Example #1
    def opts():
        optz.help( '''%prog [опции] папка ..
обхожда папките и зарежда данни от файлове именовани "opis", и изпълнява действия с тези данни''')
        gg = optz.grouparg( 'данни')
        optz.str( 'prevodi',        help= 'файл-речник с преводи файл=заглавие или заглавие=файл (lat=cyr)', **gg)
        optz.str( 'prevodi_meta',   help= 'файл-речник с преводи на понятия (lat=cyr) - хора, организации, ..', **gg)
        optz.str( 'filename_enc',   help= 'кодировка на имената на файловете [или това от терминала]', **gg)
        gg = optz.grouparg( 'описи')
        optz.bool( 'zapis_opisi',   help= '(пре)записва описите', **gg)
        optz.append( 'etiket', '-e',help= 'добавя етикета към _всички описи'+helplist, **gg)
        optz.bool( 'sort_prevodi',  help= 'пренарежда преводите по азбучен ред', **gg)
        optz.bool( 'popravi_opisi', help= 'имената в речника с преводи имат превес над местните в описите', **gg)

        optz.bool( 'podravni_po_grupi', help= 'подравнява в описа всяка група за себе си; иначе подравнява всички заедно', **gg)
        optz.bool( 'mnogoredovi_etiketi',   help= 'многоредовите се записват като 1 ключ:: с много редове, без пренасяне (иначе много ключ:реда)', **gg)

        optz.int(  'shirina_tekstove',  default=80, help= 'ширина на пренасяне на текстове; подразбиране- %default', **gg)
        optz.bool( 'yaml')  #ignore
        optz.bool( 'noyaml')

        #optz.bool( 'vinagi',  '-f',help= 'записва независимо дали има разлики', **gg)

        gg = optz.grouparg( 'обхождане')
        optz.append( 'opisi',           help= 'шаблон за името на описите ['+' '.join( OPISI)+']'+helplist, **gg)
        optz.bool( 'simvolni', '-L',    help= 'обхожда и символни връзки', **gg)
        optz.append( 'bez',             help= 'пропуска (папки) по дадения шаблон'+helplist,  **gg)
        optz.append( 'samo',            help= 'включва само (папки) по дадения шаблон'+helplist,  **gg)
        optz.append( 'papka_s_opisi',   help= 'счита всички файлове вътре за описи (и се прилагат горните шаблони)'+helplist, **gg)

        gg = optz.grouparg( 'действия с папки')
        optz.bool( 'preimenovai_papki', help= 'преименова+превежда папките на място', **gg)
        optz.str(  'prehvyrli_papki',   help= 'прехвърля+превежда папки+съдържание към тук/', **gg)
        optz.bool( 'prehvyrli_simvolno', help= 'прехвърля като символни връзки (иначе са твърди)', **gg)

        optz.bool( 'davai',         help= 'извършва промените', **gg)

        optz.bool( 'stderr',        help= 'грешки и съобщения към stderr')
        optz.count( 'podrobno', '-v', help= 'показва подробности')
Example #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os,sys,re
from svd_util import optz
optz.bool( 'fake', help= 'do nothing')
optz.bool( 'link', help= 'link instead of move/rename')
optz.bool( 'dirfiles', '-r', help= 'dir and then files inside') #?
optz.bool( 'upper', '-u', help= 'just upper-case, all args are filepaths')
optz.bool( 'lower', '-l', help= 'just lower-case, all args are filepaths')
optz.bool( 'insymlink', help= 'rename inside symlinks-text, ignore non-symlinks')
optz.help( '''
%prog [options] regexp subst filepaths
   subst can also use $1..$6 for groups
   if filepath is - , reads stdin, one filepath per line
   ! put -- before args if any filepath/regexp/subst starts with -
%prog -u/-l [options] filepaths
renu* [options] filepaths
renl* [options] filepaths
'''.strip() )
optz,argz = optz.get()

def renul( x, up):
    r = os.path.split(x)
    return os.path.join( r[0], r[1].upper() if up else r[1].lower())

