Example #1
 def test_tomcat_jspc(self):
     expected = [
         '<!--Automatically created by Apache Jakarta Tomcat JspC.'.lower()
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/jspc/web.xml')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #2
 def test_configure(self):
     expected = [
         '# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.64 for Apache CouchDB 1.0.1.'.lower()
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/configure')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #3
 def test_basic4(self):
     expected = [
         '* <p>The following schema fragment specifies the '.lower() +
         'expected content contained within this class.'.lower()
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_5.java')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #4
 def test_basic_alt(self):
     expected = [
         '// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture '.lower() +
         'for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation'.lower(),
         '// Generated on: 2013.11.15 at 04:17:00 PM CET'.lower()
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_3.java')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #5
 def test_basic(self):
     expected = [
         '// This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture '.lower() +
         'for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation'.lower(),
         '// Generated on: 2011.08.01 at 11:35:59 AM CEST'.lower()
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_1.java')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #6
 def test_basic5(self):
     expected = ['/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */'.lower()]
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_6.c')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #7
 def test_basic3(self):
     expected = ['/* This class was automatically generated'.lower()]
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_4.java')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected
Example #8
 def test_basic2(self):
     expected = ['* This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.'.lower()]
     test_file = self.get_test_loc('generated/simple/generated_2.java')
     result = list(generated.get_generated_code_hint(location=test_file))
     assert result == expected