def test_partition_remaining(self): model = make_model() make_disk(model, serial='aaaa', size=dehumanize_size("100M")) fake_up_blockdata(model) model.apply_autoinstall_config([ { 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk0', }, { 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'part0', 'device': 'disk0', 'size': dehumanize_size('50M'), }, { 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'part1', 'device': 'disk0', 'size': -1, }, ]) disk = model._one(type="disk") part1 = model._one(type="partition", id="part1") self.assertEqual( part1.size, disk.available_for_partitions - dehumanize_size('50M'))
def guided_lvm(self, disk, lvm_options): self.reformat(disk) if DeviceAction.MAKE_BOOT in disk.supported_actions: self.make_boot_disk(disk) self.create_partition( device=disk, spec=dict( size=dehumanize_size('1G'), fstype="ext4", mount='/boot' )) part = self.create_partition( device=disk, spec=dict( size=disk.free_for_partitions, fstype=None, )) spec = dict(name="ubuntu-vg", devices=set([part])) if lvm_options['encrypt']: spec['password'] = lvm_options['luks_options']['password'] # create volume group on partition vg = self.create_volgroup(spec) self.create_logical_volume( vg=vg, spec=dict( size=dehumanize_size("4G"), name="ubuntu-lv", fstype="ext4", mount="/", ))
def test_lv_remaining(self): model = make_model() make_disk(model, serial='aaaa', size=dehumanize_size("100M")) fake_up_blockdata(model) model.apply_autoinstall_config([ { 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk0', }, { 'type': 'lvm_volgroup', 'id': 'vg0', 'name': 'vg0', 'devices': ['disk0'], }, { 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'id': 'lv1', 'name': 'lv1', 'volgroup': 'vg0', 'size': dehumanize_size("50M"), }, { 'type': 'lvm_partition', 'id': 'lv2', 'name': 'lv2', 'volgroup': 'vg0', 'size': -1, }, ]) vg = model._one(type="lvm_volgroup") lv2 = model._one(type="lvm_partition", id='lv2') self.assertEqual(lv2.size, vg.available_for_partitions - dehumanize_size("50M"))
def test_errors(self): for input, expected_error in self.errors: with self.subTest(input=input): try: dehumanize_size(input) except ValueError as e: actual_error = str(e) else: "dehumanize_size({!r}) did not error".format(input)) self.assertEqual(expected_error, actual_error)
def clean_size(self, val): if not val: return self.max_size suffixes = ''.join(HUMAN_UNITS) + ''.join(HUMAN_UNITS).lower() if val[-1] not in suffixes: val += self.size_str[-1] return dehumanize_size(val)
def test_edit_boot_partition(self): form_data = { 'size': "256M", } model, disk = make_model_and_disk() partition = model.add_partition(disk, 512 * (2**20), "boot") fs = model.add_filesystem(partition, "fat32") model.add_mount(fs, '/boot/efi') view, stretchy = make_partition_view(model, disk, partition) self.assertFalse(stretchy.form.fstype.enabled) self.assertEqual(stretchy.form.fstype.value, "fat32") self.assertFalse(stretchy.form.mount.enabled) self.assertEqual(stretchy.form.mount.value, "/boot/efi") view_helpers.enter_data(stretchy.form, form_data) expected_data = { 'size': dehumanize_size(form_data['size']), 'fstype': "fat32", 'mount': '/boot/efi', 'use_swap': False, } view.controller.partition_disk_handler.assert_called_once_with( stretchy.disk, stretchy.partition, expected_data)