prg = os.path.basename( sys.argv[0] )
if prg.startswith( 'renu'): optz.upper = True
if prg.startswith( 'renl'): optz.lower = True

if   optz.upper: func = lambda x: renul(x,True)
elif optz.lower: func = lambda x: renul(x,False)
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

import os, fnmatch
from os.path import isdir, basename, exists, join, dirname, realpath
from svd_util import optz, osextra

optz.help( '''
walklink sourceitem[s] target  -  mv/cp/ln that sees through dir+file symlinks
    if targetnotexists
        TODO if one source, rename it
        else - make targetdir, move sources into it
    if target.exists
        if target.isdir, move sources into it
        TODO elif target.isfile and one source.isfile and --force, overwrite target
        else error: multiple or non-file sources into existing target.file

optz.bool( 'force', '-f', help= 'force source file to overwrite target file if exists')
optz.list( 'exclude',    help= 'exclude filepattern (multiple)')
optz.list( 'include',    help= 'include filepattern (multiple)')
optz.list( 'direxclude', help= 'exclude dirpattern  (multiple)')
optz.list( 'dirinclude', help= 'include dirpattern  (multiple)')
optz.bool( 'verbose', '-v')
optz.simvolni = True #',  '-L', help= 'обхожда и символни връзки')

ops = {
    os.rename : 'mv move',
    os.link   : 'ln link',
#   os.link   : 'cp copy',
Example #4
#!/usr/bin/env python
#sdobrev 2007-

from svd_util import optz
optz.help( '''default use is filter: %prog [options] input_encoding output_encoding <input >output
    output_encoding default is utf8 ;
    use "utf2" as special input_encoding to double decode utf8
''' .strip())
optz.bool( 'reverse', help= 'reverses each line' )
optz.text( 'input',   '-i', default= '-', help= 'input  filename, -/empty means stdin, default: stdin')
optz.text( 'output',  '-o', default= '-', help= 'output filename, = means overwrite input, -/empty means stdout, default: stdout')
#optz.bool( 'overwrite')
#optz.bool( 'unicodeio', help= 'i/o is utf, but encode2input+decode2output')
optz, argz = optz.get()

import codecs
import sys
import os

stdin = sys.stdin
stdout= sys.stdout
_v3 = sys.version_info[0]>=3
if _v3:
    stdin= stdin.buffer

e_from = argz[0]
e_to = (argz[1:] or ['utf8'])[0]

utf2 = e_from == 'utf2'
if utf2: e_from = 'utf8'
Example #5
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function #,unicode_literals
import sys,os,re
from svd_util import optz

optz.help( 'find all video files under argument[s] and symlink as flat-filenames into . (replacing / with :)')
optz.bool( 'real', '-y', help='do it')
optz.bool( 'follow_symlinks', )
optz.str(  'exclude', help= 'regexp to exclude filepaths')
optz,argz = optz.get()

print( 'dirs:', argz)
ignore = None
if optz.exclude:
    print( 'excluding:', optz.exclude)
    ignore = re.compile( optz.exclude)

exts = 'mov mkv mp4 avi 3gp'.lower().split()
def walk( roots, followlinks =optz.follow_symlinks, exts =exts):
    for root in roots:
        for path,dirs,files in os.walk( root, followlinks= followlinks):
            for f in files:
                fpath = os.path.join( path, f)
                if ignore and ignore.search( fp): continue
                #'name', '.ext'
                if os.path.splitext(f)[-1][1:].lower() in exts:
                    yield fpath

def do( afrom, bto):
    print( afrom, ':>', bto)
Example #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
#sdobrev 2007-

from svd_util import optz
optz.help( '''use as filter: enc2enc [options] input_encoding output_encoding <input >output
    use utf2 as special input_encoding to double decode utf8
''' )
optz.bool( 'reverse')
#optz.bool( 'unicodeio', help= 'i/o is utf, but encode2input+decode2output')
optz, argz = optz.get()

