def AreaCOO (pr_init): """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs out: file format filePDB with water only one half of imidazole are inspected""" subs = "COO" pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/") filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w") l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs) def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs) writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM") angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0] angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1] d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0] d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1] for atom_sub in l_atom_sub : if atom_sub["name"] == "O01" : atomO1 = atom_sub if atom_sub["name"] == "O02" : atomO2 = atom_sub if atom_sub["name"] == "C02" : atomC2 = atom_sub if atom_sub["name"] == "C01" : atomC1 = atom_sub atom_center = calcul.CenterPoint(atomO1, atomO2) serial = 0 for x_test in [atom_center["x"] + x * 0.2 for x in range (-50,60)] : for y_test in [atom_center["y"] + y * 0.2 for y in range (-50,60)] : for z_test in [atom_center["z"] + z * 0.2 for z in range (-50,60)] : atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test) dist = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atom_center) # case where the calculation of angle is impossible try : angle = calcul.Angle3Atoms(atomC2, atom_center, atom_test) except : continue if dist <= d_sup and dist >= d_inf: if angle >= angle_inf and angle <= angle_sup : serial = serial + 1 atom_test["serial"] = serial atom_test["resSeq"] = serial writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout) filout.close() WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, serial)
def AeraTertiary (pr_init): """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs out: file format filePDB with water""" subs = "III" pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/") filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w") l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs) def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs) writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM") angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0] angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1] d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0] d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1] for atom_sub in l_atom_sub : if atom_sub["element"] == "N" : atomN = atom_sub elif atom_sub["element"] == "C" : if "atomC1" in locals() : if "atomC2" in locals(): atomC3 = atom_sub else : atomC2 = atom_sub else : atomC1 = atom_sub serial = 0 for x_test in [atomN["x"] + x * 0.2 for x in range (-50,60)] : for y_test in [atomN["y"] + y * 0.2 for y in range (-50,60)] : for z_test in [atomN["z"] + z * 0.2 for z in range (-50,60)] : atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test) distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atomN) if distance < d_sup and distance > d_inf: l_angles = calcul.angleTertiaryAmineCalculVol(atomN, atom_test, atomC1, atomC2, atomC3) if l_angles[0] > angle_inf and l_angles[1] > angle_inf and l_angles[2] > angle_inf: if l_angles[0] < angle_sup and l_angles[1] < angle_sup and l_angles[2] < angle_sup: serial = serial + 1 atom_test["serial"] = serial atom_test["resSeq"] = serial writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout) filout.close() WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, serial)
def AreaGuanidium (pr_init): """calculation of volume around nitrogen of primary amine in: filePDB with only primary amine, extreme value of l_angle, structure subs out: file format filePDB with water""" subs = "GAI" pr_volume = pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init + "Volume/") filout = open (pr_volume + "volume_" + subs + ".pdb", "w") l_atom_sub = structure.substructureCoord(subs) def_volume = structure.criteraAngle(subs) writePDBfile.coordinateSection(filout, l_atom_sub, "HETATM") #filout.close () #ddd angle_inf = def_volume["angle"][0] angle_sup = def_volume["angle"][1] d_inf = def_volume["distance"][0] d_sup = def_volume["distance"][1] for atom_sub in l_atom_sub : if atom_sub["name"] == "N01" : atomN1 = atom_sub if atom_sub["name"] == "C01" : atomC1 = atom_sub count = 0 for