Example #1
 def children(self, filter=Filter()):
     Get only the I{direct} or non-attribute content.
     @param filter: A filter to constrain the result.
     @type filter: L{Filter}
     @return: A list tuples: (child, ancestry)
     @rtype: [(L{SchemaObject}, [L{SchemaObject},..]),..]
     result = []
     for child, ancestry in self:
         if not child.isattr() and child in filter:
             result.append((child, ancestry))
     return result
Example #2
 def append(cls, d, s, filter=Filter()):
     Append schema object's from B{s}ource list to
     the B{d}estination list while applying the filter.
     @param d: The destination list.
     @type d: list
     @param s: The source list.
     @type s: list
     @param filter: A filter that allows items to be appended.
     @type filter: L{Filter}
     for item in s:
         if item in filter:
Example #3
 def prepend(cls, d, s, filter=Filter()):
     Prepend schema object's from B{s}ource list to
     the B{d}estination list while applying the filter.
     @param d: The destination list.
     @type d: list
     @param s: The source list.
     @type s: list
     @param filter: A filter that allows items to be prepended.
     @type filter: L{Filter}
     i = 0
     for x in s:
         if x in filter:
             d.insert(i, x)
             i += 1
Example #4
 def content(self, collection=None, filter=Filter(), history=None):
     Get a I{flattened} list of this nodes contents.
     @param collection: A list to fill.
     @type collection: list
     @param filter: A filter used to constrain the result.
     @type filter: L{Filter}
     @param history: The history list used to prevent cyclic dependency.
     @type history: list
     @return: The filled list.
     @rtype: list
     if collection is None:
         collection = []
     if history is None:
         history = []
     if self in history:
         return collection
     if self in filter:
     for c in self.rawchildren:
         c.content(collection, filter, history[:])
     return collection
Example #5
 def merge(self, other):
     SchemaObject.merge(self, other)
     filter = Filter(False, self.rawchildren)
     self.prepend(self.rawchildren, other.rawchildren, filter)