwif for auth, encryption and node id.
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper.
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`
            refresh_neighbours_interval (float): Auto refresh neighbours.
        self._default_hop_limit = default_hop_limit
        self._refresh_neighbours_interval = refresh_neighbours_interval

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self.key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node,
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)

Example #4
    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None,
                 max_messages=1024, default_hop_limit=64,
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key (str): Bitcoin wif/hwif for auth, encryption and node id.
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper.
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`
            refresh_neighbours_interval (float): Auto refresh neighbours.
        self.thread_sleep_time = 0.02
        self._default_hop_limit = default_hop_limit
        self._refresh_neighbours_interval = refresh_neighbours_interval
        self._cached_id = None

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self.key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(
            self.node, self.storage, ksize, max_messages=max_messages,
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)

Example #5
class StorjServer(Server):

    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None,
                 max_messages=1024, default_hop_limit=64,
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key (str): Bitcoin wif/hwif for auth, encryption and node id.
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper.
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`
            refresh_neighbours_interval (float): Auto refresh neighbours.
        self._default_hop_limit = default_hop_limit
        self._refresh_neighbours_interval = refresh_neighbours_interval

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self.key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(
            self.node, self.storage, ksize, max_messages=max_messages,
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)


    def _start_threads(self):

        # setup relay message thread
        self._relay_thread_stop = False
        self._relay_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._relay_loop)

        # setup refresh neighbours thread
        if self._refresh_neighbours_interval > 0.0:
            self._refresh_thread_stop = False
            self._refresh_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._refresh_loop)

    def stop(self):
        if self._refresh_neighbours_interval > 0.0:
            self._refresh_thread_stop = True

        self._relay_thread_stop = True

        # FIXME actually disconnect from port and stop properly

    def refresh_neighbours(self):
        self.log.debug("Refreshing neighbours ...")

    def get_id(self):
        address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self.key)
        return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]  # remove network prefix

    def get_known_peers(self):
        """Returns list of known node."""
        return TableTraverser(self.protocol.router, self.node)

    def has_messages(self):
        return self.protocol.has_messages()

    def get_messages(self):
        return self.protocol.get_messages()

    def relay_message(self, nodeid, message):
        """Send relay message to a node.

        Queues a message to be relayed accross the network. Relay messages are
        sent to the node nearest the receiver in the routing table that accepts
        the relay message. This continues until it reaches the destination or
        the nearest node to the receiver is reached.

        Because messages are always relayed only to reachable nodes in the
        current routing table, there is a fare chance nodes behind a NAT can
        be reached if it is connected to the network.

            nodeid: 160bit nodeid of the reciever as bytes
            message: iu-msgpack-python serializable message data

            True if message was added to relay queue, otherwise False.
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)

        if nodeid == self.node.id:
            self.log.info("Dropping message to self.")
            return False

        # add to message relay queue
        self.log.debug("Queuing relay messaging for %s: %s" % (hexid, message))
        return self.protocol.queue_relay_message({
            "dest": nodeid, "message": message,
            "hop_limit": self._default_hop_limit

    def _relay_message(self, entry):
        """Returns entry if failed to relay to a closer node or None"""

        dest = Node(entry["dest"])
        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(dest, exclude=self.node)
        self.log.debug("Relaying to nearest: %s" % repr(nearest))
        for relay_node in nearest:

            # do not relay away from node
            if dest.distanceTo(self.node) <= dest.distanceTo(relay_node):
                msg = "Skipping %s, farther then self."
                self.log.debug(msg % repr(relay_node))

            # relay message
            hexid = binascii.hexlify(relay_node.id)
            self.log.debug("Attempting to relay message for %s" % hexid)
            defered = self.protocol.callRelayMessage(
                relay_node, entry["dest"], entry["hop_limit"], entry["message"]
            defered = util.default_defered(defered, None)

            # wait for relay result
                result = util.wait_for_defered(defered, timeout=QUERY_TIMEOUT)
            except TimeoutError:  # pragma: no cover
                msg = "Timeout while relayed message to %s"  # pragma: no cover
                self.log.debug(msg % hexid)  # pragma: no cover
                result = None  # pragma: no cover

