Example #1
class RepoUpdateActionCommand(object):
    """UpdateAction for yum repos.

    Update yum repos when triggered. Generates yum repo config
    based on:
        - entitlement certs
        - repo overrides
        - rhsm config
        - yum config
        - manual changes made to "redhat.repo".

    Returns an RepoActionReport.
    def __init__(self, cache_only=False, apply_overrides=True):
        self.identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY)

        # These should probably move closer their use
        self.ent_dir = inj.require(inj.ENT_DIR)
        self.prod_dir = inj.require(inj.PROD_DIR)

        self.ent_source = ent_cert.EntitlementDirEntitlementSource()

        self.cp_provider = inj.require(inj.CP_PROVIDER)
        self.uep = self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp()

        self.manage_repos = 1
        self.apply_overrides = apply_overrides
        self.manage_repos = manage_repos_enabled()

        self.release = None
        self.overrides = {}
        self.override_supported = False
            self.override_supported = bool(
                self.identity.is_valid() and self.uep
                and self.uep.supports_resource('content_overrides'))
        except socket.error as e:
            # swallow the error to fix bz 1298327
        self.written_overrides = WrittenOverrideCache()

        # FIXME: empty report at the moment, should be changed to include
        # info about updated repos
        self.report = RepoActionReport()
        self.report.name = "Repo updates"
        # If we are not registered, skip trying to refresh the
        # data from the server
        if not self.identity.is_valid():

        # NOTE: if anything in the RepoActionInvoker init blocks, and it
        #       could, yum could still block. The closest thing to an
        #       event loop we have is the while True: sleep() in lock.py:Lock.acquire()

        # Only attempt to update the overrides if they are supported
        # by the server.
        if self.override_supported:

                override_cache = inj.require(inj.OVERRIDE_STATUS_CACHE)
            except KeyError:
                override_cache = OverrideStatusCache()

            if cache_only:
                status = override_cache._read_cache()
                status = override_cache.load_status(self.uep,

            for item in status or []:
                # Don't iterate through the list
                if item['contentLabel'] not in self.overrides:
                    self.overrides[item['contentLabel']] = {}
                    item['name']] = item['value']

    def perform(self):
        # Load the RepoFile from disk, this contains all our managed yum repo sections:
        repo_file = RepoFile()

        # the [rhsm] manage_repos can be overridden to disable generation of the
        # redhat.repo file:
        if not self.manage_repos:
            log.debug("manage_repos is 0, skipping generation of: %s" %
            if repo_file.exists():
                log.info("Removing %s due to manage_repos configuration." %
            return 0

        valid = set()

        # Iterate content from entitlement certs, and create/delete each section
        # in the RepoFile as appropriate:
        for cont in self.get_unique_content():
            existing = repo_file.section(cont.id)
            if existing is None:
                # Updates the existing repo with new content
                self.update_repo(existing, cont)

        for section in repo_file.sections():
            if section not in valid:

        # Write new RepoFile to disk:
        if self.override_supported:
            # Update with the values we just wrote
            self.written_overrides.overrides = self.overrides
        log.info("repos updated: %s" % self.report)
        return self.report

    def get_unique_content(self):
        # FIXME Shouldn't this skip all of the repo updating?
        if not self.manage_repos:
            return []

        # baseurl and ca_cert could be "CDNInfo" or
        # bundle with "ConnectionInfo" etc
        baseurl = CFG.get('rhsm', 'baseurl')
        ca_cert = CFG.get('rhsm', 'repo_ca_cert')

        content_list = self.get_all_content(baseurl, ca_cert)

        # assumes items in content_list are hashable
        return set(content_list)

    # Expose as public API for RepoActionInvoker.is_managed, since that
    # is used by openshift tooling.
    # See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1223038
    def matching_content(self):
        return model.find_content(self.ent_source, content_type="yum")

    def get_all_content(self, baseurl, ca_cert):
        matching_content = self.matching_content()
        content_list = []

        # avoid checking for release/etc if there is no matching_content
        if not matching_content:
            return content_list

        # wait until we know we have content before fetching
        # release. We could make YumReleaseverSource understand
        # cache_only as well.
        release_source = YumReleaseverSource()

        for content in matching_content:
            repo = Repo.from_ent_cert_content(content, baseurl, ca_cert,