def __init__(self, model, controller, method): self.model = model self.controller = controller self.method = method cancel = cancel_btn(_("Cancel"), on_press=self.cancel) rows = [] for disk in self.model.all_disks(): if disk.size >= dehumanize_size("6G"): disk_btn = ClickableIcon(disk.label) connect_signal( disk_btn, 'click', self.choose_disk, disk) attr = Color.done_button else: disk_btn = Text(" "+disk.label) attr = Color.info_minor rows.append(attr(TableRow([ Text('['), disk_btn, Text(humanize_size(disk.size), align='right'), Text('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE}'), Text(']'), ]))) super().__init__(screen( TableListBox(rows, spacing=1, colspecs={ 1: ColSpec(can_shrink=True, min_width=20, rpad=2), 2: ColSpec(min_width=9), }), button_pile([cancel]), focus_buttons=False, excerpt=( excerpts[method] + "\n\n" + _("Choose the disk to install to:"))))
def test_create_partition(self): valid_data = { 'size': "1M", 'fstype': FilesystemModel.fs_by_name["ext4"], } view, stretchy = self.make_view() view_helpers.enter_data(stretchy.form, valid_data) valid_data['mount'] = '/' valid_data['size'] = dehumanize_size(valid_data['size']) view.controller.partition_disk_handler.assert_called_once_with( stretchy.disk, None, valid_data)
def test_create_partition(self): valid_data = { 'size': "1M", 'fstype': "ext4", } model, disk = make_model_and_disk() view, stretchy = make_view(model, disk) view_helpers.enter_data(stretchy.form, valid_data) valid_data['mount'] = '/' valid_data['size'] = dehumanize_size(valid_data['size']) view.controller.partition_disk_handler.assert_called_once_with( stretchy.disk, None, valid_data)
def choose_disk(self, btn, disk_path): self.model.reset() disk = self.model.disk_by_path(disk_path) if self.method == "direct": result = { "size": disk.free_for_partitions, "fstype": "ext4", "mount": "/", } self.controller.partition_disk_handler(disk, None, result) elif self.method == 'lvm': if DeviceAction.MAKE_BOOT in disk.supported_actions: self.controller.make_boot_disk(disk) self.controller.create_partition(device=disk, spec=dict( size=dehumanize_size('1G'), fstype="ext4", mount='/boot')) part = self.controller.create_partition( device=disk, spec=dict( size=disk.free_for_partitions, fstype=None, )) vg = self.controller.create_volgroup(spec=dict( name="ubuntu-vg", devices=set([part]), )) self.controller.create_logical_volume( vg=vg, spec=dict( size=dehumanize_size("4G"), name="ubuntu-lv", fstype="ext4", mount="/", )) else: raise Exception("unknown guided method '{}'".format(self.method)) self.controller.manual()
def test_partition_percent(self): model = make_model() make_disk(model, serial='aaaa', size=dehumanize_size("100M")) fake_up_blockdata(model) model.apply_autoinstall_config([{ 'type': 'disk', 'id': 'disk0', }, { 'type': 'partition', 'id': 'part0', 'device': 'disk0', 'size': '50%', }]) disk = model._one(type="disk") part = model._one(type="partition") self.assertEqual(part.size, disk.available_for_partitions // 2)
def guided_lvm(self, disk, lvm_options=None): self.reformat(disk) if DeviceAction.TOGGLE_BOOT in DeviceAction.supported(disk): self.add_boot_disk(disk) self.create_partition( device=disk, spec=dict( size=dehumanize_size('1G'), fstype="ext4", mount='/boot' )) part = self.create_partition( device=disk, spec=dict( size=disk.free_for_partitions, fstype=None, )) vg_name = 'ubuntu-vg' i = 0 while self.model._one(type='lvm_volgroup', name=vg_name) is not None: i += 1 vg_name = 'ubuntu-vg-{}'.format(i) spec = dict(name=vg_name, devices=set([part])) if lvm_options and lvm_options['encrypt']: spec['password'] = lvm_options['luks_options']['password'] vg = self.create_volgroup(spec) # There's no point using LVM and unconditionally filling the # VG with a single LV, but we should use more of a smaller # disk to avoid the user running into out of space errors # earlier than they probably expect to. if vg.size < 10 * (2 << 30): # Use all of a small (<10G) disk. lv_size = vg.size elif vg.size < 20 * (2 << 30): # Use 10G of a smallish (<20G) disk. lv_size = 10 * (2 << 30) elif vg.size < 200 * (2 << 30): # Use half of a larger (<200G) disk. lv_size = vg.size // 2 else: # Use at most 100G of a large disk. lv_size = 100 * (2 << 30) self.create_logical_volume( vg=vg, spec=dict( size=lv_size, name="ubuntu-lv", fstype="ext4", mount="/", ))
