Example #1
def main(args):
    # N.B. it would be nice to include link discovery or host location discovery
    # events here, but that's specific to the Controller's log output.
    network_failure_events = EventGrouping("Topology Change Events")
    controlplane_failure_events = EventGrouping("Control Plane Blockages")
    controller_failure_events = EventGrouping("Controller Change Events")
    host_events = EventGrouping("Host Migrations")

    event2grouping = {
        SwitchFailure: network_failure_events,
        SwitchRecovery: network_failure_events,
        LinkFailure: network_failure_events,
        LinkRecovery: network_failure_events,
        ControlChannelBlock: controlplane_failure_events,
        ControlChannelUnblock: controlplane_failure_events,
        ControllerFailure: controller_failure_events,
        ControllerRecovery: controller_failure_events,
        BlockControllerPair: controller_failure_events,
        UnblockControllerPair: controller_failure_events,
        HostMigration: host_events,
        # TODO(cs): support TrafficInjection, DataplaneDrop? Might get too noisy.

    with open(args.input) as input_file:
        trace = parse(input_file)
        for event in trace:
            if type(event) in event2grouping:

    for grouping in [
            network_failure_events, controlplane_failure_events,
            controller_failure_events, host_events
Example #2
  def snapshot_and_play_forward(self, simulation, controller, inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    snapshotter = Snapshotter(simulation, controller)

    # Here we also fork() ourselves (the network simulator), since we need
    # switches to respond to messages, and potentially change their state in
    # order to properly peek().
    # TODO(cs): I believe that to be technically correct we need to use Chandy-Lamport
    # here, since STS + POX = a distributed system.
    def play_forward_and_marshal():
      # Can't marshal the simulation object, so use this method as a closure
      # instead.
      # N.B. depends on LocalForker() -- cannot be used with RemoteForker().
      # TODO(cs): even though DataplaneDrops are technically InputEvents, they
      # may time out, and we might do well to try to infer this somehow.
      found_events = play_forward(simulation, inject_input, wait_time_seconds)
      # TODO(cs): DataplaneDrops are a special case of an InputEvent that may
      # time out. We should check whether the input for this peek() was a
      # DataplaneDrop, and return whether it timed out.
      return [ e.to_json() for e in found_events ]

    self.forker.register_task("snapshot_fork_task", play_forward_and_marshal)
    # N.B. play_forward cleans up the simulation, including snaphotted controller
    unmarshalled_found_events = self.forker.fork("snapshot_fork_task")
    found_events = parse(unmarshalled_found_events)

    # Finally, bring the controller back to the state it was at just after
    # injecting inject_input
    # N.B. this must be invoked in the parent process (not a forker.fork()ed
    # child), since it mutates class variables in Controller.
    return found_events
Example #3
  def snapshot_and_play_forward(self, simulation, controller, inject_input, wait_time_seconds):
    snapshotter = Snapshotter(simulation, controller)

    # Here we also fork() ourselves (the network simulator), since we need
    # switches to respond to messages, and potentially change their state in
    # order to properly peek().
    # TODO(cs): I believe that to be technically correct we need to use Chandy-Lamport
    # here, since STS + POX = a distributed system.
    def play_forward_and_marshal():
      # Can't marshal the simulation object, so use this method as a closure
      # instead.
      # N.B. depends on LocalForker() -- cannot be used with RemoteForker().
      # TODO(cs): even though DataplaneDrops are technically InputEvents, they
      # may time out, and we might do well to try to infer this somehow.
      found_events = play_forward(simulation, inject_input, wait_time_seconds)
      # TODO(cs): DataplaneDrops are a special case of an InputEvent that may
      # time out. We should check whether the input for this peek() was a
      # DataplaneDrop, and return whether it timed out.
      return [ e.to_json() for e in found_events ]

    self.forker.register_task("snapshot_fork_task", play_forward_and_marshal)
    # N.B. play_forward cleans up the simulation, including snaphotted controller
    unmarshalled_found_events = self.forker.fork("snapshot_fork_task")
    found_events = parse(unmarshalled_found_events)

    # Finally, bring the controller back to the state it was at just after
    # injecting inject_input
    # N.B. this must be invoked in the parent process (not a forker.fork()ed
    # child), since it mutates class variables in Controller.
    return (found_events, snapshotter)
Example #4
def main(args):
  # N.B. it would be nice to include link discovery or host location discovery
  # events here, but that's specific to the Controller's log output.
  network_failure_events = EventGrouping("Topology Change Events")
  controlplane_failure_events = EventGrouping("Control Plane Blockages")
  controller_failure_events = EventGrouping("Controller Change Events")
  host_events = EventGrouping("Host Migrations")

  event2grouping = {
    SwitchFailure : network_failure_events,
    SwitchRecovery : network_failure_events,
    LinkFailure : network_failure_events,
    LinkRecovery : network_failure_events,
    ControlChannelBlock : controlplane_failure_events,
    ControlChannelUnblock : controlplane_failure_events,
    ControllerFailure : controller_failure_events,
    ControllerRecovery : controller_failure_events,
    BlockControllerPair : controller_failure_events,
    UnblockControllerPair : controller_failure_events,
    HostMigration : host_events,
    # TODO(cs): support TrafficInjection, DataplaneDrop? Might get too noisy.

