class SwaggerAggregator(object):
    """Create an API from an aggregation of API."""

    def __init__(self, config_file, *args, **kwargs):
        """Init the aggregation.

        Extra args will be used to replace args in the config file.

            config_file: aggregation config.
            *args: Arguments indicated at the top of the yaml config file.
            **kwargs: Other keywords, such as:
              - timeout (float): Default timeout for get requests in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.swagger_args = args
        self.errors = []
        self.swagger_apis = {}

        self.timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', 0.1)

        # Get config
        with open(self.config_file, 'r') as f:
            self.yaml_file = yaml.load(


    def get_args(self):
        """Get args of the config file.

            Dict of arg name : arg value
        self.args_dict = {}
        if 'args' in self.yaml_file:  # Check if args category is in the config
            # Get a list of args
            args_name = [i.replace(' ', '') for i in self.yaml_file['args'].split(',')]

            # Associate each arg name with a args given in the init.
            index = 0
            for arg_name in args_name:
                self.args_dict[arg_name] = self.swagger_args[index]
                index += 1
        return self.args_dict

    def parse_value(self, value):
        """Replace in the value all args.

        For example if you have an arg 'toto': 'test'
        and a value: ''. The function will return

            value: the str to parse.

            Parsed value.
        if isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.string_types)):
            for key in self.args_dict.keys():
                value = value.replace(key, self.args_dict[key])
        return value

    def get_swagger_from_url(self, api_url):
        """Get the swagger file of the microservice at the given url.

            api_url: url of the microservice.
        return requests.get('{0}/swagger.json'.format(self.parse_value(api_url)), timeout=self.timeout).json()

    def get_aggregate_swagger(self):
        """Get swagger files associated with the aggregates.

            A dict of swagger spec.
        if 'apis' in self.yaml_file:  # Check if apis is in the config file
            for api_name, api_url in self.yaml_file['apis'].items():
                if api_name not in self.swagger_apis:
                    # Get the swagger.json
                        self.swagger_apis[api_name] = {'spec': self.get_swagger_from_url(api_url),
                                                       'url': self.parse_value(api_url)}
                    except (JSONDecodeError, RequestException) as exc:
                        if api_url not in self.errors:
                        logger.warning(u'Cannot get swagger from {0}: {1}'.format(api_url, repr(exc)))
                    except ValueError:
              'Cannot remove {0} from errors'.format(api_url))
        return self.swagger_apis

    def exclude_paths(self, swagger):
        """Exclude path in the given swagger.

        Path to exclude are definded in the exclude_paths section of the config file.

            swagger: dict of swagger spec.

            Swagger spec without the excluded paths.
        # Get exclude_paths
        path_exclude = {p.split(' ')[1]: [p.split(' ')[0].lower()] for p in self.yaml_file.get('exclude_paths', [])}

        # Remove excluded paths
        swagger_filtered = deepcopy(swagger)
        for path, path_spec in swagger['paths'].items():
            if path in path_exclude.keys():
                for action, _ in path_spec.items():
                    if action in path_exclude[path]:
                        del swagger_filtered['paths'][path][action]
        return swagger_filtered

    def merge_aggregates(self, swagger):
        """Merge aggregates.

            swagger: swagger spec to merge apis in.

            Aggregate of all apis.
        swagger_apis = deepcopy(self.get_aggregate_swagger())
        for api, api_spec in swagger_apis.items():
            # Rename definition to avoid collision.
            api_spec['spec'] = json.loads(json.dumps(api_spec['spec']).replace('#/definitions/', u'#/definitions/{0}'.format(api)))

            if 'definitions' in api_spec['spec']:
                for definition_name, definition_spec in api_spec['spec']['definitions'].items():
                    if not definition_name.startswith(api):
                        swagger['definitions'][u'{0}{1}'.format(api, definition_name)] = definition_spec
                        swagger['definitions'][definition_name] = definition_spec

            if 'paths' in api_spec['spec']:

    def generate_swagger_json(self):
        """Generate a swagger from all the apis swagger."""
        # Base swagger
        base_swagger = {
            'swagger': '2.0',
            'info': self.yaml_file.get('info'),
            'basePath': self.yaml_file.get('basePath'),
            'definitions': {},
            'paths': {}

