Example #1
    def test_object_beta_warning(self, mock_warning):
        class Multiplier:
            def multiply(self, a, b):
                return a * b

        beta_multiplier = object_beta_warning(Multiplier(), "multiplier", "1980-01-01")

        expected_warning = (
            "Please replace `st.beta_multiplier` with `st.multiplier`.\n\n"
            "`st.beta_multiplier` will be removed after 1980-01-01."

        self.assertEqual(beta_multiplier.multiply(3, 2), 6)
        self.assertEqual(beta_multiplier.multiply(5, 4), 20)

        # We only show the warning a single time for a given object.
Example #2
    def test_object_beta_warning(self, mock_warning):
        class Multiplier:
            def multiply(self, a, b):
                return a * b

        beta_multiplier = object_beta_warning(Multiplier(), "multiplier",

        expected_warning = (
            "`st.multiplier` has graduated out of beta. On 1980-01-01, the beta_ version will be removed."
            "\n\nBefore then, update your code from `st.beta_multiplier` to `st.multiplier`."

        self.assertEqual(beta_multiplier.multiply(3, 2), 6)
        self.assertEqual(beta_multiplier.multiply(5, 4), 20)

        # We only show the warning a single time for a given object.
Example #3
    def test_object_beta_warning_magic_function(self, mock_warning):
        """Test that we override dunder methods."""
        class DictClass(dict):

        beta_dict = object_beta_warning(DictClass(), "my_dict", "1980-01-01")

        expected_warning = (
            "`st.my_dict` has graduated out of beta. On 1980-01-01, the beta_ version will be removed."
            "\n\nBefore then, update your code from `st.beta_my_dict` to `st.my_dict`."

        beta_dict["foo"] = "bar"
        self.assertEqual(beta_dict["foo"], "bar")
        self.assertEqual(len(beta_dict), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(beta_dict), ["foo"])

        # We only show the warning a single time for a given object.
Example #4
    def test_object_beta_warning_magic_function(self, mock_warning):
        """Test that we override dunder methods."""

        class DictClass(dict):

        beta_dict = object_beta_warning(DictClass(), "my_dict", "1980-01-01")

        expected_warning = (
            "Please replace `st.beta_my_dict` with `st.my_dict`.\n\n"
            "`st.beta_my_dict` will be removed after 1980-01-01."

        beta_dict["foo"] = "bar"
        self.assertEqual(beta_dict["foo"], "bar")
        self.assertEqual(len(beta_dict), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(beta_dict), ["foo"])

        # We only show the warning a single time for a given object.
video = _main.video
warning = _main.warning
write = _main.write
color_picker = _main.color_picker

# Config

get_option = _config.get_option
from streamlit.commands.page_config import set_page_config

# Beta APIs

beta_container = _main.beta_container
beta_expander = _main.beta_expander
beta_columns = _main.beta_columns
beta_secrets = object_beta_warning(secrets, "secrets", "2021-06-30")

def set_option(key, value):
    """Set config option.

    Currently, only the following config options can be set within the script itself:
        * client.caching
        * client.displayEnabled
        * deprecation.*

    Calling with any other options will raise StreamlitAPIException.

    Run `streamlit config show` in the terminal to see all available options.
