def test_version_verbose(self, getLogger, version): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'version', '--verbose'] version.return_value = '3.0.4-1600' Command() getLogger.assert_called_with('requests.packages.urllib3') self.assertTrue(version.called) self.assertEqual('3.0.4-1600\n', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_purge_no_hash(self): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'purge', '--token', 'foobarwinniethefoobar' ] with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: command = Command() self.assertIn('too few arguments', sys.stderr.getvalue())
def test_init_token_supplied(self, create_token): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'init', '--token', 'foobar'] command = Command(cache=self.cache) self.assertFalse(create_token.called) self.assertEqual(command.cache.get('token'), 'foobar') self.assertEqual( 'Initializing configuration...\nSuccessfully saved token\n', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_purge_status(self, purge_status): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'purge_status', 'x1x2x3x4', 'cmu34ctmy3408xmy' ] os.write(self.fd, 'token: foobar') purge_status.return_value = 0.75 command = Command(cache=self.cache) purge_status.assert_called_with('x1x2x3x4', 'cmu34ctmy3408xmy') self.assertEqual('0.75\n', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_clone_host_get_fails(self, get, get_host, create_host, create_scope, get_configuration, update_configuration): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'clone_host', 'y1y2y3y4', 'x1x2x3x4'] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' get_host.side_effect = APIError('Could not fetch host', {}) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: command = Command()
def test_purge_fails(self, purge): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'purge', 'x1x2x3x4', '--token', 'foobarwinniethefoobar' ] sys.stdin.write('//\n//') purge.side_effect = APIError('Could not send purge to the CDN', None) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): command = Command()
def test_me(self, get, me): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'me'] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' me.return_value = {'firstName': 'Bob', 'lastName': 'Saget'} command = Command() self.assertTrue(me.called) self.assertEqual('cachedtoken', command.client.token) self.assertEqual("""firstName: Bob lastName: Saget """, sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_get_host_token(self, get, get_host): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'get_host', 'y1y2y3y4', 'x1x2x3x4', '--token', 'foobarwinniethefoobar' ] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' get_host.return_value = { "name": "test host", "hashCode": "x1x2x3x4", "type": "HOST", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:18", "services": [], "scopes": [{ "id": 2746294, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746295, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] } command = Command() self.assertTrue(get_host.called) self.assertEqual('foobarwinniethefoobar', command.client.token) self.assertEqual( """createdDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:03' hashCode: x1x2x3x4 name: test host scopes: - createdDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:03' id: 2746294 path: / platform: CDS updatedDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:03' - createdDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:03' id: 2746295 path: / platform: ALL updatedDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:03' services: [] type: HOST updatedDate: '2016-04-12 11:22:18' """, sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_init(self, create_token, getpw, mock_input): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'init'] create_token.return_value = 'rikkitikkitavi' command = Command(cache=self.cache) self.assertTrue(create_token.called) create_token.assert_called_with(username='******', password='******', application=None) self.assertEqual(command.cache.get('token'), 'rikkitikkitavi') self.assertEqual( 'Initializing configuration...\nSuccessfully saved token\n', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_purge_poll(self, purge, purge_status): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'purge', 'x1x2x3x4', '--token', 'foobarwinniethefoobar', '--poll' ] sys.stdin.write('//\n//') purge.return_value = 'cmu34ctmy3408xmy' purge_status.side_effect = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] command = Command() purge_status.assert_called_with('x1x2x3x4', 'cmu34ctmy3408xmy') self.assertEqual( 'Reading urls from stdin\nSending purge.........Done!\n', sys.stderr.getvalue())
def test_get_host_fails(self, get, get_host): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'get_host', 'y1y2y3y4', 'x1x2x3x4'] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' response = Mock() response.json = Mock( return_value={"error": "This endpoint requires authentication"}) get_host.side_effect = APIError('Could not fetch host', response) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: command = Command() self.assertTrue(get_host.called) self.assertEqual( """Could not fetch host This endpoint requires authentication """, sys.stderr.getvalue())
