def _query_freebase(self, work_type, thing): props = FREEBASE_TYPES[work_type] url = "" % (web.urlquote(thing),props['type']) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) if len(response['result']) == 0: return None else: fbid = response['result'][0]['id'] query = { 'escape': False, 'query': { "id": fbid, "type": props['type'], "name": None, "limit": 1 } } query['query'].update(props['subquery']) url = "" % web.urlquote(simplejson.dumps(query)) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) result = response['result'] if result is None: return None else: return({ 'props': props, 'url': "" + result['id'], 'title': result['name'], 'characters': props['extractor'](result) })
def _query_freebase(self, work_type, thing): key = conf.get(conf.supybot.plugins.Cast.FreebaseApiKey) props = FREEBASE_TYPES[work_type] url = "" % (web.urlquote(thing),props['type'],key) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) if len(response['result']) == 0: return None else: fbid = response['result'][0]['id'] query = { "id": fbid, "type": props['type'], "name": None, "limit": 1 } query.update(props['subquery']) url = "" % (web.urlquote(simplejson.dumps(query)),key) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) result = response['result'] if result is None: return None else: return({ 'props': props, 'url': "" + result['id'], 'title': result['name'], 'characters': props['extractor'](result) })
def _query_freebase(self, work_type, thing): props = FREEBASE_TYPES[work_type] url = "" % ( web.urlquote(thing), props['type']) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) if len(response['result']) == 0: return None else: fbid = response['result'][0]['id'] query = { 'escape': False, 'query': { "id": fbid, "type": props['type'], "name": None, "limit": 1 } } query['query'].update(props['subquery']) url = "" % web.urlquote( simplejson.dumps(query)) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) result = response['result'] if result is None: return None else: return ({ 'props': props, 'url': "" + result['id'], 'title': result['name'], 'characters': props['extractor'](result) })
def _query_freebase(self, work_type, thing): key = conf.get(conf.supybot.plugins.Cast.FreebaseApiKey) props = FREEBASE_TYPES[work_type] url = "" % ( web.urlquote(thing), props['type'], key) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) if len(response['result']) == 0: return None else: fbid = response['result'][0]['id'] query = { "id": fbid, "type": props['type'], "name": None, "limit": 1 } query.update(props['subquery']) url = "" % ( web.urlquote(simplejson.dumps(query)), key) response = simplejson.loads(web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS)) result = response['result'] if result is None: return None else: return ({ 'props': props, 'url': "" + result['id'], 'title': result['name'], 'characters': props['extractor'](result) })
def loadByName(self, name): if name.isdigit(): return self.loadById(name) import supybot.utils.web as web lines = filter(lambda x:'<id>' in x, web.getUrl('' + name '/1.xml?key=nIKh0F7U').split('\n')) if not lines: return None line = lines[0] id = line.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] return self.loadById(id)
def urbandict(self, irc, msg, args, opts, words): """<phrase> Returns the definition and usage of <phrase> from """ use_definition = None for (opt,arg) in opts: if opt == 'def': use_definition = int(arg) terms = ' '.join(words) url = '' \ % web.urlquote(terms) html = web.getUrl(url) doc = fromstring(html) if len(doc.xpath('//div[@id="not_defined_yet"]')): irc.error('No definition found.', Raise=True) definitions = [] for div in doc.xpath('//div[@class="definition"]'): text = div.text_content() if div.getnext().tag == 'div' \ and div.getnext().attrib.get('class', None) == 'example': text += ' [example] ' + div.getnext().text_content() + ' [/example] ' text = re.sub(r'[\\\r\\\n]+', ' ', text) definitions.append(text) if use_definition != None: definitions = [definitions[use_definition-1]] reply_msg = '%s: %s' % (terms, '; '.join(definitions)) irc.reply(reply_msg.encode('utf8'))
def _fetch_json(self, url): doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) except ValueError: return None return json