def test_edit_boot_partition(self): form_data = { 'size': "256M", } model, disk = make_model_and_disk() partition = model.add_partition(disk, 512 * (2**20), "boot") fs = model.add_filesystem(partition, "fat32") model.add_mount(fs, '/boot/efi') view, stretchy = make_view(model, disk, partition) view_helpers.enter_data(stretchy.form, form_data) expected_data = { 'size': dehumanize_size(form_data['size']), 'fstype': FilesystemModel.fs_by_name["fat32"], 'mount': '/boot/efi', } view.controller.partition_disk_handler.assert_called_once_with( stretchy.disk, stretchy.partition, expected_data)
def test_edit_partition(self): form_data = { 'size': "256M", 'fstype': FilesystemModel.fs_by_name['xfs'], } model, disk = make_model_and_disk() partition = model.add_partition(disk, 512 * (2**20)) model.add_filesystem(partition, "ext4") view, stretchy = make_view(model, disk, partition) self.assertTrue(stretchy.form.done_btn.enabled) view_helpers.enter_data(stretchy.form, form_data) expected_data = { 'size': dehumanize_size(form_data['size']), 'fstype': FilesystemModel.fs_by_name['xfs'], 'mount': None, } view.controller.partition_disk_handler.assert_called_once_with( stretchy.disk, stretchy.partition, expected_data)
def __init__(self, model, controller, method): self.model = model self.controller = controller self.method = method cancel = cancel_btn(_("Cancel"), on_press=self.cancel) rows = [] for disk in self.model.all_disks(): for obj, cells in summarize_device(disk): wrap = Color.info_minor if obj is disk: start, end = '[', ']' arrow = '\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE}' if disk.size >= dehumanize_size("6G"): arrow = ClickableIcon(arrow) connect_signal(arrow, 'click', self.choose_disk, disk) wrap = _wrap_button_row else: start, arrow, end = '', '', '' if isinstance(arrow, str): arrow = Text(arrow) rows.append( wrap(TableRow([Text(start)] + cells + [arrow, Text(end)]))) rows.append(TableRow([Text("")])) super().__init__( screen(TableListBox(rows[:-1], spacing=2, colspecs={ 0: ColSpec(rpad=1), 2: ColSpec(can_shrink=True), 4: ColSpec(min_width=9), 5: ColSpec(rpad=1), }, align='center'), button_pile([cancel]), focus_buttons=False, excerpt=(excerpts[method] + "\n\n" + _("Choose the disk to install to:"))))
elif calc_size == real_size: print("exactly right!") r = True else: print("subiquity wasted space", real_size - calc_size) r = True finally: cleanup() return r fails = 0 run(['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', 'tmpfs', tmpdir]) try: for size in '1G', '10G', '100G', '1T', '10T': size = dehumanize_size(size) for level in raidlevels: for count in range(2, 10): if count >= level.min_devices: if not verify_size_ok(level.value, [size] * count): fails += 1 if not verify_size_ok( level.value, [align_down(random.randrange(size, 10 * size))] * count): fails += 1 sizes = [ align_down(random.randrange(size, 10 * size)) for _ in range(count) ] if not verify_size_ok(level.value, sizes):
def test_basics(self): for input, expected_output in self.basics: with self.subTest(input=input): self.assertEqual(expected_output, dehumanize_size(input))