def test_purge(self, purge): sys.argv = [ 'striketracker', 'purge', 'x1x2x3x4', '--token', 'foobarwinniethefoobar' ] sys.stdin.write('//\n//') command = Command() purge.assert_called_with('x1x2x3x4', [{ "url": "//", "purgeAllDynamic": False, "recursive": False, "invalidateOnly": False }, { "url": "//", "purgeAllDynamic": False, "recursive": False, "invalidateOnly": False }])
def test_purge_options(self, purge): sys.stdin.write('//\n//') os.write(self.fd, 'token: foobar') for option in [ '--purge-all-dynamic', '--recursive', '--invalidate-only' ]: sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'purge', 'x1x2x3x4', option] command = Command(cache=self.cache) purge.assert_called_with( 'x1x2x3x4', [{ "url": "//", "purgeAllDynamic": option == '--purge-all-dynamic', "recursive": option == '--recursive', "invalidateOnly": option == '--invalidate-only' }, { "url": "//", "purgeAllDynamic": option == '--purge-all-dynamic', "recursive": option == '--recursive', "invalidateOnly": option == '--invalidate-only' }])
def test_purge_no_token(self): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'purge', 'x1x2x3x4'] with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: command = Command(cache=self.cache) self.assertIn('This command requires authentication', sys.stderr.getvalue())
def test_version(self, version): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'version'] version.return_value = '3.0.4-1600' Command() self.assertTrue(version.called) self.assertEqual('3.0.4-1600\n', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_clone_host_get_configuration_fails(self, get, get_host, create_host, create_scope, get_configuration, update_configuration): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'clone_host', 'y1y2y3y4', 'x1x2x3x4'] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' get_host.return_value = { "name": "test host", "hashCode": "x1x2x3x4", "type": "HOST", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:18", "services": [], "scopes": [{ "id": 2746294, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746295, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] } create_host.return_value = { "name": "test host (copy)", "hashCode": "c1c2c3c4", "type": "HOST", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:18", "services": [], "scopes": [{ "id": 2746296, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746297, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] } get_configuration.side_effect = APIError('Could not fetch host', {}) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as e: command = Command()
def test_print_help(self): sys.argv = ['striketracker'] command = Command() self.assertIn( 'usage: striketracker [-h] [--token TOKEN] [-v] action\n\nCommand line interface to the Highwinds CDN', sys.stdout.getvalue())
def test_clone_host(self, get, get_host, create_host, create_scope, get_configuration, update_configuration): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'clone_host', 'y1y2y3y4', 'x1x2x3x4'] get.return_value = 'cachedtoken' get_host.return_value = { "name": "test host", "hashCode": "x1x2x3x4", "type": "HOST", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:18", "services": [], "scopes": [{ "id": 2746294, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746295, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] } create_host.return_value = { "name": "test host (copy)", "hashCode": "c1c2c3c4", "type": "HOST", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:18", "services": [], "scopes": [{ "id": 2746296, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746297, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] } create_scope.side_effect = [{ "id": 2746296, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, { "id": 2746297, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }] get_configuration.side_effect = [{ "scope": { "id": 2746296, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, "originPullHost": { "id": 92846, "primary": 1234 }, "cacheControl": [{ "id": 2846, "statusCodeMatch": "200", "maxAge": 600 }, { "id": 26461947, "statusCodeMatch": "4*,5*", "maxAge": 1 }], "hostname": [{ "domain": "" }] }, { "scope": { "id": 2746297, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" } }] update_configuration.side_effect = [{ "scope": { "id": 2746296, "platform": "CDS", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" }, "originPullHost": { "id": 12345, "primary": 1234 } }, { "scope": { "id": 2746297, "platform": "ALL", "path": "/", "createdDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03", "updatedDate": "2016-04-12 11:22:03" } }] command = Command() self.assertTrue(get_host.called) self.assertTrue(create_host.called)
def test_print_unknown_command(self): sys.argv = ['striketracker', 'nuke'] command = Command() self.assertIn('Unknown command: nuke\n', sys.stderr.getvalue())