Example #1
def select_configuration(
        window: sublime.Window,
        index: int) -> core.awaitable[Optional[Configuration]]:
        configs = all_configurations(window)
    except Exception as e:

    done = core.main_loop.create_future()
    names = list(map(lambda x: x.name, configs)) + ["-"
                                                    ] + ["Add configuration"]

    index = yield from core.sublime_show_quick_panel_async(
        window, names, index)
    if index < 0:
        return None
    if index >= len(configs):
        project = window.project_file_name()
        if project:
            window = sublime.active_window()
                {"base_file": "${packages}/sublime_db/debug.sublime-settings"})
        return None
    return configs[index]
Example #2
 def open_location(window: sublime.Window,
                   location: Tuple[str, str, Tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
     fname, file_path_and_row_col, rowcol = location
     row, col = rowcol
     debug("opening location", file_path_and_row_col)
                      sublime.ENCODED_POSITION | sublime.FORCE_GROUP)
Example #3
 def highlight_entry(window: sublime.Window,
                     locations: List[Tuple[str, str, Tuple[int, int]]],
                     idx: int) -> None:
     fname, file_path_and_row_col, rowcol = locations[idx]
     row, col = rowcol
                      flags=sublime.TRANSIENT | sublime.ENCODED_POSITION
                      | sublime.FORCE_GROUP)
Example #4
def open_file(window: sublime.Window,
              file_path: str,
              flags: int = 0,
              group: int = -1) -> Promise[Optional[sublime.View]]:
    """Open a file asynchronously. It is only safe to call this function from the UI thread."""

    # window.open_file brings the file to focus if it's already opened, which we don't want.
    # So we first check if there's already a view for that file.
    view = window.find_open_file(file_path)
    if view:
        return Promise.resolve(view)

    view = window.open_file(file_path, flags, group)
    if not view.is_loading():
        # It's already loaded. Possibly already open in a tab.
        return Promise.resolve(view)

    # Is the view opening right now? Then return the associated unresolved promise
    for fn, value in opening_files.items():
        if fn == file_path or os.path.samefile(fn, file_path):
            # Return the unresolved promise. A future on_load event will resolve the promise.
            return value[0]

    # Prepare a new promise to be resolved by a future on_load event (see the event listener in main.py)
    def fullfill(resolve: ResolveFunc[Optional[sublime.View]]) -> None:
        global opening_files
        # Save the promise in the first element of the tuple -- except we cannot yet do that here
        opening_files[file_path] = (None, resolve)  # type: ignore

    promise = Promise(fullfill)
    tup = opening_files[file_path]
    # Save the promise in the first element of the tuple so that the for-loop above can return it
    opening_files[file_path] = (promise, tup[1])
    return promise
async def sublime_open_file_async(window: sublime.Window, file: str, line: Optional[int] = None) -> sublime.View:
	view = window.open_file(file)
	await wait_for_view_to_load(view)
	if line is None:
		return view
	view.show(view.text_point(line, 0), True)
	return view
Example #6
async def sublime_open_file_async(window: sublime.Window,
                                  file: str,
                                  line: int | None = None,
                                  column: int | None = None) -> sublime.View:
    if line:
        file += f':{line}'
    if column:
        file += f':{column}'

    view = window.open_file(file, sublime.ENCODED_POSITION)
    await wait_for_view_to_load(view)
    return view
Example #7
def agenda_meta_info_get_or_create_view(window: sublime.Window, meta_info: Agenda.AgendaItemMetaInfo):
    if meta_info.file_name is not None:
        view = window.find_open_file(meta_info.file_name)
        if view is not None:
            return view
        return window.open_file(meta_info.file_name)

    for view in window.views():
        if view.id() == meta_info.view_id:
            return view

    raise ZorgmodeError("Cannot find file for this item")
Example #8
def sublime_open_file_async(window: sublime.Window, file: str,
                            line: int) -> awaitable[sublime.View]:
    from sublime_db import ui
    view = window.open_file(file)
    if view.is_loading():
        future = main_loop.create_future()

        # FIXME this is terrible
        handle = ui.Handle(ui.view_loaded, None)  #type: ignore

        def loaded_view(v: sublime.View) -> None:
            if view == v:

        handle.callback = loaded_view
        yield from future

    assert not view.is_loading(), "?? why is this view still loading?"
    view.show(view.text_point(line, 0), True)
    return view
Example #9
def open_location(window: sublime.Window, location: str) -> None:
    debug("opening location", location)
    window.open_file(location, sublime.ENCODED_POSITION)
Example #10
def open_location(window: sublime.Window, location: Location) -> None:
    uri = location['uri']
    r = location['range']
    (_, path) = parse_uri(uri)
    pos = r["start"] if r else {"line": 0, "character": 0}
    window.open_file(to_encoded_filename(path, pos), sublime.ENCODED_POSITION)