def _on_dialog_show(self, widget): encoding = EncodingDialog.detect_textfile_encoding(self._dialog, self._script_file) if encoding is None: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBMOD, _('Could not determine encoding of Submod-script!')) return self._submod = Submod() self._load_script(encoding)
class ScriptRunDialog(object): STEP_LOADING_SUBMOD = 0 STEP_LOADING_CUTLIST = 1 STEP_LOADING_SUBTITLE = 2 STEP_RUNNING_SUBMOD = 3 STEP_SAVING_SUBTITLE = 4 STEP_DONE = 5 def __init__(self, parent, script_file): self._script_file = script_file self._submod = None self._cuts = None builder = Gtk.Builder() glade_file = Resources.find(path.join('data', 'gui', 'glade', '')) builder.add_from_file(glade_file) self._dialog = builder.get_object('script_run_dialog') self._dialog.set_transient_for(parent) builder.connect_signals(self) self._spin_loading_submod = builder.get_object('spin_loading_submod') self._img_loading_submod = builder.get_object('img_loading_submod') self._spin_loading_cutlist = builder.get_object('spin_loading_cutlist') self._img_loading_cutlist = builder.get_object('img_loading_cutlist') self._spin_loading_subtitle = builder.get_object( 'spin_loading_subtitle') self._img_loading_subtitle = builder.get_object('img_loading_subtitle') self._spin_running_submod = builder.get_object('spin_running_submod') self._img_running_submod = builder.get_object('img_running_submod') self._spin_saving_subtitle = builder.get_object('spin_saving_subtitle') self._img_saving_subtitle = builder.get_object('img_saving_subtitle') self._scroll_log = builder.get_object('scroll_log') self._txt_log = builder.get_object('txt_log') self._btn_close = builder.get_object('btn_close') self._step_icons = [ self._spin_loading_submod, self._img_loading_submod, self._spin_loading_cutlist, self._img_loading_cutlist, self._spin_loading_subtitle, self._img_loading_subtitle, self._spin_running_submod, self._img_running_submod, self._spin_saving_subtitle, self._img_saving_subtitle ] def run(self): return def destroy_dialog(self): return self._dialog.destroy() def _on_dialog_show(self, widget): encoding = EncodingDialog.detect_textfile_encoding(self._dialog, self._script_file) if encoding is None: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBMOD, _('Could not determine encoding of Submod-script!')) return self._submod = Submod() self._load_script(encoding) @ThreadHelpers.run_in_thread def _load_script(self, encoding): """Try to load the Submod-script in a new thread. Then continue with the next step (load cutlist). """ try: self._submod.load(self._script_file, encoding) except Exception as e: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBMOD, unicode(e)) return self._open_cutlist() @GLibHelpers.idle_add def _open_cutlist(self): self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_LOADING_CUTLIST) if self._submod.script['timings-for'] == 'uncut': dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(self._dialog, 0, Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION, Gtk.ButtonsType.YES_NO, _('Do you want to synchronize the subtitles for a cutli' 'st file?')) res = dialog.destroy() if res == Gtk.ResponseType.YES: filechooser = ExtFileChooserDialog( self._dialog, _('Please choose a cutlist file'), True) folder = Settings().get(self, 'cuts_folder') if folder is not None: filechooser.set_current_folder(folder) filter_subtitle = Gtk.FileFilter() filter_subtitle.set_name(_('Cutlist files')+' (*.cutlist)') filter_subtitle.add_pattern('*.cutlist') filechooser.add_filter(filter_subtitle) res = file_ = filechooser.get_filename() filechooser.destroy_dialog() if res == Gtk.ResponseType.OK and path.isfile(file_): dir_, filename = path.split(file_) Settings().set(self, 'cuts_folder', dir_) encoding = filechooser.encoding if encoding is None: encoding = EncodingDialog.detect_textfile_encoding( self._dialog, file_) if encoding is None: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_CUTLIST, _('Cutlist encoding could not be detected!')) return self._load_cutlist(file_, encoding) # Since _load_cutlist will continue to the next step # (detect subtitle encoding) we return here, s.b.. return else: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_CUTLIST, _('No cutlist selected! Cancelled!')) return self._detect_subtitle_encoding() @ThreadHelpers.run_in_thread