def importNomalized(pathName, exp): labelsList = list() ch_names = [] create_ch_name = False # carregando pasta "large_train" path = gop('ls {}'.format(pathName)).split('\n') # 1ª dimensão dos dados contendo os sujeitos. Ex.: C_1, a_m, etc subjects = list() for types in path: if("co2c" in types): for i in range (0,10): labelsList.append([[0]]*61) else: for i in range (0,10): labelsList.append([[1]]*61) files = gop('ls {}/{}'.format(pathName, types)).split('\n') # 2ª dimensão dos dados contendo as sessões (trials) trials = list() for f in files: arquivo = open('{}/{}/{}'.format(pathName, types, f)) text = arquivo.readlines() # 3ª dimensão dos dados contendo os canais (eletrodos) chs = list() # 4ª dimensão dos dados contendo os valores em milivolts values = list() for line in text: # ex: "# FP1 chan 0" t = search('(?P<ch_name>\w{1,3}) chan \d{1,2}', line) # ex: "0 FP1 0 -8.921" p = search('^\d{1,2}\ \w{1,3}\ \d{1,3}\ (?P<value>.+$)', line) if p: values.append(float('value'))) # mudou para outro eletrodo elif t: if values: chs.append(values) values = list() if not create_ch_name: ch_names.append('ch_name').lower()) create_ch_name = True chs.append(values)*3) line = arquivo.readline() arquivo.close() if exp in line: trials.append(chs) subjects.append(trials) data = np.array(subjects) return [filterData(data),np.asarray(labelsList)]
def calculate_boxsize(pdbfile, tmp_prefix=".tmp"): tmp_prefix=f"{tmpdir}/{tmp_prefix}" with open(f"{tmp_prefix}.in", "w") as fout: fout.write(tmp_leap.format(pdbfile=pdbfile, tmp_prefix=tmp_prefix)) print(gop(f"tleap -f {tmp_prefix}.in | tee {tmp_prefix}.in.result")) center_str = gop(f"cat {tmp_prefix}.in.result | grep The\ center | cut -d: -f2 | sed s/,//g") center = [float(s) for s in center_str.split()] box_size_str = gop(f"tail -n 1 {tmp_prefix}.rst7 | cut -c -36") box_size = [float(s) for s in box_size_str.split()] box_size = max(box_size) return box_size
def load_bases2(path_files): diretory = gop('ls {}'.format(folders[path_files])).split('\n') subA = {"S1_obj": [], "S2_nomatch": [], "S2_match": []} subC = {"S1_obj": [], "S2_nomatch": [], "S2_match": []} for types in diretory: files = gop('ls {}/{}'.format(folders[path_files], types)).split('\n') if 'Co2A' in types.title(): get_all_datas(files, subA, path_files, types) else: get_all_datas(files, subC, path_files, types) return [subA, subC]
def gen_packmol_input(protein_pdb, cosolv_pdbs, box_pdb, inp, box_size, molar): # shorten path length to pdb file # too long path cannot be treated by packmol temp_protein_pdb = f"{tmpdir}/.temp_protein.pdb" print(gop(f"cp {protein_pdb} {temp_protein_pdb}")) temp_pdbs = [f"{tmpdir}/.temp_{i}.pdb" for i in range(len(cosolv_pdbs))] [gop(f"cp {src} {dst}") for src, dst in zip(cosolv_pdbs, temp_pdbs)] num = int(constants.N_A * molar * (box_size**3) * (10**-27)) with open(inp, "w") as fout: fout.write(TEMPLATE_PACKMOL_HEADER.format(output=box_pdb, prot=temp_protein_pdb)) fout.write("\n") for pdb in temp_pdbs: fout.write(TEMPLATE_PACKMOL_STRUCT.format(cosolv=pdb, num=num, size=box_size/2)) fout.write("\n")
def run_tleap(tleap_path, inp): output = gop("%s -f %s" % (tleap_path, inp)) print(output) final_charge_info = [s.strip() for s in output.split("\n") if s.strip().startswith("Total unperturbed charge")][0] final_charge_value = float(final_charge_info.split()[-1]) return final_charge_value
def do_cpptraj(top, resi_st, resi_ed, traj, ref, ref_resi_st, ref_resi_ed, cid, prefix, n=100, d=1, traj_start=1, traj_stop="last", traj_offset=1, cpptraj_exe="cpptraj"): log = gop(f"""{cpptraj_exe} -p {top} << EOF trajin {traj} {traj_start} {traj_stop} {traj_offset} parm {ref} reference {ref} parm {ref} [REF] unwrap :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA center :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA fiximagedbonds autoimage rms ToREF ref [REF] :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA :{ref_resi_st}-{ref_resi_ed}@CA out rmsd.dat # "center" maybe changed AFTER grid generation. be careful... # file name must not start with a number (i.e. 1L2S_A11_nV.dx) # grid map_{prefix}_nV.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} center :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA :{cid}&(!@VIS) # grid map_{prefix}_nVH.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} center :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA :{cid}&(!@VIS)&(!@H*) # grid map_{prefix}_V.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} center :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA :{cid}@VIS # grid map_{prefix}_O.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} center :{resi_st}-{resi_ed}@CA :{cid}@O* grid map_{prefix}_nV.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} :{cid}&(!@VIS) grid map_{prefix}_nVH.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} :{cid}&(!@VIS)&(!@H*) grid map_{prefix}_V.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} :{cid}@VIS grid map_{prefix}_O.dx {n} {d} {n} {d} {n} {d} :{cid}@O* trajout {prefix}_position_check.pdb start 1 stop 1 offset 1 trajout {prefix}_position_check2.pdb offset 100 go exit EOF""") print(log)
