Example #1
def search_groups(names):
    """ Search groups by name and full name """
    names = list(set(names))
    group_full_names = [name for name in names if '/' in name]
    group_single_names = [name for name in names if not '/' in name]
    ModuleCategory = model('ir.module.category')
    groups = []
    if group_full_names:
        full_name_cond = []
        for line in group_full_names:
            categ, name = line.split('/', 1)
            categ = categ.strip()
            name = name.strip()
            category_ids = ModuleCategory.search([('name', '=', categ)])
            assert category_ids, 'no category named %s' % categ
            condition = [
                '&', ('name', '=', name), ('category_id', 'in', category_ids)
            full_name_cond += condition
        num_operators = len(group_full_names) - 1
        or_operators = ['|'] * num_operators
        search_cond = or_operators + full_name_cond
    if group_single_names:
        single_name_cond = [('name', 'in', group_single_names)]
        # Search for single groups
    return groups
def check_accounts(context, company_name):
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    assert len(
            ("company_id", "=", company.id),
        ])) > 0
def impl(ctx, state):
    wiz = model('credit.control.marker').create({'name': state})
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('state', '=', 'draft')])
    assert lines
    ctx.lines = lines
    wiz.write({'line_ids': lines})
Example #4
def impl(ctx, state):
    wiz = model('credit.control.marker').create({'name': state})
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('state', '=', 'draft')])
    assert lines
    ctx.lines = lines
    wiz.write({'line_ids': lines})
Example #5
def search_groups(names):
    """ Search groups by name and full name """
    names = list(set(names))
    group_full_names = [name for name in names if '/' in name]
    group_single_names = [name for name in names if not '/' in name]
    ModuleCategory = model('ir.module.category')
    groups = []
    if group_full_names:
        full_name_cond = []
        for line in group_full_names:
            categ, name = line.split('/', 1)
            categ = categ.strip()
            name = name.strip()
            category_ids = ModuleCategory.search([('name', '=', categ)])
            assert category_ids, 'no category named %s' % categ
            condition = [
                    ('name', '=', name),
                    ('category_id', 'in', category_ids)
            full_name_cond += condition
        num_operators = len(group_full_names) - 1
        or_operators = ['|'] * num_operators
        search_cond = or_operators + full_name_cond
    if group_single_names:
        single_name_cond = [('name', 'in', group_single_names)]
        # Search for single groups
    return groups
Example #6
def tag_user_partners(ctx, xmlid):
    model_name, ids = ctx.loaded_objets
    obj = ref(xmlid)
    if model_name == 'res.users':
        partners = model(model_name).browse(ids).partner_id
    elif model_name == 'res.partner':
        partners = model(model_name).browse(ids)
    partners.write({'category_id': [obj.id]})
def impl(ctx, line_number, level, policy_name):
    policy = model('credit.control.policy').get([('name', '=', policy_name)])
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('invoice_id', '=', ctx.invoice.id),
                                                 ('level', '=', level),
                                                 ('policy_id', '=', policy.id)])
    assert_equal(len(lines), line_number)
Example #8
def tag_user_partners(ctx, xmlid):
    model_name, ids = ctx.loaded_objets
    obj = ref(xmlid)
    if model_name == 'res.users':
        partners = model(model_name).browse(ids).partner_id
    elif model_name == 'res.partner':
        partners = model(model_name).browse(ids)
    partners.write({'category_id': [obj.id]})
Example #9
def impl(ctx, fy_ref):
    assert '.' in fy_ref, "please use the full reference (e.g. scenario.%s)" % fy_ref
    module, xmlid = fy_ref.split('.', 1)
    _model, id = model('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(module, xmlid)
    assert _model == 'account.fiscalyear'
    fy = model('account.fiscalyear').get(id)
    if not fy.period_ids:
        model('account.fiscalyear').create_period([fy.id], {}, 1)
def impl(ctx, partner, number, level, move_line_name, amount):
    to_check = model('credit.control.line').search([('partner_id.name', '=', partner),
                                                    ('level', '=', level),
                                                    ('amount_due', '=', amount),
                                                    ('move_line_id.name', '=', move_line_name),
                                                    ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'ignored'))])
    assert_equal(len(to_check), int(number), msg="More than %s found" % number)
    lines = model('credit.control.line').browse(to_check)
    assert set(['ignored', 'draft']) == set(lines.state)
Example #11
def impl(ctx, line_number, level, policy_name):
    policy = model('credit.control.policy').get([('name', '=', policy_name)])
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([
        ('invoice_id', '=', ctx.invoice.id), ('level', '=', level),
        ('policy_id', '=', policy.id)
    assert_equal(len(lines), line_number)
def impl(ctx, partner, number, level, move_line_name, amount):
    to_check = model('credit.control.line').search([('partner_id.name', '=', partner),
                                                    ('level', '=', level),
