Example #1
    def __init__(self, ev):
        self.running = False
        self.ev = ev
        self._active_player = None
        self.subphaseinfo = SubPhaseInfo(SP_PLAYERINPUT)
        self.trash = Pile()

        # when entering a new subphase, the game waits for
        # an answer of the player. If entering a second (or more)
        # subphase, this one is put on the stack (LIFO).
        # When the subphase was finished, the game enters
        # the subphase on top of the stack
        self.subphase_cache = []

        # all cards on board get added to this list, and then
        # cleanup_step gets called on each of those cards
        # on P_PRECLEANUP (e.g. Treasury/Walled Village)
        self.precleanupstack = []

        # a card can register a callback in this dictionary
        # via the on_resolve() method. The callback is
        # called when the card is resolved via the resolved
        # method. This is used e.g. by Throne Room, which
        # will play the second card when the first one
        # is resolved. key: card.id value: callable
        self.resolve_handler = {}

        self.attack_cache = {}
        self.reaction_cache = {}
        self.misc_cache = {}
        self.all_player_action_cache = {}

        self.action_step_handler = []
        self.buy_step_handler = []

        # Instead of a callable or None, a card may return
        # a so called LateCall in one of its handler methods.
        # If so, this LateCall will be called when the subphase
        # is restored, instead of immediately right after the
        # handler method
        self.late_calls = []

        # some cards need to modify the costs of all other cards.
        # Thus they can register a cost-modifying callable.
        # This callable has to takes (coins, potions) and
        # returns (modified_coins, modified_potions)
        self.cost_mod = []

        self.last_played_cards = defaultdict(list)
        self.last_gained_cards = defaultdict(list)
        self.last_bought_cards = defaultdict(list)

        self.pending_trigger = defaultdict(list)
        self.running_trigger = None

        self.phase = PhaseManager(self, (ActionPhase(self), BuyPhase(self),
                                  PreCleanupPhase(self), CleanupPhase(self)),
                                  self.__phase_enter, self.__phase_entered,
Example #2
class Game(GameInterface):

    def __init__(self, ev):
        self.running = False
        self.ev = ev
        self._active_player = None
        self.subphaseinfo = SubPhaseInfo(SP_PLAYERINPUT)

        # when entering a new subphase, the game waits for 
        # an answer of the player. If entering a second (or more)
        # subphase, this one is put on the stack (LIFO).
        # When the subphase was finished, the game enters
        # the subphase on top of the stack 
        self.subphase_cache = []
        # all cards on board get added to this list, and then
        # cleanup_step gets called on each of those cards
        # on P_PRECLEANUP (e.g. Treasury/Walled Village)  
        self.precleanupstack = []
        # a card can register a callback in this dictionary
        # via the on_resolve() method. The callback is 
        # called when the card is resolved via the resolved
        # method. This is used e.g. by Throne Room, which
        # will play the second card when the first one
        # is resolved. key: card.id value: callable
        self.resolve_handler = {}

        self.attack_cache = {}
        self.reaction_cache = {}
        self.misc_cache = {}
        self.all_player_action_cache = {}

        self.action_step_handler = []
        self.buy_step_handler = []

        # Instead of a callable or None, a card may return
        # a so called LateCall in one of its handler methods.
        # If so, this LateCall will be called when the subphase
        # is restored, instead of immediately right after the
        # handler method 
        self.late_calls = []

        # some cards need to modify the costs of all other cards.
        # Thus they can register a cost-modifying callable.
        # This callable has to takes (coins, potions) and
        # returns (modified_coins, modified_potions) 
        self.cost_mod = []

        self.last_played_cards = defaultdict(list)
        self.last_gained_cards = defaultdict(list)
        self.last_bought_cards = defaultdict(list)

        self.pending_trigger = defaultdict(list)
        self.running_trigger = None

        self.phase = PhaseManager(self, (ActionPhase(self), BuyPhase(self),
                                  PreCleanupPhase(self), CleanupPhase(self)),
                                  self.__phase_enter, self.__phase_entered,

    def __phase_enter(self, phase):
        """Called when entering a new game phase"""

        assert phase, "phase is None"
        assert self._active_player, "activeplayer is none"
        if not self.running:
        if phase.key == P_ACTION:
            for d in (self.last_played_cards, self.last_gained_cards, self.last_bought_cards):
                if self._active_player in d:
                    del d[self._active_player]