x_test in [atomC1["x"] + x * 0.3 for x in range (-100,100)] : for y_test in [atomC1["y"] + y * 0.3 for y in range (-100,100)] : for z_test in [atomC1["z"] + z * 0.3 for z in range (-100,100)] : atom_test = structure.genericAtom(x_test, y_test, z_test) distance = calcul.distanceTwoatoms(atom_test, atomC1) l_angleC1 = calcul.anglePrimaryAmineCalculVol(atomC1, atomN1, atom_test) # print distance, l_angleC1 if distance < d_sup and distance > d_inf: if l_angleC1[0] > angle_inf and l_angleC1[0] < angle_sup : count = count + 1 atom_test["count"] = count atom_test["resSeq"] = count writePDBfile.coordinateStructure(atom_test, "HETATM", filout) filout.close() WriteParameter (pr_volume + subs + ".param", subs, def_volume, count)
def checkAngleInSearchNeighbor(atomRetrieve, subs): """Check for every neighbors of atom retrieve the angleSubs in: atomRetrieve out: atomRetrieve modified""" d_angle_limit = structure.criteraAngle(subs) nbNeighbors = len(atomRetrieve["neighbors"]) i = 0 while i < nbNeighbors : # print atomRetrieve["neighbors"] if checkListAngle(atomRetrieve["neighbors"][i]["angleSubs"], d_angle_limit) == 0 : del atomRetrieve["neighbors"][i] nbNeighbors = nbNeighbors - 1 continue else : i = i + 1
def globalNeighbor (atom_interest_close, subs, p_dir_result, option_filter = 1) : p_dir_result = pathManage.imposeNeighbors (p_dir_result) # extract from ideal position l_at_ref = structure.substructureCoord(subs) l_superimpose_neighbor = [] l_superimpose_subs = [] l_RMSE = [] for at_central in atom_interest_close[subs] : PDB_ID = at_central["PDB"] serial_at_central = at_central["serial"] name_ligand = at_central["resName"] # all atom ligand l_at_lig = loadFile.ExtractInfoPDBID(PDB_ID)[name_ligand][0] # change not tested # for at_ligand in l_at_lig : # print at_ligand l_at_subs = retrieveAtom.substructure (subs, at_central, l_at_lig) if subs == "GAI" : v_atom_central = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_subs))) v_atom_ref = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_ref))) elif subs == "COO" : v_atom_central = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_subs))) v_atom_ref = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_ref[1:]))) else : v_atom_central = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_subs))) v_atom_ref = mat(array(groupAtomCoord(l_at_ref))) rotation, translocation = rigid_transform_3D(v_atom_central, v_atom_ref) if rotation == None or translocation == None : continue v_atom_rotated = applyTranformation(rotation, translocation, v_atom_central) l_subs_rotated = applyTranformation(rotation, translocation, l_atom_in = l_at_subs) RMSE_rot = rmse(v_atom_ref, v_atom_rotated) print rmse(v_atom_central, v_atom_ref), "RMSE 1" print rmse(v_atom_ref, v_atom_rotated), "RMSE 2" l_RMSE.append (str(RMSE_rot)) # print v_atom_rotated # print "************compare**********" # print l_at_subs # print l_subs_rotated # print "/////////////////////////////" l_atom_neighbors = deepcopy(at_central["neighbors"]) if option_filter == 1 : # reduce the list of neighbor criteria = structure.criteraAngle(subs) d_min = criteria["distance"][0] d_max = criteria["distance"][1] n_neighbor = len (l_atom_neighbors) i = 0 while i < n_neighbor : if l_atom_neighbors[i]["distance"] < d_min or l_atom_neighbors[i]["distance"] > d_max : del l_atom_neighbors[i] n_neighbor = n_neighbor - 1 else : i = i +1 try : l_atom_neighbor_rotated = applyTranformation(rotation, translocation, l_atom_in=l_atom_neighbors) l_superimpose_neighbor = l_superimpose_neighbor + l_atom_neighbor_rotated l_superimpose_subs.append (l_subs_rotated) except : continue # color with b factor tool.colorAtomType (l_superimpose_neighbor) # write gif # pr_init_gif = p_dir_result + "/gif/" + subs + "/" # pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init_gif) # p_file_coord = writeFile.coordinates3D (l_superimpose_neighbor + l_superimpose_subs, pr_init_gif + subs + "_neigbor.coord", subs) # runScriptR.plot3D (p_file_coord) # write one PDB by atom close type pr_init_PDB = p_dir_result + "/PDB/" + subs + "/" pathManage.CreatePathDir(pr_init_PDB) file_RMSE = open (pr_init_PDB + "RMSE", "w") file_RMSE.write ("\n".join(l_RMSE) + "\n") file_RMSE.close () writeFile.coordinates3DPDBbyNeighborType (l_superimpose_neighbor, l_superimpose_subs, subs, pr_init_PDB)