Example #1
    def __init__(self, squares):
        """Squares is a nested list representing an initial sudoku board. A 0
    represents an empty square, while a nonzero digit represents a square
    filled with that value."""

        self.dlxrows = squares_to_dlx_rows(squares)
        sparseMatrix = SparseMatrix(self.dlxrows)

        self.dlx = DLX(sparseMatrix)
Example #2
    def testSearch(self):
        matrix = SparseMatrix(rows1)
        dlx = DLX(matrix)
        result = dlx.search()
        assert result

        mat2 = SparseMatrix(rows2)
        dlx2 = DLX(mat2)
        result2 = dlx2.search()
        assert not result2

        mat3 = SparseMatrix(rows3)
        dlx3 = DLX(mat3)
        res3 = dlx3.search()
        assert res3

        mat4 = SparseMatrix(rows4)
        dlx4 = DLX(mat4)
        res4 = dlx4.search()
        assert res4
Example #3
    def testChooseColumn(self):
        matrix = SparseMatrix(rows1)
        dlx = DLX(matrix)
        coltable = matrix.column_table

        column = dlx.choose_column()

        assert coltable[0] == column


        # See Figure 3; column D now only has one node in it.
        after_cover = dlx.choose_column()
        assert coltable[3] == after_cover