Example #1
    def Parse_Polys(self, tag):
        # 0 gr_poly
        # 1
        #   0 pts
        #   1
        #     0 xy
        #     1 147.6375
        #     2 120.9675
        #   2
        #     0 xy
        #     1 147.6375
        #     2 120.9675
        #   3
        #     ...
        # 2
        #   0 layer
        #   1 B.Cu
        # 3
        #   0 width
        #   1 0.1

        data = [tag['type']]
        style = tag['style']

        styletag = style[style.find('stroke-width:') + 13:]
        width = styletag[0:styletag.find('mm')]

        if tag.has_attr('layer'):
            layer = ['layer', tag['layer']]
        elif tag.parent.has_attr('inkscape:label'):
            #XML metadata trashed, try to recover from parent tag
            layer = ['layer', tag.parent['inkscape:label']]
            assert False, "Poly not in layer"

        path = parse_path(tag['d'])
        # print(tag)
        # print(tag['d'])
        # print(path)

        pts = ['pts']
        for point in path:
            xy = ['xy']
            xy.append(str(point.start.real / pxToMM))
            xy.append(str(point.start.imag / pxToMM))

        data.append(['width', width])

        return data
Example #2
    def Parse_Arcs(self, tag, segments):
        # 0 gr_arc
        # 1
        #   0 start
        #   1 66.66
        #   2 99.99
        # 2
        #   0 end
        #   1 66.66
        #   2 99.99
        # 3
        #   0 angle
        #   1 -90
        # 4
        #   0 layer
        #   1 Edge.Cuts
        # 5
        #   0 width
        #   1 0.05
        # 6
        #   0 tstamp
        #   1 5E451B20

        path = parse_path(tag['d'])
        # print(tag)
        # print(tag['d'])
        # print(path)
        radius = path[0].radius.real / pxToMM
        # angle = '90'
        sweep = path[0].sweep
        large_arc = path[0].large_arc
        # print(segments)

        if bool(large_arc) == True:

        #KiCad 'start' is actually centre, 'end' is actually svg start
        #SVG end is actual end, we need to calculate centre instead
        # print('path', path[0].start, path[0].end)

        end = [
            str(path[0].start.real / pxToMM),
            str(path[0].start.imag / pxToMM)
        end_complex = (path[0].start.real /
                       pxToMM) + 1j * (path[0].start.imag / pxToMM)
        start_complex = (path[0].end.real /
                         pxToMM) + 1j * (path[0].end.imag / pxToMM)

        q = math.sqrt((end_complex.real - start_complex.real)**2 +
                      (end_complex.real - start_complex.real)**2)

        x3 = (start_complex.real + end_complex.real) / 2
        y3 = (start_complex.imag + end_complex.imag) / 2

        if bool(large_arc) == True:
            #hackhack / fix / whatever:
            #figure out why this is larger than radius sometimes
            print("hackhack: generating janky arc")
            print(radius, q)
            q = q / 2

        if bool(sweep) == False:
            # angle = -angle
            angle = 1
            x = x3 + math.sqrt(radius**2 - (q / 2)**2) * (start_complex.imag -
                                                          end_complex.imag) / q
            y = y3 - math.sqrt(radius**2 - (q / 2)**2) * (start_complex.real -
                                                          end_complex.real) / q
            # angle = '90'
            angle = -1
            x = x3 - math.sqrt(radius**2 - (q / 2)**2) * (start_complex.imag -
                                                          end_complex.imag) / q
            y = y3 + math.sqrt(radius**2 - (q / 2)**2) * (start_complex.real -
                                                          end_complex.real) / q

        start_list = ['start', str(x), str(y)]
        end_list = ['end', end[0], end[1]]

        start_angle = self.Get_Angle(
            [x, y], [path[0].start.real / pxToMM, path[0].start.imag / pxToMM])
        end_angle = self.Get_Angle(
            [x, y], [path[0].end.real / pxToMM, path[0].end.imag / pxToMM])

        angle = angle * (end_angle - start_angle)
        if bool(sweep) == True:
            angle = 360 - angle
        angle = "{:.6f}".format(round(angle, 6))

