Example #1
def parse_report(val):
    Takes a product report string, such as "zi 10 co 20 la 30", and parses it into a list of tuples
    of (code, quantity):

    >>> parse_report("zi 10 co 20 la 30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles arbitrary whitespace:

    >>> parse_report("zi10 co20 la30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly deals with Os being used for 0s:

    >>> parse_report("zi1O co2O la3O")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles extra spam in the string:

    >>> parse_report("randomextradata zi1O co2O la3O randomextradata")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    if six.PY3:
        maketrans = str.maketrans
        if isinstance(val, bytes):
            val = val.decode('utf-8')

        return [
            (x[0], int(x[1].replace(' ', '').translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
            for x in findall(
                "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" % {
                    "minchars": 2,
                    "maxchars": 4,
                    "numeric_letters": "lLO"
                }, val)
        from strop import maketrans
        if isinstance(val, six.text_type):
            val = val.encode('utf-8')

        return [
            (x[0], int(x[1].translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
            for x in findall(
                "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" % {
                    "minchars": 2,
                    "maxchars": 4,
                    "numeric_letters": "lLO"
                }, val)
Example #2
def parse_report(val):
    Takes a product report string, such as "zi 10 co 20 la 30", and parses it into a list of tuples
    of (code, quantity):

    >>> parse_report("zi 10 co 20 la 30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles arbitrary whitespace:

    >>> parse_report("zi10 co20 la30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly deals with Os being used for 0s:

    >>> parse_report("zi1O co2O la3O")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles extra spam in the string:

    >>> parse_report("randomextradata zi1O co2O la3O randomextradata")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    if six.PY3:
        maketrans = str.maketrans
        if isinstance(val, bytes):
            val = val.decode('utf-8')

        return [(x[0],
                 int(x[1].replace(' ', '').translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
                for x in findall(
                    "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" % {
                        "minchars": 2,
                        "maxchars": 4,
                        "numeric_letters": "lLO"
                    }, val)]
        from strop import maketrans
        if isinstance(val, six.text_type):
            val = val.encode('utf-8')

        return [(x[0], int(x[1].translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
                for x in findall(
                    "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" % {
                        "minchars": 2,
                        "maxchars": 4,
                        "numeric_letters": "lLO"
                    }, val)]
Example #3
def parse_report(val):
    Takes a product report string, such as "zi 10 co 20 la 30", and parses it into a list of tuples
    of (code, quantity):

    >>> parse_report("zi 10 co 20 la 30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles arbitrary whitespace:

    >>> parse_report("zi10 co20 la30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly deals with Os being used for 0s:

    >>> parse_report("zi1O co2O la3O")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles extra spam in the string:

    >>> parse_report("randomextradata zi1O co2O la3O randomextradata")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]
    def _cleanup(s):
        return unicode(s).encode('utf-8')

    return [(x[0], int(x[1].translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
            for x in findall(
                "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" % {
                    "minchars": 2,
                    "maxchars": 4,
                    "numeric_letters": "lLO"
                }, _cleanup(val))]
Example #4
def parse_report(val):
    Takes a product report string, such as "zi 10 co 20 la 30", and parses it into a list of tuples
    of (code, quantity):

    >>> parse_report("zi 10 co 20 la 30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles arbitrary whitespace:

    >>> parse_report("zi10 co20 la30")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly deals with Os being used for 0s:

    >>> parse_report("zi1O co2O la3O")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    Properly handles extra spam in the string:

    >>> parse_report("randomextradata zi1O co2O la3O randomextradata")
    [('zi', 10), ('co', 20), ('la', 30)]

    def _cleanup(s):
        return unicode(s).encode('utf-8')

    return [
        (x[0], int(x[1].translate(maketrans("lLO", "110"))))
        for x in findall(
            "(?P<quantity>[+-]?[ ]*[0-9%(numeric_letters)s]+)\s*" %
                "minchars": 2,
                "maxchars": 4,
                "numeric_letters": "lLO"
            }, _cleanup(val))
 def test_maketrans(self):
     self.assertTrue(strop.maketrans("abc", "xyz") == transtable)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, strop.maketrans, "abc", "xyzq")
Example #6
import warnings
 def test_maketrans(self):
     self.assertTrue(strop.maketrans("abc", "xyz") == transtable)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, strop.maketrans, "abc", "xyzq")
Example #8
import warnings