Example #1
    def getGoodPeaks(self, peaks, min_height, min_width):
        Create a new list from peaks containing only those peaks that meet 
        the specified criteria for minimum peak height and width.
            min_width = 0.5 * min_width

            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()
            xwidth_index = utilC.getXWidthIndex()
            ywidth_index = utilC.getYWidthIndex()

            if self.verbose:
                tmp = numpy.ones(peaks.shape[0])                
                for i in range(peaks.shape[0]):
                    print(i, peaks[i,0], peaks[i,1], peaks[i,3], peaks[i,2], peaks[i,4], peaks[i,7])
                print("Total peaks:", numpy.sum(tmp))
                print("  fit error:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,status_index] != 2.0)]))
                print("  min height:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,height_index] > min_height)]))
                print("  min width:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,xwidth_index] > min_width) & (peaks[:,ywidth_index] > min_width)]))
            mask = (peaks[:,status_index] != 2.0) & (peaks[:,height_index] > min_height) & (peaks[:,xwidth_index] > min_width) & (peaks[:,ywidth_index] > min_width)
            return peaks[mask,:]
            return peaks
Example #2
    def getGoodPeaks(self, peaks, threshold):
        # FIXME: We'd like to have a minimum height threshold, but the
        #        threshold parameter is a relative value not an absolute.
        #        For now we are just rejecting ERROR peaks.
        if (peaks.size > 0):
            # In the C library, the peaks that represent a single object
            # in multiple channels will all have the same status index
            # and height, so we can filter here with some confidence that
            # we'll keep or eliminate all the peaks in a particular group
            # at the same time. We attempt to enforce this with an assertion
            # statement, but it is an imperfect test as we could eliminate
            # 1 peak from each of 4 groups and still pass, even though this
            # would completely mess up the analysis.
            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()

            #mask = (peaks[:,status_index] != 2.0) & (peaks[:,height_index] > min_height)
            mask = (peaks[:, status_index] != 2.0)
            if self.verbose:
                print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "were good out of", peaks.shape[0])

            # For debugging.
            if False:
                xw_index = utilC.getXWidthIndex()
                yw_index = utilC.getYWidthIndex()
                for i in range(peaks.shape[0]):
                    if (peaks[i, xw_index] != peaks[i, yw_index]):
                        print("bad peak width detected", i, peaks[i, xw_index],
                              peaks[i, yw_index])

            # Debugging check that the peak status markings are actually
            # in sync.
            if True:
                n_peaks = int(peaks.shape[0] / self.n_channels)
                not_bad = True
                for i in range(n_peaks):
                    if (mask[i] != mask[i + n_peaks]):
                        print("Problem detected with peak", i)
                        print("  ", peaks[i, :])
                        print("  ", peaks[i + n_peaks, :])
                        not_bad = False
                assert not_bad

            masked_peaks = peaks[mask, :]

            # The number of peaks should always be a multiple of the number of channels.
            assert ((masked_peaks.shape[0] % self.n_channels) == 0)

            return masked_peaks

            return peaks
Example #3
    def getGoodPeaks(self, peaks, min_height, min_width):
        Create a new list from peaks containing only those peaks that meet 
        the specified criteria for minimum peak height and width.
            min_width = 0.5 * min_width

            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()
            xwidth_index = utilC.getXWidthIndex()
            ywidth_index = utilC.getYWidthIndex()

            if self.verbose:
                tmp = numpy.ones(peaks.shape[0])                
                for i in range(peaks.shape[0]):
                    print(i, peaks[i,0], peaks[i,1], peaks[i,3], peaks[i,2], peaks[i,4])
                print("Total peaks:", numpy.sum(tmp))
                print("  fit error:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,status_index] != 2.0)]))
                print("  min height:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,height_index] > min_height)]))
                print("  min width:", numpy.sum(tmp[(peaks[:,xwidth_index] > min_width) & (peaks[:,ywidth_index] > min_width)]))
            mask = (peaks[:,7] != status_index) & (peaks[:,height_index] > min_height) & (peaks[:,xwidth_index] > min_width) & (peaks[:,ywidth_index] > min_width)
            return peaks[mask,:]
            return peaks
Example #4
 def getConvergedPeaks(self, peaks, verbose = False):
     if (peaks.shape[0] > 0):
         status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
         mask = (peaks[:,status_index] == 1.0)  # 0.0 = running, 1.0 = converged.
         if verbose:
             print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "converged out of", peaks.shape[0])
         return self.peak_fitter.rescaleZ(peaks[mask,:])
         return peaks
Example #5
 def getConvergedPeaks(self, peaks, verbose=False):
     if (peaks.shape[0] > 0):
         status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
         mask = (peaks[:, status_index] == 1.0
                 )  # 0.0 = running, 1.0 = converged.
         if verbose:
             print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "converged out of", peaks.shape[0])
         return self.peak_fitter.rescaleZ(peaks[mask, :])
         return peaks
Example #6
def createFromMultiFit(molecules,
    Create an I3 data from the output of 3D-DAOSTORM, sCMOS or Spliner.
    n_molecules = molecules.shape[0]

