Example #1
def populateDefaultUsers():
    userService = support.entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    userRbacService = support.entityFor(IUserRbacService)
    assert isinstance(userRbacService, IUserRbacService)

    for name in (('Janet', 'Admin'), ('Diane', 'Editor'),
                 ('Andrew', 'Reporter'), ('Christine', 'Journalist')):
        loginName = name[1].lower()
        users = userService.getAll(limit=1, q=QUser(name=loginName))
        if not users:
            user = User()
            user.FirstName = name[0]
            user.LastName = name[1]
            user.EMail = '*****@*****.**' % name
            user.Name = loginName
            user.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'a').hexdigest()
            user.Id = userService.insert(user)
            user = next(iter(users))
        if user.Name == 'admin':
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleAdministratorId())
        elif user.Name == 'editor':
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleEditorId())
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleCollaboratorId())
Example #2
def getUsersIds():
    userService = entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    if not _cache_users:
        users = _cache_users
        for name in USERS:
            usrs = userService.getAll(adminId=None, q=QUser(name=name))
            if usrs: users[name] = next(iter(usrs)).Id
                usr = User()
                usr.Name = name
                usr.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'a').hexdigest()
                usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, usr.EMail = USERS[name]
                users[name] = userService.insert(adminId=None, user=usr)
    return _cache_users
Example #3
def getUsersIds():
    userService = entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    if not _cache_users:
        users = _cache_users
        for name in USERS:
            usrs = userService.getAll(q=QUser(name=name))
            if usrs: users[name] = next(iter(usrs)).Id
                usr = User()
                usr.Name = name
                usr.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'a').hexdigest()
                usr.FirstName, usr.LastName, usr.EMail = USERS[name]
                users[name] = userService.insert(usr)
    return _cache_users
Example #4
def populateRootUser():
    userService = support.entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    userRbacService = support.entityFor(IUserRbacService)
    assert isinstance(userRbacService, IUserRbacService)
    users = userService.getAll(limit=1, q=QUser(name='Janet'))
    if not users:
        user = User()
        user.Name = 'root'
        user.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'root').hexdigest()
        user.Id = userService.insert(user)
    else: user = users[0]
    userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, rootRoleId())
Example #5
def populateRootUser():
    userService = support.entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    userRbacService = support.entityFor(IUserRbacService)
    assert isinstance(userRbacService, IUserRbacService)
    roleService = support.entityFor(IRoleService)
    assert isinstance(roleService, IRoleService)

    users = userService.getAll(limit=1, q=QUser(name='root'))
    if not users:
        user = User()
        user.Name = 'root'
        user.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'root').hexdigest()
        user.Id = userService.insert(user)
        user = users[0]

    userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, roleService.getByName(NAME_ROOT).Id)
Example #6
 def setIcon(self, personId, metaDataId, update):
     @see: IPersonIconService.setIcon
     if update:   
         user = User()
         user.Id = personId
     entityDb = PersonIconMapped()
     entityDb.Id, entityDb.MetaData = personId, metaDataId
     except SQLAlchemyError as e: handle(e, entityDb)
     return entityDb.Id
Example #7
    def _getCollaboratorForAuthor(self, author, source):
        Returns a collaborator identifier for the user/source defined in the post.
        If the post was not created by a user it returns a collaborator for the
        source identified in the post and the default user. The default user should
        be the sync entry creator. If the source from the post does not exist
        locally raises Exception.

