def move_right(self, e) -> None:
     if == 3:
         p = Point(e.position.x + self.speed, e.position.y, e.position.z)
         p = Point(e.position.x + self.speed, e.position.y)
     self.move_valid_entity(e, p)
Example #2
def cast_lines_on_screen(lines, width, height, distance_to_screen,
    # clipping plane
    plane_point1 = Point(20, 2, clipping_distance)
    plane_point2 = Point(1, 1, clipping_distance)
    plane_point3 = Point(2, 30, clipping_distance)
    plane_points = [plane_point1, plane_point2, plane_point3]

    screen_lines = []
    for line in lines:
        line_to_draw = line
        # skip lines that are behind the clipping plane
        if (line.start.z <= clipping_distance
                and line.end.z <= clipping_distance):
        # clip lines that go through the clipping plane if needed
        line_to_draw = clip_line(line, plane_points)

        # cast
        points = []
        for point in line_to_draw.get_points():
            s_point = cast_point_on_screen(point, width, height,

        screen_lines.append(Line(points[0], points[1], line.color))

    return screen_lines
Example #3
    def init_direction_vectors(self):
        This function generates the neighbouring coordinates using the cartesian product.
        We must remove the first coordinate as this represents all zeros.
        Example Input: n dimensions = 2:
        Output: [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (1, 1), ...]

        self.ALL_POINTS_MOVE_VECTOR: List[Point] = \
            list(map(lambda x: Point(*x),
                     product(*[(0, -1, 1) for i in range(self.size.n_dim)])
        This does the same as the above without generating diagonal coordinates.
        First we generate the positive direct neighbouring coordinates.
        We concatenate this to the negative coordinates and convert to a list of Points.
            1 if i == pos else 0 for i in range(self.size.n_dim)
        ] for pos in range(self.size.n_dim)]

            list(map(lambda x: [-i for i in x], POSITIVE_DIRECT_POINTS_DIMENSIONS))

        self.DIRECT_POINTS_MOVE_VECTOR: List[Point] = \
            list(map(lambda x: Point(*x), ALL_DIRECT_POINTS_DIMENSIONS))
Example #4
def script_classic_trajectory(var=10):
    Script utilisant le filtre de Kalman  avec des mesures simulées à partir d'une trajectoire inventée !
    l_points = [[-1000., 200.], [-1000., 800.], [-400., 1200.], [500., 500.], [1100., 180.]]
    dt = 0.025
    real_path = generateur_chemin.generate_path(l_points=l_points, velocity_translation=25,
                                                            velocity_rotation=0.7, dt=dt)
    measures_pos = np.array(real_path)
    real_path_point = []
    for couple in real_path:
        x, y = couple
        pos = Point(x, y)

    l_pos_filtre = [real_path_point[0]]
    l_pos_measured = [real_path_point[0]]
    vite = get_velocity(measures_pos, dt)
    measures = np.concatenate((measures_pos, vite), axis=1)
    measures = np.asmatrix(measures)
    filtering = FiltrageKalman(measures[0, :].T, dt=dt)
    for i in range(1, measures.shape[0]):
        x = measures[i, 0]
        y = measures[i, 1]
        # print "x et y", x, y, "i" ,i
        x_bruite, y_bruite = x + np.random.randn()*var, y + np.random.randn()*var
        filtering.update(x_bruite, y_bruite)
        pos = filtering.get_current_position()
        l_pos_measured.append(Point(x_bruite, y_bruite))
    print(get_mer(real_path_point, l_pos_filtre))
    print(get_mer(real_path_point, l_pos_measured))
    return real_path_point, l_pos_filtre, l_pos_measured
 def test_ne_instance(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = SparseMap(Size(200, 200),
                                 Agent(Point(20, 20), 10),
                                 [Obstacle(Point(40, 40), 10), Obstacle(Point(100, 100), 40)],
                                 Goal(Point(180, 160), 10))
     map2: int = 2
     self.assertNotEqual(map1, map2)
    def __get_rand_position(self,
                            dimensions: Size,
                            start: Optional[Point] = None) -> Point:
        if start is None:
            start = Point(*([0] * dimensions.n_dim))

        return Point(*np.random.randint([*start], [*dimensions]))
Example #7
def generateRandomLineSegments(n, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y):
    segments = []
    s = set()

    while n > 0:
        x1 = randint(min_x, max_x)
        x2 = randint(min_x, max_x)

        y1 = randint(min_y, max_y)
        y2 = randint(min_y, max_y)