        ChangePhaseEvent(self._active_player, phase.key).post(self.ev)
        ChangeSubPhaseEvent(0, self._active_player, SP_WAIT).post(self.ev)
    def __phase_entered(self, phase):
        """Called when entering a new game phase"""

        assert phase, "phase is None"
        assert self._active_player, "activeplayer is none"
        if not self.running:

        if phase.key == P_PRECLEANUP:
            ChangeSubPhaseEvent(0, self._active_player, SP_PLAYERINPUT).post(self.ev)

    def __phase_leave(self, phase):
        """Called when leaving a game phase"""

        if phase.key == P_CLEANUP:
            self.cost_mod = []
    def play_card(self, player, card_id, free=False, is_duration=False):
        """Let the player play a card"""

        if not player is self.active_player:
            logging.error("won't play %i if player %s is not active", card_id, player.name)
        if not card_id in [c.id for c in player.hand]:
            logging.critical("card %i is not in hand of %s", card_id, player.name)
                card = player.deck.get_card(card_id)
                logging.critical("card is %s", card.name)
            except StopIteration:
                logging.critical("could not find card in player deck")
            logging.critical("hand is %s", ", ".join([str(c.id) for c in player.hand]))    
            raise RegnancyException()
        card = next(c for c in player.hand if c.id == card_id)

        if self.phase == P_ACTION and not card.cardtype & ACTION:

        if self.phase == P_BUY and not card.cardtype & TREASURE:

        if is_duration:
            card.begin_step(self, player)
            if card.cardtype & DURATION:
            if self.phase == P_BUY:
                card.buy_step(self, player)
                for handler in self.buy_step_handler:
                    handler(self, player, card)
            elif self.phase == P_ACTION:
                card.action_step(self, player)
                for handler in self.action_step_handler:
                    handler(self, player, card)

        if card.cardtype & ACTION and not free:
            player.actions -= 1

    def add_cost_mod(self, mod):

    def get_cost(self, pile_or_card):
        (coins, potions) = pile_or_card.cost
        for mod in self.cost_mod:
            (coins, potions) = mod(coins, potions)
        return (max(coins, 0), max(potions, 0))

    def buy_card(self, player, pile_id):
        """Let the player buy a card"""

        pile = self.get_pile(pile_id)
        if not len(pile):
            raise PileIsEmptyException("Player can't buy card from empty pile")
        if self.get_cost(pile)[0] > player.money:
            raise NotEnoughMoneyException("Player can't buy this card, no money")
        if self.get_cost(pile)[1] > player.potion:
            raise NotEnoughMoneyException("Player can't buy this card, no potion")

        player.money -= self.get_cost(pile)[0]
        player.potion -= self.get_cost(pile)[1]
        player.buys -= 1

        msg = "%s bought %s" % (player.name, pile.name)
        card = self.take_card_from_pile(player, pile, message=msg)

    def take_card_from_pile(self, player, pile, safe=False, to_hand=False,
                            to_deck=False, message=None):
        """Let the player pick a card from a pile"""

        if not len(pile):
            if safe:
            raise PileIsEmptyException("Player can't pick card from empty pile")

        card = pile.take()
        return self.take_card(player, card, message, to_hand, to_deck)

    def take_card(self, player, card, message=None, to_hand=False, to_deck=False):
        self.yell(message or "%s took %s" % (player.name, card.name))
        player.take_card(card, to_hand, to_deck)
        card.gain_step(self, player)
        if player == self.active_player:
        self.raise_trigger(T_GAIN, card, player)
        return card

    def raise_trigger(self, trigger, card, player):
        for p in self.players:
            handler = [t for t in [(c, c.handle_trigger(trigger)) for c in p.hand] if t[1] != None]
            if handler:
                self.pending_trigger[p].extend([TriggerInfo(c, player, card, callback) for c, callback in handler])
    def trash_card(self, player, card, silent=False):
        """Let the player trash a card from his hand"""

