Example #1
    def select_artf_for_report(self, artf_xyz):
        There are cases when two or more robots discover artefact independently and they do not
        have the base answer yet. Never-the-less only one representative (team identical) should
        be selected and reported.
        # first sort all known artifacts into three groups
        scored_true, scored_false, scored_unknown = [], [], []
        for item in artf_xyz:
            artf_type, pos, src, scored = item
            if scored is True:
            elif scored is False:
                assert scored is None, scored

        # remove all unknown too close to already successfully scored artifacts
        tmp = []
        for item in scored_unknown:
            _, pos, _, _ = item
            for _, pos2, _, _ in scored_true:
                # we want to filter out also other artifacts of different type (i.e. probably wrongly recognized?)
                if distance3D(pos, pos2) / 1000.0 < RADIUS:
        scored_unknown = tmp

        # now remove all already reported close to false reports
        tmp = []
        for item in scored_unknown:
            artf_type, pos, _, _ = item
            for artf_type2, pos2, _, _ in scored_false:
                if artf_type == artf_type2 and distance3D(
                        pos, pos2) / 1000.0 < RADIUS_FALSE:
                    # close to wrongly reported artifact with the same type
        scored_unknown = tmp

        # finally pick only one representative (any, just ordered)
        # ... and handle other reports once this is confirmed
        # TODO confirmation from base can be lost several times ... is it OK?
        if len(scored_unknown) > 0:
            return [min(scored_unknown, key=artf_sort_fcn)]
            return []
Example #2
    def follow_trace(self, trace, timeout, max_target_distance=5.0, safety_limit=None):
        print('Follow trace')
        END_THRESHOLD = 2.0
        start_time = self.sim_time_sec
        print('MD', self.xyz, distance3D(self.xyz, trace.trace[0]), trace.trace)
        while distance3D(self.xyz, trace.trace[0]) > END_THRESHOLD and self.sim_time_sec - start_time < timeout.total_seconds():
            if self.update() == 'scan':
                target_x, target_y = trace.where_to(self.xyz, max_target_distance)[:2]
                x, y = self.xyz[:2]
#                print((x, y), (target_x, target_y))
                desired_direction = math.atan2(target_y - y, target_x - x) - self.yaw
                safety = self.go_safely(desired_direction)
                if safety_limit is not None and safety < safety_limit:
                    print('Danger! Safety limit for follow trace reached!', safety, safety_limit)
        print('End of follow trace(sec)', self.sim_time_sec - start_time)
Example #3
 def should_deploy(self, xyz):
     if self.radius is None:
         return False
     for loc in self.locations:
         if distance3D(xyz, loc) < self.radius:
             return False
     return True
Example #4
def entrance_reached(sim):
    corrected = [(rr - oo) for rr, oo in zip(sim.xyz, sim.origin)]
    goal = [
        0.5, 0, 0
    ]  # note, that in real run the Y coordinate depends on choise left/righ
    if distance3D(corrected, goal) < 2:
        return True
    return False
Example #5
    def return_home(self, timeout, home_threshold=None):
        if home_threshold is None:
            HOME_THRESHOLD = 5.0
            HOME_THRESHOLD = home_threshold
        SHORTCUT_RADIUS = 2.3
        assert(MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE > SHORTCUT_RADIUS) # Because otherwise we could end up with a target point more distant from home than the robot.
        print('Wait and get ready for return')
        self.send_speed_cmd(0, 0)
        original_trace = copy.deepcopy(self.trace)
        start_time = self.sim_time_sec
        target_distance = MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE
        count_down = 0
        while distance3D(self.xyz, (0, 0, 0)) > HOME_THRESHOLD and self.sim_time_sec - start_time < timeout.total_seconds():
            channel = self.update()
            if (channel == 'scan' and not self.flipped) or (channel == 'scan_back' and self.flipped) or (channel == 'scan360'):
                if target_distance == MIN_TARGET_DISTANCE:
                    target_x, target_y = original_trace.where_to(self.xyz, target_distance)[:2]
                    target_x, target_y = self.trace.where_to(self.xyz, target_distance)[:2]
#                print(self.time, self.xyz, (target_x, target_y), math.degrees(self.yaw))
                x, y = self.xyz[:2]
                desired_direction = math.atan2(target_y - y, target_x - x) - self.yaw
                if self.flipped:
                    desired_direction += math.pi  # symmetry
                    for angle in self.joint_angle_rad:
                        desired_direction -= angle

