Example #1
    def add_split_results(self, knowledge_graph, result_bindings):
		Populate the object model with the resulting raw knowledge_graph and result_bindings (initially from QueryGraphReasoner)
		:param nodes: knowledge_graph in native RTX KG dump
		:param edges: result_bindings in a native format from QueryGraphReasoner
		:return: none

        #### Add the knowledge_graph nodes
        regular_node_attributes = [
            "id", "uri", "name", "description", "symbol"
        for input_node in knowledge_graph["nodes"]:
            node = Node()
            for attribute in regular_node_attributes:
                if attribute in input_node:
                    setattr(node, attribute, input_node[attribute])
            node.type = [input_node["category"]]
            #node.node_attributes = FIXME

        #### Add the knowledge_graph edges
        regular_edge_attributes = [
            "id", "type", "relation", "source_id", "target_id",
            "is_defined_by", "defined_datetime", "provided_by", "weight",
            "evidence_type", "qualifiers", "negated", "", ""
        for input_edge in knowledge_graph["edges"]:
            edge = Edge()
            for attribute in regular_edge_attributes:
                if attribute in input_edge:
                    setattr(edge, attribute, input_edge[attribute])
            if "probability" in input_edge:
                edge.confidence = input_edge["probability"]
            # missing edge properties: defined_datetime, weight, publications, evidence_type, qualifiers, negated
            # extra edge properties: predicate,
            #edge.edge_attributes = FIXME
            #edge.publications = FIXME

        #### Add each result
        self.message.results = []
        for input_result in result_bindings:
            result = Result()
            result.description = "No description available"
            result.essence = "?"
            #result.essence_type = "?"
            #result.row_data = "?"
            #result.score = 0
            #result.score_name = "?"
            #result.score_direction = "?"
            result.confidence = 1.0
            result.result_type = "individual query answer"
            result.reasoner_id = "RTX"
            result.result_graph = None
            result.node_bindings = input_result["nodes"]
            #			#### Convert each binding value to a list because the viewer requires it
            #			for binding in result.node_bindings:
            #				result.node_bindings[binding] = [ result.node_bindings[binding] ]
            result.edge_bindings = input_result["edges"]

        #### Set the code_description
        n_results = len(result_bindings)
        plural = "s"
        if n_results == 1: plural = ""
        self.message.code_description = f"{n_results} result{plural} found"

        #### Complete normally
        return ()
Example #2
    def test1(self):

        #### Create the response object and fill it with attributes about the response
        response = Response()
        response.context = "http://translator.ncats.io"
        response.id = "http://rtx.ncats.io/api/v1/response/1234"
        response.type = "medical_translator_query_response"
        response.tool_version = "RTX 0.4"
        response.schema_version = "0.5"
        response.datetime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime(
            "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        response.original_question_text = "what proteins are affected by sickle cell anemia"
        response.restated_question_text = "Which proteins are affected by sickle cell anemia?"
        response.result_code = "OK"
        response.message = "1 result found"

        #### Create a disease node
        node1 = Node()
        node1.id = "http://omim.org/entry/603903"
        node1.type = "disease"
        node1.name = "sickle cell anemia"
        node1.accession = "OMIM:603903"
        node1.description = "A disease characterized by chronic hemolytic anemia..."

        #### Create a protein node
        node2 = Node()
        node2.id = "https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P00738"
        node2.type = "protein"
        node2.name = "Haptoglobin"
        node2.symbol = "HP"
        node2.accession = "UNIPROT:P00738"
        node2.description = "Haptoglobin captures, and combines with free plasma hemoglobin..."

        #### Create a node attribute
        node2attribute1 = NodeAttribute()
        node2attribute1.type = "comment"
        node2attribute1.name = "Complex_description"
        node2attribute1.value = "The Hemoglobin/haptoglobin complex is composed of a haptoglobin dimer bound to two hemoglobin alpha-beta dimers"
        node2.node_attributes = [node2attribute1]

        #### Create an edge between these 2 nodes
        edge1 = Edge()
        edge1.type = "is_caused_by_a_defect_in"
        edge1.source_id = node1.id
        edge1.target_id = node2.id
        edge1.confidence = 1.0

        #### Add an origin and property for the edge
        origin1 = Origin()
        origin1.id = "https://api.monarchinitiative.org/api/bioentity/disease/OMIM:603903/genes/"
        origin1.type = "Monarch_BioLink_API_Relationship"

        #### Add an attribute
        attribute1 = EdgeAttribute()
        attribute1.type = "PubMed_article"
        attribute1.name = "Orthopaedic Manifestations of Sickle Cell Disease"
        attribute1.value = None
        attribute1.url = "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29309293"
        origin1.attribute_list = [attribute1]
        edge1.origin_list = [origin1]

        #### Create the first result (potential answer)
        result1 = Result()
        result1.id = "http://rtx.ncats.io/api/v1/response/1234/result/2345"
        result1.text = "A free text description of this result"
        result1.confidence = 0.932

        #### Create a ResultGraph object and put the list of nodes and edges into it
        result_graph = ResultGraph()
        result_graph.node_list = [node1, node2]
        result_graph.edge_list = [edge1]

        #### Put the ResultGraph into the first result (potential answer)
        result1.result_graph = result_graph

        #### Put the first result (potential answer) into the response
        result_list = [result1]
        response.result_list = result_list