        # Merge aggregates

        base_swagger = self.exclude_paths(base_swagger)

        # Change operation id
        spec = {}
        uri = {}
        path_list = {}
        action_list = {}
        current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
        for path, path_spec in base_swagger['paths'].items():
            for action, action_spec in path_spec.items():
                # Generate function name and get spec and api url for the path
                func_name = uuid()
                path_list[func_name] = path
                action_list[func_name] = action
                spec[func_name], uri[func_name] = self.get_spec_from_uri(path, action)

                # Export generated function to a module level function
                setattr(current_module, func_name, self.generate_operation_id_function(spec, uri, path_list, action_list, func_name))

                # Set operationId
                action_spec['operationId'] = 'swagger_aggregator.{0}'.format(func_name)

        self.swagger_parser = SwaggerParser(swagger_dict=deepcopy(base_swagger))

        # Remove exclude_fields from swagger
        for definition_name, definition_spec in base_swagger['definitions'].items():
            if definition_name in self.yaml_file.get('exclude_fields', {}):
                for key in self.yaml_file['exclude_fields'][definition_name]:
                    if key in definition_spec['required']:
                    if key in definition_spec['properties']:
                        del definition_spec['properties'][key]

        # Write swagger.yaml
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(self.config_file)), 'swagger.yaml'), 'w') as f:
            f.write(yaml.dump(base_swagger, default_flow_style=False))

    def filter_definition(self, doc):
        """Filter the definition in the given doc.

            doc: doc to filter.

            A filtered doc.
        if isinstance(doc, dict):  # Filter dict
            doc_definition = self.swagger_parser.get_dict_definition(doc)

            # Get keys to remove
            keys_to_remove = self.yaml_file.get('exclude_fields', {}).get(doc_definition, [])

            # Remove keys
            for key in keys_to_remove:
                del doc[key]

            # Filter sub definition
            for k, v in doc.items():
                doc[k] = self.filter_definition(v)

            return doc
        elif isinstance(doc, list):  # List => filter every item
            for index, value in enumerate(doc):
                doc[index] = self.filter_definition(value)
            return doc
            return doc

    def generate_operation_id_function(self, spec, uri, path, action, func_name):
        """Generate a function to handle the current path.

            spec: spec of the action the generated function should handle.
            uri: uri of the microservice corresponding to the spec.
            func_name: name the generated function should have.

            A function with func_name as name.
        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            """Handle a flask request for the current action.

            # Get url from spec and flask query
            url = u'{0}{1}?{2}'.format(uri[func.__name__], path[func.__name__], flask.request.query_string)
            p = re.compile('{(.+)}')
            for path_param in re.findall(p, url):
                for k, v in kwargs.items():
                    if k == path_param:
                        url = url.replace('{{{0}}}'.format(k), str(v))

            requests_meth = getattr(requests, action[func.__name__])

            headers = {k: v for k, v in dict(flask.request.headers).items() if v}

            if not flask.request.headers.get('Content-Type', '').startswith('multipart/form-data'):
                req = requests_meth(url,, headers=headers)
                # Remove Content-Length because it cause error on nginx side
                if 'Content-Length' in headers:
                    headers['X-Content-Length'] = headers['Content-Length']
                    del headers['Content-Length']

                req = requests_meth(url,, headers=headers)

                return (self.filter_definition(req.json()), req.status_code)
            except JSONDecodeError:
                return (req.text, req.status_code)
        func.__name__ = func_name
        return func

    def get_spec_from_uri(self, url, action):
        """Get spec from an path uri and an action.

            url: url of the action.
            action: http action.

            (path spec, microservice url)
        for api, api_spec in self.swagger_apis.items():
            for path_name, path_spec in api_spec['spec']['paths'].items():
                if path_name == url:
                    return path_spec[action], api_spec['url']
class SwaggerAggregator(object):
    """Create an API from an aggregation of API."""

    def __init__(self, config_file, *args):
        """Init the aggregation.