import codecs
import sys
import os

stdin = sys.stdin
stdout= sys.stdout
_v3 = sys.version_info[0]>=3
if _v3:
    stdin= stdin.buffer

e_from = argz[0]
e_to = argz[1]

utf2 = e_from == 'utf2'
if utf2: e_from = 'utf8'

fi = codecs.getreader( e_from)( stdin, errors='replace')

if utf2:
Example #7
        f = open( fname, 'x', newline='')
    except FileExistsError:
        print( '! file exists', fname)
    print( '>', fname)
    with f: #open( fname, 'w', newline='') as f:
        c = csv.writer(f, **(delimiter and dict( delimiter=delimiter) or {}))
        for row in array:
            c.writerow( row )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from svd_util import optz, osextra
    optz.help( '''
extract excel sheet(s) into .csv
args-in-any-order: file.xlsx [sheetname] [sheetname] ..
 unless --allsheets, no sheet-names means first if only one, else shows all sheet-names and stops
    ... path/to/somename.xls --all --dir --path .   -->> dumps all sheets as ./somename/sheetname*.csv

    optz.str( 'csv',        help= 'name of output file.csv ; used as prefix if allsheets; defaults to path+name of file.xlsx + .sheetname-if-specified')
    optz.str( 'path',       help= 'output path, default is whereever .xls is')
    optz.bool( 'allsheets', help= 'save all sheets, named csvname.sheetname.csv')
    optz.bool( 'dir_from_name',  help= 'create outname as folder, i.e. csvname/sheetname.csv')
#    optz.bool( 'nostrip',   help= 'do not strip empty columns/rows at right/bottom - see also --strip_top_left')
    optz.str( 'strip',      help= 'strip empty columns/rows at where - left,top,bottom,right, comma separated; default [%default]', default= 'right,bottom')
    optz.str( 'columns',    help= 'columns to extract, comma separated (index-0-based, or excel letter A-...) ; default to all')  #name if first row of result .csv contain names) ; may be multiple
    optz.str( 'delimiter',  help= '.csv column delimiter, default is comma ","')
    oparser = optz.oparser
    optz,argz = optz.get()
    fcsv = optz.csv
    sheets = []
Example #8
#!/usr/bin/env python
'better view onto python profiler results'
#XXX BEWARE That 2.4 - 2.5 - 2.6 have diff.file-format
    from svd_util import optz
    import os.path, sys
    p = os.path.realpath( __file__).split('/')
    sys.path.insert( 0, '/'.join( p[:-2]) )
    import optz #hope it lives in ..

optz.help( '%prog [options] [numberlines] infile')

optz.bool( 'hotshot',   help= 'load data as hotshot')
optz.text( 'strip',     help= 'regexp to strip from filenames; replaced with .#')
optz.text( 'rootstrip', default= '.*/(site-packages|python\d\.\d+)/',
    help= 'regexp to strip from filenames; replaced with ##; defaults to %defaults', )
optz.bool( 'withcalls', help= 'include call-stacks')
options,args = optz.get()

import re
import pstats
def func_strip_path(func_name):
    filename, line, name = func_name
    if options.rootstrip:
        filename = re.sub( options.rootstrip, '##', filename)
    if options.strip:
        filename = re.sub( options.strip, '.#', filename)
    return filename, line, name
    return func_name
Example #9
        for b in da.* ne.*; do
            md -p $P/$b
            ln -nsf ../../$a/org/$b $P/$b/$a
        cd -

import sys,os
from glob import glob
from os.path import join, split, isdir, realpath, exists, lexists, basename
from instr import meta_prevodi
from svd_util.lowercase import dict_lower
from svd_util import optz
optz.help( '%prog [опции] папка-изход  папки-входящи..')
optz.str( 'prevodi_meta',   help= 'файл-речник с преводи на понятия (lat=cyr) - хора..')
optz,args = optz.get()
out = args[0]
all = args[1:]

meta_prevodi = optz.prevodi_meta and meta_prevodi( optz.prevodi_meta, dict= dict_lower, nomer_stoinost=1) or {}

