Example #1
	def __init__(self,name,numeric_name_prefix='E') :
		# purely numeric names are not allowed
		if _isnumeric(name) :
			name = numeric_name_prefix+str(name)
		# remove illegal characters
		trans = _maketrans("-+[] ->/","________")
		self.name = str(name).translate(trans)
Example #2
	def __init__(self,name='') :
		if type(name) is not str:
			raise Exception('ERROR: name %s is not a string'%str(name))
		trans = _maketrans("-+[] ->/","________")
		if name.translate(trans) != name:
			raise Exception('ERROR: name %s contains one of the following characters: -+[] ->/'%name)
		self.name = name
Example #3
 def __init__(self, name=''):
     if type(name) is not str:
         raise Exception('ERROR: name %s is not a string' % str(name))
     trans = _maketrans("-+[] ->/", "________")
     if name.translate(trans) != name:
         raise Exception(
             'ERROR: name %s contains one of the following characters: -+[] ->/'
             % name)
     self.name = name
Example #4
	def __init__(self,name='') :
		if type(name) is not str:
			raise Exception('ERROR: name %s is not a string'%str(name))
		if 'start' in name or 'end' in name:
			raise Exception('ERROR: avoid the substring "start" and "end" in any names, this will cause problems with solvers')
		trans = _maketrans("-+[] ->/","________")
		if name.translate(trans) != name:
			raise Exception('ERROR: name %s contains one of the following characters: -+[] ->/'%name)
		self.name = name
Example #5
# Replacement for _os._exit which does not seem to work in a multi-threaded
# environment.
# @fixme Determine if this is still required.
def _exit(*code):
    # If all else fails, the sledge_hammer should do the deed in 60 seconds...
    def sledge_hammer():
        _os.kill(0, _signal.SIGKILL)
    thread.start_new_thread(sledge_hammer, ())
    # Send all processes in our process group a SIGTERM.
    _os.kill(0, _signal.SIGTERM)

# Replace _os._exit.
_os._exit = _exit

_rot13_map = _maketrans('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',

# For simple obfuscation or to provide USENET style text envelopes.
# @warning  Only works on ASCII.
# @fixme Make Unicode compatible?
def rot13(text):
    return text.translate(_rot13_map)

_default_thread_stacklevel = {}
# Generate a simple deprecation message.
# @param message Message to associate with the deprecation warning.  Typically,
#                this message should contain a reference to the preferred
#                implementation.
Example #6
import sys

    from string import maketrans as _maketrans
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    _maketrans = str.maketrans
import struct
import base64

__version__ = "1.0.1"

_base32_custom = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ234567890AB"
_encode_trans = _maketrans(_base32_normal, _base32_custom)
_decode_trans = _maketrans(_base32_custom, _base32_normal)

class Obscure(object):
    """Obscure a number using Feistel ciper transformation.

    Transform an integer (such as database auto-increment IDs) and
    obscures them from simple detection.
    def __init__(self, salt):
        """Obscure object with unique salt and prime.

            salt (integer): an integer making your transformations unique.
Example #7
    >>> num.decode_tame(num.encode_tame(customer_id))
import sys
    from string import maketrans as _maketrans
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    _maketrans = str.maketrans
import struct
import base64

__version__ = '1.0.1'

_base32_custom = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ234567890AB"
_encode_trans = _maketrans(_base32_normal, _base32_custom)
_decode_trans = _maketrans(_base32_custom, _base32_normal)

class Obscure(object):
    """Obscure a number using Feistel ciper transformation.

    Transform an integer (such as database auto-increment IDs) and
    obscures them from simple detection.

    def __init__(self, salt):
        """Obscure object with unique salt and prime.

            salt (integer): an integer making your transformations unique.
Example #8
def _exit(*code):
    # If all else fails, the sledge_hammer should do the deed in 60 seconds...
    def sledge_hammer():
        _os.kill(0, _signal.SIGKILL)

    thread.start_new_thread(sledge_hammer, ())
    # Send all processes in our process group a SIGTERM.
    _os.kill(0, _signal.SIGTERM)

# Replace _os._exit.
_os._exit = _exit

_rot13_map = _maketrans(

# For simple obfuscation or to provide USENET style text envelopes.
# @warning  Only works on ASCII.
# @fixme Make Unicode compatible?
def rot13(text):
    return text.translate(_rot13_map)

_default_thread_stacklevel = {}