        Extra args will be used to replace args in the config file.

            config_file: aggregation config.
        self.config_file = config_file
        self.swagger_args = args
        self.errors = []
        self.swagger_apis = {}

        # Get config
        with open(self.config_file, "r") as f:
            self.yaml_file = yaml.load(


    def get_args(self):
        """Get args of the config file.

            Dict of arg name : arg value
        self.args_dict = {}
        if "args" in self.yaml_file:  # Check if args category is in the config
            # Get a list of args
            args_name = [i.replace(" ", "") for i in self.yaml_file["args"].split(",")]

            # Associate each arg name with a args given in the init.
            index = 0
            for arg_name in args_name:
                self.args_dict[arg_name] = self.swagger_args[index]
                index += 1
        return self.args_dict

    def parse_value(self, value):
        """Replace in the value all args.

        For example if you have an arg 'toto': 'test'
        and a value: ''. The function will return

            value: the str to parse.

            Parsed value.
        if isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.string_types)):
            for key in self.args_dict.keys():
                value = value.replace(key, self.args_dict[key])
        return value

    def get_swagger_from_url(self, api_url):
        """Get the swagger file of the microservice at the given url.

            api_url: url of the microservice.
        return requests.get("{0}/swagger.json".format(self.parse_value(api_url))).json()

    def get_aggregate_swagger(self):
        """Get swagger files associated with the aggregates.

            A dict of swagger spec.
        if "apis" in self.yaml_file:  # Check if apis is in the config file
            for api_name, api_url in self.yaml_file["apis"].items():
                if api_name not in self.swagger_apis:
                    # Get the swagger.json
                        self.swagger_apis[api_name] = {
                            "spec": self.get_swagger_from_url(api_url),
                            "url": self.parse_value(api_url),
                    except (ConnectionError, JSONDecodeError):
                        if api_url not in self.errors:
                        logger.warning(u"Cannot get swagger from {0}".format(api_url))
                    except ValueError:
              "Cannot remove {0} from errors".format(api_url))
        return self.swagger_apis

    def exclude_paths(self, swagger):
        """Exclude path in the given swagger.

        Path to exclude are definded in the exclude_paths section of the config file.

            swagger: dict of swagger spec.

            Swagger spec without the excluded paths.
        # Get exclude_paths
        path_exclude = {p.split(" ")[1]: [p.split(" ")[0].lower()] for p in self.yaml_file.get("exclude_paths", [])}

        # Remove excluded paths
        swagger_filtered = deepcopy(swagger)
        for path, path_spec in swagger["paths"].items():
            if path in path_exclude.keys():
                for action, _ in path_spec.items():
                    if action in path_exclude[path]:
                        del swagger_filtered["paths"][path][action]
        return swagger_filtered

    def merge_aggregates(self, swagger):
        """Merge aggregates.

            swagger: swagger spec to merge apis in.

            Aggregate of all apis.
        swagger_apis = deepcopy(self.get_aggregate_swagger())
        for api, api_spec in swagger_apis.items():
            # Rename definition to avoid collision.
            api_spec["spec"] = json.loads(
                json.dumps(api_spec["spec"]).replace("#/definitions/", u"#/definitions/{0}".format(api))

            if "definitions" in api_spec["spec"]:
                for definition_name, definition_spec in api_spec["spec"]["definitions"].items():
                    if not definition_name.startswith(api):
                        swagger["definitions"][u"{0}{1}".format(api, definition_name)] = definition_spec
                        swagger["definitions"][definition_name] = definition_spec

            if "paths" in api_spec["spec"]:

    def generate_swagger_json(self):
        """Generate a swagger from all the apis swagger."""
        # Base swagger
        base_swagger = {
            "swagger": "2.0",
            "info": self.yaml_file.get("info"),
            "basePath": self.yaml_file.get("basePath"),
            "definitions": {},
            "paths": {},

        # Merge aggregates

        base_swagger = self.exclude_paths(base_swagger)

        # Change operation id
        spec = {}
        uri = {}
        path_list = {}
        action_list = {}
        current_module = sys.modules[__name__]
        for path, path_spec in base_swagger["paths"].items():
            for action, action_spec in path_spec.items():
                # Generate function name and get spec and api url for the path
                func_name = uuid()
                path_list[func_name] = path
                action_list[func_name] = action
                spec[func_name], uri[func_name] = self.get_spec_from_uri(path, action)