def trends(self, irc, msg, args, timeframe): """@trends [current|daily|weekly] Return top trending Twitter topics for one of three timeframes: current, daily or weekly. Default is current. """ if not timeframe: timeframe = "current" if timeframe not in ["current", "daily", "weekly"]: irc.reply("Invalid timeframe. Must be one of 'current', 'daily' or 'weekly'") return url = "" % timeframe try: doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) json = simplejson.loads(doc) except: irc.reply("uh-oh, something went awry") return trends = json["trends"].values()[0] tnames = [x["name"] for x in trends] resp = ", ".join(["%d. %s" % t for t in zip(range(1, len(tnames) + 1), tnames)]) irc.reply(resp.encode("utf8", "ignore").replace("\n", " ").strip(" "))
def _fetch_xml(self, function, query): url = "" % ( function, urlencode({'query': query})) print url doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) # Wunderground double-encodes some of its entities, so we'll double-decode. return BSS(doc, convertEntities=BSS.HTML_ENTITIES)
def urbandict(self, irc, msg, args, opts, words): """<phrase> Returns the definition and usage of <phrase> from """ use_definition = None for (opt, arg) in opts: if opt == 'def': use_definition = int(arg) terms = ' '.join(words) url = '' \ % web.urlquote(terms) html = web.getUrl(url) doc = fromstring(html) if len(doc.xpath('//div[@id="not_defined_yet"]')): irc.error('No definition found.', Raise=True) definitions = [] for div in doc.xpath('//div[@class="definition"]'): text = div.text_content() if div.getnext().tag == 'div' \ and div.getnext().attrib.get('class', None) == 'example': text += ' [example] ' + div.getnext().text_content( ) + ' [/example] ' text = re.sub(r'[\\\r\\\n]+', ' ', text) definitions.append(text) if use_definition != None: definitions = [definitions[use_definition - 1]] reply_msg = '%s: %s' % (terms, '; '.join(definitions)) irc.reply(reply_msg.encode('utf8'))
def trends(self, irc, msg, args, timeframe): """@trends [current|daily|weekly] Return top trending Twitter topics for one of three timeframes: current, daily or weekly. Default is current. """ if not timeframe: timeframe = 'current' if timeframe not in ['current', 'daily', 'weekly']: irc.reply( "Invalid timeframe. Must be one of 'current', 'daily' or 'weekly'" ) return url = '' % timeframe try: doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) json = simplejson.loads(doc) except: irc.reply("uh-oh, something went awry") return trends = json['trends'].values()[0] tnames = [x['name'] for x in trends] resp = ', '.join( ["%d. %s" % t for t in zip(range(1, len(tnames) + 1), tnames)]) irc.reply(resp.encode('utf8', 'ignore').replace('\n', ' ').strip(' '))
def _chefjivevalleypig(self, irc, type, s): params = urlencode(dict(input=s,type=type)) url = '' + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) resp = re.sub('&(ampway|emp);','&',resp) resp = BS.BeautifulStoneSoup(resp,convertEntities=BS.BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES).contents[0] resp = re.sub('\n', ' ', resp) irc.reply(resp.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())
def _query_tmdb(self, cmd, args): url = "" % (cmd,TMDBK,urllib.quote(str(args))) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) except ValueError: return None return json
def _query_tmdb(self, cmd, args): url = "" % ( cmd, TMDBK, urllib.quote(str(args))) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) except ValueError: return None return json
def _yelp_api(self, params): p = params.copy() p['ywsid'] = YWSID url = '' + urlencode(p) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) except ValueError: return None return json
def _yelp_api(self, params): p = params.copy() p["ywsid"] = YWSID url = "" + urlencode(p) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) except ValueError: return None return json
def drunk(self, irc, msg, s): params = urlencode(dict(text=s, voice='drunk')) url = '' + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) soup = BS.BeautifulSoup(resp) try: translated = soup.find('td', id='top').blockquote.string except: irc.reply("oops, didn't work") irc.reply(resp.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())
def drunk(self, irc, msg, s): params = urlencode(dict(text=s,voice='drunk')) url = '' + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) soup = BS.BeautifulSoup(resp) try: translated = soup.find('td', id='top').blockquote.string except: irc.reply("oops, didn't work") irc.reply(resp.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())
