def print_dictionary(self, d, h, n, nl=False): """ print complex using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ if d in h: return '{}...' h.append(d) s = [] if nl: s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append('{') for item in d.items(): s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n + 1)) if isinstance(item[1], (list, tuple)): s.append(tostr(item[0])) s.append('[]') else: s.append(tostr(item[0])) s.append(' = ') s.append(self.process(item[1], h, n, True)) s.append('\n') s.append(self.indent(n)) s.append('}') h.pop() return ''.join(s)
def append(self, parent, content): if content.tag.startswith('_'): attr = content.tag[1:] value = tostr(content.value) if value: parent.set(attr, value) else: child = self.node(content) child.setText(tostr(content.value)) parent.append(child)
def __init__(self, ref=None): """ @param ref: The schema reference being queried. @type ref: qref """ Object.__init__(self) = objid(self) self.ref = ref self.history = [] self.resolved = False if not isqref(self.ref): raise Exception('%s, must be qref' % tostr(self.ref))
def process(self, object, h, n=0, nl=False): """ print object using the specified indent (n) and newline (nl). """ if object is None: return 'None' if isinstance(object, Object): if len(object) == 0: return '<empty>' else: return self.print_object(object, h, n + 2, nl) if isinstance(object, dict): if len(object) == 0: return '<empty>' else: return self.print_dictionary(object, h, n + 2, nl) if isinstance(object, (list, tuple)): if len(object) == 0: return '<empty>' else: return self.print_collection(object, h, n + 2) if isinstance(object, six.string_types): return '"%s"' % tostr(object) return '%s' % tostr(object)
def failed(self, binding, error): """ Request failed, process reply based on reason @param binding: The binding to be used to process the reply. @type binding: L{suds.bindings.binding.Binding} @param error: The http error message @type error: L{transport.TransportError} """ status, reason = (error.httpcode, suds.tostr(error)) reply = log.debug('http failed:\n%s', reply) if status == 500: if len(reply) > 0: r, p = binding.get_fault(reply) self.last_received(r) return (status, p) else: return (status, None) if self.options.faults: raise Exception((status, reason)) else: return (status, None)
def html(self): try: return self.description(html=True) except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return tostr(e)
def __str__(self): try: return self.description() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return tostr(e)
def __unicode__(self): try: return self.description() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return tostr(e)