        @param author: dict
            The author data in JSON decoded format
        @param source: Source
            The source from which the blog synchronization is done
        @return: integer
            The collaborator identifier.
        assert isinstance(source, Source)
            userJSON = author['User']
            user = User()
            user.Name = sha1((userJSON.get('Name', '') + source.URI).encode(self.encodingType)).hexdigest()
            user.FirstName, user.LastName = userJSON.get('FirstName', ''), userJSON.get('LastName', '')
            user.EMail, user.Password = userJSON.get('EMail', ''), '*'
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
            try: userId = self.userService.insert(user)
            except InputError:
                localUser = self.userService.getAll(q=QUser(name=user.Name))
                userId = localUser[0].Id
            c = Collaborator()
            c.User, c.Source = userId, source.Id
            try: return [self.collaboratorService.insert(c), userId]
            except InputError:
                collabs = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId, source.Id)
                return [collabs[0].Id, userId]
        except KeyError:
            q = QSource(name=author['Source']['Name'], isModifiable=False)
            sources = self.sourceService.getAll(q=q)
            if not sources: raise Exception('Invalid source %s' % q.name)
            collabs = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId=None, sourceId=sources[0].Id)
            if collabs: return [collabs[0].Id, None]
                c = Collaborator()
                c.Source = sources[0].Id
                return [self.collaboratorService.insert(c), None]
Example #8
    def _getCollaboratorForAuthor(self, author, source):
        Returns a collaborator identifier for the user/source defined in the post.
        If the post was not created by a user it returns a collaborator for the
        source identified in the post and the default user. The default user should
        be the sync entry creator. If the source from the post does not exist
        locally raises Exception.

        @param author: dict
            The author data in JSON decoded format
        @param source: Source
            The source from which the blog synchronization is done
        @return: integer
            The collaborator identifier.
        assert isinstance(source, Source)
            userJSON = author['User']
            user = User()
            user.Name = sha1((userJSON.get('Name', '') + source.URI).encode(
            user.FirstName, user.LastName = userJSON.get('FirstName',
                                                         ''), userJSON.get(
                                                             'LastName', '')
            user.EMail, user.Password = userJSON.get('EMail', ''), '*'
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
                userId = self.userService.insert(user)
            except InputError:
                localUser = self.userService.getAll(q=QUser(name=user.Name))
                userId = localUser[0].Id
            c = Collaborator()
            c.User, c.Source = userId, source.Id
                return [self.collaboratorService.insert(c), userId]
            except InputError:
                collabs = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId, source.Id)
                return [collabs[0].Id, userId]
        except KeyError:
            q = QSource(name=author['Source']['Name'], isModifiable=False)
            sources = self.sourceService.getAll(q=q)
            if not sources: raise Exception('Invalid source %s' % q.name)
            collabs = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId=None,
            if collabs: return [collabs[0].Id, None]
                c = Collaborator()
                c.Source = sources[0].Id
                return [self.collaboratorService.insert(c), None]
Example #9
def populateDefaultUsers():
    userService = support.entityFor(IUserService)
    assert isinstance(userService, IUserService)
    userRbacService = support.entityFor(IUserRbacService)
    assert isinstance(userRbacService, IUserRbacService)

    for name in (('Janet', 'Admin'), ('Diane', 'Editor'), ('Andrew', 'Reporter'), ('Christine', 'Journalist')):
        loginName = name[1].lower()
        users = userService.getAll(limit=1, q=QUser(name=loginName))
        if not users:
            user = User()
            user.FirstName = name[0]
            user.LastName = name[1]
            user.EMail = '*****@*****.**' % name
            user.Name = loginName
            user.Password = hashlib.sha512(b'a').hexdigest()
            user.Id = userService.insert(user)
        else: user = next(iter(users))
        if user.Name == 'admin':
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleAdministratorId())
        elif user.Name == 'editor':
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleEditorId())
            userRbacService.assignRole(user.Id, blogRoleCollaboratorId())
Example #10
    def _getCollaboratorForAuthor(self, author, creator, source):
        Returns a collaborator identifier for the user/source defined in the post.
        If the post was not created by a user (it is twitter, facebook, etc. post) 
        it returns a collaborator for the user that has added the post.

