Example #1
    def computeUCR(self):                

        # the next  lines do NOT work with h5py if CUR is used -> double indices in self.cid or self.rid
        # can occur and are not supported by h5py. When using h5py data, always use CMD which ignores
        # reoccuring row/column selections.
        if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.data):
            self._C = self.data[:, self._cid] * scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(np.diag(self._ccnt**(1/2)))        
            self._R = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(np.diag(self._rcnt**(1/2))) * self.data[self._rid,:]        

            self._U = pinv(self._C, self._k) * self.data[:,:] * pinv(self._R, self._k)
            self._C = np.dot(self.data[:, self._cid].reshape((self._rows, -1)), np.diag(self._ccnt**(1/2)))        
            self._R = np.dot(np.diag(self._rcnt**(1/2)), 
                self.data[self._rid,:].reshape((-1, self._cols)))

            self._U = np.dot(np.dot(pinv(self._C, self._k), self.data[:,:]), 
                             pinv(self._R, self._k))
        # set some standard (with respect to SVD) variable names 
        self.U = self._C
        self.S = self._U
        self.V = self._R
Example #2
    def computeUCR(self):
        # the next  lines do NOT work with h5py if CUR is used -> double indices in self.cid or self.rid
        # can occur and are not supported by h5py. When using h5py data, always use CMD which ignores
        # reoccuring row/column selections.

        if scipy.sparse.issparse(self.data):
            self._C = self.data[:, self._cid] * scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(
                np.diag(self._ccnt**(1 / 2)))
            self._R = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(np.diag(
                self._rcnt**(1 / 2))) * self.data[self._rid, :]

            self._U = pinv(self._C, self._k) * self.data[:, :] * pinv(
                self._R, self._k)

            self._C = np.dot(
                self.data[:, self._cid].reshape((self._rows, len(self._cid))),
                np.diag(self._ccnt**(1 / 2)))
            self._R = np.dot(
                np.diag(self._rcnt**(1 / 2)), self.data[self._rid, :].reshape(
                    (len(self._rid), self._cols)))

            self._U = np.dot(np.dot(pinv(self._C, self._k), self.data[:, :]),
                             pinv(self._R, self._k))

        # set some standard (with respect to SVD) variable names
        self.U = self._C
        self.S = self._U
        self.V = self._R
Example #3
 def update_h(self):
     print self._method
     if self._method == 'pca':
        self.H = np.dot(pinv(self.W), self.data)
     if self._method == 'nmf':
         mdl = NMF(self.data, num_bases=self._num_bases)
         mdl.W = self.W
         mdl.factorize(compute_w=False, niter=50)
         self.H = mdl.H.copy()
     if self._method == 'aa':
         mdl = AA(self.data, num_bases=self._num_bases)
         mdl.W = self.W
         self.H = mdl.H.copy()
Example #4
 def update_h(self):
     print self._method
     if self._method == 'pca':
        self.H = np.dot(pinv(self.W), self.data)
     if self._method == 'nmf':
         mdl = NMF(self.data, num_bases=self._num_bases)
         mdl.W = self.W
         mdl.factorize(compute_w=False, niter=50)
         self.H = mdl.H.copy()
     if self._method == 'aa':
         mdl = AA(self.data, num_bases=self._num_bases)
         mdl.W = self.W
         self.H = mdl.H.copy()
Example #5
    def updateW(self):
        def updatesingleW(i):
            # optimize beta	 using qp solver from cvxopt
            FB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.data.T, W_hat[:, i])))
            be = solvers.qp(HB, FB, INQa, INQb, EQa, EQb)
            self.beta[i, :] = np.array(be['x']).reshape((1, self._num_samples))

        # float64 required for cvxopt
        HB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(self.data[:, :].T,
                                           self.data[:, :])))
        EQb = base.matrix(1.0, (1, 1))
        W_hat = np.dot(self.data, pinv(self.H))
        INQa = base.matrix(-np.eye(self._num_samples))
        INQb = base.matrix(0.0, (self._num_samples, 1))
        EQa = base.matrix(1.0, (1, self._num_samples))

        map(updatesingleW, xrange(self._num_bases))

        self.W = np.dot(self.beta, self.data.T).T
Example #6
    def update_w(self):
        """ alternating least squares step, update W enforcing a convexity
        constraint """
        def update_single_w(i):
            """ compute single W[:,i] """
            # optimize beta using qp solver from cvxopt
            FB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.data.T, W_hat[:,i])))
            be = solvers.qp(HB, FB, INQa, INQb, EQa, EQb)
            self.beta[i,:] = np.array(be['x']).reshape((1, self._num_samples))

        # float64 required for cvxopt
        HB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(self.data[:,:].T, self.data[:,:])))
        EQb = base.matrix(1.0, (1, 1))
        W_hat = np.dot(self.data, pinv(self.H))
        INQa = base.matrix(-np.eye(self._num_samples))
        INQb = base.matrix(0.0, (self._num_samples, 1))
        EQa = base.matrix(1.0, (1, self._num_samples))

        for i in xrange(self._num_bases):

        self.W = np.dot(self.beta, self.data.T).T
Example #7
    def update_w(self):
        """ alternating least squares step, update W enforcing a convexity
        constraint """
        def update_single_w(i):
            """ compute single W[:,i] """
            # optimize beta using qp solver from cvxopt
            FB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(-self.data.T, W_hat[:,i])))
            be = solvers.qp(HB, FB, INQa, INQb, EQa, EQb)
            self.beta[i,:] = np.array(be['x']).reshape((1, self._num_samples))

        # float64 required for cvxopt
        HB = base.matrix(np.float64(np.dot(self.data[:,:].T, self.data[:,:])))
        EQb = base.matrix(1.0, (1, 1))
        W_hat = np.dot(self.data, pinv(self.H))
        INQa = base.matrix(-np.eye(self._num_samples))
        INQb = base.matrix(0.0, (self._num_samples, 1))
        EQa = base.matrix(1.0, (1, self._num_samples))

        for i in xrange(self._num_bases):

        self.W = np.dot(self.beta, self.data.T).T