Example #1
def get_multievent(cum_trace, tmin, tmax,
                   threshold_inside_tmin_tmax_sec, threshold_after_tmax_percent):
        Returns the tuple (or a list of tuples, if the first argument is a stream) of the
        values (score, UTCDateTime of arrival)
        where scores is: 0: no double event, 1: double event inside tmin_tmax,
            2: double event after tmax, 3: both double event previously defined are detected
        If score is 2 or 3, the second argument is the UTCDateTime denoting the occurrence of the
        first sample triggering the double event after tmax
        :param trace: the input obspy.core.Trace
    tmin = utcdatetime(tmin)
    tmax = utcdatetime(tmax)

    double_event_after_tmax_time = None
    d_order = 2

    # split traces between tmin and tmax and after tmax
    traces = [cum_trace.slice(tmin, tmax), cum_trace.slice(tmax, None)]

    # calculate second derivative and normalize:
    derivs = []
    max_ = None
    for ttt in traces:
        sec_der = np.diff(ttt.data, n=d_order)
        _, mmm = _maxabs(sec_der)
        max_ = np.nanmax([max_, mmm])  # get max (global) for normalization (see below):

    # normalize second derivatives:
    for der in derivs:
        der /= max_

    result = 0

    # case A: see if after tmax we exceed a threshold
    indices = np.where(derivs[1] >= threshold_after_tmax_percent)[0]

    if len(indices):
        result = 2
        double_event_after_tmax_time = timeof(traces[1], indices[0])

    # case B: see if inside tmin tmax we exceed a threshold, and in case check the duration
    indices = np.where(derivs[0] >= threshold_inside_tmin_tmax_percent)[0]
    if len(indices) >= 2:
        idx0 = indices[0]
        idx1 = indices[-1]

        deltatime = (idx1 - idx0) * cum_trace.stats.delta

        if deltatime >= threshold_inside_tmin_tmax_sec:
            result += 1

    return (result, double_event_after_tmax_time)
Example #2
def maxabs(trace, starttime=None, endtime=None):
        Returns the maxima of the absolute values of the trace or stream object passed as first
        argument. The returned value is the tuple:
            (time, val)
        if trace is an obspy.Trace, or the lost:
            [(time1, va1), ... (timeN, valN)]
        if trace is an obspy.Stream
        All times are UTCDateTime objects
        :param trace: the input obspy.core.Trace
        :param starttime: an obspy UTCDateTime object (or integer, denoting a timestamp) denoting
        the start time of the trace, or None to default to the trace start
        :param endtime: an obspy UTCDateTime object (or integer, denoting a timestamp) denoting
        the start time of the trace, or None to default to the trace end
    tra = trace.slice(starttime, endtime)
    idx, val = _maxabs(tra.data)
    time = timeof(tra, idx)
    return (time, val)