        @param author: dict
            The author data in JSON decoded format
        @param creator: dict
            The creator data in JSON decoded format
        @param source: Source
            The source from which the blog synchronization is done
        @return: integer
            The collaborator identifier.
        assert isinstance(source, Source)

        user = User()

        isAuthor = False

        if 'User' in author:
            userJSON = author['User']
            isAuthor = True
            userJSON = creator

        #To support old instances that don't have Uuid attribute
        if 'Uuid' in userJSON: user.Uuid = userJSON.get('Uuid', '')
        else: user.Uuid = str(uuid4().hex)

        if 'Cid' in userJSON: cid = int(userJSON.get('Cid', ''))
        else: cid = None

        user.Name = user.Uuid
        user.FirstName, user.LastName = userJSON.get('FirstName',
                                                     ''), userJSON.get(
                                                         'LastName', '')
        user.Address, user.PhoneNumber = userJSON.get('Address',
                                                      ''), userJSON.get(
                                                          'PhoneNumber', '')
        user.EMail, user.Password = userJSON.get('EMail', ''), '~'
        user.Type = self.user_type_key

        needUpdate = True
            userId = self.userService.insert(user)
        except InputError:
            localUser = self.userService.getByUuid(user.Uuid)
            userId = localUser.Id
            if localUser.Type == self.user_type_key and (cid is None or
                                                         localUser.Cid < cid):
                user.Id = localUser.Id
                user.Type = localUser.Type
                user.Cid = cid
                needUpdate = False

        collaborator = Collaborator()
        collaborator.User, collaborator.Source = userId, source.Id
            collaboratorId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator)
        except InputError:
            collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId, source.Id)
            collaboratorId = collaborators[0].Id

        if isAuthor:
            return [collaboratorId, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor]
            q = QSource(name=author['Source']['Name'], isModifiable=False)
            sources = self.sourceService.getAll(q=q)
            if not sources: raise Exception('Invalid source %s' % q.name)
            collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll(
                userId=None, sourceId=sources[0].Id)
            if collaborators:
                return [collaborators[0].Id, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor]
                collaborator = Collaborator()
                collaborator.Source = sources[0].Id
                return [
                    self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator), userId,
                    needUpdate, isAuthor
Example #11
    def addComment(self, blogId, comment):
        @see: IBlogCommentService.addComment
        # checking if the blog exists
        # checking whether comments are allowed shall be done in gateway
        if not self.session().query(exists().where(BlogMapped.Id == blogId)).scalar():
            raise InputError(Ref(_('Specified blog does not exist'),))

        userName = comment.UserName
        commentText = comment.CommentText
        commentSource = comment.CommentSource if comment.CommentSource else self.source_name_default

        # checking the necessary info: user name and comment text
        if not userName:
            raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory UserName'),))
        if not commentText:
            raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory CommentText'),))

        # take (or make) the user (for user name) part of creator and collaborator
        userTypeId, = self.session().query(UserTypeMapped.id).filter(UserTypeMapped.Key == self.user_type_key).one()
            sql = self.session().query(UserMapped.userId, UserMapped.Active)
            sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.typeId == userTypeId)
            sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.FirstName == userName)
            userId, isActive = sql.one()
            if not isActive:
                raise InputError(Ref(_('The commentator user was inactivated'),))
            user = User()
            user.FirstName = userName
            user.LastName = self.user_last_name
            user.Name = self._freeCommentUserName()
            user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode()
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
            userId = self.userService.insert(user)

        # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator
            sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped)
            sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.source_type_key).filter(SourceMapped.Name == commentSource)
            sourceId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            source = Source()
            source.Type = self.source_type_key
            source.Name = commentSource
            source.URI = ''
            source.IsModifiable = True
            sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source)

        # make the collaborator
        sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId)
            collabId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            collab = Collaborator()
            collab.Source = sourceId
            collab.User = userId
            collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab)

        # create post request
        post = Post()
        post.Type = self.post_type_key
        post.Creator = userId
        post.Author = collabId
        post.Content = commentText
        post.CreatedOn = datetime.now()

        # insert the blog post
        postId = self.blogPostService.insert(blogId, post)

        return postId
Example #12
    def _getCollaboratorForAuthor(self, author, creator, source):
        Returns a collaborator identifier for the user/source defined in the post.
        If the post was not created by a user (it is twitter, facebook, etc. post) 
        it returns a collaborator for the user that has added the post.

