def test(data): ''' we get sent a copy of the data, and should reply with some HTML that reassures the user if the url/whatever is correct (preferably with some data from the feed) ''' data = data.to_dict() data['current_posts'] = [] try: tweets = get_new(data) except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=broad-except return '<h1>Invalid settings</h1><pre>' + str(e) + '</pre>' return render_template_string(my('test.html'), tweets=tweets)
def test(data): ''' we get sent a copy of the data, and should reply with some HTML that reassures the user if the url/whatever is correct (preferably with some data from the feed) ''' try: feed = feedparser.parse(data['url']) except Exception as e: return 'invalid url({})'.format(str(e)) try: first_post = feed.entries[0] example_post = make_templater(data)(first_post) except Exception as e: example_post = str(e) return render_template_string(my('test.html'), feed=feed, example_post=example_post)
def form(data): ''' the form for editing this type of post ''' # pylint: disable=star-args return render_template_string(my('form.html'), default_tags=DEFAULT_TAGS, **data)
"api_secret": request.form.get('api_secret', ''), "user_key": request.form.get('user_key', ''), "user_secret": request.form.get('user_secret', ''), "current_posts": current_posts, } #pylint: disable=bad-continuation def form(data): ''' the form for editing this type of post ''' # pylint: disable=star-args return render_template_string(my('form.html'), default_tags=DEFAULT_TAGS, **data) TWEET_TEMPLATE = Template(my('tweet.html')) def test(data): ''' we get sent a copy of the data, and should reply with some HTML that reassures the user if the url/whatever is correct (preferably with some data from the feed) ''' data = data.to_dict() data['current_posts'] = [] try: tweets = get_new(data) except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=broad-except return '<h1>Invalid settings</h1><pre>' + str(e) + '</pre>' return render_template_string(my('test.html'), tweets=tweets)
"api_key": request.form.get('api_key', ''), "api_secret": request.form.get('api_secret', ''), "user_key": request.form.get('user_key', ''), "user_secret": request.form.get('user_secret', ''), "current_posts": current_posts, } #pylint: disable=bad-continuation def form(data): ''' the form for editing this type of post ''' # pylint: disable=star-args return render_template_string(my('form.html'), default_tags=DEFAULT_TAGS, **data) TWEET_TEMPLATE = Template(my('tweet.html')) def test(data): ''' we get sent a copy of the data, and should reply with some HTML that reassures the user if the url/whatever is correct (preferably with some data from the feed) ''' data = data.to_dict() data['current_posts'] = [] try: tweets = get_new(data) except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=broad-except return '<h1>Invalid settings</h1><pre>' + str(e) + '</pre>' return render_template_string(my('test.html'), tweets=tweets)