def __init__(self, serialport, baudrate=19200, heatTime=80, heatInterval=2, heatingDots=7): self.printer = streams.serial(serialport,baudrate) self.write(self._ESC) # ESC - command self.write(chr(64)) # @ - initialize self.write(self._ESC) # ESC - command self.write(chr(55)) # 7 - print settings self.write(chr(heatingDots)) # Heating dots (20=balance of darkness vs no jams) default = 20 self.write(chr(heatTime)) # heatTime Library default = 255 (max) self.write(chr(heatInterval)) # Heat interval (500 uS = slower, but darker) default = 250 # Description of print density from page 23 of the manual: # DC2 # n Set printing density # Decimal: 18 35 n # D4..D0 of n is used to set the printing density. Density is 50% + 5% * n(D4-D0) printing density. # D7..D5 of n is used to set the printing break time. Break time is n(D7-D5)*250us. printDensity = 15 # 120% (? can go higher, text is darker but fuzzy) printBreakTime = 15 # 500 uS self.write(chr(18)) self.write(chr(35)) self.write(chr((printDensity << 4) | printBreakTime))
################################################################################ # Timers Basics # # Created by VIPER Team 2015 CC # Authors: G. Baldi, D. Mazzei ################################################################################ import timers import streams #create a serial port with default parameters streams.serial() #create a new timer t=timers.timer() #start the timer t.start() minutes=0 while True: if t.get()>= 60000: #check if 60 seconds are passed t.reset() #timer can be reset minutes +=1 seconds=t.get()//1000 print("time is:", minutes,":",seconds) #just print the current value since timer starts or last reset print("System time is:",, "(millis)") gives the system time in milliseconds since program starts print() sleep(500) #run every 500 millisec
# VIPER IoT Notes Printer # # Created by VIPER Team 2015 CC # Authors: G. Baldi, D. Mazzei ################################################################################ # import everything needed import streams from drivers.thermalprinter import thermalprinter from wireless import wifi from drivers.wifi.cc3000 import cc3000_tiny as cc3000 # and also import the viperapp module from libs.apps import viperapp p = thermalprinter.ThermalPrinter(SERIAL1,19200) s=streams.serial() # save the template.html in the board flash with new_resource new_resource("template.html") # connect to a wifi network try: cc3000.auto_init() print("Establishing Link...")"SSID_WiFi",wifi.WIFI_WPA2,"PWD_WiFi") print("Ok!") except Exception as e: print(e) def printMessage(msg):
# # Created by VIPER Team 2015 CC # Authors: D. Mazzei, G. Baldi, ############################################################################### import streams from drivers.thermalprinter import thermalprinter # create a printer passing to the class the serial port name. Printer RX wire have to be connected # to the selected serial port TX pin. The default baudrate for the thermal printers is 19200 # In this case SERIAL1 is used. In Arduino the serial 1 TX pin is D18 while in the Nucleo is on the morphos connector (seventh from the top on the right series) p = thermalprinter.ThermalPrinter(SERIAL1,19200) # another serial port for printign on the console s= streams.serial(SERIAL0) def test(printer): # print_text(msg,"a","s") takes as input a string containing the massage and two characters for the definition of the a:allignment and s:syle # first character denotes justification (l=left, c=centre, r=right) # second character denotes style (n=normal, b=bold, u=undfrom drivers.thermalprinter erline, i=inverse, f=font B) # normal style with left alignment is the default # \n is required for line termination p.print_text("Default\n") p.print_text("Left and Bold\n","l","b") p.print_text("Center and Underlined\n","c","u") p.print_text("Right and Inverted\n","r","i") p.print_text("Left and Font B\n\n","l","f") #print_text also supports auto line ending giving as input chars_per_line as last parameter
import streams # import toishield module from toishield import toishield # define three functions that print three different messages def single(): print("touch") def double(): print("double") def loong(): print("loong") streams.serial() # set 'single' as the function to be executed after the first touch of the TOI Shield # touch sensor and 'double' after the second. To really execute these functions touch # has to respect some time constraints: first touch must be of at least 50 milliseconds # to be considered voluntary and must not be longer than 1500 milliseconds, furthermore # not more than 1000 milliseconds shall pass between the first and second touch to consider # two single touches a real double touch. # The 'loong' function is executed if the 1500 milliseconds constraint is not respected. toishield.touch.onDoubleTouch(50, 1500, 1000, single, double, loong)
################################################################################ # Serial Port Basics # # Created by Zerynth Team 2015 CC # Authors: G. Baldi, D. Mazzei ################################################################################ import streams # creates a serial port and name it "s" s = streams.serial() while True: print( "Write some chars on the serial port and terminate with \\n (new line)" ) line = s.readline( ) # read and return any single character available on the serial port until a \n is found print("You wrote:", line) print() sleep(300)
