async def droid(squeue, _input, _output): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() surface = Surface(default=-1, mapping={-1: ' ', 0: '#', 1: '.', 2: 'O'}) pos = (0, 0) surface.set(0, 0, -1) surface.print_surface() while True: event = await loop.run_in_executor(None, squeue.get) if event.event_type != KEY_DOWN: continue if == 'x': break await _input.put(key2direction[]) result = await _output.get() v = key2vector[] discovered = (pos[0] + v[0], pos[1] + v[1]) if result == 0: surface.set(*discovered, 0) elif result == 1: surface.set(*discovered, 1) pos = discovered elif result == 2: surface.set(*discovered, 2) break surface.print_surface(*pos, 'D') surface.print_surface()
s = Surface(default=46, mapping=asciimapper()) x = 0 y = 0 pos = (0, 0) for c in output: if c == 10: y += 1 x = 0 continue if c == ord('^'): pos = (x, y) s.set(x, y, c) x += 1 s.print_surface() direction = 0 counter = Counter() while direction != -1: pos = move(s, pos, direction, counter) direction = turn(s, pos, direction) s.print_surface() print(sum([p[0][0] * p[0][1] for p in counter.items() if p[1] == 2]))
async def droid(_input, _output): surface = Surface(default=-1, mapping={ -2: 'X', -1: ' ', 0: '#', 1: '.', 2: 'O' }) start_point = PointInfo((0, 0), 0) floor_map = {start_point.pos: start_point} path = [start_point] current_point = start_point surface.set(0, 0, -2) surface.print_surface() def step(_pos, _direction): return _pos[0] + direction[_direction][0], _pos[1] + direction[ _direction][1] async def look_around(): sight = [] for i in range(1, 5): target = step(current_point.pos, i) await _input.put(i) res = await _output.get() surface.set(*target, res) if res: # step back sight.append(i) await _input.put(reverse[i]) await _output.get() # surface.print_surface(*current_point.pos, 'D') return sight async def move(_direction): await _input.put(_direction) await _output.get() async def backtrack(_path): while not _path[-1].undiscovered: p = _path.pop() await move(reverse[p.arrived_facing_to]) # move back the robot return _path[-1] possible_directions = await look_around() start_point.undiscovered = possible_directions while True: if not current_point.undiscovered: current_point = await backtrack(path) continue d = current_point.undiscovered.pop() target = step(current_point.pos, d) if target in floor_map: # we were there so remove this direction as no more undiscovered floor_map[target].undiscovered.remove(reverse(d)) continue await move(d) # move the robot current_point = PointInfo(target, d) floor_map[target] = current_point path.append(current_point) possible_directions = await look_around() possible_directions.remove(reverse[d]) # remove where we come from current_point.undiscovered = possible_directions if surface.surface[current_point.pos] == 2: break surface.print_surface() print(current_point, len(path))