  with open(args.input) as input_file:
    trace = parse(input_file)
    for event in trace:
      if type(event) in event2grouping:

  for grouping in [network_failure_events, controlplane_failure_events,
                   controller_failure_events, host_events]:
Example #5
def main(args):
    def load_format_file(format_file):
        if format_file.endswith('.py'):
            format_file = format_file[:-3].replace("/", ".")
        config = __import__(format_file, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
        return config

    if args.format_file is not None:
        format_def = load_format_file(args.format_file)
        format_def = object()

    dp_trace = None
    if args.dp_trace_path is not None:
        dp_trace = Trace(args.dp_trace_path).dataplane_trace

    if hasattr(format_def, "fields"):
        fields = format_def.fields
        fields = default_fields

    for field in fields:
        if field not in field_formatters:
            raise ValueError("unknown field %s" % field)

    if hasattr(format_def, "filtered_classes"):
        filtered_classes = format_def.filtered_classes
        filtered_classes = default_filtered_classes

    stats = Stats()

    # all events are printed with a fixed number of lines, and (optionally)
    # separated by delimiter lines of the form:
    # ----------------------------------
    with open(args.input) as input_file:
        trace = parse(input_file)
        for event in trace:
            if type(event) not in filtered_classes:
                if dp_trace is not None and type(
                        event) == replay_events.TrafficInjection:
                    event.dp_event = dp_trace.pop(0)
                for field in fields:

        if check_for_violation_signature(trace, args.violation_signature):
            print "Violation occurs at end of trace: %s" % args.violation_signature
        elif args.violation_signature is not None:
            print("Violation does not occur at end of trace: %s",

    if args.stats:
        print "Stats: %s" % stats
def main(args):
  def load_format_file(format_file):
    if format_file.endswith('.py'):
      format_file = format_file[:-3].replace("/", ".")
    config = __import__(format_file, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    return config

  if args.format_file is not None:
    format_def = load_format_file(args.format_file)
    format_def = object()

  dp_trace = None
  if args.dp_trace_path is not None:
    dp_trace = Trace(args.dp_trace_path).dataplane_trace

  if hasattr(format_def, "fields"):
    fields = format_def.fields
    fields = default_fields

  for field in fields:
    if field not in field_formatters:
      raise ValueError("unknown field %s" % field)

  if hasattr(format_def, "filtered_classes"):
    filtered_classes = format_def.filtered_classes
    filtered_classes = default_filtered_classes

  stats = Stats()

  # all events are printed with a fixed number of lines, and (optionally)
  # separated by delimiter lines of the form:
  # ----------------------------------
  with open(args.input) as input_file:
    trace = parse(input_file)
    for event in trace:
      if type(event) not in filtered_classes:
        if dp_trace is not None and type(event) == replay_events.TrafficInjection:
          event.dp_event = dp_trace.pop(0)
        for field in fields:

    if check_for_violation_signature(trace, args.violation_signature):
      print "Violation occurs at end of trace: %s" % args.violation_signature
    elif args.violation_signature is not None:
      print ("Violation does not occur at end of trace: %s",

  if args.stats:
    print "Stats: %s" % stats
def main(args):
  if args.dp_trace_path is None:
    args.dp_trace_path = os.path.dirname(args.input) + "/dataplane.trace"

  dp_trace = Trace(args.dp_trace_path).dataplane_trace

  event_logger = InputLogger()

  with open(args.input) as input_file:
    trace = parse(input_file)
    for event in trace:
      if type(event) == replay_events.TrafficInjection:
        event.dp_event = dp_trace.pop(0)

Example #8
def main(args):
    if args.dp_trace_path is None:
        args.dp_trace_path = os.path.dirname(args.input) + "/dataplane.trace"

    dp_trace = Trace(args.dp_trace_path).dataplane_trace

    event_logger = InputLogger()

    with open(args.input) as input_file:
        trace = parse(input_file)
        for event in trace:
            if type(event) == replay_events.TrafficInjection:
                event.dp_event = dp_trace.pop(0)

def main(args):
  with open(args.input) as input_file:
    trace = parse(input_file)
    # TODO(cs): binary search instead of linear?
    while len(trace) > 0 and trace[0].label_id < args.ti_id:

    ti_event = trace[0]
    if type(ti_event) != replay_events.TrafficInjection:
      raise ValueError("Event %s with is not a TrafficInjection" % str(ti_event))

    pkt_fingerprint = DPFingerprint.from_pkt(ti_event.dp_event.packet)

    for event in trace:
      t = type(event)
      if t in dp_class_to_filter and dp_class_to_filter[t](event, pkt_fingerprint):
        for field in default_fields:
Example #10
def main(args):
    with open(args.input) as input_file:
        trace = parse(input_file)
        # TODO(cs): binary search instead of linear?
        while len(trace) > 0 and trace[0].label_id < args.ti_id:

        ti_event = trace[0]
        if type(ti_event) != replay_events.TrafficInjection:
            raise ValueError("Event %s with is not a TrafficInjection" %

        pkt_fingerprint = DPFingerprint.from_pkt(ti_event.dp_event.packet)

        for event in trace:
            t = type(event)
            if t in dp_class_to_filter and dp_class_to_filter[t](
                    event, pkt_fingerprint):
                for field in default_fields:
Example #11
def parse_event_trace(trace_path):
  with open(trace_path) as input_file:
    return EventDag(parse(input_file))
Example #12
def parse_event_trace(trace_path):
    with open(trace_path) as input_file:
        return EventDag(parse(input_file))