CHARGE_COMPLETE = 2 IGNITION_OFF = 0 IGNITION_ON = 1 SOS_OFF = 0 SOS_ON = 1 # Private globals _ANALOG_VREF = 2.50 _ANALOG_SCALE = 13.0154525 _ANALOG_SCALE_LOW = 2.0 _ADC2VOLT = _ANALOG_VREF * _ANALOG_SCALE / 4095 _ADC2VOLT_LOW = _ANALOG_VREF * _ANALOG_SCALE_LOW / 4095 # Default initialization import streams streams.serial(SERIAL0) import adc def init(): """ .. function:: init() Performs required initializion of Polaris pins and common functionalities. It should be called at the start of your application. """ # Setup power digitalWrite(internal.PIN_POWER_DIS, LOW) pinMode(internal.PIN_POWER_DIS, OUTPUT) digitalWrite(internal.PIN_POWER_DIS, LOW) pinMode(internal.PIN_BATT_EN, INPUT)
def widget_choice_cbk(_widget_choice, _): global widget_choice widget_choice = _widget_choice - __ORD('0') widget_choice_evt.set() palette_default = bt81x.Palette((0xff, 0xff, 0xff), foreground=(0x3c, 0x82, 0x82)) txt = bt81x.Text(0, 0, 31, bt81x.OPT_CENTERX | bt81x.OPT_CENTERY, "", palette=palette_default) streams.serial() # open serial channel to display debug messages print('> Init chip') bt81x.init(SPI0, D4, D33, D34) bt81x.touch_loop( ((-1, widget_choice_cbk), )) # listen to touch events and make widget_choice_cbk process them def widget_selection(): bt81x.dl_start() bt81x.clear(1, 1, 1) txt.font = 31 txt.text = "Choose a widget" txt.x = bt81x.display_conf.width // 2
tx_hash = eth.rpc.sendTransaction(tx.to_rlp(True)) print("> Monitor transaction at:\n" % tx_hash) def ethereum_store(): tx_mutex.acquire() config.led_start_transaction() temp, hum = sensor.get_temp(), sensor.get_hum() thing.mqtt.publish(config.config['TOPIC'], {'touch': True}) send_eth_transaction(temp, hum) config.led_end_transaction() tx_mutex.release() ser_ch = streams.serial() config.led_init() wifi_driver.init() for _ in range(3): try: print("> Establishing Link...")['SSID'], wifi.WIFI_WPA2, config.config['PSW']) break except Exception as e: print("> ooops, something wrong while linking :(") else: mcu.reset() print("> linked!") tx_mutex = threading.Lock()
################################################################################ # lcd # # Created: 2016-04-06 14:35:49.885160 # ################################################################################ import streams import serLCD error = streams.serial() try: lcd = serLCD.serLCD(SERIAL1) lcd.clear() lcd.home() lcd.writeLine(0, 'Hello World!!') lcd.writeLine(1, 'Zerynth Team') thread(lcd.scrollingLeftToRight(1000, 1000)) print('ok1', end='', stream=error) except Exception as e: print(e, stream=error)
def relay_on(): digitalWrite(D23, HIGH) def relay_off(): digitalWrite(D23, LOW) pin = "" #pin which user enter valid_pin = "1234" #valid pin valid_pin2 = "2580" screenLayout = 0 #window currently used wait = False counter = 0 user2 = False #serial communication pc = streams.serial() ser = streams.serial(SERIAL1, baud=9600,set_default=False) evr = easyvr.EasyVR(ser) #buttons handler def pressed(tag, tracked, tp): global screenLayout global pin global wait global counter global user2 #if we are in pinscreen if (screenLayout == 2):
# Eseye Anynet AWS Publish and Subscribe example # Created at 2018-04-11 09:09:21.039592 import streams from eseye.anynetaws import anynetaws as aws def my_callback(index, topic, data): print('> callback from', topic) print('> content:', data) main_ser = streams.serial() aws.init(SERIAL2) # select the serial driver the modem is connected to print('> subscribe...') # subscribe to mychannel/commands/thingname and mychannel/cloudmessages/thingname topics aws.subscribe('mychannel/commands', my_callback, sock_index=0) aws.subscribe('mychannel/cloudmessages', my_callback, sock_index=1) print('> subscriptions completed!') while True: print('> [ENTER] to publish') main_ser.readline() print('> publish...') # publish a message on topic mychannel/devices/thingname aws.publish('mychannel/devices', 'hello!') print('> publish completed!')
# Temp&humidty Web Server # # Created by Zerynth Team 2018 CC # Authors: K.Hamdy ############################################################################### # import streams & socket import streams import socket # import the wifi interface from wireless import wifi from espressif.esp32net import esp32wifi as wifi_driver #importing Esp32 Wifi driver from stm.hts221 import hts221 streams.serial() #initate serial driver temp_hum = hts221.HTS221(I2C0, D16) #initiate i2C protocol with the sensor WifiAP_name = "TOI" Wifi_Pass = "******" wifi_driver.auto_init() print("Establishing Link...") try:, wifi.WIFI_WPA2, Wifi_Pass) except Exception as e: print("ooops, something wrong while linking :(", e) while True: sleep(1000) print("Linked!")
from aws.iot import iot import helpers pinMode(2, OUTPUT) new_resource('private.pem.key') new_resource('certificate.pem.crt') new_resource('thing.conf.json') def shadow_callback(requested): global publish_period print('requested publish period:', requested['publish_period']) publish_period = requested['publish_period'] return {'publish_period': publish_period} ser2 = streams.serial(SERIAL2) #ser2 = streams.serial() wifi_driver.auto_init() print('connecting to wifi...') i = 5 while (i): digitalWrite(2, HIGH) sleep(100) digitalWrite(2, LOW) sleep(100) i -= 1 #Enter Wifi Name and Password here:"STUXNET", wifi.WIFI_WPA2, "telnet#202928") digitalWrite(2, HIGH) pkey, clicert = helpers.load_key_cert('private.pem.key', 'certificate.pem.crt')