Example #1
def center(path,
    error = max_error + 1
    n = float(min_points)
    center = None
    # TODO check if start and end are the same
    while error > max_error:
        if n > max_points:
            raise Exception("center: too many points")
        # evaluate path at n points
        if center is None:
            # find center,
            center = sum([path.point(i / n) for i in xrange(int(n))])
            center = (center.real / n + center.imag / n * 1j)
        # evaluate at n + points_step points
        hrn = n + points_step
        hr = sum([path.point(i / hrn) for i in xrange(int(hrn))])
        hr = (hr.real / hrn + hr.imag / hrn * 1j)
        # measure error
        diff = hr - center
        error = abs(diff.real) + abs(diff.imag)
        #print n, error, center
        n += points_step
        center = hr
    # return center evaluated at n
    return center.real, center.imag
Example #2
def outroFrames(args):
	xml = etree.parse('froscon2015/artwork/outro.svg').getroot()
	pathstr = xml.find(".//*[@id='animatePath']").get('d')
	frog = xml.find(".//*[@id='animatePath']").get('d')
	path = svg.path.parse_path(pathstr)

	init = path.point(0)

	frames = int(0.5*fps)
	for i in range(0, frames):
		p = path.point(i / frames) - init
		yield (
			('animatePath', 'style', 'opacity', 0),
			('license', 'style', 'opacity', 0),

	frames = 3*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		p = path.point(i / frames) - init
		yield (
			('frog', 'attr', 'transform', 'translate(%.4f, %.4f)' % (p.real, p.imag)),

	frames = int(0.5*fps)+1
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield tuple()

	frames = 1*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield (
			('logo',   'style', 'opacity', easeLinear(i, 1, -1, frames)),

	frames = 1*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield (
			('logo',   'style', 'opacity', 0),
			('license',   'style', 'opacity', easeLinear(i, 0, 1, frames)),

	frames = 2*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield tuple()

	frames = 1*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield (
			('license',   'style', 'opacity', easeLinear(i, 1, -1, frames)),

	frames = 1*fps
	for i in range(0, frames):
		yield (
			('license',   'style', 'opacity', 0),
def animSVG(screen, color:tuple, path:svg.path.path, scale:tuple, offset:tuple, line_width:float, time:float, framerate:float, clock): #Zeichnet einen SVG-Pfad (animiert); path: geparster SVG-Pfad, time:Animationszeit(in Sekunden); scale=(x_skalierung, y_skalierung), offset=(x_verschiebung, y_verschiebung)
        stepsize = 1/(time*framerate) #Benötigte Schrittweite um den Pfad in der angegebenen Zeit zu animieren
        svg_path_array = [(scale[0] * path.point(0).real + offset[0], scale[1] * path.point(0).imag + offset[1])] # Alle Punkte des SVG-Pfads in einem Array
        for i in np.arange(stepsize, 1, stepsize):
            #screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) #Bildschirm clearen/mit Schwarz füllen

            next_point = (scale[0] * path.point(i+stepsize).real + offset[0], scale[1] * path.point(i+stepsize).imag + offset[1]) #nächster Punkt; "-------------"
            svg_path_array.append(next_point) #nächsten Punkt an Array anhängen --> Array neu Zeichnen
            drawArray(screen, color, svg_path_array, line_width) #--> Array wird "Stück für Stück" gezeichnet

            pg.display.flip() #Fenster updaten
Example #4
def create_frames(path_data, frame_size):
    path = svg.path.parse_path(path_data)
    length = path.length()
    duration = math.sqrt(length) / STROKE_SPEED
    num_frames = int(math.ceil(duration * FRAME_RATE))
    frames = []
    previous_point = complex_to_tuple(path.point(0))

    for frame in range(1, num_frames + 1):
        next_point = complex_to_tuple(path.point(frame / num_frames))
        image = Image.new('P', frame_size)
        image.putpalette([0] * (3 * 256))
        ImageDraw.Draw(image).line(previous_point + next_point,
        image.info['transparency'] = 0
        image.info['loop'] = 0
        image.info['duration'] = int(duration / num_frames * 1000)

        previous_point = next_point

    return frames
def drawSVG(screen, color:tuple, path:svg.path.path, scale:tuple, offset:tuple, stepsize, line_width:float):
    path_arr = []
    for i in np.arange(0, 1, stepsize):
        path_arr.append((scale[0] * path.point(i).real + offset[0], scale[1] * path.point(i).imag + offset[0]))
    drawArray(screen, color, path_arr, line_width)