        @param author: dict
            The author data in JSON decoded format
        @param creator: dict
            The creator data in JSON decoded format
        @param source: Source
            The source from which the blog synchronization is done
        @return: integer
            The collaborator identifier.
        assert isinstance(source, Source)
        user = User()
        isAuthor = False
        if 'User' in author: 
            userJSON = author['User']  
            isAuthor = True
        else: userJSON = creator
        #To support old instances that don't have Uuid attribute 
        if 'Uuid' in userJSON: user.Uuid = userJSON.get('Uuid', '')
        else: user.Uuid = str(uuid4().hex)
        if 'Cid' in userJSON: cid = int(userJSON.get('Cid', ''))
        else: cid = None
        user.Name = user.Uuid
        user.FirstName, user.LastName = userJSON.get('FirstName', ''), userJSON.get('LastName', '')
        user.Address, user.PhoneNumber = userJSON.get('Address', ''), userJSON.get('PhoneNumber', '')
        user.EMail, user.Password = userJSON.get('EMail', ''), '~'
        user.Type = self.user_type_key

        needUpdate = False
        try: userId = self.userService.insert(user)
        except InputError:
            localUser = self.userService.getByUuid(user.Uuid)
            userId = localUser.Id
            if localUser.Type == self.user_type_key and (cid is None or localUser.Cid < cid): 
                needUpdate = True
                user.Id = localUser.Id
                user.Type = localUser.Type
                user.Cid = cid
        collaborator = Collaborator()
        collaborator.User, collaborator.Source = userId, source.Id
        try: collaboratorId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator)
        except InputError:
            collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId, source.Id)
            collaboratorId = collaborators[0].Id
        if isAuthor:
            return [collaboratorId, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor]
            q = QSource(name=author['Source']['Name'], isModifiable=False)
            sources = self.sourceService.getAll(q=q)
            if not sources: raise Exception('Invalid source %s' % q.name)
            collaborators = self.collaboratorService.getAll(userId=None, sourceId=sources[0].Id)
            if collaborators: return [collaborators[0].Id, userId, needUpdate, isAuthor]
                collaborator = Collaborator()
                collaborator.Source = sources[0].Id
                return [self.collaboratorService.insert(collaborator), userId, needUpdate, isAuthor]
Example #13
    def pushMessage(self, typeKey, phoneNumber=None, messageText=None, timeStamp=None):
        @see: IInletService.pushMessage
        # checking the necessary info: phone number and message text
        if (phoneNumber is None) or (phoneNumber == ''):
            raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory phoneNumber parameter'),))
        if (messageText is None) or (messageText == ''):
            raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory messageText parameter'),))

        # take (or make) the user (for phone number) part of creator and collaborator
            userId, = self.session().query(PersonMapped.Id).filter(PersonMapped.PhoneNumber == phoneNumber).one()
            user = User()
            user.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber
            user.Name = self._freeSMSUserName()
            user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode()
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
            userId = self.userService.insert(user)

        # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator
            sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped)
            sql = sql.filter(SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.sms_source_type_key).filter(SourceMapped.Name == typeKey)
            sourceId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            source = Source()
            source.Type = self.sms_source_type_key
            source.Name = typeKey
            source.URI = ''
            source.IsModifiable = True
            sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source)

        # make the collaborator
        sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId)
            collabId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            collab = Collaborator()
            collab.Source = sourceId
            collab.User = userId
            collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab)

        # take / make time stamp
        if timeStamp:
                timeStamp = datetime.strptime(timeStamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                timeStamp = None

        if not timeStamp:
            timeStamp = datetime.now()

        # create post request
        post = Post()
        post.Type = self.sms_post_type_key
        post.Creator = userId
        post.Author = collabId
        post.Content = messageText
        post.CreatedOn = timeStamp

        # insert the post
        postId = self.postService.insert(post)

        return (self.postService.getById(postId),)
Example #14
    def pushMessage(self,
        @see: IInletService.pushMessage
        # checking the necessary info: phone number and message text
        if (phoneNumber is None) or (phoneNumber == ''):
            raise InputError(
                Ref(_('No value for the mandatory phoneNumber parameter'), ))
        if (messageText is None) or (messageText == ''):
            raise InputError(
                Ref(_('No value for the mandatory messageText parameter'), ))