        segments[0] = start_list
        segments[1] = end_list
        segments.insert(2, (['angle', angle]))
        segments.insert(0, 'gr_arc')
        return segments
Example #3
    def Parse_Zone(self, tag):
        # 0 zone
        # 1
        #   0 net
        #   1 16
        # 2
        #   0 net_name
        #   1 GND
        # 3
        #   0 layer
        #   1 B.Cu
        # 4
        #   0 tstamp
        #   1 5EACCA92
        # 5
        #   0 hatch
        #   1 edge
        #   2 0.508
        # 6
        #   0 connect_pads
        #   1
        #     0 clearance
        #     1 0.1524
        # 7
        #   0 min_thickness
        #   1 0.1524
        # 8
        #   0 fill
        #   1 yes
        #   2
        #     0 arc_segments
        #     1 32
        #   3
        #     0 thermal_gap
        #     1 0.1524
        #   4
        #     0 thermal_bridge_width
        #     1 0.1525
        # 9
        #   0 polygon
        #   1
        #     0 pts
        #     1
        #       0 xy
        #       1 147.6375
        #       2 120.9675
        #     2
        #       0 xy
        #       1 147.6375
        #       2 120.9675
        #     3
        #       ...
        # 10
        #   0 filled_polygon
        #   1
        #     0 pts
        #     1
        #       0 xy
        #       1 147.6375
        #       2 120.9675
        #     2
        #       0 xy
        #       1 147.6375
        #       2 120.9675
        #     3
        #       ...

        style = tag['style']

        width = style[style.find('stroke-width:') + 13:]
        hatch = ['hatch', 'edge', width[0:width.find('mm')]]

        if tag.has_attr('layer'):
            layer = ['layer', tag['layer']]
        elif tag.parent.has_attr('inkscape:label'):
            #XML metadata trashed, try to recover from parent tag
            layer = ['layer', tag.parent['inkscape:label']]
            assert False, "Zone not in layer"

        path = parse_path(tag['d'])
        # print(tag)
        # print(tag['d'])
        # print(path)

        pts = ['pts']
        for point in path:
            xy = ['xy']
            xy.append(str(point.start.real / pxToMM))
            xy.append(str(point.start.imag / pxToMM))

        polygon = ['polygon', pts]

        content = tag.contents[0][0:-1]
        content = '[' + content + ' ]'
        # self.Save(content)
        data = json.loads(content)

        data.insert(3, layer)
        data.insert(5, hatch)
        data.insert(9, polygon)

        return data
Example #4
    def Parse_Segment(self, tag):
        # print(tag['id'])

        style = tag['style']

        width = style[style.find('stroke-width:') + 13:]
        width = ['width', width[0:width.find('mm')]]

        if tag.has_attr('layer'):
            name = ['layer', tag['layer']]
        elif tag.parent.has_attr('inkscape:label'):
            #XML metadata trashed, try to recover from parent tag
            name = ['layer', tag.parent['inkscape:label']]
            assert False, "Path not in layer"

        paths = parse_path(tag['d'])

        segments = []
        gr_lines = []
        gr_arcs = []
        gr_curves = []
        gr_polys = []

        for path in paths:
            segment = []
            start = [
                str(path.start.real / pxToMM),
                str(path.start.imag / pxToMM)
            end = [
                str(path.end.real / pxToMM),
                str(path.end.imag / pxToMM)

            segment = [start, end, width, name]

            if tag.has_attr('net'):
                segment.append(['net', tag['net']])

            if tag.has_attr('status'):
                segment.append(['status', tag['status']])

            if tag.has_attr('tstamp'):
                segment.append(['tstamp', tag['tstamp']])

            if tag.has_attr('type') == False or tag['type'] == 'gr_line':
                segment = ['gr_line'] + segment
            elif tag['type'] == 'segment':
                segment = ['segment'] + segment
            elif tag['type'] == 'gr_arc':
                gr_arcs.append(self.Parse_Arcs(tag, segment))
            elif tag['type'] == 'gr_curve':
                gr_curves.append(self.Parse_Curves(tag, segment))
                assert False, "Gr_line / segments: Nobody knows!"


        return segments, gr_lines, gr_arcs, gr_curves