def init(data, state): global reference_gallery local_path = os.path.join(, ag.reference_path.lstrip("/")), ag.reference_path, local_path) ref_json = sly.json.load_json_file(local_path) for reference_key, ref_examples in ref_json["references"].items(): if len(ref_examples) >= 2: cnt_grid_columns = 2 else: cnt_grid_columns = 1 review_gallery = { "content": { "projectMeta": ag.gallery_meta.to_json(), "annotations": {}, "layout": [[] for i in range(cnt_grid_columns)] }, "previewOptions": ag.image_preview_options, "options": ag.image_grid_options, } for idx, reference_info in enumerate(ref_examples): image_url = reference_info["image_url"] [top, left, bottom, right] = reference_info["bbox"] figure_id = reference_info["geometry"]["id"] label = sly.Label( sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right, sly_id=figure_id), ag.gallery_meta.get_obj_class("product")) catalog_info = catalog.index[reference_key] review_gallery["content"]["annotations"][figure_id] = { "url": image_url, "labelId": figure_id, # duplicate for simplicity "figures": [label.to_json()], "zoomToFigure": { "figureId": figure_id, "factor": 1.2 }, "catalogInfo": catalog_info } review_gallery["content"]["layout"][idx % cnt_grid_columns].append( figure_id) reference_gallery[reference_key] = review_gallery"Number of items in catalog: {len(catalog.index)}")"Number of references: {len(reference_gallery)}") data["userRef"] = {} # {1: "7861026000305"} #@TODO: for debug data["refGrid"] = reference_gallery state["selected"] = {}
def get_next_object(api, task_id, project_id): project_dir = os.path.join(, "app_tagging", str(project_id)) image_labels = sly_json.load_json_file( os.path.join(project_dir, "image_labels_pairs.json")) free_pairs = sly_json.load_json_file( os.path.join(project_dir, "free_pairs.json")) if len(free_pairs) == 0: # @TODO: show message to user"labeling finished") item = image_labels[free_pairs[0]] image_id = item[0] ann_path = item[1] label_index = item[2] image_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "images", "{}.png".format(image_id)) if not sly.fs.file_exists(image_path): api.image.download_path(image_id, image_path) image = meta_json = sly_json.load_json_file(os.path.join(project_dir, "meta.json")) meta = sly.ProjectMeta.from_json(meta_json) ann_json = sly_json.load_json_file(ann_path) ann = sly.Annotation.from_json(ann_json, meta) label = ann.labels[label_index] rect = label.geometry.to_bbox() cropped_image = sly.image.crop(image, label.geometry.to_bbox()) canvas = image.copy() label.draw_contour(canvas, thickness=3) pad = 150 rect_context = sly.Rectangle(max(0, - pad), max(0, rect.left - pad), min(image.shape[0] - 1, rect.bottom + pad), min(image.shape[1] - 1, rect.right + pad)) cropped_context = sly.image.crop(canvas, rect_context) cropped_url, cropped_context_url = pack_images(cropped_image, cropped_context) api.task.set_data(task_id, [[cropped_context_url], [cropped_url]], "data.objectToTag")
def yolo_preds_to_sly_rects(detections, idx_to_class, confidence_tag_meta): labels = [] for classId, confidence, box in detections: xmin = box[0] - box[2] / 2 ymin = box[1] - box[3] / 2 xmax = box[0] + box[2] / 2 ymax = box[1] + box[3] / 2 rect = sly.Rectangle(round(ymin), round(xmin), round(ymax), round(xmax)) label = sly.Label(rect, idx_to_class[classId]) confidence_tag = sly.Tag(confidence_tag_meta, value=round(float(confidence), 4)) label = label.add_tag(confidence_tag) labels.append(label) return labels
def test_from_supervisely(): import supervisely_lib as sly data_path = "./data/test_supervisely/from_to" if os.path.exists(data_path): shutil.rmtree(data_path) project_name = "pixel_project" project_path = os.path.join(data_path, project_name) project = sly.Project(project_path, sly.OpenMode.CREATE) init_meta = project.meta project.meta._project_type = "images" project_ds = project.create_dataset(project_name) img = np.ones((30, 30, 3)) project_ds.add_item_np("pixel.jpeg", img) item_path, item_ann_path = project_ds.get_item_paths("pixel.jpeg") ann = sly.Annotation.load_json_file(item_ann_path, project.meta) bbox_class = sly.ObjClass(name="_bbox", geometry_type=sly.Rectangle) meta_with_bboxes = project.meta.add_obj_classes([bbox_class]) bbox_label = sly.Label( geometry=sly.Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10), obj_class=meta_with_bboxes.obj_classes.get("_bbox"), ) ann_with_bboxes = ann.add_labels([bbox_label]) project_ds.set_ann("pixel.jpeg", ann_with_bboxes) project.set_meta(meta_with_bboxes) trans = hub.Dataset.from_supervisely(project) dataset =, "pixel_dataset_bbox")) project_back = dataset.to_supervisely( os.path.join(data_path, "pixel_project_bbox_back")) project.set_meta(init_meta) poly_class = sly.ObjClass(name="_poly", geometry_type=sly.Polygon) meta_with_poly = project.meta.add_obj_classes([poly_class]) points = [[0, 0], [0, 10], [10, 0], [10, 10]] point_loc_points = [ sly.geometry.point_location.PointLocation(*point) for point in points ] poly_label = sly.Label( geometry=sly.Polygon(exterior=point_loc_points, interior=[]), obj_class=meta_with_poly.obj_classes.get("_poly"), ) ann_with_polys = ann.add_labels([poly_label]) project_ds.set_ann("pixel.jpeg", ann_with_polys) project.set_meta(meta_with_poly) trans = hub.Dataset.from_supervisely(project) dataset =, "pixel_dataset_poly")) project_back = dataset.to_supervisely( os.path.join(data_path, "pixel_project_poly_back"))
def inference_image_path(image_path, context, state, app_logger): app_logger.debug("Input path", extra={"path": image_path}) rect = None if "rectangle" in state: top, left, bottom, right = state["rectangle"] rect = sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right) settings = state.get("settings", {}) for key, value in default_settings.items(): if key not in settings: app_logger.warn( "Field {!r} not found in inference settings. Use default value {!r}" .format(key, value)) debug_visualization = settings.get("debug_visualization", default_settings["debug_visualization"]) conf_thres = settings.get("conf_thres", default_settings["conf_thres"]) iou_thres = settings.get("iou_thres", default_settings["iou_thres"]) augment = settings.get("augment", default_settings["augment"]) image = # RGB image if rect is not None: canvas_rect = sly.Rectangle.from_size(image.shape[:2]) results = rect.crop(canvas_rect) if len(results) != 1: return { "message": "roi rectangle out of image bounds", "roi": state["rectangle"], "img_size": { "height": image.shape[0], "width": image.shape[1] } } rect = results[0] image = sly.image.crop(image, rect) ann_json = inference(model, half, device, imgsz, stride, image, meta, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres, augment=augment, debug_visualization=debug_visualization) return ann_json
def inference(model, half, device, imgsz, stride, image: np.ndarray, meta: sly.ProjectMeta, conf_thres=0.25, iou_thres=0.45, augment=False, agnostic_nms=False, debug_visualization=False) -> sly.Annotation: names = model.module.names if hasattr(model, 'module') else model.names img0 = image # RGB # Padded resize img = letterbox(img0, new_shape=imgsz, stride=stride)[0] img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) # to 3x416x416 img = np.ascontiguousarray(img) img = torch.from_numpy(img).to(device) img = img.half() if half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 if img.ndimension() == 3: img = img.unsqueeze(0) inf_out = model(img, augment=augment)[0] # Apply NMS labels = [] output = non_max_suppression(inf_out, conf_thres=conf_thres, iou_thres=iou_thres, agnostic=agnostic_nms) for i, det in enumerate(output): if det is not None and len(det): det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img.shape[2:], det[:, :4], img0.shape).round() for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det): top, left, bottom, right = int(xyxy[1]), int(xyxy[0]), int(xyxy[3]), int(xyxy[2]) rect = sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right) obj_class = meta.get_obj_class(names[int(cls)]) tag = sly.Tag(meta.get_tag_meta(CONFIDENCE), round(float(conf), 4)) label = sly.Label(rect, obj_class, sly.TagCollection([tag])) labels.append(label) height, width = img0.shape[:2] ann = sly.Annotation(img_size=(height, width), labels=labels) if debug_visualization is True: # visualize for debug purposes vis = np.copy(img0) ann.draw_contour(vis, thickness=2) sly.image.write("vis.jpg", vis) return ann.to_json()
def convert_geometry(x_center, y_center, ann_width, ann_height, img_width, img_height): x_center = float(x_center) y_center = float(y_center) ann_width = float(ann_width) ann_height = float(ann_height) px_x_center = x_center * img_width px_y_center = y_center * img_height px_ann_width = ann_width * img_width px_ann_height = ann_height * img_height left = px_x_center - (px_ann_width / 2) right = px_x_center + (px_ann_width / 2) top = px_y_center - (px_ann_height / 2) bottom = px_y_center + (px_ann_height / 2) return sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right)