def _load_cutlist(self, file_, encoding): try: self._cuts = CutsFile.load_cutlist(file_, encoding) except Exception as e: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_CUTLIST, _('Failed to load cutlist file:\n{}!').format(e.args[0])) return self._detect_subtitle_encoding() @GLibHelpers.idle_add def _detect_subtitle_encoding(self): """Try to detect the encoding of the subtitle file if it's not set in the submod-script. This is done in the Gtk-thread because a dialog may be shown to select the proper encoding if it can not be detected automatically. Then continue with the next step (load subtitle and run Submod- script). """ self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBTITLE) # Generate path for subtitle based on script-directory and # subtitle filename from the script. subtitle_filename = self._submod.script['subtitle']['filename'] dir_, script_filename = path.split(self._script_file) subtitle_file = path.join(dir_, subtitle_filename) if not path.isfile(subtitle_file): self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBTITLE, _('Could not find subtitle file "{}"!').format(subtitle_file)) return encoding = None if 'encoding' in self._submod.script['subtitle']: encoding = self._submod.script['subtitle']['encoding'] if encoding is None: encoding = EncodingDialog.detect_textfile_encoding(self._dialog, subtitle_file) if encoding is None: self._error(self.STEP_LOADING_SUBTITLE, _('Could not determine encoding of subtitle file!')) return self._load_subtitle_run_script(subtitle_file, encoding) def _load_subtitle(self, subtitle_file, encoding): subtitle_list = SubtitleFile.load_srt(subtitle_file, encoding) self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_RUNNING_SUBMOD) return subtitle_list @ThreadHelpers.run_in_thread def _load_subtitle_run_script(self, subtitle_file, encoding): """Try to run the Submod-script in a new thread. """ try: subtitle_loader = lambda f: self._load_subtitle(f, encoding) subtitle_list =, subtitle_loader, self._cuts) except Exception as e: # Maybe the subtitle-checksum was wrong. Then an Exception # is raised before the subtitle was loaded. In that case # _load_subtitle was not called and thus the # STEP_RUNNING_SUBMOD-icons are not shown yet. # NOTE: _load_subtitle may raise an Exception, too. self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_RUNNING_SUBMOD) self._error(self.STEP_RUNNING_SUBMOD, unicode(e)) return # Script has run, now save the new subtitle list. self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_SAVING_SUBTITLE) dir_, __ = path.split(self._script_file) # Generate name for new subtitle file based on the name of the # old subtitle file. '_submod' will be added before the file # extension. If the file already exists a new filename is # generated (by adding '.1', '.2' .. before the extension) # until a non existing filename is found. subtitle_filename = self._submod.script['subtitle']['filename'] name_parts = subtitle_filename.rsplit('.', 1) name_base = name_parts[0] + '_submod' ext = '.'+name_parts[1] if len(name_parts)==2 else '' new_subtitle_file = path.join(dir_, name_base + ext) c = 0 while path.isfile(new_subtitle_file): c += 1 new_subtitle_file = path.join(dir_, name_base + '.' + str(c) + ext) try: SubtitleFile.save_srt(new_subtitle_file, subtitle_list) except Exception as e: self._error(self.STEP_SAVING_SUBTITLE, unicode(e)) return self._show_step_icons(self.STEP_DONE) GLib.idle_add(self._allow_close) @GLibHelpers.idle_add def _show_step_icons(self, step): """Hides the spinner and shows the success-icon of the previous step and shows the spinner for the given step. """ offset = (step-1)*2 self._step_icons[offset].hide() self._step_icons[offset+1].show() if offset+2<len(self._step_icons): self._step_icons[offset+2].show() @GLibHelpers.idle_add def _error(self, step, text): """Hide the spinner and show the error icon for the given step and show the log-view containing the error text. """ spin, image = self._step_icons[step*2], self._step_icons[step*2+1] spin.hide() image.set_from_icon_name('gtk-dialog-error', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON) self._set_log(text) self._allow_close() def _set_log(self, text): self._txt_log.get_buffer().set_text(text.encode('utf-8')) def _allow_close(self): self._btn_close.set_sensitive(True)