Example #1
class InputData:
    """Hyperparameters relating to input data."""
    input_fn = hparam.field(default='imagenet', abbrev='ds')
    preprocessing = hparam.nest(ImagePreprocessing)
    max_samples = hparam.field(default=-1, abbrev='ms')
    label_noise_prob = hparam.field(default=0., abbrev='ln')
    # If True, during training the dataset is sharded per TPU host, rather than
    # each host independently iterating over the full dataset. This guarantees
    # that the same sample won't appear in the same global batch on different TPU
    # cores, and also saves memory when caching the dataset.
    shard_per_host = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='hs')
Example #2
class TrainingStage:
    """Hyperparameters relating to a single stage of training."""
    train_epochs = hparam.field(default=700, abbrev='te')
    learning_rate_warmup_epochs = hparam.field(default=12.0, abbrev='wu')
    base_learning_rate = hparam.field(default=0.3, abbrev='lr')
    learning_rate_decay = hparam.field(default=enums.DecayType.COSINE,
    # Only used for learning_rate_decay types PIECEWISE_LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL.
    decay_rate = hparam.field(default=0.1, abbrev='dr')
    # Only used for learning_rate_decay type PIECEWISE_LINEAR.
    decay_boundary_epochs = hparam.field(default=[30, 60, 80, 90], abbrev='be')
    # Only used for learning_rate_decay type EXPONENTIAL.
    epochs_per_decay = hparam.field(default=2.4, abbrev='epd')
    optimizer = hparam.field(default=enums.Optimizer.RMSPROP, abbrev='op')
    update_encoder_batch_norm = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='ebn')
    rmsprop_epsilon = hparam.field(default=1.0, abbrev='rep')
Example #3
class LossAllStages:
    """Hyperparameters relating to the loss.

  This only includes those parameters that don't vary based on training stage.
    contrastive = hparam.nest(ContrastiveLoss)
    cross_entropy = hparam.nest(CrossEntropyLoss)
    include_bias_in_weight_decay = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='bd')
Example #4
class HParams:
    # This unfortunately needs to be in the root and be named the same as its
    # abbreviation so that Bootstrap's TPUEstimator wrapper can find it.
    bs = hparam.field(default=2048, abbrev='bs')
    architecture = hparam.nest(Architecture)
    loss_all_stages = hparam.nest(LossAllStages)
    stage_1 = hparam.nest(Stage, prefix='s1')
    stage_2 = hparam.nest(Stage, prefix='s2')
    eval = hparam.nest(Eval)
    input_data = hparam.nest(InputData)
    warm_start = hparam.nest(WarmStart)
Example #5
class LossStage:
  """Hyperparameters relating to the loss for a single training stage."""
  contrastive_weight = hparam.field(default=1.0, abbrev='cw')
  cross_entropy_weight = hparam.field(default=1.0, abbrev='xw')
  weight_decay_coeff = hparam.field(default=1e-4, abbrev='wd')
  use_encoder_weight_decay = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='ed')
  use_projection_head_weight_decay = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='pd')
  use_classification_head_weight_decay = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='cd')
Example #6
class ContrastiveLoss:
    """Hyperparameters relating to the contrastive loss."""
    use_labels = hparam.field(default=False, abbrev='ul')
    temperature = hparam.field(default=1.0, abbrev='t')
    contrast_mode = hparam.field(default=enums.LossContrastMode.ALL_VIEWS,
    summation_location = hparam.field(
        default=enums.LossSummationLocation.OUTSIDE, abbrev='sl')
    denominator_mode = hparam.field(default=enums.LossDenominatorMode.ALL,
    positives_cap = hparam.field(default=-1, abbrev='pc')
    scale_by_temperature = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='sbt')
Example #7
class Architecture:
    """Hyperparameters relating to the model architecture."""
    encoder_architecture = hparam.field(
        default=enums.EncoderArchitecture.RESNET_V1, abbrev='ea')
    encoder_depth = hparam.field(default=50, abbrev='d')
    # This is a multiplier on the number of channels in each conv layer. Width=1
    # uses 64 channels in the first block and doubles that in each subsequent
    # block. It is valid to use a non-integer value here so that we don't always
    # have to deal in multiples of 64.
    encoder_width = hparam.field(default=1., abbrev='w')
    first_conv_kernel_size = hparam.field(default=7, abbrev='fk')
    first_conv_stride = hparam.field(default=2, abbrev='fs')
    use_initial_max_pool = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='imp')

    projection_head_layers = hparam.field(default=[2048, 128], abbrev='phl')
    projection_head_use_batch_norm = hparam.field(default=False, abbrev='up')
    projection_head_use_batch_norm_beta = hparam.field(default=True,
    normalize_projection_head_inputs = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='phn')

    normalize_classifier_inputs = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='chn')
    zero_initialize_classifier = hparam.field(default=False, abbrev='czi')
    stop_gradient_before_classification_head = hparam.field(default=True,
    stop_gradient_before_projection_head = hparam.field(default=False,