                                                    ('amount_due', '=', amount),
                                                    ('move_line_id.name', '=', move_line_name),
                                                    ('state', 'in', ('draft', 'ignored'))])
    assert_equal(len(to_check), int(number), msg="More than %s found" % number)
    lines = model('credit.control.line').browse(to_check)
    assert ['ignored', 'draft'] == lines.state
def impl(ctx, rate_code, rate_value):
    assert ctx.found_item
    company = ctx.found_item
    currency = model('res.currency').get([('name', '=', rate_code)])
    assert currency
    rate = model('res.currency.rate').get([('currency_id', '=', currency.id)])
    assert rate
    rate.write({'rate': rate_value})
    company.write({'currency_id': currency.id})
Example #14
def impl(ctx, fy_ref):
    assert '.' in fy_ref, "please use the full reference (e.g. scenario.%s)" % fy_ref
    module, xmlid = fy_ref.split('.', 1)
    _model, id = model('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(module, xmlid)
    assert _model == 'account.fiscalyear'
    fy = model('account.fiscalyear').get(id)
    if not fy.period_ids:
        model('account.fiscalyear').create_period([fy.id], {}, 1)
Example #15
def impl(ctx, policy_oid):
    policy = model('credit.control.policy').get(policy_oid)
    assert policy, 'No policy % found' % policy_oid
    acc_obj = model('account.account')
    accounts = []
    for row in ctx.table:
        acc = acc_obj.get(['code = %s' % row['account code']])
        assert acc, "Account with code %s not found" % row['account code']
    policy.write({'account_ids': [x.id for x in accounts]})
def impl(ctx, policy_oid):
    policy = model('credit.control.policy').get(policy_oid)
    assert policy, 'No policy % found' % policy_oid
    acc_obj = model('account.account')
    accounts = []
    for row in ctx.table:
        acc = acc_obj.get(['code = %s' % row['account code']])
        assert acc,  "Account with code %s not found" % row['account code']
    policy.write({'account_ids': [x.id for x in accounts]})
Example #17
def impl(ctx, field, value, company_name):
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    journal = model('account.journal').get([(field, '=', value), ('company_id', '=', company.id)])
    # if not journal:
    #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    assert journal
    ctx.found_item = journal
    ctx.search_model_name = 'account.journal'
def impl(ctx, field, value, company_name):
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    journal = model('account.journal').get([(field, '=', value),
                                            ('company_id', '=', company.id)])
    # if not journal:
    #     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    assert journal
    ctx.found_item = journal
    ctx.search_model_name = 'account.journal'
Example #19
def impl(ctx, partner, level, move_line_name, amount):
    print ctx, partner, level, move_line_name, amount
    to_ignore = model('credit.control.line').search([
        ('partner_id.name', '=', partner), ('level', '=', level),
        ('amount_due', '=', amount), ('move_line_id.name', '=', move_line_name)
    assert to_ignore
    wiz = model('credit.control.marker').create({'name': 'ignored'})
    ctx.lines = to_ignore
    wiz.write({'line_ids': to_ignore})
    assert model('credit.control.line').get(to_ignore[0]).state == 'ignored'
def impl(ctx, partner, level, move_line_name, amount):
    print ctx, partner, level, move_line_name, amount
    to_ignore = model('credit.control.line').search([('partner_id.name', '=', partner),
                                                     ('level', '=', level),
                                                     ('amount_due', '=', amount),
                                                     ('move_line_id.name', '=', move_line_name)])
    assert to_ignore
    wiz = model('credit.control.marker').create({'name': 'ignored'})
    ctx.lines = to_ignore
    wiz.write({'line_ids': to_ignore})
    assert model('credit.control.line').get(to_ignore[0]).state == 'ignored'
def impl(ctx, invoice_name, level_name, policy_name):
   invoice = model('account.invoice').get([('number', '=', invoice_name)])
   assert_true(invoice, msg='No invoices found')
   level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get([('name', '=', level_name)])
   assert_true(level, 'level not found')
   policy = model('credit.control.policy').get([('name', '=', policy_name)])
   assert_true(policy, 'Policy not found')
   assert_equal(policy.id, level.policy_id.id)
   context = {'active_ids': [invoice.id]}
   data = {'new_policy_id': policy.id,
           'new_policy_level_id': level.id}
   wizard = model('credit.control.policy.changer').create(data, context=context)
   ctx.wizard = wizard
Example #22
def impl(ctx, invoice_name, level_name, policy_name):
    invoice = model('account.invoice').get([('number', '=', invoice_name)])
    assert_true(invoice, msg='No invoices found')
    level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get([('name', '=', level_name)
    assert_true(level, 'level not found')
    policy = model('credit.control.policy').get([('name', '=', policy_name)])
    assert_true(policy, 'Policy not found')
    assert_equal(policy.id, level.policy_id.id)
    context = {'active_ids': [invoice.id]}
    data = {'new_policy_id': policy.id, 'new_policy_level_id': level.id}
    wizard = model('credit.control.policy.changer').create(data,
    ctx.wizard = wizard
Example #23
def impl(ctx):
    def _row_to_dict(row):
        return dict((name, row[name]) for name in row.headings if row[name])