        # take (or make) the user (for phone number) part of creator and collaborator
            userId, = self.session().query(PersonMapped.Id).filter(
                PersonMapped.PhoneNumber == phoneNumber).one()
            user = User()
            user.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber
            user.Name = self._freeSMSUserName()
            user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode()
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
            userId = self.userService.insert(user)

        # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator
            sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped)
            sql = sql.filter(
                SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.sms_source_type_key).filter(
                    SourceMapped.Name == typeKey)
            sourceId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            source = Source()
            source.Type = self.sms_source_type_key
            source.Name = typeKey
            source.URI = ''
            source.IsModifiable = True
            sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source)

        # make the collaborator
        sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId)
            collabId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            collab = Collaborator()
            collab.Source = sourceId
            collab.User = userId
            collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab)

        # take / make time stamp
        if timeStamp:
                timeStamp = datetime.strptime(timeStamp,
                                              '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                timeStamp = None

        if not timeStamp:
            timeStamp = datetime.now()

        # create post request
        post = Post()
        post.Type = self.sms_post_type_key
        post.Creator = userId
        post.Author = collabId
        post.Content = messageText
        post.CreatedOn = timeStamp

        # insert the post
        postId = self.postService.insert(post)

        return (self.postService.getById(postId), )
Example #15
    def addComment(self, blogId, comment):
        @see: IBlogCommentService.addComment
        # checking if the blog exists
        # checking whether comments are allowed shall be done in gateway
        if not self.session().query(
                exists().where(BlogMapped.Id == blogId)).scalar():
            raise InputError(Ref(_('Specified blog does not exist'), ))

        userName = comment.UserName
        commentText = comment.CommentText
        commentSource = comment.CommentSource if comment.CommentSource else self.source_name_default

        # checking the necessary info: user name and comment text
        if not userName:
            raise InputError(Ref(_('No value for the mandatory UserName'), ))
        if not commentText:
            raise InputError(Ref(
                _('No value for the mandatory CommentText'), ))

        # take (or make) the user (for user name) part of creator and collaborator
        userTypeId, = self.session().query(UserTypeMapped.id).filter(
            UserTypeMapped.Key == self.user_type_key).one()
            sql = self.session().query(UserMapped.userId, UserMapped.Active)
            sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.typeId == userTypeId)
            sql = sql.filter(UserMapped.FirstName == userName)
            userId, isActive = sql.one()
            if not isActive:
                raise InputError(
                    Ref(_('The commentator user was inactivated'), ))
            user = User()
            user.FirstName = userName
            user.LastName = self.user_last_name
            user.Name = self._freeCommentUserName()
            user.Password = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)).decode()
            user.Type = self.user_type_key
            userId = self.userService.insert(user)

        # make the source (for inlet type) part of collaborator
            sql = self.session().query(SourceMapped.Id).join(SourceTypeMapped)
            sql = sql.filter(
                SourceTypeMapped.Key == self.source_type_key).filter(
                    SourceMapped.Name == commentSource)
            sourceId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            source = Source()
            source.Type = self.source_type_key
            source.Name = commentSource
            source.URI = ''
            source.IsModifiable = True
            sourceId = self.sourceService.insert(source)

        # make the collaborator
        sql = self.session().query(CollaboratorMapped.Id)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.Source == sourceId)
        sql = sql.filter(CollaboratorMapped.User == userId)
            collabId, = sql.one()
        except NoResultFound:
            collab = Collaborator()
            collab.Source = sourceId
            collab.User = userId
            collabId = self.collaboratorService.insert(collab)

        # create post request
        post = Post()
        post.Type = self.post_type_key
        post.Creator = userId
        post.Author = collabId
        post.Content = commentText
        post.CreatedOn = datetime.now()

        # insert the blog post
        postId = self.blogPostService.insert(blogId, post)

        return postId