            # successfull relay
            if result is not None:
                self.log.debug("Successfully relayed message to %s" % hexid)
                return  # relay to nearest peer, avoid amplification attacks

        # failed to relay message
        dest_hexid = binascii.hexlify(entry["dest"])
        self.log.debug("Failed to relay message for %s" % dest_hexid)

    def _refresh_loop(self):
        while not self._refresh_thread_stop:
            # sleep first because of initial bootstrap
            # FIXME loop quicker by saving next refresh time, for faster stop

    def _relay_loop(self):
        while not self._relay_thread_stop:
            # FIXME use worker pool to process queue
            for entry in util.empty_queue(self.protocol.messages_relay):

    def direct_message(self, nodeid, message):
        """Send direct message to a node.

        Spidercrawls the network to find the node and sends the message
        directly. This will fail if the node is behind a NAT and doesn't
        have a public ip.

            nodeid: 160bit nodeid of the reciever as bytes
            message: iu-msgpack-python serializable message data

            Defered own transport address (ip, port) if successfull else None
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)
        self.log.debug("Direct messaging %s: %s" % (hexid, message))

        def found_callback(nodes):
            nodes = filter(lambda n: n.id == nodeid, nodes)
            if len(nodes) == 0:
                msg = "{0} couldn't find destination node {1}"
                self.log.warning(msg.format(self.get_hex_id(), hexid))
                return defer.succeed(None)
                self.log.debug("found node %s" % binascii.hexlify(nodes[0].id))
                async = self.protocol.callDirectMessage(nodes[0], message)
                return async.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] and r[1] or None)

        node = Node(nodeid)
        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(node)
        if len(nearest) == 0:
            msg = "{0} has no known neighbors to find {1}"
            self.log.warning(msg.format(self.get_hex_id(), hexid))
            return defer.succeed(None)
        spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest,
                                 self.ksize, self.alpha)
        return spider.find().addCallback(found_callback)

    def get_hex_id(self):
        return binascii.hexlify(self.get_id())

    def has_public_ip(self):
        def handle(ips):
            self.log.debug("Internet visible IPs: %s" % ips)
            ip = util.get_inet_facing_ip()
            self.log.debug("Internet facing IP: %s" % ip)
            is_public = ip is not None and ip in ips
            return is_public
        return self.inetVisibleIP().addCallback(handle)

    def get_wan_ip(self):
        def handle(ips):
            ips = list(set(ips))
            return ips[0] if len(ips) > 0 else None
        return self.inetVisibleIP().addCallback(handle)
Example #6
class StorjServer(Server):
    def __init__(self,
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key (str): Bitcoin wif/hwif for auth, encryption and node id.
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper.
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`
            refresh_neighbours_interval (float): Auto refresh neighbours.
        self._default_hop_limit = default_hop_limit
        self._refresh_neighbours_interval = refresh_neighbours_interval

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self.key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node,
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)


    def _start_threads(self):

        # setup relay message thread
        self._relay_thread_stop = False
        self._relay_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._relay_loop)

        # setup refresh neighbours thread
        if self._refresh_neighbours_interval > 0.0:
            self._refresh_thread_stop = False
            self._refresh_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._refresh_loop)

    def stop(self):
        if self._refresh_neighbours_interval > 0.0:
            self._refresh_thread_stop = True

        self._relay_thread_stop = True

        # FIXME actually disconnect from port and stop properly

    def refresh_neighbours(self):
        self.log.debug("Refreshing neighbours ...")

    def get_id(self):
        address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self.key)
        return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]  # remove network prefix

    def get_known_peers(self):
        """Returns list of known node."""
        return TableTraverser(self.protocol.router, self.node)

    def has_messages(self):
        return self.protocol.has_messages()

    def get_messages(self):
        return self.protocol.get_messages()

    def relay_message(self, nodeid, message):
        """Send relay message to a node.

        Queues a message to be relayed accross the network. Relay messages are
        sent to the node nearest the receiver in the routing table that accepts
        the relay message. This continues until it reaches the destination or
        the nearest node to the receiver is reached.