        if x1 == x2:

        if x1 in s or x2 in s:

        if x1 > x2:
            segments.append(Segment(Point(x2, y2), Point(x1, y1)))
            segments.append(Segment(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2)))

        n -= 1

    return segments
Example #8
        def __subdivide(top_left_corner, dim):
            if dim.width < 2 * min_room_size.width - 1 and dim.height < 2 * min_room_size.height - 1:
                __place_room(grid, dim, top_left_corner)
            elif dim.width < 2 * min_room_size.width - 1:
                is_vertical_split = False
            elif dim.height < 2 * min_room_size.height - 1:
                is_vertical_split = True
                is_vertical_split = int(torch.randint(0, 2, (1,)).item()) == 0

            if dim.width <= max_room_size.width and dim.height <= max_room_size.height:
                if int(torch.randint(0, 2, (1,)).item()) == 0:
                    __place_room(grid, dim, top_left_corner)

            # split
            new_top_left_corner1 = top_left_corner

            if is_vertical_split:
                new_dim1 = Size(__get_subdivision_number(dim, True), dim.height)
                new_top_left_corner2 = Point(top_left_corner.x + new_dim1.width - 1, top_left_corner.y)
                new_dim2 = Size(dim.width - new_dim1.width + 1, dim.height)
                new_dim1 = Size(dim.width, __get_subdivision_number(dim, False))
                new_top_left_corner2 = Point(top_left_corner.x, top_left_corner.y + new_dim1.height - 1)
                new_dim2 = Size(dim.width, dim.height - new_dim1.height + 1)

            __subdivide(new_top_left_corner1, new_dim1)
            __subdivide(new_top_left_corner2, new_dim2)
Example #9
    def _find_path_internal(self) -> None:
		Read super description
		The internal implementation of :ref:`find_path`
        #._get_grid() is in Algorithm class and gets the map
        grid: Map = self._get_grid()

        trace = main(grid)

        if trace == None or trace == 0:
            print('No path found')
            # for point in trace:
            #     point.numpy()
            print("final path --------", trace)

            for point in trace[1:-1]:
                self.waypoint.add(Point(point[0] + 0.25, point[1] - 0.25))
                self.waypoint.add(Point(point[0] + 0.25, point[1] + 0.25))
                self.waypoint.add(Point(point[0] - 0.25, point[1] + 0.25))
                self.waypoint.add(Point(point[0] - 0.25, point[1] - 0.25))
            print('waypoint =====', self.waypoint)

            if type(trace) != bool:
                print('trace ======', trace)
                for point in trace:
                    self.move_agent(Point(int(point[0]), int(point[1])))
 def test_is_valid_position_invalid(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.EXTENDED_WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     self.assertFalse(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(1, 0)))
     self.assertFalse(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(-1, -1)))
Example #11
    def counterclockwise(self, p1, p2, p3):
        Check whether a turn from (p1, p2) to (p1, p3) is counter clockwise.

        If it is so, the return value is > 0, if the turn is clockwise, the 
        return value is < 0. If vectors are collinear, the return value is 0.
        return self.cross(Point(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y), Point(p3.x - p1.x, p3.y - p1.y))
Example #12
def cast_point_on_screen(point, width, height, distance_to_screen):
        x = point.x * distance_to_screen / point.z + width / 2
        y = point.y * distance_to_screen / point.z + height / 2
        return Point(x, y, 1)
    except Exception as e:
        print(e, flush=True)
        return Point(width / 2, height / 2, 1)
Example #13
    def _get_new_vertex(self, q_near: Vertex, q_sample: Point, max_dist) -> Vertex:
        dir = q_sample.to_tensor() - q_near.position.to_tensor()
        if torch.norm(dir) <= max_dist:
            return Vertex(q_sample)