        if not (silent or card.virtual):
            self.yell("%s trashed %s" % (player.name, card.name))

    def discard_cards(self, cards, player=None):
        player = player or self.active_player
        for c in cards:
            card = c if isinstance(c, Card) else player.hand.get_card(c)
            self.discard_card(player, card)

    def discard_card(self, player, card):
        self.yell("%s discarded %s" % (player.name, card.name))

    def discard_hand(self, player):
        any_cards = len(player.hand) > 0
        for _ in xrange(len(player.hand)):
            self.discard_card(player, (player.hand)[0])
        return any_cards

    def whisper(self, message, player=None):
        """Send a message a player"""

        assert message
        MessageEvent(message, reciever=player or self.active_player).post(self.ev)

    def yell(self, message):
        """Send a message to all players"""


    def active_player(self):
        """Get the active player"""

        return self._active_player

    def players(self):
        """Get all players"""

        return self._players

    def other_players(self):
        return [p for p in self._players if not p is self.active_player]

    def kingdompiles(self):
        """Get all kingdom card piles"""

        return sorted(self._kingdompiles, key=lambda pile: pile.cost)

    def commonpiles(self):
        """Get all treasure piles, victory card piles etc."""

        return self._commonpiles

    def allpiles(self):
        """Get all piles (kingdom cards and common cards)"""

        return list(chain(self.commonpiles, self.kingdompiles))

    def update_player(self, player=None):
        """Sending player info around"""

        def up(p):
            if p == self.active_player:
            PlayerInfoEvent([p.create_info() for p in self.players]).post(self.ev)

        if player:
            for p in self.players:

    def setup(self, setup, players):
        """Setup a a new game"""

        self.__init__(self.ev) # This seems like a bad, bad hack?
        self._players = players
        self._kingdompiles = prepare_piles(get_setup(setup), len(self.players))
        self._commonpiles = prepare_piles(commonpiles, len(self.players))
        self.endcondition = game_end
        self.running = True

        for player in self.players:
            player.actions = 1
            player.buys = 1

            [player.take_card(card) for card in standarddeck()]

            [player.draw_card() for _ in xrange(5)]
            ChangePhaseEvent(player, SP_WAIT).post(self.ev)

        self._active_player = (self._players)[0]

    def get_pile(self, cardtype):
        """Get the pile with the specific cardtype"""

        a = lambda pile: pile.card == cardtype
        b = lambda pile: pile.card.name == cardtype
        c = lambda pile: pile.id == cardtype
        for l in (a, b, c):
                return next(pile for pile in self.allpiles if l(pile))
        return None

    def draw_card(self, player=None, count=1):
        """Let the player draw a card"""

        for _ in xrange(count):
            (player or self.active_player).draw_card()
        self.update_player(player or self.active_player)

    def update(self):
        """The game's main-loop, called by the server's loop"""

        if self.pending_trigger:
            if self.running_trigger:

            for p in self.pending_trigger.keys():
                if not self.pending_trigger[p]:
                    del self.pending_trigger[p]
                    triggerinfo = self.pending_trigger[p][0]
                    self.running_trigger = triggerinfo
                    def remove(*args):
                        self.running_trigger = None
                    self.on_resolve(triggerinfo.card, remove)
                    triggerinfo(self, p)

    def check_endcondition(self):
        return game_end(self)

    def end_of_game(self):
        logging.info("game over")

        self.running = False
        result = self.calculate_result()


    def calculate_result(self):
        for p in self.players:
            for c in p.deck:
                c.end_step(self, p)
        return [(p.name, p.score) for p in self.players]
    def _next_player(self):
        """Set the next player as active"""

        print "- next player -----------------------"

        self.action_step_handler = []
        self.buy_step_handler = []

        self._active_player = self.next_player() 
        #logging.debug("----- next player (%s)-------", self.active_player.name)
        self.yell("It's now %ss turn" % self.active_player.name)
        PlayerInfoEvent([p.create_info() for p in self.players]).post(self.ev)

    def previous_player(self):
        """Return the previous player before the actual one"""