def visualize_dets(img_, output_, save_path_, names_, meta_): labels = [] for i, det in enumerate(output_): if det is not None and len(det): for *xyxy, conf, cls in reversed(det): left, top, right, bottom = int(xyxy[0]), int(xyxy[1]), int( xyxy[2]), int(xyxy[3]) rect = sly.Rectangle(top, left, bottom, right) obj_class = meta_.get_obj_class(names_[int(cls)]) tag = sly.Tag(meta_.get_tag_meta("confidence"), round(float(conf), 4)) label = sly.Label(rect, obj_class, sly.TagCollection([tag])) labels.append(label) width, height = img_.size ann = sly.Annotation(img_size=(height, width), labels=labels) vis = np.copy(img_) ann.draw_contour(vis, thickness=2) sly.image.write(save_path_, vis) return vis
def main_split_textline(ini, common_info, logger=None): # Init. path variables global box_color, rst_dir_name vars = {} for key, val in ini.items(): vars[key] = cs.replace_string_from_dict(val, common_info) except_dir_names = vars['except_dir_names'].replace(' ', '').split(',') img_mode = vars['img_mode'] link_, copy_, border_, save_detect_box_img_, save_refine_box_img_ = \ cs.string_to_boolean(vars['link_']), cs.string_to_boolean(vars['copy_']), cs.string_to_boolean(vars['border_']), \ cs.string_to_boolean(vars['save_detect_box_img_']), cs.string_to_boolean(vars['save_refine_box_img_']) # Init. CRAFT gpu_ = cs.string_to_boolean(vars['cuda']) device = torch.device('cuda' if ( torch.cuda.is_available() and gpu_) else 'cpu') ko_model_dir, math_model_dir = cg.get_model_dir(root_dir=vars['ko_model_path'], model_file=vars['ko_model_name']), \ cg.get_model_dir(root_dir=vars['math_model_path'], model_file=vars['math_model_name']) ko_detector = get_detector(os.path.join(ko_model_dir, vars['ko_model_name']), device, quantize=False) math_detector = get_detector(os.path.join(math_model_dir, vars['math_model_name']), device, quantize=False) easyocr_ini = cg.get_ini_parameters( os.path.join(_this_folder_, vars['ocr_ini_fname'])) craft_params = load_craft_parameters(easyocr_ini['CRAFT']) project = sly.Project(directory=vars['textline_dataset_path'], mode=sly.OpenMode.READ, block_directories=except_dir_names) # Preprocess datasets if link_: link_or_copy_datasets(src_dir_path=vars['textline_dataset_path'], dst_dir_path=vars['refine_dataset_path'], dir_names=project.datasets.keys(), except_dir_names=except_dir_names, tgt_dir_name='img/', mode=LINK, logger=logger) if copy_: link_or_copy_datasets(src_dir_path=vars['textline_dataset_path'], dst_dir_path=vars['refine_dataset_path'], dir_names=project.datasets.keys(), except_dir_names=except_dir_names, tgt_dir_name='ann/', mode=COPY, logger=logger) # Load and split textlines for dataset in project:'Processing dataset: {}/{}'.format(, for item_idx, item_name in enumerate(dataset): item_paths = dataset.get_item_paths(item_name) ann, json_data = sly.Annotation.load_json_file( item_paths.ann_path, project.meta) raw_img = draw_detect_img, draw_refine_img = raw_img.copy(), raw_img.copy() # Draw textline box for label in ann.labels: if == textline: label.geometry.draw_contour( draw_detect_img, color=label.obj_class.color, config=label.obj_class.geometry_config, thickness=3) label.geometry.draw_contour( draw_refine_img, color=label.obj_class.color, config=label.obj_class.geometry_config, thickness=3) draw_detect_img = ((draw_detect_img.astype(np.uint16) + raw_img.astype(np.uint16)) / 2).astype( np.uint8) draw_refine_img = ((draw_refine_img.astype(np.uint16) + raw_img.astype(np.uint16)) / 2).astype( np.uint8) # Get textline ground truths gt_objs = [] for idx, label in reversed(list(enumerate(ann.labels))): if != textline: crop_img = raw_img[, label.geometry.left:label.geometry.right] if crop_img.size == 0: continue crop_box, ret_ = ip.get_binary_area_coordinates_by_threshold( crop_img, min_thresh=127, max_thresh=255) if ret_: crop_box_obj = ic.Box(crop_box) proc_box = ic.calc_global_box_pos_in_box( g_box=[ label.geometry.left, label.geometry.right,, label.geometry.bottom ], box=crop_box_obj.rect2, format='rect2') min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = proc_box # debug_img = raw_img[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x] # print('Prev geo. : ', ann.labels[idx].geometry.left, ann.labels[idx].geometry.right, ann.labels[idx], ann.labels[idx].geometry.bottom) # Remove label ann = ann.delete_label(label) # update coordinates crop_labels = label.crop( sly.Rectangle(min_y, min_x, max_y, max_x)) # top, left, bottom, right, for crop_label in crop_labels: ann = ann.add_label(crop_label) # print('Next geo. : ', ann.labels[idx].geometry.left, ann.labels[idx].geometry.right, ann.labels[idx], ann.labels[idx].geometry.bottom) continue # Remove textline object ann = ann.delete_label(label) if (label.geometry.right - label.geometry.left) <= 0 or ( label.geometry.bottom - <= 0: continue gt_box = ic.Box( box=[[label.geometry.left,], [label.geometry.right, label.geometry.bottom]]) gt_obj = object.Object(name=textline, box_obj=gt_box, description=label.description.strip()) gt_objs.append(gt_obj) # Get predict results pred_objs = [] for detector in [ko_detector, math_detector]: tgt_class = ko if (detector is ko_detector) else (math if ( detector is math_detector) else 'None') # # Make border border_margin = 0 if border_: border_color = ig.WHITE border_margin = 30 raw_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(raw_img, border_margin, border_margin, border_margin, border_margin, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=border_color) boxes = get_textbox( detector, raw_img, canvas_size=craft_params['canvas_size'], mag_ratio=craft_params['mag_ratio'], text_threshold=craft_params['text_threshold'], link_threshold=craft_params['link_threshold'], low_text=craft_params['low_text'], poly=False, device=device, optimal_num_chars=True) if border_: boxes = [ np.array([ box[0] - border_margin, box[1] - border_margin, box[2] - border_margin, box[3] - border_margin, box[4] - border_margin, box[5] - border_margin, box[6] - border_margin, box[7] - border_margin ]) for box in boxes ] horizontal_list, _ = group_text_box( boxes, craft_params['slope_ths'], craft_params['ycenter_ths'], craft_params['height_ths'], craft_params['width_ths'], craft_params['add_margin']) for h_box in horizontal_list: pred_box = ic.Box( box=[[h_box[0], h_box[2]], [h_box[1], h_box[3]]]) pred_obj = object.Object(name=tgt_class, box_obj=pred_box, description='') pred_objs.append(pred_obj) if tgt_class == ko: box_color = ig.BROWN if tgt_class == math: box_color = ig.MAGENTA draw_detect_img = ip.draw_box_on_img(draw_detect_img, pred_box.flat_box, color=box_color, thickness=2) # Save result image ko_model_epoch, math_model_epoch = vars['ko_model_name'].split('_')[-1].replace('.pth', ''), \ vars['math_model_name'].split('_')[-1].replace('.pth', '') rst_dir_name = f'{ko}_' + ko_model_epoch + '_' + f'{math}_' + math_model_epoch rst_dir_path = os.path.join(vars['rst_path'], rst_dir_name, 'draw_box') if save_detect_box_img_: cg.folder_exists(rst_dir_path, create_=True) ig.imwrite( draw_detect_img, os.path.join(rst_dir_path, f'[{img_mode}] ' + item_name)) # Compare GT. & PRED. refine_gts = refine_ground_truths_by_predict_values( gt_objs, pred_objs, raw_img) # test input : GTS, PREDS # Draw refined boxes & texts if save_refine_box_img_: for (rf_box, rf_text, rf_class) in refine_gts: rf_rect2 = ic.convert_rect4_to_rect2(rf_box) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = rf_rect2 box = (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) if rf_class == ko: box_color = ig.BROWN if rf_class == math: box_color = ig.MAGENTA # Draw boxes draw_refine_img = ip.draw_box_on_img(draw_refine_img, box, color=box_color, thickness=3) # Draw texts (for 한글) pil_img = Image.fromarray(draw_refine_img) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img) font = cg.KOR_FONT margin_x, margin_y = 10, 45 draw.text(xy=((x_min + 1 + margin_x), (y_min + 1 + margin_y)), text=rf_text, font=font, fill=box_color) draw_refine_img = np.array(pil_img) rst_dir_path = os.path.join(vars['rst_path'], rst_dir_name, 'refine_box') cg.folder_exists(rst_dir_path, create_=True) ig.imwrite( draw_refine_img, os.path.join(rst_dir_path, f'[{img_mode}] ' + item_name)) # Insert refine_gts to json if len(ann.labels) > 0: obj_id = ann.labels[-1].geometry.sly_id + 1 else: obj_id = 0 refine_json_data, refine_obj_id = update_json_from_results( ann.to_json(), obj_id, [ko, math], refine_gts) # Save refined json rst_ann_fname = item_paths.ann_path.replace( vars['textline_dataset_path'], vars['refine_dataset_path']) with open(rst_ann_fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(refine_json_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)'[{}/{}] Refined json path : {}'.format( item_idx + 1, len(dataset), rst_ann_fname))" # {} in {} mode finished.".format(_this_basename_, OP_MODE)) return True