        dir_normalized = dir / torch.norm(dir)
        q_new = Point.from_tensor(q_near.position.to_tensor() + max_dist * dir_normalized)
        return Vertex(q_new)
 def test_is_valid_position_normal(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(1, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(0, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(3, 2)))
 def test_move_agent_out_of_bounds(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     map1.move_agent(Point(-1, 0))
     self.assertEqual(DenseMap.AGENT_ID,, 1)))
     self.assertEqual([Trace(Point(0, 1))], map1.trace)
Example #16
 def update(self, x, y):
     if self.acceleration_filtering(Point(x, y)):
         self.last_point = Point(x, y)
         self.kalman_filter.measure(np.array([x, y])[:, np.newaxis])
         self.last_point = None
Example #17
 def __init__(self, glyph):
     points = [Point(line.x, line.y) for line in glyph.lines]
     if glyph.orientation == HORIZONTAL:
         points.extend([Point(line.x + line.l - 1, line.y)
                             for line in glyph.lines])
         points.extend([Point(line.x, line.y + line.l - 1)
                             for line in glyph.lines])
     self.points = ConvexHull(points).points
 def test_move_agent_out_of_bounds(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     map1.move_agent(Point(-1, 0))
     self.assertEqual(Point(0, 1), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertEqual([Trace(Point(0, 1))], map1.trace)
 def test_move_agent_no_trace(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     map1.move_agent(Point(1, 1), True)
     self.assertEqual(Point(1, 1), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertEqual([], map1.trace)
 def test_convert_to_dense_map(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = SparseMap(
         Size(4, 3),
         Agent(Point(0, 1)),
         [Obstacle(Point(0, 0)), Obstacle(Point(1, 0)), Obstacle(Point(2, 0)), Obstacle(Point(3, 0))],
         Goal(Point(3, 2))
     map2: DenseMap = map1.convert_to_dense_map()
     self.assertEqual(map1, map2)
 def test_move_agent_normal(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap(
         [[[DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
           [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID]],
          [[DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
           [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID,
     map1.move_agent(Point(0, 0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(Point(0, 0, 0), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertTrue([Trace(Point(0, 0, 0))], map1.trace)
 def test_is_valid_position_normal(self) -> None:
     map1: SparseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.EXTENDED_WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(1, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(0, 1)))
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(3, 2)))
     self.assertTrue(map1.is_agent_valid_pos(Point(0, 0)))
 def test_move_agent_normal(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap([
         [DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
         [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
         [DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.GOAL_ID],
     map1.move_agent(Point(1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(Point(1, 1), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertEqual(DenseMap.AGENT_ID,, 1)))
     self.assertTrue([Trace(Point(1, 1))], map1.trace)
 def test_eq_sparse_map(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap(
         [[[DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
           [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID]],
          [[DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID],
           [DenseMap.GOAL_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID]]])
     map2: SparseMap = SparseMap(Size(3, 2, 2), Agent(Point(
         0, 1, 0)), [Obstacle(Point(0, 0, 0)),
                     Obstacle(Point(1, 0, 0))], Goal(Point(0, 1, 1)))
     self.assertEqual(map1, map2)
    def __render_arc(self, p1: Point, p2: Point, colour: Colour):
        center = p1
        radius = 1

        dir = p2.to_tensor() - p1.to_tensor()
        angle = torch.atan2(dir[1], dir[0])
        angle %= 2 * np.pi

 def get_measures_from_state(self, x, y):
     (x,y) sont les coordonnées du robot
     point = Point(x, y)
     d1 = point.distance(self.beacon1)
     d2 = point.distance(self.beacon2)
     d3 = point.distance(self.beacon3)
     # d1 = sqrt((L/2.-x)**2+(l/2.-y)**2)
     # d2 = sqrt((-L/2.-x)**2+(l-y)**2)
     # d3 = sqrt((-x-L/2.)**2+y**2)
     return d1-d2, d1-d3, d2-d3
 def test_move_agent_no_trace(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap([
         [[DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
          [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID,
         [[DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
          [DenseMap.GOAL_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID]]
     map1.move_agent(Point(0, 1, 1), True)
     self.assertEqual(Point(0, 1, 1), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertEqual(DenseMap.AGENT_ID, map1.grid[0, 1, 1])
     self.assertEqual([], map1.trace)
Example #28
 def get_measures_from_state(self, x, y):
     (x,y) sont les coordonnées du robot
     point = Point(x, y)
     d1 = point.distance(self.beacon1)
     d2 = point.distance(self.beacon2)
     d3 = point.distance(self.beacon3)
     # d1 = sqrt((L/2.-x)**2+(l/2.-y)**2)
     # d2 = sqrt((-L/2.-x)**2+(l-y)**2)
     # d3 = sqrt((-x-L/2.)**2+y**2)
     return d1 - d2, d1 - d3, d2 - d3
 def test_move_agent_out_of_bounds(self) -> None:
     map1: DenseMap = DenseMap([
         [[DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
          [DenseMap.AGENT_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID,
         [[DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID, DenseMap.WALL_ID],
          [DenseMap.GOAL_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID, DenseMap.CLEAR_ID]]
     map1.move_agent(Point(-1, 0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(Point(0, 1, 0), map1.agent.position)
     self.assertEqual(DenseMap.AGENT_ID, map1.grid[0, 1, 0])
     self.assertEqual([Trace(Point(0, 1, 0))], map1.trace)
Example #30
    def _setup_sim(self,
                   config: Optional[Configuration] = None,
                   goal: Optional[Point] = None) -> Simulator:
        Sets up the simulator (e.g. algorithm and map configuration).