            # overrides are yum repo only at the moment, but
            # content sources will likely need to learn how to
            # apply overrides as well, perhaps generically
            if self.override_supported and self.apply_overrides:
                repo = self._set_override_info(repo)


        return content_list

    def _set_override_info(self, repo):
        # In the disconnected case, self.overrides will be an empty list

        for name, value in self.overrides.get(repo.id, {}).items():
            repo[name] = value

        return repo

    def _is_overridden(self, repo, key):
        return key in self.overrides.get(repo.id, {})

    def _was_overridden(self, repo, key, value):
        written_value = self.written_overrides.overrides.get(repo.id,
        # Compare values as strings to avoid casting problems from io
        return written_value is not None and value is not None and str(
            written_value) == str(value)

    def _build_props(self, old_repo, new_repo):
        result = {}
        all_keys = old_repo.keys() + new_repo.keys()
        for key in all_keys:
            result[key] = Repo.PROPERTIES.get(key, (1, None))
        return result

    def update_repo(self, old_repo, new_repo):
        Checks an existing repo definition against a potentially updated
        version created from most recent entitlement certificates and
        configuration. Creates, updates, and removes properties as
        appropriate and returns the number of changes made. (if any)
        changes_made = 0

        for key, (mutable, default) in self._build_props(old_repo,
            new_val = new_repo.get(key)

            # Mutable properties should be added if not currently defined,
            # otherwise left alone. However if we see that the property was overridden
            # but that override has since been removed, we need to revert to the default
            # value.
            if mutable and not self._is_overridden(old_repo, key) \
                    and not self._was_overridden(old_repo, key, old_repo.get(key)):
                if (new_val is not None) and (not old_repo.get(key)):
                    if old_repo.get(key) == new_val:
                    old_repo[key] = new_val
                    changes_made += 1

            # Immutable properties should be always be added/updated,
            # and removed if undefined in the new repo definition.
                if new_val is None or (str(new_val).strip() == ""):
                    # Immutable property should be removed:
                    if key in old_repo.keys():
                        del old_repo[key]
                        changes_made += 1

                # Unchanged:
                if old_repo.get(key) == new_val:

                old_repo[key] = new_val
                changes_made += 1

        return changes_made

    def report_update(self, repo):

    def report_add(self, repo):

    def report_delete(self, section):
class RepoUpdateActionCommand(object):
    """UpdateAction for yum repos.

    Update yum repos when triggered. Generates yum repo config
    based on:
        - entitlement certs
        - repo overrides
        - rhsm config
        - yum config
        - manual changes made to "redhat.repo".

    Returns an RepoActionReport.
    def __init__(self, cache_only=False, apply_overrides=True):
        self.identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY)

        # These should probably move closer their use
        self.ent_dir = inj.require(inj.ENT_DIR)
        self.prod_dir = inj.require(inj.PROD_DIR)

        self.ent_source = ent_cert.EntitlementDirEntitlementSource()

        self.cp_provider = inj.require(inj.CP_PROVIDER)
        self.uep = self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp()

        self.manage_repos = 1
        self.apply_overrides = apply_overrides
        if CFG.has_option('rhsm', 'manage_repos'):
            self.manage_repos = int(CFG.get('rhsm', 'manage_repos'))

        self.release = None
        self.overrides = {}
        self.override_supported = bool(self.identity.is_valid() and self.uep and self.uep.supports_resource('content_overrides'))
        self.written_overrides = WrittenOverrideCache()

        # FIXME: empty report at the moment, should be changed to include
        # info about updated repos
        self.report = RepoActionReport()
        self.report.name = "Repo updates"
        # If we are not registered, skip trying to refresh the
        # data from the server
        if not self.identity.is_valid():

        # Only attempt to update the overrides if they are supported
        # by the server.
        if self.override_supported:
                override_cache = inj.require(inj.OVERRIDE_STATUS_CACHE)
            except KeyError:
                override_cache = OverrideStatusCache()
            if cache_only:
                status = override_cache._read_cache()
                status = override_cache.load_status(self.uep, self.identity.uuid)

            for item in status or []:
                # Don't iterate through the list
                if item['contentLabel'] not in self.overrides:
                    self.overrides[item['contentLabel']] = {}
                self.overrides[item['contentLabel']][item['name']] = item['value']

    def perform(self):
        # Load the RepoFile from disk, this contains all our managed yum repo sections:
        repo_file = RepoFile()