    rows = map(_row_to_dict, ctx.table)

    def _parse_date(value):
        return time.strftime(value) if '%' in value else value

    for row in rows:
        account = model('account.account').get(['name = %s' % row['account']])
        assert account, "no account named %s found" % row['account']

        policy = model('credit.control.policy').get(
            ['name = %s' % row['policy']])
        assert policy, "No policy %s found" % row['policy']

        partner = model('res.partner').get(['name = %s' % row['partner']])
        assert partner, "No partner %s found" % row['partner']

        maturity_date = _parse_date(row['date due'])
        move_line = model('account.move.line').get([
            'name = %s' % row['move line'],
            'date_maturity = %s' % maturity_date
        assert move_line, "No move line %s found" % row['move line']

        level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get(
            ['name = %s' % row['policy level'],
             'policy_id = %s' % policy.id])
        assert level, "No level % found" % row['policy level']

        domain = [
            ['account_id', '=', account.id],
            ['policy_id', '=', policy.id],
            ['partner_id', '=', partner.id],
            ['policy_level_id', '=', level.id],
            ['amount_due', '=', row.get('amount due', 0.0)],
            ['state', '=', row['state']],
            ['level', '=', row.get('level', 0.0)],
            ['channel', '=', row['channel']],
            ['balance_due', '=', row.get('balance', 0.0)],
            ['date_due', '=', _parse_date(row['date due'])],
            ['date', '=', _parse_date(row['date'])],
            ['move_line_id', '=', move_line.id],
        if row.get('currency'):
            curreny = model('res.currency').get(
                ['name = %s' % row['currency']])
            assert curreny, "No currency %s found" % row['currency']
            domain.append(('currency_id', '=', curreny.id))