def drunk(self, irc, msg, s): params = urlencode(dict(text=s, voice="drunk")) url = "" + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) soup = BS.BeautifulSoup(resp) try: translated = soup.find("td", id="top").blockquote.string except: irc.reply("oops, didn't work") irc.reply(resp.encode("utf-8", "ignore").strip())
def _chefjivevalleypig(self, irc, type, s): params = urlencode(dict(input=s, type=type)) url = '' + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) resp = re.sub('&(ampway|emp);', '&', resp) resp = BS.BeautifulStoneSoup( resp, convertEntities=BS.BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES).contents[0] resp = re.sub('\n', ' ', resp) irc.reply(resp.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())
def _search(self, term): xml = web.getUrl(SERVICE_URL % urlencode({"QueryString": term}), headers=HEADERS) parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, remove_blank_text=True) tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml), parser) results = [] for r in self._xpath(tree, "//ns:Result"): label = self._xpath(r, "ns:Label/text()", 0) uri = self._xpath(r, "ns:URI/text()", 0) category = self._xpath(r, "ns:Categories/ns:Category/ns:Label/text()", 0) results.append((label, category, uri)) return results
def lyricsmania_urls(artist, title): title_norm = normalize(title) artist_norm = normalize(artist) url = '' % \ (title_norm, artist_norm)"Fetching %s" % url) html = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) if html.find('not in our archive') != -1: raise LyricsNotFound doc = fromstring(html) link = doc.xpath('//a[starts-with(@href, "/print")]')[0] return (url, '' % link.attrib['href'])
def _getJsonResponse(self,url,retries = 2): try: log.debug('Retrieving: %s' % (url)) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) log.debug('Response: %s' % (doc)) response = simplejson.loads(doc) return response except web.Error, e: log.warning('Error: %s',str(e)) if retries > 0: log.warning('Retries left: %d' % (retries)) return self._getJsonResponse(url,retries=retries-1)
def _getJsonResponse(self, url, retries=2): try: log.debug('Retrieving: %s' % (url)) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) log.debug('Response: %s' % (doc)) response = simplejson.loads(doc) return response except web.Error, e: log.warning('Error: %s', str(e)) if retries > 0: log.warning('Retries left: %d' % (retries)) return self._getJsonResponse(url, retries=retries - 1)
def lyricsmania(artist, title): try: (ref_url, print_url) = lyricsmania_urls(artist, title)"Fetching %s" % print_url) headers = HEADERS.copy() headers['Referer'] = ref_url html = web.getUrl(print_url, headers=headers) doc = fromstring(html) lyrics = doc.xpath('//div[@id="printprintx"]')[0] return { 'artist': artist, 'song': title, 'lyrics': lyrics.text_content() } except LyricsNotFound: return None
def untiny(self, irc, msg, args, url): """<url> Return the whole URL for a tiny URL.""" data = json.loads(getUrl(self.registryValue('service') % url).decode()) if 'org_url' in data: irc.reply(data['org_url']) elif 'error' in data: num, msg = data['error'] messages = { '0': _('Invalid URL'), '1': _('Unsupported tinyurl service'), '2': _('Connection to tinyurl service failed'), '3': _('Unable to get the original URL'), } irc.error(messages[num])
def sabram(self, irc, msg, args): """ [<text>] Get @sabram to falsely attribute a quote to Cliff! """ template = '<sabram> Cliff said: "%s"' if args: irc.reply(template % ' '.join(args)) return url = "" try: resp = web.getUrl(url, headers={'User-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13'}) soup = BS.BeautifulSoup(resp) quotation = soup.find('font').contents[0].strip() except: irc.reply(template % "Some stupid error occurred") irc.reply(template % quotation, prefixNick=False)
def unicode(self, irc, msg, args, query): """[query] - Look up unicode character details """ url = "" url = url + urlencode({'q' : query, 'o' : 0}) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) try: json = simplejson.loads(doc) responses = [] for result in json['results']: ucode = result[2].replace('0x','U+') responses.append('%s (%s): %s [HTML: %s / Decimal: %s / Hex: %s]' % (ucode, result[5], result[4], result[3], result[1], result[2])) response = '; '.join(responses).encode('utf8','ignore') irc.reply(response) except ValueError: irc.reply('No unicode characters matching /' + query + '/ found.')
