Example #1
def waveunit_fits_directory(tmp_path_factory):
    # Create a temporary directory of dummy FITS files
    # from the header data. This directory is then used to
    # test directory patterns for database
    waveunit_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('waveunit')
    header_files = [f for f in test_data_filenames()
                    if f.parents[0].relative_to(f.parents[1]).name == 'waveunit']
    for f in header_files:
        _ = write_image_file_from_header_file(f, waveunit_dir)
    return pathlib.Path(waveunit_dir)
Example #2
def eit_fits_directory(tmp_path_factory):
    # Create a temporary directory of dummy EIT FITS files
    # from the header data. This directory is then used to
    # test directory and glob patterns for the map factory
    eit_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp('EIT')
    eit_header_files = [f for f in test_data_filenames()
                        if f.parents[0].relative_to(f.parents[1]).name == 'EIT_header'
                        and f.suffix == '.header']
    for f in eit_header_files:
        _ = write_image_file_from_header_file(f, eit_dir)
    return pathlib.Path(eit_dir)
Example #3
def test_fitsheader():
    """Test that all test data can be converted back to a FITS header."""
    extensions = ('.fts', '.fits')
    for ext in extensions:
        test_files = [f for f in test_data_filenames() if f.suffix == ext]
        for ffile in test_files:
            fits_file = fits.open(ffile)
            meta_header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(fits_file[0].header))
Example #4
eve_filepath = get_test_filepath('EVE_L0CS_DIODES_1m_truncated.txt')
esp_filepath = get_test_filepath('eve_l1_esp_2011046_00_truncated.fits')
fermi_gbm_filepath = get_test_filepath('gbm.fits')
norh_filepath = get_test_filepath('tca110810_truncated')
lyra_filepath = get_test_filepath(
rhessi_filepath = get_test_filepath(
noaa_ind_json_filepath = get_test_filepath(
noaa_pre_json_filepath = get_test_filepath(
goes_filepath = get_test_filepath('go1520120601.fits.gz')
a_list_of_many = [
    f for f in test_data_filenames()
    if f.parents[0].relative_to(f.parents[1]).name == 'eve'

def eve_test_ts():
    with pytest.warns(SunpyUserWarning, match='Unknown units'):
        return sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(eve_filepath, source='EVE')

def esp_test_ts():
    return sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(esp_filepath, source='ESP')

Example #5
Test cases for SOHO EITMap subclass
import pytest

import astropy.units as u

from sunpy.data.test import get_dummy_map_from_header, test_data_filenames
from sunpy.map.sources.soho import EITMap

header_list = [f for f in test_data_filenames() if 'efz' in f.name and '.header' in f.name]

__author__ = "Pritish C. (VaticanCameos)"

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=header_list)
def eit_map(request):
    """Creates an EITMap from a FITS file."""
    return get_dummy_map_from_header(request.param)

def test_fitstoEIT(eit_map):
    """Tests the creation of EITMap using FITS."""
    assert isinstance(eit_map, EITMap)

def test_is_datasource_for(eit_map):
    """Test the is_datasource_for method of EITMap.
    Note that header data to be provided as an argument
    can be a MetaDict object."""
    assert eit_map.is_datasource_for(eit_map.data, eit_map.meta)
Example #6
import pathlib
import tempfile

import numpy as np
import pytest

from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS

import sunpy
import sunpy.map
from sunpy.data.test import get_dummy_map_from_header, get_test_filepath, rootdir, test_data_filenames
from sunpy.tests.helpers import skip_glymur
from sunpy.util.exceptions import NoMapsInFileError, SunpyMetadataWarning, SunpyUserWarning

a_list_of_many = [f for f in test_data_filenames() if 'efz' in f.name]

AIA_171_IMAGE = get_test_filepath('aia_171_level1.fits')
RHESSI_IMAGE = get_test_filepath('hsi_image_20101016_191218.fits')
AIA_193_JP2 = get_test_filepath("2013_06_24__17_31_30_84__SDO_AIA_AIA_193.jp2")
AIA_MAP = sunpy.map.Map(AIA_171_IMAGE)
    (AIA_171_IMAGE, ),
    (pathlib.Path(AIA_171_IMAGE), ),
    (rootdir / "EIT", ),
    (os.fspath(rootdir / "EIT"), ),
    (rootdir / "EIT" / "*.fits", ),
    (AIA_MAP, ),
    (AIA_MAP.data, AIA_MAP.meta),
    ((AIA_MAP.data, AIA_MAP.meta), ),
Example #7
from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict

# =============================================================================
# TimeSeries Tests
# =============================================================================

eve_filepath = get_test_filepath('EVE_L0CS_DIODES_1m_truncated.txt')
esp_filepath = get_test_filepath('eve_l1_esp_2011046_00_truncated.fits')
fermi_gbm_filepath = get_test_filepath('gbm.fits')
norh_filepath = get_test_filepath('tca110810_truncated')
lyra_filepath = get_test_filepath('lyra_20150101-000000_lev3_std_truncated.fits.gz')
rhessi_filepath = get_test_filepath('hsi_obssumm_20120601_018_truncated.fits.gz')
noaa_ind_json_filepath = get_test_filepath('observed-solar-cycle-indices-truncated.json')
noaa_pre_json_filepath = get_test_filepath('predicted-solar-cycle-truncated.json')
goes_filepath = get_test_filepath('go1520120601.fits.gz')
a_list_of_many = [f for f in test_data_filenames() if f.parents[0].relative_to(f.parents[1]).name == 'eve']

def eve_test_ts():
    with pytest.warns(SunpyUserWarning, match='Unknown units'):
        return sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(eve_filepath, source='EVE')

def esp_test_ts():
    return sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(esp_filepath, source='ESP')

def fermi_gbm_test_ts():