        previous_player = (self.players)[self.players.index(self._active_player) - 1]
        return previous_player if not previous_player is self.active_player else None

    def next_player(self, current=None):
        """Return the next player after the actual one"""

        if not current:
            current = self._active_player
        next_index = self.players.index(current) + 1
        return (self.players)[0] if next_index == len(self.players) else (self.players)[next_index] 
    def endphase(self, player):
        """End the current phase"""

        assert player == self.active_player, \
            "Only active player may end his phase"
        assert self.subphaseinfo.subphase == SP_PLAYERINPUT, \
            "Player has to answer to %s first" % self.subphaseinfo.subphase

    def has_played(self, card_class):
        return any(isinstance(c, card_class) for c in self.last_played_cards[self.active_player])

    def let_all_players_pick(self, card, text, handler=None, player_filter=None):
                               handler or card.handler, 
    def ask_all_players(self, card, askplayerinfo, handler=None, player_filter=None):
        self.all_player_action(card, handler or card.handler, 
                               SP_ASKPLAYER, askplayerinfo, player_filter)

    def all_player_action(self, card, handler, subphase, info,

        if not player_filter:
            player_filter = lambda p: True
        players = [p for p in self.players if player_filter(p)]
        for p in players:
            (self.all_player_action_cache)[p] = handler
            if p is self.active_player:
                self.enter_subphase(SubPhaseInfo(subphase, card, info, handler))
                ChangeSubPhaseEvent(card.id, p, subphase, info).post(self.ev)

        return players

    def let_pick_pile(self, card, text, callback=None):
                                         callback or card.handler))
    def let_pick_from_hand(self, card, text, callback=None):
                                         callback or card.handler))

    def attack_ask(self, card, info, attack_handler=None,
               expect_answer=True, on_restore_callback=None):

        self.attack(card, attack_handler or card.attack_handler, SP_ASKPLAYER,
                    info, expect_answer, on_restore_callback)

    def attack_let_pick_from_hand(self, card, text, attack_handler=None,
               expect_answer=True, on_restore_callback=None):
        self.attack(card, attack_handler or card.attack_handler, SP_PICKCARDSFROMHAND,
                    InfoToken(text), expect_answer, on_restore_callback)

    def attack(self, card, attack_handler=None, subphase=None, info=None,
               expect_answer=True, on_restore_callback=None, keep_WAIT=False):

        assert card, "card is none"
        attack_handler = attack_handler or card.attack_handler

        def orc_proxy(game, player):
            if on_restore_callback:
                on_restore_callback(game, player)

                                         InfoToken('Waiting for other players'),

        attacked_players = [p for p in self.players if p != self.active_player]

        if not attacked_players:

        attack_phase = subphase or SP_WAIT

        def add_to_attack_cache_or_resolve():
            if expect_answer:
                (self.attack_cache)[p] = attack_handler
                ChangeSubPhaseEvent(card.id, p, attack_phase, info).post(self.ev)
                return True
            # if we don't expect an answer (e.g. the attack cards just says: take a curse)
            # we can just call the 'attack_handler' stored in 'attack_cache', so
            # the attack takes place immediately.
            return attack_handler(self, p, None) != CANCEL_ATTACK
        cancel = True        
        for p in attacked_players:
            triggerable_cards ={ t[0]: t[1] for t in [(c, c.handle_trigger(T_ATTACK)) for c in p.hand] if t[1] != None}
            reaction_cards = list(set([c.name for c in triggerable_cards.keys()]))

            if reaction_cards:

                def handle_answer(game, player, result):
                    if result == "play no reaction":
                        return add_to_attack_cache_or_resolve
                        card = (c for c in player.hand if c.name == result).next()
                        self.yell("%s reveals %s" % (player.name, card.name))
                        result = triggerable_cards[card]
                        if callable(result):
                            def wrapper():
                                result(self, player, add_to_attack_cache_or_resolve)
                            return wrapper    
                            ChangeSubPhaseEvent(None, p, SP_WAIT).post(self.ev)
                    return True