def asteroid(self, irc, msg, args): """ Fetch the next Potentially Hazardous Asteroid as reported by the Near Earth Object Program ( """ # stupid astronomers and their stupid <pre> data # example of parsed pha # ('2002 AT4 ', => object name # '2511159.67', => julian date # '2163 Mar. 22.17', => calendar date # '0.05000') => distance in AU pattern = re.compile('\s*([\(\)\w ]+? )\s*([\d\.]+)\s*(\d{4} [a-z\.]+\s*[\d\.]+)\s*([\d\.]+)', re.I) # get now in julian julian_now = (time.time() / 86400.0) + 2440587 url = '' html = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) tree = fromstring(html) pre = tree.xpath('//pre')[0] lines = pre.text.split('\n')[3:] lines = [l for l in lines if len(l)] # match group tuples become our object data phas = [re.match(pattern, l).groups() for l in lines] # ignore those earlier than now phas = [p for p in phas if float(p[1]) > julian_now] # sort by julian date phas.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(float(a[1]), float(b[1]))) # grab the next event (name, jd, date, au) = phas[0] date = date.replace('.', ' ') # the %j is just a placeholder date = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y %b %d %j") # convert AU to miles miles = float(au) * 92955887.6 resp = "Object '%s' will pass within %s miles of earth on %s" irc.reply(resp % (name.strip(), miles, date.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y")))
def songlist(artist, searchstring=None): artist = normalize(artist) url = '' % artist"Fetching " + url) html = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) doc = fromstring(html) titles = [] for a in doc.xpath('//a'): if a.attrib.has_key('href') \ and a.attrib['href'].endswith("_lyrics_%s.html" % artist): song = a.text_content() if searchstring: if not, song, re.I): continue titles.append(song) return [re.sub(' lyrics$', '', x) for x in titles]
def gender(self, irc, msg, args, name): """<name> Returns gender data on name usage from Freebase: """ url = API_URL % web.urlquote(name) json = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) response = simplejson.loads(json) if not response['total']: irc.reply("The name '%s' was not found on Freebase" % response['name']) return female_percentage = percentage(response['female'], response['total']) male_percentage = percentage(response['male'], response['total']) irc.reply("'%s': %s%% female; %s%% male" % (response['name'], female_percentage, male_percentage), prefixNick=True)
def _untiny(self, irc, url): data = json.loads(getUrl(self.registryValue('service') % url).decode()) if 'org_url' in data: if irc: irc.reply(data['org_url']) else: return data['org_url'] # Used by other plugins elif 'error' in data: num, msg = data['error'] messages = { '0': _('Invalid URL'), '1': _('Unsupported tinyurl service'), '2': _('Connection to tinyurl service failed'), '3': _('Unable to get the original URL'), } if irc: irc.error(messages[num]) else: return url
def twanalyze(self, irc, msg, args, user): """@twanalyze user See the personality test result for any twitter user """ url = "" % quote(user) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) html = lxml.html.fromstring(doc) try: link = html.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "")]')[0] href = link.attrib["href"] parsed = parse_qs(href) status = parsed[""][0] m = re.match("My Twitter personality: (.+?) My style: (.+?) ([A-Z]+)", status) resp = "Personality: %s, Style: %s, Ranking: %s" % m.groups() irc.reply(resp) except Exception, e: print >>sys.stderr, e irc.reply("blerg! scraping FAIL")
def unicode(self, irc, msg, args, query): """[character] Look up unicode character details """ url = "" url = url + urlencode({'q': query, 'o': 0}) data = web.getUrl(url) try: data = json.loads(data) responses = [] for result in data['results']: ucode = result[2].replace('0x', 'U+') name ='{0}'.format(query)) responses.append( '%s (%s): %s [HTML: %s / Decimal: %s / Hex: %s]' % (ucode, name, result[4], result[3], result[1], result[2])) response = '; '.join(responses) irc.reply(response) except ValueError: irc.reply('No unicode characters matching /' + query + '/ found.')