        Because messages are always relayed only to reachable nodes in the
        current routing table, there is a fare chance nodes behind a NAT can
        be reached if it is connected to the network.

            nodeid: 160bit nodeid of the reciever as bytes
            message: iu-msgpack-python serializable message data

            True if message was added to relay queue, otherwise False.
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)

        if nodeid == self.node.id:
            self.log.info("Dropping message to self.")
            return False

        # add to message relay queue
        self.log.debug("Queuing relay messaging for %s: %s" % (hexid, message))
        return self.protocol.queue_relay_message({

    def _relay_message(self, entry):
        """Returns entry if failed to relay to a closer node or None"""

        dest = Node(entry["dest"])
        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(dest, exclude=self.node)
        self.log.debug("Relaying to nearest: %s" % repr(nearest))
        for relay_node in nearest:

            # do not relay away from node
            if dest.distanceTo(self.node) <= dest.distanceTo(relay_node):
                msg = "Skipping %s, farther then self."
                self.log.debug(msg % repr(relay_node))

            # relay message
            hexid = binascii.hexlify(relay_node.id)
            self.log.debug("Attempting to relay message for %s" % hexid)
            defered = self.protocol.callRelayMessage(relay_node, entry["dest"],
            defered = util.default_defered(defered, None)

            # wait for relay result
                result = util.wait_for_defered(defered, timeout=QUERY_TIMEOUT)
            except TimeoutError:  # pragma: no cover
                msg = "Timeout while relayed message to %s"  # pragma: no cover
                self.log.debug(msg % hexid)  # pragma: no cover
                result = None  # pragma: no cover

            # successfull relay
            if result is not None:
                self.log.debug("Successfully relayed message to %s" % hexid)
                return  # relay to nearest peer, avoid amplification attacks

        # failed to relay message
        dest_hexid = binascii.hexlify(entry["dest"])
        self.log.debug("Failed to relay message for %s" % dest_hexid)

    def _refresh_loop(self):
        while not self._refresh_thread_stop:
            # sleep first because of initial bootstrap
            # FIXME loop quicker by saving next refresh time, for faster stop

    def _relay_loop(self):
        while not self._relay_thread_stop:
            # FIXME use worker pool to process queue
            for entry in util.empty_queue(self.protocol.messages_relay):

    def direct_message(self, nodeid, message):
        """Send direct message to a node.

        Spidercrawls the network to find the node and sends the message
        directly. This will fail if the node is behind a NAT and doesn't
        have a public ip.

            nodeid: 160bit nodeid of the reciever as bytes
            message: iu-msgpack-python serializable message data

            Defered own transport address (ip, port) if successfull else None
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)
        self.log.debug("Direct messaging %s: %s" % (hexid, message))

        def found_callback(nodes):
            nodes = filter(lambda n: n.id == nodeid, nodes)
            if len(nodes) == 0:
                msg = "{0} couldn't find destination node {1}"
                self.log.warning(msg.format(self.get_hex_id(), hexid))
                return defer.succeed(None)
                self.log.debug("found node %s" % binascii.hexlify(nodes[0].id))
                async = self.protocol.callDirectMessage(nodes[0], message)
                return async .addCallback(lambda r: r[0] and r[1] or None)

        node = Node(nodeid)
        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(node)
        if len(nearest) == 0:
            msg = "{0} has no known neighbors to find {1}"
            self.log.warning(msg.format(self.get_hex_id(), hexid))
            return defer.succeed(None)
        spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize,
        return spider.find().addCallback(found_callback)

    def get_hex_id(self):
        return binascii.hexlify(self.get_id())

    def has_public_ip(self):
        def handle(ips):
            self.log.debug("Internet visible IPs: %s" % ips)
            ip = util.get_inet_facing_ip()
            self.log.debug("Internet facing IP: %s" % ip)
            is_public = ip is not None and ip in ips
            return is_public

        return self.inetVisibleIP().addCallback(handle)

    def get_wan_ip(self):
        def handle(ips):
            ips = list(set(ips))
            return ips[0] if len(ips) > 0 else None

        return self.inetVisibleIP().addCallback(handle)
Example #7
class StorjServer(Server):