def main(): # arquivos arquivos = gop('ls data_10hz').split('\n') # Tempos selecionados a mão times = [[95, 96, 234, 367, 597, 786], [39, 46, 110, 130, 280, 363], [103, 114, 136, 154, 171, 185]] window = 3 # Para cada arquivo for arqPos, arq in enumerate(arquivos): data, fileLimitTime = loadData(arq) print(data.shape) raw = prepareRaw(data) # acha os tempos do ritmo alpha for i in range(fileLimitTime - window): findAlphaTime(raw, i, window) # plota os tempos selecionados for i in times[arqPos]: plotWindowTime(raw, i, window)
def load_data_with_label(self): create_ch_name = False subjects = [] labels = [] # get all dirs inside folder folder = gop('ls {}'.format(self.folder_path)).split('\n') # for all dir insider folder for types in folder: if (not os.path.isdir('{}/{}'.format(self.folder_path, types))): continue label_search = search('^co2(?P<label>\w{1})', types) files = gop('ls {}/{}'.format(self.folder_path, types)).split('\n') # 2ª dimensão dos dados contendo as sessões (trials) trials = list() # for all file in files for f in files: if ("label") == "a"): labels.append(1) else: labels.append(0) arquivo = open('{}/{}/{}'.format(self.folder_path, types, f)) text = arquivo.readlines() # 3ª dimensão dos dados contendo os canais (eletrodos) chs = list() # 4ª dimensão dos dados contendo os valores em milivolts values = list() # for each line inside a file for line in text: # ex: "# FP1 chan 0" # look if this line is a new eletrodo info t = search('(?P<ch_name>\w{1,3}) chan \d{1,2}', line) # ex: "0 FP1 0 -8.921" # or if is a data line p = search('^\d{1,3}\ \w{1,3}\ \d{1,3}\ (?P<value>.+$)', line) # if has a eeg data if p: values.append(float('value'))) # mudou para outro eletrodo elif t: if values: chs.append(values) values = list() if not create_ch_name: self.ch_names.append('ch_name').lower()) # end for line # append last channel chs.append(values) create_ch_name = True # append all channels to one trial trials.append(chs) arquivo.close() # append all trials to one subject subjects.append(trials) self.subjects = np.array(subjects) self.labels = np.array(labels)
def run_packmol(packmol_path, inp): print(gop("%s < %s" % (packmol_path, inp)))
def run_parmchk(mol2, frcmod, at): at_id = {"gaff": 1, "gaff2": 2}[at] print(gop(f"parmchk2 -i {mol2} -f mol2 -o {frcmod} -s {at_id}"))
cosolv_box_size = ((constants.N_A * float(params["Cosolvent"]["molar"])) * 1e-27)**(-1/3.0) # /L -> /A^3 : 1e-27 # 1. generate cosolvent box with packmol packmol_input = f"{tmpdir}/.temp_packmol.input" packmol_box_pdb = f"{tmpdir}/.temp_box.pdb" cfrcmods = [f"{tmpdir}/.temp_cosolvent_{cid}.frcmod" for cid in cids] gen_packmol_input(params["Protein"]["pdb"], cpdbs, packmol_box_pdb, packmol_input, boxsize, float(params["Cosolvent"]["molar"])) while True: run_packmol(args.packmol, packmol_input) # -> output: packmol_box_pdb temp_box = f"{tmpdir}/.temp_packmol_box_2.pdb" gop("grep -v OXT {} > {}".format(packmol_box_pdb, temp_box)) for mol2, frcmod in zip(cmols, cfrcmods): run_parmchk(mol2, frcmod, params["Cosolvent"]["atomtype"]) # 2. amber tleap tleap_input = f"{tmpdir}/" gen_tleap_input(expandpath(args.tleap_input), tleap_input, cids, cmols, cfrcmods, temp_box, boxsize, args.output_prefix, ssbonds, params["Cosolvent"]["atomtype"])
print('Downlod dos datasets concluído!') else: print('Dataset já baixado!') from subprocess import getoutput as gop import glob # único arquivo somente empacotado (tar) # os.mkdir('dataset/eeg_full/') # gop('tar -xvf dataset/eeg_full.tar -C dataset/eeg_full') # os.remove('dataset/eeg_full.tar') while glob.glob('dataset/**/*.gz', recursive=True): # quando o arquivo está empacotado (tar) e compactado (gz) for f in glob.iglob('dataset/**/*.tar.gz', recursive=True): gop('tar -zxvf {} -C {}'.format(f, f[:f.rindex('/')])) os.remove(f) # quando o arquivo está somente compactado (gz) for f in glob.iglob('dataset/**/*.gz', recursive=True): gop('gzip -d {}'.format(f)) print('Descompactações finalizadas!') # organizando melhor as pastas os.rename('dataset/smni_eeg_data', 'dataset/small') # os.rename('dataset/eeg_full', 'dataset/full') os.rename('dataset/SMNI_CMI_TRAIN/', 'dataset/large_train/') os.rename('dataset/SMNI_CMI_TEST/', 'dataset/large_test/') print(gop('ls -l dataset/')) from re import search import numpy as np