        lines = model('credit.control.line').search(domain)
        assert lines, "no line found for %s" % repr(row)
        assert len(lines) == 1, "Too many lines found for %s" % repr(row)
    date_lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('date', '=',
    assert len(date_lines) == len(ctx.table.rows), "Too many lines generated"
Example #24
def impl(ctx, inv_name):
    Invoice = model('account.invoice')
    invoice = Invoice.get([('name', '=', inv_name)])
    assert invoice
       When I pay %f on the invoice "%s"
    """ % (invoice.residual, inv_name))
def impl(ctx, level_name, invoice_name):
   invoice = model('account.invoice').get([('number', '=', invoice_name)])
   assert_true(invoice, msg='No invoices found')
   level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get([('name', '=', level_name)])
   assert_true(level, 'level not found')
   move_ids = [x.id for x in ctx.wizard.move_line_ids]
   created_id = model('credit.control.line').search([('move_line_id', 'in', move_ids),
                                                     ('manually_overridden', '=', False)])

   assert len(created_id) == 1
   created = model('credit.control.line').get(created_id[0])
   ctx.created = created
   assert_equal(created.policy_level_id.id, level.id)
   assert_equal(created.invoice_id.id, invoice.id)
   assert_equal(created.invoice_id.credit_policy_id.id, level.policy_id.id)
Example #26
def _create_or_update_param(key, value):
    Params = model('ir.config_parameter')
    ids = Params.search([('key', '=', key)])
    if ids:
        Params.write(ids, {'key': key, 'value': value})
        Params.create({'key': key, 'value': value})
Example #27
def impl(ctx, invoice_name):
    invoice = model('account.invoice').get([('number', '=', invoice_name)])
    assert_true(invoice, msg='No invoices found')
    man_lines = (x for x in invoice.credit_control_line_ids
                 if x.manually_overridden)
    assert_true(next(man_lines, None), 'No manual change on the invoice')
    ctx.invoice = invoice
Example #28
def impl(ctx, name, digits, company_name):
    template = model('account.chart.template').get([("name", "=", name)])
    assert template
    root_account = template.account_root_id
    assert root_account
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    configuration_wizard = model('wizard.multi.charts.accounts').create({'code_digits': digits,
                                                                         'chart_template_id': template.id,
                                                                         'company_id': company.id,
                                                                         'currency_id': company.currency_id.id})

    vals = configuration_wizard.onchange_chart_template_id(template.id)
    # the onchange calls above may have changed this
    configuration_wizard.write({'code_digits': digits})
Example #29
def impl(ctx, level_name, invoice_name):
    invoice = model('account.invoice').get([('number', '=', invoice_name)])
    assert_true(invoice, msg='No invoices found')
    level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get([('name', '=', level_name)
    assert_true(level, 'level not found')
    move_ids = [x.id for x in ctx.wizard.move_line_ids]
    created_id = model('credit.control.line').search([
        ('move_line_id', 'in', move_ids), ('manually_overridden', '=', False)

    assert len(created_id) == 1
    created = model('credit.control.line').get(created_id[0])
    ctx.created = created
    assert_equal(created.policy_level_id.id, level.id)
    assert_equal(created.invoice_id.id, invoice.id)
    assert_equal(created.invoice_id.credit_policy_id.id, level.policy_id.id)
Example #30
def impl(ctx):
    for row in ctx.table:
        date = datetime.date.today().strftime(row['date'])
        currency = model('res.currency').get([('name', '=', row['currency'])])
        ctype_id = False
        if row['type']:
            ctype = model('res.currency.rate.type').get([('name', '=', row['type'])])
            assert ctype
            ctype_id = ctype.id
        curr_rate = model('res.currency.rate').browse([('name', '=', date),
                                                       ('currency_id', '=', currency.id)])
        if not curr_rate:
            puts('creating new rate')
            values = {'name': date, 'currency_id': currency.id,
                      'rate': row['rate'], 'currency_rate_type_id': ctype_id}
            curr_rate[0].rate = row["rate"]
def attach_file(ctx, filepath, res_model, oid):
    rec = model(res_model).get(oid)
    assert rec, "xmlid not found for this object"