        # the [rhsm] manage_repos can be overridden to disable generation of the
        # redhat.repo file:
        if not self.manage_repos:
            log.debug("manage_repos is 0, skipping generation of: %s" %
            if repo_file.exists():
                log.info("Removing %s due to manage_repos configuration." %
            return 0

        valid = set()

        # Iterate content from entitlement certs, and create/delete each section
        # in the RepoFile as appropriate:
        for cont in self.get_unique_content():
            existing = repo_file.section(cont.id)
            if existing is None:
                # Updates the existing repo with new content
                self.update_repo(existing, cont)

        for section in repo_file.sections():
            if section not in valid:

        # Write new RepoFile to disk:
        if self.override_supported:
            # Update with the values we just wrote
            self.written_overrides.overrides = self.overrides
        log.info("repos updated: %s" % self.report)
        return self.report

    def get_unique_content(self):
        # FIXME Shouldn't this skip all of the repo updating?
        if not self.manage_repos:
            return []

        # baseurl and ca_cert could be "CDNInfo" or
        # bundle with "ConnectionInfo" etc
        baseurl = CFG.get('rhsm', 'baseurl')
        ca_cert = CFG.get('rhsm', 'repo_ca_cert')

        content_list = self.get_all_content(baseurl, ca_cert)

        # assumes items in content_list are hashable
        return set(content_list)

    def get_all_content(self, baseurl, ca_cert):
        matching_content = model.find_content(self.ent_source,

        content_list = []

        # avoid checking for release/etc if there is no matching_content
        if not matching_content:
            return content_list

        # wait until we know we have content before fetching
        # release. We could make YumReleaseverSource understand
        # cache_only as well.
        release_source = YumReleaseverSource()

        for content in matching_content:
            repo = Repo.from_ent_cert_content(content, baseurl, ca_cert,

            # overrides are yum repo only at the moment, but
            # content sources will likely need to learn how to
            # apply overrides as well, perhaps generically
            if self.override_supported and self.apply_overrides:
                repo = self._set_override_info(repo)


        return content_list

    def _set_override_info(self, repo):
        # In the disconnected case, self.overrides will be an empty list

        for name, value in self.overrides.get(repo.id, {}).items():
            repo[name] = value

        return repo

    def _is_overridden(self, repo, key):
        return key in self.overrides.get(repo.id, {})

    def _was_overridden(self, repo, key, value):
        written_value = self.written_overrides.overrides.get(repo.id, {}).get(key)
        # Compare values as strings to avoid casting problems from io
        return written_value is not None and value is not None and str(written_value) == str(value)

    def _build_props(self, old_repo, new_repo):
        result = {}
        all_keys = old_repo.keys() + new_repo.keys()
        for key in all_keys:
            result[key] = Repo.PROPERTIES.get(key, (1, None))
        return result

    def update_repo(self, old_repo, new_repo):
        Checks an existing repo definition against a potentially updated
        version created from most recent entitlement certificates and
        configuration. Creates, updates, and removes properties as
        appropriate and returns the number of changes made. (if any)
        changes_made = 0

        for key, (mutable, default) in self._build_props(old_repo, new_repo).items():
            new_val = new_repo.get(key)

            # Mutable properties should be added if not currently defined,
            # otherwise left alone. However if we see that the property was overridden
            # but that override has since been removed, we need to revert to the default
            # value.
            if mutable and not self._is_overridden(old_repo, key) \
                    and not self._was_overridden(old_repo, key, old_repo.get(key)):
                if (new_val is not None) and (not old_repo.get(key)):
                    if old_repo.get(key) == new_val:
                    old_repo[key] = new_val
                    changes_made += 1

            # Immutable properties should be always be added/updated,
            # and removed if undefined in the new repo definition.
                if new_val is None or (str(new_val).strip() == ""):
                    # Immutable property should be removed:
                    if key in old_repo.keys():
                        del old_repo[key]
                        changes_made += 1

                # Unchanged:
                if old_repo.get(key) == new_val:

                old_repo[key] = new_val
                changes_made += 1

        return changes_made

    def report_update(self, repo):

    def report_add(self, repo):

    def report_delete(self, section):
class RepoUpdateActionCommand(object):
    """UpdateAction for yum repos.