                safety = self.go_safely(desired_direction)
                if safety < 0.2:
                    print(self.time, "Safety low!", safety, desired_direction)
                    target_distance = MIN_TARGET_DISTANCE
                    count_down = 300
                if count_down > 0:
                    count_down -= 1
                    if count_down == 0:
                        target_distance = MAX_TARGET_DISTANCE
                        print(self.time, "Recovery to original", target_distance)

        print('return_home: dist', distance3D(self.xyz, (0, 0, 0)), 'time(sec)', self.sim_time_sec - start_time)
Example #6
 def maybe_remember_artifact(self, artifact_data, artifact_xyz):
     for stored_data, (x, y, z) in self.artifacts:
         if distance3D((x, y, z), artifact_xyz) < 4.0:
             # in case of uncertain type, rather report both
             if stored_data == artifact_data:
                 return False
     self.artifacts.append((artifact_data, artifact_xyz))
     return True
Example #7
 def nearest_scored_artifact(self, artf_type, position):
     # TODO remove 1000x scaling to millimeters - source of headache
     dist = [
         distance3D(position, artf[1]) for artf in self.artf_xyz_accumulated
         if artf[0] == artf_type and artf[-1] is True
     if len(dist) == 0:
         return None  # no nearest for given filter
     return min(dist) / 1000.0  # due to mm scaling
Example #8
 def on_acc(self, data):
     vec = [x/1000.0 for x in data]
     value = abs(distance3D(vec, [0, 0, 0]) - 9.81)
     if value >= self.threshold:
         if self.verbose:
             print(f'acc trigger: {value} (buf size = {len(self.buf)})')
         for rec in self.buf:
             self.publish('crash_rgbd', rec)
Example #9
    def register_new_artifact(self, artifact_data, artifact_xyz):
        Register newly detected artifact and update internal structures
        :param artifact_data: type of artifact
        :param artifact_xyz: artifact 3D position
        :return: True if artifact should be new published
        # the breadcrumbs are sometimes wrongly classified as DRILL
        if artifact_data == DRILL:
            for x, y, z in self.breadcrumbs:
                if distance3D((x, y, z), artifact_xyz) < 4.0:
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('False detection - dist:',
                              distance3D((x, y, z), artifact_xyz))
                    return False

        if self.verbose:
            self.debug_artf.append((artifact_data, artifact_xyz))

        for i, (stored_data, (x, y, z)) in enumerate(self.artifacts):
            if distance3D((x, y, z), artifact_xyz) < 4.0:
                # in case of uncertain type, rather report both
                if stored_data == artifact_data:
                    self.num_observations[i] += 1
                    # return true only when confirmation threshold was reached
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('Confirmed:', artifact_data,
                    if artifact_data == GAS:
                        return False  # ignore confirmation - virtual detector is perfect
                    return self.num_observations[
                        i] == self.min_observations  # report only once
        self.artifacts.append((artifact_data, artifact_xyz))
        if self.min_observations > 1 and artifact_data != GAS:
            # new GAS should be reported independently on confirmation level
            return False
        return True
Example #10
 def on_base_station(self, data):
     p = data['artifact_position']
     dist = [
         distance3D(p, [x / 1000.0 for x in artf[1]])
         for artf in self.artf_xyz_accumulated
     if len(dist) > 0 and min(dist) < 0.1:
         # i.e. it is our report and we have it in the list ... I would almost assert it
         min_i = dist.index(min(dist))
         was_unknown = self.artf_xyz_accumulated[min_i][-1] is None
         self.artf_xyz_accumulated[min_i][-1] = (data['score_change'] > 0)
         # TODO? check type - we decided to ignore it for Cave Circuit
         if was_unknown:
                          self.artf_xyz_accumulated)  # broadcast new update
             # trigger sending next artifact if there is any
Example #11
def evaluate_poses(poses, gt_poses, time_step_sec=1):
    if len(poses) == 0 or len(gt_poses) == 0:
        return []
    time_limit = max(poses[0][0], gt_poses[0][0])
    end_time = min(poses[-1][0], gt_poses[-1][0])