    h = molecules[:, 0]
    if inverted:
        xc = y_size - molecules[:, utilC.getXCenterIndex()]
        yc = x_size - molecules[:, utilC.getYCenterIndex()]
        wx = 2.0 * molecules[:, utilC.getXWidthIndex()] * nm_per_pixel
        wy = 2.0 * molecules[:, utilC.getYWidthIndex()] * nm_per_pixel
        xc = molecules[:, utilC.getYCenterIndex()] + 1
        yc = molecules[:, utilC.getXCenterIndex()] + 1
        wx = 2.0 * molecules[:, utilC.getYWidthIndex()] * nm_per_pixel
        wy = 2.0 * molecules[:, utilC.getXWidthIndex()] * nm_per_pixel

    bg = molecules[:, utilC.getBackgroundIndex()]
    zc = molecules[:, utilC.getZCenterIndex(
    )] * 1000.0  # fitting is done in um, insight works in nm
    st = numpy.round(molecules[:, utilC.getStatusIndex()])
    err = molecules[:, utilC.getErrorIndex()]

    # Calculate peak area, which is saved in the "a" field.
    # Note that this is assuming that the peak is a 2D gaussian. This
    # will not calculate the correct area for a Spline..
    parea = 2.0 * 3.14159 * h * molecules[:, utilC.getXWidthIndex(
    )] * molecules[:, utilC.getYWidthIndex()]

    ax = wy / wx
    ww = numpy.sqrt(wx * wy)

    i3data = createDefaultI3Data(xc.size)
    posSet(i3data, 'x', xc)
    posSet(i3data, 'y', yc)
    posSet(i3data, 'z', zc)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'h', h)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'bg', bg)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'fi', st)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'a', parea)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'w', ww)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'ax', ax)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'fr', frame)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'i', err)

    return i3data
Example #7
    def getGoodPeaks(self, peaks, min_height = 0.0):
        if (peaks.size > 0):
            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()

            mask = (peaks[:,status_index] != 2.0) & (peaks[:,height_index] > min_height)
            if self.verbose:
                print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "were good out of", peaks.shape[0])
            return peaks[mask,:]
            return peaks
Example #8
    def getGoodPeaks(self, peaks, min_height=0.0):
        if (peaks.size > 0):
            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()

            mask = (peaks[:, status_index] != 2.0) & (peaks[:, height_index] >
            if self.verbose:
                print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "were good out of", peaks.shape[0])
            return peaks[mask, :]
            return peaks
Example #9
    def analyzeImage(self,

        image = fitting.padArray(new_image, self.peak_finder.margin)
        if bg_estimate is not None:
            bg_estimate = fitting.padArray(bg_estimate,

        self.peak_finder.newImage(image, bg_estimate)

        # This is a lot simpler than 3D-DAOSTORM as we only do one pass,
        # hopefully the compressed sensing (FISTA) deconvolution finds all the
        # peaks and then we do a single pass of fitting.
        if True:
            peaks = self.peak_finder.findPeaks()
            [fit_peaks, residual] = self.peak_fitter.fitPeaks(peaks)

        # This is for testing if just using FISTA followed by the center
        # of mass calculation is basically as good as also doing the
        # additional MLE spline fitting step.
        # The short answer is that it appears that it is not. It about
        # 1.3x worse in XY and about 4x worse in Z.
            fit_peaks = self.peak_finder.findPeaks()

            # Adjust z scale.
            z_index = utilC.getZCenterIndex()
            z_size = (self.peak_fitter.spline.shape[2] - 1.0)
            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            fit_peaks[:, z_index] = z_size * fit_peaks[:, z_index]

            # Mark as converged.
            fit_peaks[:, status_index] = 1.0

            residual = None

        # Subtract margin so that peaks are in the right
        # place with respect to the original image.
        fit_peaks[:, utilC.getXCenterIndex()] -= float(self.peak_finder.margin)
        fit_peaks[:, utilC.getYCenterIndex()] -= float(self.peak_finder.margin)

