Example #1
# Renames a category across all collectors and sources in a given account.
# python mv-cat.py <accessId/email> <accessKey/password> <fromName> <toName>
# TODO update query category constraints
# TODO regex

import sys

from sumologic import SumoLogic

args = sys.argv
sumo = SumoLogic(args[1], args[2])
fromCat, toCat = args[3], args[4]
cs = sumo.collectors()

for c in cs:
    if 'category' in c and c['category'] == fromCat:
        cv, etag = sumo.collector(c['id'])
        cv['collector']['category'] = toCat
        print sumo.update_collector(cv, etag).text
    ss = sumo.sources(c['id'])
    for s in ss:
        if s['category'] == fromCat:
            sv, etag = sumo.source(c['id'], s['id'])
            sv['source']['category'] = toCat
            print sumo.update_source(c['id'], sv, etag).text
# Deletes all sources (not collectors) in a given category.
# python rm-src-by-cat.py <accessId> <accessKey> <category>

import sys

from sumologic import SumoLogic

args = sys.argv
sumo = SumoLogic(args[1], args[2])
cat = args[3]
cs = sumo.collectors()

for c in cs:
    ss = sumo.sources(c['id'])
    for s in ss:
        if s['category'] == cat:
            sv, _ = sumo.source(c['id'], s['id'])
            print(sumo.delete_source(c['id'], sv).text)
Example #3
def putCollectors():

    data = request.json
    sumo = SumoLogic(data["apiid"], data["apikey"])
    response = {"errors": [], "success": []}

    # Go through each collector in the collector_map:
    for collectorid in data["collector_map"].keys():

        # Go through each source for a collector listed in the collector map
        for sourceid in data["collector_map"][collectorid]:

            # Find the souce that matches the name (they're by name, for UI)
            for sourcename in data["source_names"].keys():

                # Do we skip this source altogether? (Over)Complicated by transient nature of 'selected'
                if not "selected" in data["source_names"][sourcename] or (
                    "selected" in data["source_names"][sourcename] and not data["source_names"][sourcename]["selected"]

                    # If there's a match, send the source to Sumo for update
                    if sourceid in data["source_names"][sourcename]["memberids"]:

                        # Are we just here to delete?
                        if (
                            "delete" in data["source_names"][sourcename]
                            and data["source_names"][sourcename]["delete"] == True
                            print "- Deleting collector %s's source %s named %s." % (
                            result = sumo.delete_source(collectorid, {"source": {"id": sourceid}})
                            print "- Delete Source: %s" % result.status_code
                            # We'll be mutating this, so keep the original re-usable
                            sourcepayload = deepcopy(data["source_names"][sourcename]["flattened"])

                            # Blacklists must be a list of path expressions, or missing:
                            if "blacklist" in sourcepayload and not isinstance(sourcepayload["blacklist"], list):
                                blklst = []
                                    for blacklist in sourcepayload["blacklist"].split(",")
                                sourcepayload["blacklist"] = blklst

                            # Remove keys marked to be ignored
                            for ignorekey in data["source_names"][sourcename]["ignore"]:
                                if ignorekey in sourcepayload:
                                    del sourcepayload[ignorekey]

                            # The ID is deliberately absent from the flattened data, add
                            sourcepayload["id"] = sourceid

                            # Grrrrr:
                            # "All modifiable fields must be provided, and all immutable
                            # fields must match those existing in the system." --Sumo
                            sourcepayload["sourceType"] = data["all_sources"][str(sourceid)]["sourceType"]

                            # Convert boolean string to booleans
                            sourcepayload = fixBooleans(sourcepayload)

                            print "+ Updating Collector %s's source %s named %s" % (collectorid, sourceid, sourcename)

                            # You have to get the etag from a collector call
                            # TODO: refactor the initial fetch to include this somehow.
                            throwaway, etag = sumo.source(collectorid, sourceid)
                            result = sumo.update_source(collectorid, {"source": sourcepayload}, etag)

                            print "+ Source Update: %s" % result.status_code  # , result.text)

                            # if str(result.status_code).startswith("2"):
                            #     response['success'].append(result)
                            # else:
                            #     response['errors'].append(result)

                    print ". Skipping source %s" % sourcename

    # TODO: actually return useful information
    return jsonify(results=response)
Example #4
# Renames a category across all collectors and sources in a given account.
# python mv-cat.py <accessId/email> <accessKey/password> <fromName> <toName>
# TODO update query category constraints
# TODO regex

import sys

from sumologic import SumoLogic

args = sys.argv
sumo = SumoLogic(args[1], args[2])
fromCat, toCat = args[3], args[4]
cs = sumo.collectors()

for c in cs:
	if 'category' in c and c['category'] == fromCat:
		cv, etag = sumo.collector(c['id'])
		cv['collector']['category'] = toCat
		print sumo.update_collector(cv, etag).text
	ss = sumo.sources(c['id'])
	for s in ss:
		if s['category'] == fromCat:
			sv, etag = sumo.source(c['id'], s['id'])
			sv['source']['category'] = toCat
			print sumo.update_source(c['id'], sv, etag).text
# Deletes all sources (not collectors) in a given category.
# python rm-src-by-cat.py <accessId> <accessKey> <category>

import sys

from sumologic import SumoLogic

args = sys.argv
sumo = SumoLogic(args[1], args[2])
cat = args[3]
cs = sumo.collectors()

for c in cs:
	ss = sumo.sources(c['id'])
	for s in ss:
		if s['category'] == cat:
			sv, _ = sumo.source(c['id'], s['id'])
			print sumo.delete_source(c['id'], sv).text
f = [
        u"regexp": u"\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.(\\d{1,3})",
        u"mask": u"255",
        u"filterType": u"Mask",
        u"name": u"last octet mask",

for c in cs:
    if "category" not in c or "bwe" not in c["category"] and "bwm" not in c["category"]:
        print "collector: " + c["name"]
        ss = sumo.sources(c["id"])
        for s in ss:
            sv, etag = sumo.source(c["id"], s["id"])
            svi = sv["source"]
            if "category" not in svi or "bwe" not in svi["category"] and "bwm" not in svi["category"]:
                print "source: " + svi["name"]
                svi["filters"] = f
                r = sumo.update_source(c["id"], sv, etag)
                print r
                print r.text
            # if svi['forceTimeZone'] == False:
            #    svi['forceTimeZone'] = True
            #    svi[u'timeZone'] = u'UTC'
            #    r = sumo.update_source(c['id'], sv, etag)
            #    print str(r) + ': ' + str(r.text)
            #    time.sleep(delay)