def ignored( f, org):
    if not isdir( f): return True
    if isdir( org): return False
    if glob( f+'/*.mp3'): return False
    return True

count = 0
for f in all:
Example #10
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

import os
join = os.path.join

from svd_util import optz
optz.help( 'apply moves-around-dirs/deletes from template/ into .')
optz.bool( 'real', '-y', )
optz.text( 'exclude', '-x', help= 'regexp',)
optz.list( 'ignore' , '-i', help= 'file/dir-names', default= [])
optz.bool( 'alsodirs' , help= 'check moving of dirs too')
optz.bool( 'dup2ignore' , help= 'ignore duplicates')
optz.text( 'deldir' , default='del', help= 'folder to move deleted items into [%default]')
optz,args = optz.get()
none = not optz.real

template = args[0].rstrip('/')

from collections import defaultdict
tree = {}
paths = set()

try: os.mkdir( 'del')
except Exception as e: print( e)

#optz.exclude = [ a.rstrip('/') for a in optz.exclude ]
exclude = None
if optz.exclude:
    import re
Example #11
    cfg = dict( hyphen= '~', minsize= 4)
    print( cfg)
    def tst( res, exp):
        if res != exp:
            print( '\n %(res)s ?=\n %(exp)s' % locals())
            assert res == exp
    for w,w1 in zip( t0.split(), t1.split() ):
        tst( hyphtext( w, **cfg), w1 )
    tst( hyphtext( t0, **cfg), t1 )
    print( t1)

if __name__ =='__main__':
    from svd_util import optz
    optz.help( u'''
    %prog [options] <infile  >outfile
    %prog [options] думи за пренасяне ...
    optz.text( 'hyphen',help= u'"тире" за отбелязване на пренасянето (меко/скрито-тире); подразбира се "%default"', default= config.hyphen )
    optz.bool( 'html',  help= u'ползва HTML-меко-тире %(HTML_HYPHEN)r (вместо горното)' % locals() )
    optz.str( 'start',  help= u'започва да променя след този текст' )
    optz.bool( 'htmlpre',   help= u'пропуска съдържанието на <pre>..</pre> групи' )
    optz.int( 'minsize',    help= u'думи под тази дължина не се пренасят; подразбира се %default', default =config.minsize )
    optz.bool( 'utf',   help= u'вх/изх utf8' )
    optz.bool( 'iutf',  help= u'вх  utf8' )
    optz.bool( 'iguess',help= u'вх  познай кодировката' )
    optz.bool( 'outf',  help= u'изх utf8' )
    optz.bool( 'i1251', help= u'вх  cp1251' )
    optz.bool( 'o1251', help= u'изх cp1251' )
    optz.bool( 'cp1251',help= u'вх/изх cp1251' )
    optz.bool( 'test',  help= u'самопроверка' )
    optz.bool( 'demo',  help= u'демо' )
Example #12
- взема ПЪТ и ИМЕ (от след _nradio/)
- извлича ЧАСТ# от описа

преименува описа в ИМЕ-ЧАСТ.opis на място,
и го слага също и в (papka+)ПЪТ (създавайки лисващите нива)

import os, subprocess
from svd_util import optz
from svd_util import lat2cyr
from svd_util import osextra
optz.bool( 'nedei', '-n')
optz.text( 'papka', '-p', help= 'начална коренна папка')
optz.text( 'cmd', help= 'изпълни вместо преименоване тази команда с 2 аргумента')
optz.help( __doc__)
def c2l( x): return lat2cyr.zvuchene.cyr2lat( x).lower()
join = os.path.join

optz,argz = optz.get()
for a in argz:
    o = open(a).readlines()
    http = [ l.strip('#') for l in o if 'http://' in l and '/_nradio' in l]
    if not http:
        print( '??? http-къде', a)
    chast= [ l.split(':',1)[-1] for l in o if l.startswith( '#част:') ]
    chast = chast and chast[0].strip() or ''

    pyt = http[0].strip().split('/_nradio/')[-1]