    tmp_path = ctx.feature.filename.split(os.path.sep)
    tmp_path = tmp_path[:tmp_path.index('features')] + ['data', filepath]
    tmp_path = [str(x) for x in tmp_path]
    path = os.path.join(*tmp_path)
    with open(path, "rb") as f:
        file_data = base64.b64encode(f.read())

    values = {
        'name': os.path.basename(filepath),
        'res_id': rec.id,
        'res_model': res_model,
        'datas': file_data,

Example #32
def impl(ctx, users):
    # search groups by name and full name
    group_names = [row['group_name'] for row in ctx.table]
    group_names = list(set(group_names))
    group_full_names = [name for name in group_names if '/' in name]
    group_single_names = [name for name in group_names if not '/' in name]
    ModulCategory = model('ir.module.category')
    groups = []
    group_full_names_category = []
    if group_full_names:
        full_name_cond = []
        for line in group_full_names:
            categ, name = line.split('/', 1)
            categ = categ.strip()
            name = name.strip()
            category_ids = ModulCategory.search([('name', '=', categ)])
            assert category_ids, 'no category named %s' % categ
            condition = [
                    ('name', '=', name),
                    ('category_id', 'in', category_ids)
            # Take the category_id to build the domain
            # [
            #   ('&',('name','=','User'), ('category_id','=',40)),
            #   ('&',('name','=','User'), ('category_id','=',47)),
            # ]
            full_name_cond += condition
        num_operators = len(group_full_names) - 1
        or_operators = ['|'] * num_operators
        search_cond = or_operators + full_name_cond
    if group_single_names:
        single_name_cond = [('name', 'in', group_single_names)]
        # Search for single groups
    #assert_equal(len(groups), len(group_names))
    assert users in ('user', 'users')
    if users == "users":
        for user in ctx.found_items:
            assign_groups(user, groups)
    if users == "user":
        assign_groups(ctx.found_item, groups)
def impl(ctx):
    def _row_to_dict(row):
        return dict((name, row[name]) for name in row.headings if row[name])
    rows = map(_row_to_dict, ctx.table)

    def _parse_date(value):
        return time.strftime(value) if '%' in value else value

    for row in rows:
        account = model('account.account').get(['name = %s' % row['account']])
        assert account, "no account named %s found" % row['account']

        policy = model('credit.control.policy').get(['name = %s' % row['policy']])
        assert policy, "No policy %s found" % row['policy']

        partner = model('res.partner').get(['name = %s' % row['partner']])
        assert partner, "No partner %s found" % row['partner']

        maturity_date = _parse_date(row['date due'])
        move_line = model('account.move.line').get(['name = %s' % row['move line'],
                                                    'date_maturity = %s' % maturity_date])
        assert move_line, "No move line %s found" % row['move line']

        level = model('credit.control.policy.level').get(['name = %s' % row['policy level'],
                                                          'policy_id = %s' % policy.id])
        assert level, "No level % found" % row['policy level']

        domain = [['account_id', '=', account.id],
                  ['policy_id', '=', policy.id],
                  ['partner_id', '=', partner.id],
                  ['policy_level_id', '=', level.id],
                  ['amount_due', '=', row.get('amount due', 0.0)],
                  ['state', '=', row['state']],
                  ['level', '=', row.get('level', 0.0)],
                  ['channel', '=', row['channel']],
                  ['balance_due', '=', row.get('balance', 0.0)],
                  ['date_due', '=',  _parse_date(row['date due'])],
                  ['date', '=', _parse_date(row['date'])],
                  ['move_line_id', '=', move_line.id],
        if row.get('currency'):
            curreny = model('res.currency').get(['name = %s' % row['currency']])
            assert curreny, "No currency %s found" % row['currency']
            domain.append(('currency_id', '=', curreny.id))