        return [fit_peaks, residual]
Example #10
 def getConvergedPeaks(self, peaks, verbose=False):
     peaks - A 1D numpy array containing the peaks.
     return - A 1D numpy array containing only the converged peaks.
     if (peaks.shape[0] > 0):
         status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
         mask = (peaks[:, status_index] == 1.0
                 )  # 0.0 = running, 1.0 = converged.
         if verbose:
             print(" ", numpy.sum(mask), "converged out of", peaks.shape[0])
         return peaks[mask, :]
         return peaks
Example #11
def createFromMultiFit(molecules, x_size, y_size, frame, nm_per_pixel, inverted=False):
    Create an I3 data from the output of 3D-DAOSTORM, sCMOS or Spliner.
    n_molecules = molecules.shape[0]
    h = molecules[:,0]
    if inverted:
        xc = y_size - molecules[:,utilC.getXCenterIndex()]
        yc = x_size - molecules[:,utilC.getYCenterIndex()]
        wx = 2.0*molecules[:,utilC.getXWidthIndex()]*nm_per_pixel
        wy = 2.0*molecules[:,utilC.getYWidthIndex()]*nm_per_pixel
        xc = molecules[:,utilC.getYCenterIndex()] + 1
        yc = molecules[:,utilC.getXCenterIndex()] + 1
        wx = 2.0*molecules[:,utilC.getYWidthIndex()]*nm_per_pixel
        wy = 2.0*molecules[:,utilC.getXWidthIndex()]*nm_per_pixel

    bg = molecules[:,utilC.getBackgroundIndex()]
    zc = molecules[:,utilC.getZCenterIndex()] * 1000.0  # fitting is done in um, insight works in nm
    st = numpy.round(molecules[:,utilC.getStatusIndex()])
    err = molecules[:,utilC.getErrorIndex()]

    # Calculate peak area, which is saved in the "a" field.
    # Note that this is assuming that the peak is a 2D gaussian. This
    # will not calculate the correct area for a Spline..
    parea = 2.0*3.14159*h*molecules[:,utilC.getXWidthIndex()]*molecules[:,utilC.getYWidthIndex()]

    ax = wy/wx
    ww = numpy.sqrt(wx*wy)
    i3data = createDefaultI3Data(xc.size)
    posSet(i3data, 'x', xc)
    posSet(i3data, 'y', yc)
    posSet(i3data, 'z', zc)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'h', h)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'bg', bg)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'fi', st)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'a', parea)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'w', ww)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'ax', ax)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'fr', frame)
    setI3Field(i3data, 'i', err)

    return i3data
Example #12
    def analyzeImage(self, new_image, bg_estimate = None, save_residual = False, verbose = False):
        image = fitting.padArray(new_image, self.peak_finder.margin)
        if bg_estimate is not None:
            bg_estimate = fitting.padArray(bg_estimate, self.peak_finder.margin)
        self.peak_finder.newImage(image, bg_estimate)
        # This is a lot simpler than 3D-DAOSTORM as we only do one pass,
        # hopefully the compressed sensing (FISTA) deconvolution finds all the
        # peaks and then we do a single pass of fitting.
        if True:
            peaks = self.peak_finder.findPeaks()
            [fit_peaks, residual] = self.peak_fitter.fitPeaks(peaks)

        # This is for testing if just using FISTA followed by the center
        # of mass calculation is basically as good as also doing the
        # additional MLE spline fitting step.
        # The short answer is that it appears that it is not. It about
        # 1.3x worse in XY and about 4x worse in Z.
            fit_peaks = self.peak_finder.findPeaks()

            # Adjust z scale.
            z_index = utilC.getZCenterIndex()
            z_size = (self.peak_fitter.spline.shape[2] - 1.0)
            status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
            fit_peaks[:,z_index] = z_size*fit_peaks[:,z_index]
            # Mark as converged.
            fit_peaks[:,status_index] = 1.0
            residual = None

        # Subtract margin so that peaks are in the right
        # place with respect to the original image.
        fit_peaks[:,utilC.getXCenterIndex()] -= float(self.peak_finder.margin)
        fit_peaks[:,utilC.getYCenterIndex()] -= float(self.peak_finder.margin)

        return [fit_peaks, residual]
Example #13
cubic_fit.initializeMultiFit.argtypes = [
    ndpointer(dtype=numpy.float64), ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int

cubic_fit.newImage.argtypes = [ndpointer(dtype=numpy.float64)]

cubic_fit.newPeaks2D.argtypes = [ndpointer(dtype=numpy.float64), ctypes.c_int]

cubic_fit.newPeaks3D.argtypes = [ndpointer(dtype=numpy.float64), ctypes.c_int]

# Globals
default_tol = 1.0e-6
height_index = utilC.getHeightIndex()
n_results_par = utilC.getNResultsPar()
status_index = utilC.getStatusIndex()
z_index = utilC.getZCenterIndex()

# Functions
def fSpline2D(x, y):
    return cubic_fit.fSpline2D(x, y)

def fSpline3D(x, y, z):
    return cubic_fit.fSpline3D(x, y, z)