    Update yum repos when triggered. Generates yum repo config
    based on:
        - entitlement certs
        - repo overrides
        - rhsm config
        - yum config
        - manual changes made to "redhat.repo".

    Returns an RepoActionReport.
    def __init__(self, cache_only=False, apply_overrides=True):
        self.identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY)

        # These should probably move closer their use
        self.ent_dir = inj.require(inj.ENT_DIR)
        self.prod_dir = inj.require(inj.PROD_DIR)

        self.cp_provider = inj.require(inj.CP_PROVIDER)
        self.uep = self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp()

        self.manage_repos = 1
        self.apply_overrides = apply_overrides
        if CFG.has_option('rhsm', 'manage_repos'):
            self.manage_repos = int(CFG.get('rhsm', 'manage_repos'))

        self.release = None
        self.overrides = {}
        self.override_supported = bool(self.uep and self.uep.supports_resource('content_overrides'))
        self.written_overrides = WrittenOverrideCache()

        # FIXME: empty report at the moment, should be changed to include
        # info about updated repos
        self.report = RepoActionReport()
        self.report.name = "Repo updates"
        # If we are not registered, skip trying to refresh the
        # data from the server
        if not self.identity.is_valid():

        # Only attempt to update the overrides if they are supported
        # by the server.
        if self.override_supported:
                override_cache = inj.require(inj.OVERRIDE_STATUS_CACHE)
            except KeyError:
                override_cache = OverrideStatusCache()
            if cache_only:
                status = override_cache._read_cache()
                status = override_cache.load_status(self.uep, self.identity.uuid)

            for item in status or []:
                # Don't iterate through the list
                if item['contentLabel'] not in self.overrides:
                    self.overrides[item['contentLabel']] = {}
                self.overrides[item['contentLabel']][item['name']] = item['value']

        message = "Release API is not supported by the server. Using default."
            result = self.uep.getRelease(self.identity.uuid)
            self.release = result['releaseVer']
        except RemoteServerException, e:
        except RestlibException, e:
            if e.code == 404:
class RepoUpdateActionCommand(object):
    """UpdateAction for yum repos.

    Update yum repos when triggered. Generates yum repo config
    based on:
        - entitlement certs
        - repo overrides
        - rhsm config
        - yum config
        - manual changes made to "redhat.repo".

    Returns an RepoActionReport.
    def __init__(self, cache_only=False, apply_overrides=True):
        self.identity = inj.require(inj.IDENTITY)

        # These should probably move closer their use
        self.ent_dir = inj.require(inj.ENT_DIR)
        self.prod_dir = inj.require(inj.PROD_DIR)

        self.cp_provider = inj.require(inj.CP_PROVIDER)
        self.uep = self.cp_provider.get_consumer_auth_cp()

        self.manage_repos = 1
        self.apply_overrides = apply_overrides
        if CFG.has_option('rhsm', 'manage_repos'):
            self.manage_repos = int(CFG.get('rhsm', 'manage_repos'))

        self.release = None
        self.overrides = {}
        self.override_supported = bool(
            self.identity.is_valid() and self.uep
            and self.uep.supports_resource('content_overrides'))
        self.written_overrides = WrittenOverrideCache()

        # FIXME: empty report at the moment, should be changed to include
        # info about updated repos
        self.report = RepoActionReport()
        self.report.name = "Repo updates"
        # If we are not registered, skip trying to refresh the
        # data from the server
        if not self.identity.is_valid():

        # Only attempt to update the overrides if they are supported
        # by the server.
        if self.override_supported:
                override_cache = inj.require(inj.OVERRIDE_STATUS_CACHE)
            except KeyError:
                override_cache = OverrideStatusCache()
            if cache_only:
                status = override_cache._read_cache()
                status = override_cache.load_status(self.uep,

            for item in status or []:
                # Don't iterate through the list
                if item['contentLabel'] not in self.overrides:
                    self.overrides[item['contentLabel']] = {}
                    item['name']] = item['value']

        message = "Release API is not supported by the server. Using default."
            result = self.uep.getRelease(self.identity.uuid)
            self.release = result['releaseVer']
        except RemoteServerException, e:
        except RestlibException, e:
            if e.code == 404: