class MantisSoap():

    def __init__(self):
        self.url = config.MANTIS_SOAPURL
        self.wdsl = config.MANTIS_SOAP_WDSL

        self.username = config.MANTIS_USERNAME
        self.password = config.MANTIS_PASSWORD

        self.server = Client(url=self.wdsl, location=self.url).service

        self.cached_mantis_obj = False

    def extractTeamboxIdFromNote(self, str):
        """ Extract the teambox id from the string
            Looks for (tb:NNN+, at the beginning of the string

        str : string

            The id as a string
            False if no id found
        match ='^\(tb\:(\d+)[,\)]', str)
        if match:
        return False

    def getTaskNotesTeamboxIds(self, mantis_id):
        """ return all the teambox ids for the notes """

        data = self.getTask(mantis_id)

        l = []
        for i2, aComment in enumerate( data['notes'] ):
            teambox_id = self.extractTeamboxIdFromNote(aComment['text'])
            if teambox_id:
                l.append( int(teambox_id) )
        return l

    def getTaskNotes(self, mantis_id):
        data = self.getTask(mantis_id)

        l = []
        a = []

        if not 'notes' in data:
            return (l, a)

        for i2, aComment in enumerate( data['notes'] ):
            teambox_id = self.extractTeamboxIdFromNote(aComment['text'])
            if teambox_id:
                l.append( int(teambox_id) )
        return (l, a)

    def getTaskNoteByTbId(self, mantis_id, tb_id):
        return self._helper_find_by_id( mantis_id, False, tb_id)

    def getTaskNoteByNoteId(self, mantis_id, note_id):
        return self._helper_find_by_id( mantis_id, note_id, False)

    def _helper_find_by_id(self, mantis_id, note_id, tb_id):
        data = self.getTask(mantis_id)
        if not 'notes' in data:
            return False

        by_note_id = ( note_id != False )

        if not by_note_id:
            tb_id = str(tb_id)

        for i2, aComment in enumerate( data['notes'] ):
            if by_note_id:
                if str( aComment['id'] ) == note_id:
                    return aComment
                teambox_id = self.extractTeamboxIdFromNote(aComment['text'])
                if teambox_id and teambox_id == tb_id:
                    return aComment
        return False

    def getTask(self, mantis_id):
        if self.cached_mantis_obj and self.cached_mantis_obj['id'] == mantis_id:
            return self.cached_mantis_obj
            self.cached_mantis_obj = self.server.mc_issue_get( self.username, self.password, mantis_id )
        return self.cached_mantis_obj

    def addNoteToTask(self, task_id, note):
        data = { 'text': note }
        self.server.mc_issue_note_add( self.username, self.password, task_id, data )

    def createTask(self, task):
        newid = self.server.mc_issue_add(username=self.username, password=self.password, issue=task)
        print "Success: issue %s created" % newid
        return newid

    def updateTask(self, issue_id, task):
        self.server.mc_issue_update(username=self.username, password=self.password, issueId=issue_id, issue=task)
        self.cached_mantis_obj = False

    def extractUserInfoFromNote(self, note):
        rep = note['reporter']

        if 'real_name' in rep:
            return rep['real_name']
        return rep['name']

    def isSolved(self, issue_id):
        #80 = resolved
        task = self.getTask(issue_id)
        return task['status']['id'] == 80

    def setStatusToNew(self, issue_id):
        #10 = new
        task = self.getTask(issue_id)
        task['status']['id'] = 10
        self.updateTask(issue_id, task)