Example #1
 def findOutsideRectangles(self, rect, innerRect):
     top, left, bottom, right = self.getEdges(rect)
     innertop, innerleft, innerbottom, innerright = self.getEdges(innerRect)
     insets = [ Insets(innerbottom - top, 0, 0, 0), 
                Insets(0, innerright - left, 0, 0),
                Insets(0, 0, bottom - innertop, 0),
                Insets(0, 0, 0, right - innerleft) ]
     rects = [ rect.getCropped(i) for i in insets ]
     rects = filter(lambda r: getInt(r.height) and getInt(r.width), rects)
     return sorted(rects, key=lambda r: -getInt(r.height) * getInt(r.width))
Example #2
 def findOverlapRegionsFor(self, editParts, ignoreEditPart, bounds):
     overlaps = []
     for otherPart in editParts:
         if otherPart is not ignoreEditPart and otherPart.part().isSelectable():
             otherBounds = self.getBoundsInternal(otherPart)
             intersection = bounds.getIntersection(otherBounds)
             if getInt(intersection.height) and getInt(intersection.width) and intersection != bounds and intersection not in overlaps:
                 self.logger.debug("Overlap found at " + repr(intersection))
         overlaps += self.findOverlapRegionsUnder(otherPart, ignoreEditPart, bounds)
     return overlaps
Example #3
    def getCenter(self, editPart):
        bounds = self.getBoundsInternal(editPart)
        self.logger.debug("Object bounds at " + repr(bounds))
        viewportBounds = self.getFigureCanvas().getViewportBounds()
        self.logger.debug("Canvas viewport bounds at " + repr(viewportBounds))
        visibleBounds = viewportBounds.getIntersection(bounds)
        if getInt(visibleBounds.height) == 0 or getInt(visibleBounds.width) == 0:
            self.logger.debug("No intersection with viewport, scrolling until there is")
            self.ensureInViewport(bounds, viewportBounds)
            visibleBounds = self.getBoundsInternal(editPart)

        self.logger.debug("Found bounds at " + repr(visibleBounds))
        overlaps = self.findOverlapRegions(editPart, visibleBounds)
        return self.findNonOverlappingCentre(visibleBounds, overlaps)
Example #4
 def findOverlapRegionsFor(self, editParts, ignoreEditPart, bounds):
     overlaps = []
     for otherPart in editParts:
         if otherPart is not ignoreEditPart and otherPart.part().isSelectable():
             otherBounds = self.getBoundsInternal(otherPart)
             intersection = bounds.getIntersection(otherBounds)
             if (
                 and getInt(intersection.width)
                 and intersection != bounds
                 and intersection not in overlaps
                 self.logger.debug("Overlap found at " + repr(intersection))
         overlaps += self.findOverlapRegionsUnder(otherPart, ignoreEditPart, bounds)
     # Handle the largest overlaps first, likely to give the best effect. Need to sort somehow to prevent indeterminism
     overlaps.sort(key=self.getArea, reverse=True)
     return overlaps
Example #5
 def findNonOverlappingCentre(self, bounds, overlaps):
     centre = bounds.getCenter()
     self.logger.debug("Found centre at " + repr(centre))
     overlap = self.findOverlap(overlaps, centre)
     if overlap:
         self.logger.debug("Centre overlaps rectangle at " + repr(overlap))
         for rect in self.findOutsideRectangles(bounds, overlap):
             self.logger.debug("Trying outside rectangle " + repr(rect))
             newOverlaps = []
             for otherOverlap in overlaps:
                 if otherOverlap is not overlap:
                     intersection = rect.getIntersection(otherOverlap)
                     if getInt(intersection.height) and getInt(intersection.width) and intersection not in newOverlaps:    
                         self.logger.debug("Found new overlap " + repr(intersection))
             if rect not in newOverlaps:
                 centre = self.findNonOverlappingCentre(rect, newOverlaps)
                 if centre:
                     return centre
     return getInt(centre.x), getInt(centre.y)
Example #6
 def getEdges(self, bounds):
     topEdge = getInt(bounds.y)
     bottomEdge = topEdge + getInt(bounds.height)
     leftEdge = getInt(bounds.x)
     rightEdge = leftEdge + getInt(bounds.width)
     return topEdge, leftEdge, bottomEdge, rightEdge
Example #7
 def doScroll():
     currPos = getInt(self.widget.getViewport().getViewLocation().y)
     self.widget.scrollToY(currPos + offset)
Example #8
 def getArea(self, rect):
     return getInt(rect.height) * getInt(rect.width)