    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None):
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key: bitcoin wif/hwif to be used as id and for signing/encryption
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self._key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node, self.storage, ksize)
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)

    def get_id(self):
        address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self._key)
        return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]  # remove network prefix

    def has_messages(self):
        return not self.protocol.messages_received.empty()

    def get_messages(self):
        messages = []
        while self.has_messages():
            received = self.protocol.messages_received.get()
            # TODO reformat ?
        return messages

    def send_message(self, nodeid, message):
        Send a message to a given node on the network.
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)
        self.log.debug("messaging '%s' '%s'" % (hexid, message))
        node = Node(nodeid)

        def found_callback(nodes):
            self.log.debug("nearest nodes %s" % list(map(str, nodes)))
            nodes = filter(lambda n: n.id == nodeid, nodes)
            if len(nodes) == 0:
                self.log.debug("couldnt find destination node")
                return defer.succeed(None)
                self.log.debug("found node %s" % binascii.hexlify(nodes[0].id))
                async = self.protocol.callMessage(nodes[0], message)
                return async.addCallback(lambda r: r[0] and r[1] or None)

        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(node)
        if len(nearest) == 0:
            self.log.warning("There are no known neighbors to find %s" % hexid)
            return defer.succeed(None)
        spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest,
                                 self.ksize, self.alpha)
        return spider.find().addCallback(found_callback)
Example #8
class StorjServer(Server):
    def __init__(self, key, ksize=20, alpha=3, storage=None):
        Create a server instance.  This will start listening on the given port.

            key: bitcoin wif/hwif to be used as id and for signing/encryption
            ksize (int): The k parameter from the kademlia paper
            alpha (int): The alpha parameter from the kademlia paper
            storage: implements :interface:`~kademlia.storage.IStorage`

        # TODO validate key is valid wif/hwif for mainnet or testnet
        testnet = False  # FIXME get from wif/hwif
        self._btctxstore = btctxstore.BtcTxStore(testnet=testnet)

        # allow hwifs
        is_hwif = self._btctxstore.validate_wallet(key)
        self._key = self._btctxstore.get_key(key) if is_hwif else key

        # XXX Server.__init__ cannot call super because of StorjProtocol
        # passing the protocol class should be added upstream
        self.ksize = ksize
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.storage = storage or ForgetfulStorage()
        self.node = Node(self.get_id())
        self.protocol = StorjProtocol(self.node, self.storage, ksize)
        self.refreshLoop = LoopingCall(self.refreshTable).start(3600)

    def get_id(self):
        address = self._btctxstore.get_address(self._key)
        return a2b_hashed_base58(address)[1:]  # remove network prefix

    def has_messages(self):
        return not self.protocol.messages_received.empty()

    def get_messages(self):
        messages = []
        while self.has_messages():
            received = self.protocol.messages_received.get()
            # TODO reformat ?
        return messages

    def send_message(self, nodeid, message):
        Send a message to a given node on the network.
        hexid = binascii.hexlify(nodeid)
        self.log.debug("messaging '%s' '%s'" % (hexid, message))
        node = Node(nodeid)

        def found_callback(nodes):
            self.log.debug("nearest nodes %s" % list(map(str, nodes)))
            nodes = filter(lambda n: n.id == nodeid, nodes)
            if len(nodes) == 0:
                self.log.debug("couldnt find destination node")
                return defer.succeed(None)
                self.log.debug("found node %s" % binascii.hexlify(nodes[0].id))
                async = self.protocol.callMessage(nodes[0], message)
                return async .addCallback(lambda r: r[0] and r[1] or None)

        nearest = self.protocol.router.findNeighbors(node)
        if len(nearest) == 0:
            self.log.warning("There are no known neighbors to find %s" % hexid)
            return defer.succeed(None)
        spider = NodeSpiderCrawl(self.protocol, node, nearest, self.ksize,
        return spider.find().addCallback(found_callback)