        while self.grid is None or self.agent is None:
            rospy.loginfo("Waiting for grid and agent to initialise...")

        if config is None:
            config = Configuration()

        # general
        config.simulator_graphics = True
        config.simulator_key_frame_speed = 0.16
        config.simulator_key_frame_skip = 20
        config.get_agent_position = lambda: self._world_to_grid(
            Point(self.agent.pose.position.x, self.agent.pose.position.y))
        config.visualiser_simulator_config = False  # hide the simulator config window

        # algorithm
        if config.algorithm_name is None:
            config.algorithm_name = "WPN-view"
            config.simulator_algorithm_type, config.simulator_testing_type, config.simulator_algorithm_parameters = config.algorithms[

        # map
        goal = Goal(Point(0, 0) if goal is None else goal)
        agent = Agent(self._world_to_grid(
            Point(self.agent.pose.position.x, self.agent.pose.position.y)),

        mp = RosMap(agent,
                    lambda: self.grid,
                    name="ROS Map")

        config.maps = { mp}
        config.simulator_initial_map = list(config.maps.values())[0]
        config.map_name = list(config.maps.keys())[0]

        # create the simulator
        s = Services(config)
        sim = Simulator(s)
        return sim
Example #31
        def __get_nearby_rooms_edges(room):
            room_top_left_point, room_size = room
            edges = []
            full_edge = []
            q = 0

            for x in range(room_top_left_point.x, room_top_left_point.x + room_size.width):
                y = room_top_left_point.y
                # up
                if in_bounds(x, y):
                    full_edge.append(Point(x, y))
                    n_x, n_y = x, y - 1
                    if in_bounds(n_x, n_y) and grid[n_y][n_x] == DenseMap.WALL_ID:
                    q += 1

            for y in range(room_top_left_point.y, room_top_left_point.y + room_size.height):
                x = room_top_left_point.x

                # right
                x = room_top_left_point.x + room_size.width - 1
                if in_bounds(x, y):
                    full_edge.append(Point(x, y))
                    n_x, n_y = x + 1, y
                    if in_bounds(n_x, n_y) and grid[n_y][n_x] == DenseMap.WALL_ID:
                    q += 1

            for x in range(room_top_left_point.x, room_top_left_point.x + room_size.width):
                y = room_top_left_point.y

                # bottom
                y = room_top_left_point.y + room_size.height - 1
                if in_bounds(x, y):
                    full_edge.append(Point(x, y))
                    n_x, n_y = x, y + 1
                    if in_bounds(n_x, n_y) and grid[n_y][n_x] == DenseMap.WALL_ID:
                    q += 1

            for y in range(room_top_left_point.y, room_top_left_point.y + room_size.height):
                x = room_top_left_point.x

                # left
                if in_bounds(x, y):
                    full_edge.append(Point(x, y))
                    n_x, n_y = x - 1, y
                    if in_bounds(n_x, n_y) and grid[n_y][n_x] == DenseMap.WALL_ID:
                    q += 1

            return edges, full_edge
Example #32
Addition used to move move point in direction of the vector
from structures import Vector, Point

if __name__ == '__main__':
    point = Point(1,0)
    vector = Vector(2,3)
    point2 = point.add_vector(vector)
    print(point2.x, point2.y)
Example #33
Substraction is used to figure out vector from one point to another
V = P(destination) - P(current)

from structures import Vector, Point

if __name__ == '__main__':
    destination = Point(0, -1)
    current_position = Point(1, 1)

    v = destination.subtract(current_position)
    print(v.x, v.y)
Normalized vector is vector of length 1. Used where one direction is matter.
E.g: direction of the view, direction of movement, etc.
from structures import Vector, Point

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p= Point(3,4)
    i = Point(1,2)
    pi = p.subtract(i)
    normalized_vector = pi.normalized()

    print("view vector: ", normalized_vector.x, normalized_vector.y)
    print("view vector length: ", normalized_vector.length())