        lines = model('credit.control.line').search(domain)
        assert lines, "no line found for %s" % repr(row)
        assert len(lines) == 1, "Too many lines found for %s" % repr(row)
    date_lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('date', '=', ctx.found_item.date)])
    assert len(date_lines) == len(ctx.table.rows), "Too many lines generated"
def impl(ctx, logo_name, logo_path):
    cp_id = getattr(ctx, 'company_id')

    filename, extension = os.path.splitext(logo_path)
    assert extension.lower() in ['.png', '.gif', '.jpeg', '.jpg'], "Image extension must be (.png, .gif or .jpeg)"

    encoded_image = get_encoded_image(ctx, logo_path)

    values = {
            'img' : encoded_image,
            'name' : logo_name,
            'type': extension[1:],
            'company_id': cp_id,

    header_img = model('ir.header_img').browse(
            [('name', '=', logo_name),
             ('company_id', '=', cp_id)])
    if header_img:
Example #35
def impl(ctx, name, digits, company_name):
    template = model('account.chart.template').get([("name", "=", name)])
    assert template
    root_account = template.account_root_id
    assert root_account
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    configuration_wizard = model('wizard.multi.charts.accounts').create({

    vals = configuration_wizard.onchange_chart_template_id(template.id)
    # the onchange calls above may have changed this
    configuration_wizard.write({'code_digits': digits})
Example #36
def import_csv_with_options(ctx, model_name, csvfile, options=None):
    """ import csv with options

    * handle special case to load "res.users" faster
    by setting `no_reset_password=True` in odoo context

    * currently supported options:
      * bulk={true|false}   load data in bulk mode (need a patch to odoo)
      * strict={true|false} verify that all rows are loaded
      * delimiter=","       choose CSV delimiter

    tmp_path = ctx.feature.filename.split(os.path.sep)
    tmp_path = tmp_path[: tmp_path.index('features')] + ['data', csvfile]
    tmp_path = [str(x) for x in tmp_path]
    path = os.path.join(*tmp_path)
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    sep = options.get('delimiter', ',')
    strict = str2bool(options.get('strict', 'false'))

    data = csv.reader(open(path, 'rb'), delimiter=str(sep))
    head = data.next()
    values = list(data)

    if values:
        context = ctx.oe_context
        ctx.loaded_objets = None

        if model_name == 'res.users':
            context = dict(context or {}, no_reset_password=True)

        if str2bool(options.get('bulk')):
            context = dict(context or {}, bulk_mode=True)

        result = model(model_name).load(head, values, context)
        ids = result['ids']
        if not ids:
            messages = '\n'.join('- %s' % msg for msg in result['messages'])
            raise Exception("Failed to load file '%s' "
                            "in '%s'. Details:\n%s" %
                            (csvfile, model_name, messages))

        elif strict and len(values) != len(ids):
            raise Exception("Loaded only %d of %d rows" % (len(ids),
        # valid file with header and no further lines: noop
        ids = []

    ctx.loaded_objets = (model_name, ids)
Example #37
def import_csv_with_options(ctx, model_name, csvfile, options=None):
    """ import csv with options

    * handle special case to load "res.users" faster
    by setting `no_reset_password=True` in odoo context