def unicode(self, irc, msg, args, query): """[character] Look up unicode character details """ url = "" url = url + urlencode({"q": query, "o": 0}) data = web.getUrl(url) try: data = json.loads(data) responses = [] for result in data["results"]: ucode = result[2].replace("0x", "U+") name ="{0}".format(query)) responses.append( "%s (%s): %s [HTML: %s / Decimal: %s / Hex: %s]" % (ucode, name, result[4], result[3], result[1], result[2])) response = "; ".join(responses) irc.reply(response) except ValueError: irc.reply("No unicode characters matching /" + query + "/ found.")
def gender(self, irc, msg, args, name): """<name> Returns gender data on name usage from Freebase: """ url = API_URL % web.urlquote(name) json = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) response = simplejson.loads(json) if not response["total"]: irc.reply("The name '%s' was not found on Freebase" % response["name"]) return female_percentage = percentage(response["female"], response["total"]) male_percentage = percentage(response["male"], response["total"]) irc.reply( "'%s': %s%% female; %s%% male" % (response["name"], female_percentage, male_percentage), prefixNick=True )
def mortgage(self, irc, msg, args): """ Returns latest mortgage rates summary from Zillow -- """ url = API_URL % ('GetRateSummary', ZWSID) json = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) response = simplejson.loads(json) rates = response['response'] o = "The average rate on a 30 year mortgage is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "If you want a 15 year mortgage the average rate is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "If you're crazy enough to want a 5-1 ARM the average rate is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "This is according to the Zillow Mortgage Market." resp = o % ( rates['today']['thirtyYearFixed'], rates['lastWeek']['thirtyYearFixed'], rates['today']['fifteenYearFixed'], rates['lastWeek']['fifteenYearFixed'], rates['today']['fiveOneARM'], rates['lastWeek']['fiveOneARM']) irc.reply(resp)
def twanalyze(self, irc, msg, args, user): """@twanalyze user See the personality test result for any twitter user """ url = '' % quote(user) doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) html = lxml.html.fromstring(doc) try: link = html.xpath('//a[contains(@href, "")]')[0] href = link.attrib['href'] parsed = parse_qs(href) status = parsed[''][0] m = re.match( 'My Twitter personality: (.+?) My style: (.+?) ([A-Z]+)', status) resp = "Personality: %s, Style: %s, Ranking: %s" % m.groups() irc.reply(resp) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, e irc.reply('blerg! scraping FAIL')
def mortgage(self, irc, msg, args): """ Returns latest mortgage rates summary from Zillow -- """ url = API_URL % ('GetRateSummary', ZWSID) json = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) response = simplejson.loads(json) rates = response['response'] o = "The average rate on a 30 year mortgage is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "If you want a 15 year mortgage the average rate is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "If you're crazy enough to want a 5-1 ARM the average rate is %s. Last week it was %s. " + \ "This is according to the Zillow Mortgage Market." resp = o % (rates['today']['thirtyYearFixed'], rates['lastWeek']['thirtyYearFixed'], rates['today']['fifteenYearFixed'], rates['lastWeek']['fifteenYearFixed'], rates['today']['fiveOneARM'], rates['lastWeek']['fiveOneARM']) irc.reply(resp)
def _chefjivevalleypig(self, irc, type, s): params = urlencode(dict(input=s,type=type)) url = '' + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) resp = re.sub('\n', ' ', resp) irc.reply(resp.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip())
def _chefjivevalleypig(self, irc, type, s): params = urlencode(dict(input=s, type=type)) url = "" + params resp = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) resp = re.sub("\n", " ", resp) irc.reply(resp.encode("utf-8", "ignore").strip())
def _openUrl(self, url, postdata={}): data = urllib.urlencode(postdata) request = urllib2.Request(url, data=data) return web.getUrl(request)
def _fetch_xml(self, function, query): url = "" % (function, urlencode({'query' : query })) print url doc = web.getUrl(url, headers=HEADERS) # Wunderground double-encodes some of its entities, so we'll double-decode. return BSS(doc, convertEntities=BSS.HTML_ENTITIES)