                # Export generated function to a module level function
                    self.generate_operation_id_function(spec, uri, path_list, action_list, func_name),

                # Set operationId
                action_spec["operationId"] = "swagger_aggregator.{0}".format(func_name)

        self.swagger_parser = SwaggerParser(swagger_dict=deepcopy(base_swagger))

        # Remove exclude_fields from swagger
        for definition_name, definition_spec in base_swagger["definitions"].items():
            if definition_name in self.yaml_file.get("exclude_fields", {}):
                for key in self.yaml_file["exclude_fields"][definition_name]:
                    if key in definition_spec["required"]:
                    if key in definition_spec["properties"]:
                        del definition_spec["properties"][key]

        # Write swagger.yaml
        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(self.config_file)), "swagger.yaml"), "w") as f:
            f.write(yaml.dump(base_swagger, default_flow_style=False))

    def filter_definition(self, doc):
        """Filter the definition in the given doc.

            doc: doc to filter.

            A filtered doc.
        if isinstance(doc, dict):  # Filter dict
            doc_definition = self.swagger_parser.get_dict_definition(doc)

            # Get keys to remove
            keys_to_remove = self.yaml_file.get("exclude_fields", {}).get(doc_definition, [])

            # Remove keys
            for key in keys_to_remove:
                del doc[key]

            # Filter sub definition
            for k, v in doc.items():
                doc[k] = self.filter_definition(v)

            return doc
        elif isinstance(doc, list):  # List => filter every item
            for index, value in enumerate(doc):
                doc[index] = self.filter_definition(value)
            return doc
            return doc

    def generate_operation_id_function(self, spec, uri, path, action, func_name):
        """Generate a function to handle the current path.

            spec: spec of the action the generated function should handle.
            uri: uri of the microservice corresponding to the spec.
            func_name: name the generated function should have.

            A function with func_name as name.

        def func(*args, **kwargs):
            """Handle a flask request for the current action.

            # Get url from spec and flask query
            url = u"{0}{1}?{2}".format(uri[func.__name__], path[func.__name__], flask.request.query_string)
            p = re.compile("{(.+)}")
            for path_param in re.findall(p, url):
                for k, v in kwargs.items():
                    if k == path_param:
                        url = url.replace("{{{0}}}".format(k), str(v))

            requests_meth = getattr(requests, action[func.__name__])

            headers = {k: v for k, v in dict(flask.request.headers).items() if v}

            if not flask.request.headers.get("Content-Type", "").startswith("multipart/form-data"):
                req = requests_meth(url,, headers=headers)
                # Remove Content-Length because it cause error on nginx side
                if "Content-Length" in headers:
                    headers["X-Content-Length"] = headers["Content-Length"]
                    del headers["Content-Length"]

                req = requests_meth(url,, headers=headers)

                return (self.filter_definition(req.json()), req.status_code)
            except JSONDecodeError:
                return (req.text, req.status_code)

        func.__name__ = func_name
        return func

    def get_spec_from_uri(self, url, action):
        """Get spec from an path uri and an action.

            url: url of the action.
            action: http action.

            (path spec, microservice url)
        for api, api_spec in self.swagger_apis.items():
            for path_name, path_spec in api_spec["spec"]["paths"].items():
                if path_name == url:
                    return path_spec[action], api_spec["url"]
Example #3
#!/usr/local/bin python

from swagger_parser import SwaggerParser

parser = SwaggerParser(
)  # Init with file
parser = SwaggerParser(swagger_dict={})  # Init with dictionary
# Get an example of dict for the definition Foo

# Get the definition of a dictionary
test = {
  'foo': 'bar'

# Validate the definition of a dict
#parser.validate_definition('Foo', test)
# Validate that the given data match a path specification
#parser.validate_request('/foo', 'post', body=test, query={'foo': 'bar'})

# Get the possible return value of a path
# It will return a dictionary with keys as status_code
# and value as example of return value.
#parser.get_request_data('/foo', 'post', body=test)

# Get an example of a correct body for a path
parser.get_send_request_correct_body('/bounce-settings-controller', 'post')