    * currently supported options:
      * bulk={true|false}   load data in bulk mode (need a patch to odoo)
      * strict={true|false} verify that all rows are loaded
      * delimiter=","       choose CSV delimiter

    tmp_path = ctx.feature.filename.split(os.path.sep)
    tmp_path = tmp_path[:tmp_path.index('features')] + ['data', csvfile]
    tmp_path = [str(x) for x in tmp_path]
    path = os.path.join(*tmp_path)
    assert os.path.exists(path)
    sep = options.get('delimiter', ',')
    strict = str2bool(options.get('strict', 'false'))

    data = csv.reader(open(path, 'rb'), delimiter=str(sep))
    head = data.next()
    values = list(data)

    if values:
        context = ctx.oe_context
        ctx.loaded_objets = None

        if model_name == 'res.users':
            context = dict(context or {}, no_reset_password=True)

        if str2bool(options.get('bulk')):
            context = dict(context or {}, bulk_mode=True)

        result = model(model_name).load(head, values, context)
        ids = result['ids']
        if not ids:
            messages = '\n'.join('- %s' % msg for msg in result['messages'])
            raise Exception("Failed to load file '%s' "
                            "in '%s'. Details:\n%s" %
                            (csvfile, model_name, messages))

        elif strict and len(values) != len(ids):
            raise Exception("Loaded only %d of %d rows" %
                            (len(ids), len(values)))
        # valid file with header and no further lines: noop
        ids = []

    ctx.loaded_objets = (model_name, ids)
Example #38
def impl(ctx):
    for row in ctx.table:
        date = datetime.date.today().strftime(row['date'])
        currency = model('res.currency').get([('name', '=', row['currency'])])
        ctype_id = False
        if row['type']:
            ctype = model('res.currency.rate.type').get([('name', '=',
            assert ctype
            ctype_id = ctype.id
        curr_rate = model('res.currency.rate').browse([('name', '=', date),
                                                       ('currency_id', '=',
        if not curr_rate:
            puts('creating new rate')
            values = {
                'name': date,
                'currency_id': currency.id,
                'rate': row['rate'],
                'currency_rate_type_id': ctype_id
            curr_rate[0].rate = row["rate"]
def impl(ctx):
    assert ctx.found_item
    # Must be a cleaner way to do it
    assert model("credit.control.run").get(ctx.found_item.id).state == 'done'
def impl(ctx):
def impl(ctx, state):
    assert ctx.lines
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('state', '!=', state),
                                                 ('id', 'in', ctx.lines)])
    assert not lines
Example #42
def impl(ctx):
    for jrn in model('account.journal').browse([]):
        jrn.write({'update_posted': True})
def impl(ctx, state):
    assert model('credit.control.line').search(['state = %s' % state])
Example #44
def impl(ctx):
    groups = model('res.groups').browse([])
    for user in ctx.found_items:
        assign_groups(user, groups)
Example #45
def check_no_account(ctx, company_name):
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    assert len(model('account.account').search([
        ("company_id", "=", company.id)
    ])) == 0
Example #46
def check_accounts(context, company_name):
    company = model('res.company').get([('name', '=', company_name)])
    assert company
    assert len(model('account.account').search([
        ("company_id", "=", company.id),
    ])) > 0
Example #47
def allow_cancelling(ctx):
    for jrn in model('account.journal').browse([]):
        jrn.write({'update_posted': True})
Example #48
def assert_account_installed(ctx):
    assert model('ir.module.module').get([
        'name = account',
        'state = installed'
Example #49
def impl(ctx):
    ctx.users = model('res.users').browse([('login', '!=', 'admin')])
Example #50
def impl(ctx):
    ctx.found_item = model('res.users').browse([('login', '=', 'admin')])
Example #51
def impl(ctx):
    assert ctx.found_item
    # Must be a cleaner way to do it
    assert model("credit.control.run").get(ctx.found_item.id).state == 'done'
Example #52
def impl(ctx):
Example #53
def impl(ctx, state):
    assert model('credit.control.line').search(['state = %s' % state])
Example #54
def impl(ctx):
    logins = [row['login'] for row in ctx.table]
    ctx.found_items = model('res.users').browse([('login', 'in', logins)])
    assert_equal(len(ctx.found_items), len(logins))
Example #55
def impl(ctx, state):
    assert ctx.lines
    lines = model('credit.control.line').search([('state', '!=', state),
                                                 ('id', 'in', ctx.lines)])
    assert not lines