                reaction_cards.append("play no reaction")
                q_info = AskPlayerInfo('Attacked by %s' % card.name,
                        "Play reaction card?", reaction_cards, card)
                ChangeSubPhaseEvent(uuid4(), p, SP_ASKPLAYER, q_info).post(self.ev)
                (self.reaction_cache)[p] = handle_answer
                if add_to_attack_cache_or_resolve():
                    cancel = False
        if (not expect_answer and not self.reaction_cache and not keep_WAIT) or cancel:

    def ask(self, card, text, answers, callback=None, on_restore_callback=None):
                                        callback or card.handler, 

    def ask_yes_no(self, card, text, callback=None, on_restore_callback=None, card_to_show=None):
                                          callback or card.handler,

    def let_order_cards(self, card, text, cards, callback):
        for c in cards:
            c.calc_cost = self.get_cost(c)
                                         InfoToken(text, cards=cards), 

    def enter_subphase(self, subphaseinfo):
        Enter a subphase and keep it on a stack, so multiple calls gets resolved in right order
        callback: is called when the game receives an answer from a player which is not 
                  in the attack or reaction cache, e.g. after choosing the cards to trash
                  with chapel etc.
        on_restore_callback: is called when the sub phase is restored."""

        assert subphaseinfo, "subphaseinfo is None"

        if not self.subphase_cache:

            self.subphaseinfo = subphaseinfo

            ChangeSubPhaseEvent(subphaseinfo.card.id, self.active_player,
                    self.subphaseinfo.subphase, self.subphaseinfo.info).post(self.ev)

    def _restore_subphase(self):
        """Get back to the last subphase

        The on_restore_callback-handlers are important for attack cards that do something after changing the sub-phase
        to resolve an effect. For example, the Swindler forces each player to reveal the top card of the deck. After
        each player revealed the card, the sub-phase changes back from the attack sub-phase to the previous sub-phase,
        and this is the point in time where the Swindler wants to decide which cards are replaced.

        cb = self.subphaseinfo.on_restore_callback

        self.subphaseinfo = self.subphase_cache.pop()

        ChangeSubPhaseEvent(self.subphaseinfo.card, self.active_player,
                self.subphaseinfo.subphase, info=self.subphaseinfo.info).post(self.ev)

        if cb:
            cb(self, self.active_player)

        for lc in self.late_calls:
        self.late_calls = []

    def answered(self, player, result, subid):
        """Handle the given answer"""

        caches = (self.attack_cache, 

        handled = False
        for cache in caches:
            if not handled and player in cache.keys():
                handled = True
                handler_result = cache[player](self, player, result)

                if handler_result:
                    del cache[player]
                    ChangeSubPhaseEvent(None, player, SP_WAIT).post(self.ev)
                    if isinstance(handler_result, LateCall):
                    elif callable(handler_result):

                    if not [item for sublist in caches for item in sublist]:

        if not handled and self.subphaseinfo.callback:
            cbresult = self.subphaseinfo.callback(self, player, result)
            if cbresult:
                if callable(cbresult):

    def resolved(self, card):
        """Called by cards to tell the game they are resolved"""

        if card.id in self.resolve_handler:
            (self.resolve_handler)[card.id](self, self.active_player)
            del (self.resolve_handler)[card.id]


    def on_resolve(self, card, f):
        """Register a function that is called when a card tells it is resolved"""

        (self.resolve_handler)[card.id] = f

    def reveal_player_hand(self, player=None):
        player = player or self.active_player
        for c in player.hand:
            self.yell("%s reveals %s" % (player.name, c.name))

    def reveal_top_card(self, player=None):
        player = player or self.active_player
        card = player.draw_card(just_reveal=True)
        if card:
            self.yell("%s reveals %s" % (player.name, card.name))
            self.yell("%s has no cards left" % player.name)
        return card

    def get_player_by_id(self, player_id):
        return (p for p in self.players if p.id == player_id).next()

    def add_action_step_handler(self, card_class, callback):
        self.action_step_handler.append(StepHandler(card_class, callback))

    def add_buy_step_handler(self, card_class, callback):
        self.buy_step_handler.append(StepHandler(card_class, callback))

    def notify(self, event):