Example #1
    def test_get_symbols(self):
        # Create new mapfile for this test
        filename = h.gen_mapname()
        map = create_mapfile('Dummy mapfile name', filename)
        # login as admin to be allowed to access /mapfiles/1
        log_in(self.app, 'enduser', 'password')

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='mapfiles', action='get_symbols', id=map.id))
        assert response.response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert '"symbols": [' in response

        # test redirection to /signin when log out
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='mapfiles', action='get_symbols', id=map.id),
        urlparsed = urlparse(response.location)
        assert urlparsed.path == '/signin' # we are redirected to "signin"

        # Clean the test mapfile
Example #2
    def test_show(self):
        """ GET /mapfiles/id: Get a specific mapfile owned by the current user. """
        # Create new mapfile for this test
        filename = h.gen_mapname()
        map = create_mapfile('Dummy mapfile name', filename)
        # login as admin to be allowed to access /mapfiles/1
        log_in(self.app, 'enduser', 'password')

        response = self.app.get(url('MapFiles', id=map.id))
        assert response.response.content_type == 'application/json'
        assert '"map": {' in response
        assert 'Dummy mapfile name' in response

        # test redirection to /signin when log out
        response = self.app.get(url('MapFiles', id=map.id), status=302)
        urlparsed = urlparse(response.location)
        assert urlparsed.path == '/signin' # we are redirected to "signin"

        # Clean the test mapfile
Example #3
    def test_download(self):
        """ GET /mapfiles/id/download: Download the mapfile as an attachment. """
        # Create new mapfile for this test
        filename = h.gen_mapname()
        map = create_mapfile('Dummy mapfile name', filename)
        # login as admin to be allowed to access /mapfiles/1
        log_in(self.app, 'enduser', 'password')

        response = self.app.get(url(controller='mapfiles', action='download_mapfile', id=map.id))
        assert response.content_type == 'text/plain'
        assert response.body.startswith('MAP')
        assert response.headers['content-disposition'] == 'attachment; filename=%s' \
                %os.path.join(config['mapfiles_dir'], filename)

        # test redirection to /signin when log out
        response = self.app.get(url(controller='mapfiles', action='download_mapfile', id=map.id),
        urlparsed = urlparse(response.location)
        assert urlparsed.path == '/signin' # we are redirected to "signin"

        # Clean the test mapfile
Example #4
    def test_delete(self):
        """DELETE /mapfiles/id: Delete an existing mapfile owned by the current
        user. Deletion of the map entry in db and remove mapfile from filesystem. """
        # Create new mapfile for this test
        filename = h.gen_mapname()
        map = create_mapfile('Dummy mapfile name', filename)
        # login as admin to be allowed to access /mapfiles/1
        log_in(self.app, 'enduser', 'password')

        # delete request that must be tested
        response = self.app.delete(url('MapFiles', id=map.id))

        assert not(os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['mapfiles_dir'], map.filepath)))
        deleted_map = model.meta.Session.query(model.Map).get(map.id)
        assert deleted_map is None

        # assert mapfile doesn't still exist
        response = self.app.delete(url('MapFiles', id=2), status=404)

        # test redirection to /signin when log out
        response = self.app.delete(url('MapFiles', id=map.id), status=302)
        urlparsed = urlparse(response.location)
        assert urlparsed.path == '/signin' # we are redirected to "signin"
Example #5
    def test_update(self):
        """PUT /mapfiles/id: Update an existing item."""
        # Create new mapfile for this test
        filename = h.gen_mapname()
        map = create_mapfile('Dummy mapfile name', filename)
        # login as admin to be allowed to access /mapfiles/1
        log_in(self.app, 'enduser', 'password')

        mapfile = Mapfile()
        mapfile.from_file(os.path.join(config['mapserver_dir'], 'dummy_mapfile.map'))
        mapfile.set_name('New dummy name')
        mapfile = change_mapfile_paths(mapfile)
        dict = mapfile.to_dict()
        content = simplejson.dumps(dict)

        # PUT update request that must be tested
        map_id = map.id
        response = self.app.put(url('MapFiles', id=map_id), params=content,
        updated_map = model.meta.Session.query(model.Map).get(map_id)
        assert updated_map.name == 'New dummy name'
        map_path = os.path.join(config['mapfiles_dir'],updated_map.filepath)
        assert os.path.exists(map_path)
        mapobj = Mapfile()
        assert mapobj.get_name() == 'New dummy name'

        # test redirection to /signin when log out
        response = self.app.get(url('MapFiles', id=map_id), params=content,
        urlparsed = urlparse(response.location)
        assert urlparsed.path == '/signin' # we are redirected to "signin"

        # Clean the test mapfile