Example #1
    def __init__(self, tolerance, target_size):
        # parsed path data, paths by color
        # {'#ff0000': [[[x,y], [x,y], ...], [], ..], '#0000ff':[]}
        # Each path is a list of vertices which is a list of two floats.
        self.boundarys = {}

        # the conversion factor to physical dimensions
        # applied to all coordinates in the SVG
        self.px2mm = None

        # what the svg size (typically page dimensions) should be mapped to
        self._target_size = target_size

        # tolerance settings, used in tessalation, path simplification, etc
        self.tolerance = tolerance
        self.tolerance2 = tolerance**2
        self.tolerance2_half = (0.5 * tolerance)**2
        self.tolerance2_px = None

        # init helper object for tag reading
        self._tagReader = SVGTagReader(self)

        # lasersaur cut setting from SVG file
        # list of triplets ... [(pass#, key, value), ...]
        # pass# designates the pass this lasertag controls
        # key is the kind of setting (one of: intensity, feedrate, color)
        # value is the actual value to use
        self.lasertags = []