    use_global_batch_norm = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='gbp')
Example #8
class Eval:
    """Hyperparameters relating to evaluation."""
    batch_size = hparam.field(default=128, abbrev='ebs')
Example #9
class ImagePreprocessing:
    """Hyperparameters related to image preprocessing."""
    # Whether the preprocessed images should be tf.bfloat16 instead of tf.float32,
    # if the hardware supports it.
    allow_mixed_precision = hparam.field(default=False, abbrev='bf')
    # The side length, in pixels, of the preprocessing outputs, irrespective of
    # the natural size of the images.
    image_size = hparam.field(default=224, abbrev='is')
    # The type of augmentation to use.
    augmentation_type = hparam.field(default=enums.AugmentationType.SIMCLR,
    augmentation_magnitude = hparam.field(default=0.5, abbrev='m')
    # The probability of warping.
    warp_probability = hparam.field(default=0.0, abbrev='wp')
    # The probability of blurring.
    blur_probability = hparam.field(default=0.5, abbrev='bp')
    # If True and `augmentation_type` applies blurring and `blur_probability is
    # greater than 0, the blur is applied in the model_fn rather than in the
    # preprocess_image call from the input_fn. This is useful because TPU training
    # runs the input_fn on CPU, but the blur operation is much faster when run on
    # TPU.
    defer_blurring = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='db')
    # Whether to use a color jittering algorithm that aims to replicate
    # `torchvision.transforms.ColorJitter` rather than the standard TensorFlow
    # color jittering.
    use_pytorch_color_jitter = hparam.field(default=False, abbrev='pj')
    # Whether or not to apply whitening to datasets that specify whitening
    # parameters.
    apply_whitening = hparam.field(default=True, abbrev='wh')
    # The range of allowed values for the fraction of the original pixels that
    # need to be included in any crop.
    crop_area_range = hparam.field(default=(0.08, 1.0), abbrev='ar')
    # The strategy for obtaining the desired square crop in eval mode.
    eval_crop_method = hparam.field(
        default=enums.EvalCropMethod.RESIZE_THEN_CROP, abbrev='ec')
    # For eval_crop_methods other than IDENTITY, this value is used to determine
    # how to perform the central crop. See `enums.EvalCropMethod` for details.
    crop_padding = hparam.field(default=32, abbrev='cp')
    # The number of views to generate per input. Currently 2 is the only value
    # supported for training.
    # TODO(sarna): Generalize to arbitrary numbers of views.
    num_views = hparam.field(default=2, abbrev='nv')
Example #10
class InvalidDuplicateParams():
    bool_params = hparam.nest(ValidBoolParams)
    duplicate_param = hparam.field('tbp', default='Im a duplicate')
Example #11
 def test_invalid_none_param(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             TypeError, 'Fields cannot have a default value of None.'):
         hparam.field('np', default=None)
Example #12
class ValidEnumParams:
    numeric_enum_param = hparam.field('nep', default=ValidNumericEnum.FIRST)
    string_enum_param = hparam.field('sep', default=ValidStringEnum.FIRST)
Example #13
 def test_invalid_dict_param(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             TypeError, 'Only numbers, strings, and lists are supported. '
             'Found <class \'dict\'>.'):
         hparam.field('dp', default={'key': 'value'})
Example #14
class ValidNumericParams:
    int_param = hparam.field('inp', default=123)
    float_param = hparam.field('fnp', default=12.3)
Example #15
 def test_invalid_empty_list_param(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             'Empty iterables cannot be used as default values.'):
         hparam.field('elp', default=[])
Example #16
class ValidBoolParams:
    true_param = hparam.field('tbp', default=True)
    false_param = hparam.field('fbp', default=False)
Example #17
 def test_invalid_nest_instance_with_field(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             'Supported types include: number, string, Enum, and lists of those '
         hparam.field('nhp', default=ValidBoolParams())
Example #18
 def test_invalid_mixed_list_param(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             TypeError, 'Iterables of mixed type are not supported.'):
         hparam.field('mlp', default=[1, 'foo'])
Example #19
class CrossEntropyLoss:
    """Hyperparameters relating to the cross-entropy loss."""
    label_smoothing = hparam.field(default=0., abbrev='ls')
Example #20
class ValidListParams:
    bool_list = hparam.field('blp', default=[True, False])
    int_list = hparam.field('ilp', default=[1])
    float_tuple = hparam.field('flp', default=(1.23, ))
    str_list = hparam.field('slp', default=['foo', 'bar'])
Example #21
class ValidStringParams:
    string_param = hparam.field('sp', default='foo')
Example #22
 def test_invalid_nested_list_param(self):
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(
             'Nested iterables and dictionaries are not supported.'):
         hparam.field('nlp', default=[['foo']])