    i, j = 0, 0
    arr = []
    while time_limit <= end_time:
        while poses[i][0] < time_limit:
            i += 1
        while gt_poses[j][0] < time_limit:
            j += 1
        dist = distance3D(poses[i][1:], gt_poses[j][1:])
        diff = [a - b for a, b in zip(poses[i][1:], gt_poses[j][1:])]
        arr.append((time_limit, dist, *diff, gt_poses[j][1:]))
        time_limit += time_step_sec
    return arr
Example #12
 def sufficient_step(self, anchor_pose, robot_pose):
     return (anchor_pose is None or
             distance3D(anchor_pose[0], robot_pose[0]) >= self.min_dist_step
             or quaternion.angle_between(
                 anchor_pose[1], robot_pose[1]) >= self.min_angle_step)
Example #13
def entrance_reached(sim):
    corrected = [(rr - oo) for rr, oo in zip(sim.xyz, sim.origin)]
    goal = [2.5, 0, 0]
    if distance3D(corrected, goal) < 2:
        return True
    return False
Example #14
def main():
    import argparse
    import pathlib
    import sys
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('logfiles', help='OSGAR logfile(s)', nargs='*')
    parser.add_argument('--ign', help='Ignition "state.tlog", default in current directory', default=str(pathlib.Path("./state.tlog")))
    parser.add_argument('--pose3d', help='Stream with pose3d data')
    parser.add_argument('--name', help='Robot name, default is autodetect')
    parser.add_argument('--sec', help='duration of the analyzed part (seconds)',
                        type=float, default=MAX_SIMULATION_DURATION)
    parser.add_argument('--draw', help="draw debug results", action='store_true')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.logfiles == []:
        paths = pathlib.Path('.').glob("*.log")
        for p in paths:
            except AssertionError:
        if len(args.logfiles) == 0:
            sys.exit("no logfiles found in current directory")

    ground_truth, breadcrumbs = ign.read_poses(args.ign, seconds=args.sec)
    artifacts = ign.read_artifacts(args.ign)
    img = ign.draw(ground_truth, artifacts, breadcrumbs)
    cv2.imwrite(args.ign+'.png', img)
    if args.draw:
        from subt.tools import startfile

    print('Ground truth count:', len(ground_truth))

    for logfile in args.logfiles:
        print("Processing logfile:", logfile)
        robot_name = args.name
        if robot_name is None:
            robot_name = autodetect_name(logfile)
            print('  Autodetected name:', robot_name)

        if robot_name.startswith('T'):
            print('  skiping teambase')

        pose3d_stream = args.pose3d
        if pose3d_stream is None:
            pose3d_stream = autodetect_pose3d(logfile)
            print('  Autodetect pose3d stream:', pose3d_stream)

        pose3d = read_pose3d(logfile, pose3d_stream, seconds=args.sec)
        print('  Trace reduced count:', len(pose3d))

        tmp_poses = osgar2arr(pose3d)
        tmp_gt = ign2arr(ground_truth, robot_name=robot_name)
        print('  Ground truth seconds:', len(tmp_gt))
        arr = evaluate_poses(tmp_poses, tmp_gt)
        if len(arr) == 0:
            print('EMPTY OVERLAP!')
            if len(tmp_poses) > 0:
                print('poses:', tmp_poses[0][0], tmp_poses[-1][0])
            if len(tmp_gt) > 0:
                print('gt   :', tmp_gt[0][0], tmp_gt[-1][0])
            limits = iter([1,2,3,4,5])
            current_limit = next(limits)
            dist3d = []
            last_xyz = arr[0][-1]
            path_dist = 0
            for dt, e, x, y, z, gt_xyz in arr:
                path_dist += distance3D(gt_xyz, last_xyz)
                last_xyz = gt_xyz
                if current_limit is not None and e > current_limit:
                    print(f"  sim_time_sec: {dt:5d}, error: {e:5.2f}m, distance: {distance3D(gt_xyz, [0,0,0]):7.2f}m from origin, path: {path_dist:7.2f}m")
                        while e > current_limit:
                            current_limit = next(limits)
                    except StopIteration:
                        current_limit = None

            print(f"  Maximum error: {max(dist3d):.2f}m -> {'OK' if max(dist3d) < 3 else 'FAIL'}")
            assert min(dist3d) < 0.1, min(dist3d)  # the minimum should be almost zero for correct evaluation

        if args.draw:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
            ax1.set_ylabel('distance (m)')

            x = [a[0] for a in arr]
            for index, label in enumerate(['dist3d', 'x', 'y', 'z']):
                y = [a[index + 1] for a in arr]
                ax1.plot(x, y, '-', linewidth=2, label=label)
            ax1.set_xlabel('sim time (s)')