Example #1
def disable_inactive_lights():
    now_date = get_local_time()
    logger.info("begin disable_inactive_lights")
    for pin, room in PIN_TO_ROOM.items():

        inactive = room.is_motion_timed_out(as_of_date=now_date)
        logger.info("room %s is timed out %r" % (room.name, inactive))

        if not inactive:

        # Motion must have occurred in neighbor room afterward for this room to be inactive
        neighbor_room_names = settings.ROOM_GRAPH.get(room.name, None)
        if neighbor_room_names is not None:
            logger.info("evaluating neighbors (%s) for %s" % (neighbor_room_names, room.name))
            subsequent_neighbor_motion = False
            for neighbor_room_name in neighbor_room_names:
                for pot_neighbor_room in settings.ROOMS:
                    logger.info("evaluating potential neighbor (%s) for name %s" % (pot_neighbor_room.name, neighbor_room_name))
                    if neighbor_room_name == pot_neighbor_room.name:
                        neighbor_corroborates_exit = pot_neighbor_room.last_motion is not None and pot_neighbor_room.last_motion > room.last_motion
                        logger.info("evaluating room %s neighbor %s. Neighbor moved after this %r" % (room.name, neighbor_room_name, neighbor_corroborates_exit))
                        if neighbor_corroborates_exit:
                            subsequent_neighbor_motion = True

            if not subsequent_neighbor_motion:
                logger.info("Room %s is timed out but neighbors (%s) have not received motion afterward, "
                            "so room must still be occupied." % (room.name, neighbor_room_names))

    logger.info("end disable_inactive_lights")
Example #2
def on_motion(triggered_pin: int):
    now = get_local_time()

    is_motion_start = GPIO.input(triggered_pin)

    room = PIN_TO_ROOM[triggered_pin]
    logger.info("Motion %s in %s" %
                (("started" if is_motion_start else "stopped"), room.name))

    # Ignore repeat motion stop events
    if not is_motion_start and not room.motion_started:

    room.on_motion(now, is_motion_start=is_motion_start)
def party():
    global party_process
    json = flask.request.get_json()
    enabled = json.get("enabled", False)
    logger.info("Got party state %r" % enabled)
    if enabled and not env.is_party_mode():
        # Start party XD
        party_process = Popen(["python3", "./animate_web.py", "run"])  # async
    elif not enabled and env.is_party_mode():
        # Stop party :(
        if party_process is not None:
            party_process = None

        # Return lights to circadian color
        command = copy.deepcopy(COMMAND_FULL_ON)
        circadian_color = get_current_circadian_color(date=get_local_time())
    return "Party mode is now %r" % enabled
import time

from support.color import get_next_circadian_color
from support.hue import command_all_lights, hue
from support.logger import get_logger
from support.room import LightsOnDuringDayRoom
from support.time_utils import get_local_time
from settings import ROOMS

# Logging
logger = get_logger("circadian")

while 1:
    now = get_local_time()
    next_color_date, next_color = get_next_circadian_color(date=now)

    sleep_time_s = (next_color_date - now).seconds
    logger.info("Sleeping until %s at %s", next_color.name, next_color_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p'))
    time.sleep(sleep_time_s + 30)  # Add padding to compensate for sleep inaccuracy
    logger.info("Adjusting hue for %s", next_color.name)
    command = next_color.apply_to_command({'transitiontime': 60 * 10})  # 60 s transition

    if next_color.name == 'Day':
        lights = []
        for room in ROOMS:
            if not isinstance(room, LightsOnDuringDayRoom):
                lights += room.lights
        hue.set_light(lights, command)
import json

import forecastio

from support.time_utils import get_local_time

FORECAST_FILENAME = 'forecast.json'
LAT = 37.877881
LON = -122.269312

forecast_file = open(FORECAST_FILENAME, 'w')
current_time = get_local_time()
forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(FORECAST_IO_KEY, LAT, LON, time=current_time, lazy=True)

Forecastio daily data point has the following properties, 
some may be undefined if they do not apply to that day's weather:

{ 'd': { 'apparentTemperatureMax': 59.55,
         'apparentTemperatureMaxTime': 1457204400,
         'apparentTemperatureMin': 57.26,
         'apparentTemperatureMinTime': 1457186400,
         'cloudCover': 0.82,
         'dewPoint': 55.44,
         'humidity': 0.89,
         'icon': 'rain',
         'moonPhase': 0.88,
         'ozone': 338.58,
         'precipIntensity': 0.0647,
         'precipIntensityMax': 0.2725,