def get_paging_service(chamber, limit):
    from sunlight.pagination import PagingService

    paging_service = PagingService(congress)
    members = list(paging_service.legislators(chamber=chamber, limit=limit)) 

    return members
    def test_non_pageable_service(self):
        """Services that are not pageable should result in an exception being
        raised when instantiating the PagingService.

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def fetch_bills_info():
    downlaods bill metadata from the sunlight api
    currently it downloads all the bills available in sunlight api
    consider supporting other filters in the future, like time ..etc
    congress = Congress()
    congress = PagingService(congress)
    results = list (congress.bills(fields="versions,history,title,urls,id" ,limit=sys.maxint  ) )
    return results
 def setUp(self):
     self.congress = Congress()
     self.paginator = PagingService(self.congress)
Example #5
from sunlight.pagination import PagingService
from raven import Client as Raven

from .models import connection
from .schedule import delay_until_local
from norrin import settings
from norrin.util import day_before, yesterday, format_billid

logger = logging.getLogger('norrin.notifications')
airship = ua.Airship(settings.UA_KEY, settings.UA_MASTER)

# terrible, terrible hack because of no sslv3
import = ''

congress = PagingService(congress)

class AdapterRegistry(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._adapters = []

    def __iter__(self):
        for adapter in self._adapters:
            yield adapter

    def register(self, adapter):
        if isinstance(adapter, type):
            adapter = adapter()
        if adapter not in self._adapters: